Billionaire Beast (Billionaire Bikers MC #2)

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Billionaire Beast (Billionaire Bikers MC #2) Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  With Richard, she did notice that he was a little distant. Something was clearly bothering him.

  Late one Sunday night on the third week, she saw him standing at the window. Jay was still in bed, and Richard was staring out over the city.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, folding her arms.

  “What are you doing up?” He turned toward her.

  “You’re looking at that city as if it’s going to bite you at any moment.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  She saw the ink on his back. The same symbol had been on his leather jacket, and she imagined it was his club emblem.

  “Does this have to do with your club?”

  Richard looked at her.

  “We both know you’ve been distracted,” Jay said, coming out of his bedroom, rubbing the back of his head as he did.

  “I want you both to move in here, and I want to hire you both a bodyguard.”

  Temperance gasped, staring at her boss, the man who was becoming more than just the guy she worked for.

  “What?” she asked, not sure if she had actually heard him correctly.

  “It’s not safe out there for either of you. Please, let me do this.”

  She shook her head.

  “What the hell is going on?” Jay asked.

  “There’s a possible threat to the club. It’s not something we know for certain, but it’s enough of a problem that I want you both to have some form of protection. Please, for me.” He cupped her cheeks. “I don’t want anything to happen to you, to either of you.”

  She saw the fear in his eyes, and knew he wasn’t kidding. This was real, and he believed the threat was out there.

  “You want us both to move in with you?”

  “The space is big enough, and we all know this is going to happen. You want us both, Temperance. There’s no need to deny it. Just let it happen. All three of us want this. I’m not going to rush you, and I’m happy to take our time, getting to know each other.” Richard pressed his head against hers. “Please.”

  She’d never heard Richard say please, so she nodded. “Yes.”

  “Yes,” Jay said, stepping up behind her. She sank against him, finding comfort in both men. In that moment she knew they both needed her.

  Even as her fear of being with them both was great, her arousal was even greater. Taking both of their hands in hers, she stepped toward the fourth bedroom. She had noticed that the fourth bedroom had the largest bed.

  Richard gripped her hand tightly, and she looked back at him. “This is not to rush you.”

  “I’m not feeling rushed. Do you feel rushed?”


  “Then do you not want to be with me, with us?” She released them long enough to enter the fourth bedroom. She hadn’t anticipated this tonight, but it just felt right. No matter her main doubts, it did feel right to her.

  Turning toward them, she removed her robe, staring from Richard then to Jay, then back again. The robe fell at her feet, and she kicked it aside. She wore a sheer negligee as she loved wearing sexy night clothes. They were the most comfortable.

  Pushing the strap of her dress down her shoulder, she stared at both men, even as the negligee fell to the floor. She walked up to Richard first, placing her hands on his sides. He only wore a pair of pajama bottoms, so he was naked for her to touch.

  “Baby, I want to be with you, but only if you’re ready.”

  “I’m ready.” She cupped his cheek, unable to believe that this was going to happen. They had been together for three weeks, and before that, she’d been part of both of their lives. Richard and Jay had found a friendship with each other. She loved being snuggled up with both men, and she knew they enjoyed being with her.

  Lifting up on her toes, she started to kiss him, sliding her tongue into his mouth, and then caressing over his lips.

  He moaned, wrapping his arms around her and drawing her closer.

  Jay moved toward them. He stood behind her, pulling her hair off her shoulder, and kissing her neck. Tilting her head to the side, she gave him access as Richard followed, still kissing her back.

  The feel of both men turned her on. Her doubts started to fade as they began to touch, Jay at her back, and Richard at her front.

  Never did she imagine that this would be her life, her best friend, and her billionaire boss, yet this was what was happening.

  “Let it happen,” Jay said. “Don’t overthink it.”

  Her best friend at all times. Closing her eyes, she continued to kiss Richard, and at the same time, slide her hand down the front of his pajama pants. His dick was already rock hard tenting them.

  Richard broke from the kiss, moving down her chest, and taking possession of one of her tits.

  “I love your tits,” Richard said. “They’re so fucking big.” He cupped both of them, pressing them together, flicking his tongue over each nipple.

  Suddenly, Jay started to move her back, and Richard followed, neither man letting go of her.

  “Come on, it’s time to get on the bed,” Jay said. He climbed on the bed, and she saw he was already completely naked. “I’ve got room for you right here.” He patted the space between his thighs, making her laugh. “This has got your name all over it.”

  She chuckled and climbed onto the bed. Just as she was about to turn, Jay caught her cheek, tugging her close. He took possession of her mouth, sliding his tongue inside. She was bent over, kneeling on the bed. Her legs slightly parted, and Richard moved in behind her, spreading the cheeks of her ass. His tongue slid over her pussy, and she gasped, pulling away from the kiss to look behind her. She only saw Richard’s body.

  “Is his face against your pussy?” Jay asked.


  Temperance looked down, and there was Jay’s cock. He was working up and down his length, the tip already glistening with pre-cum.

  Taking his cock in her hand, she held him tightly, lowering her mouth over the head. She licked up the pre-cum and moaned as she took him into her mouth. She was halfway down his cock when she couldn’t take anymore.

  Richard tongued her clit, sliding back to plunder her pussy.

  “Fuck, baby. Your mouth is fucking heaven.”

  Jay gripped her hair, and he started to thrust up into her mouth. She looked up seeing the pleasure on Jay’s face. It was so clear, and not something he could hide.

  “Fuck, Tempe, I love you. I’ve been dreaming of this moment for so long.”

  “Now we finally have her between us,” Richard said. His tongue played up, and she couldn’t help but tense as he started to lick her anus, wetting it. “You know one of us is going to be here, baby,” he said, biting her ass cheek. “Your body is just too fucking hot to deny ourselves.”

  Two fingers worked into her pussy, pumping in and out.

  “I want to taste her,” Jay said.

  She was moved, pulled off Jay’s cock, and put to her back on the bed. Her thighs were pushed open, and Jay moved between her legs. He started to lick her pussy, sucking her clit into his mouth.

  “You taste like heaven,” Richard said. He was kneeling beside her, and his pants were now off. Both men had done it while she’d been busy with the other. Wrapping her fingers around his length, she took him into her mouth, giving him the same attention that she had done to Jay. “Yes, fuck, yes. Take my cock.”

  Temperance gasped as Jay fucked her with his fingers at the same time as he teased her clit.

  The pleasure was intense, and she shook with each press of his fingers.

  Richard pumped his cock inside her. “Have you ever been fucked in the ass?” he asked.

  Opening her eyes, she looked up at the man who was turning her world upside down. She shook her head.

  “Are you ready to have that ass teased open?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “Good, Jay, would you like to do the honors?”

  “Fuck yeah.”

  The night had only just begun, and Temperance had a feeling by t
he morning, she was going to be struggling to walk.


  “I have some lube in the closet,” Richard said.

  Jay licked Temperance’s excess cream and moved off the bed. He walked into the closet, seeing an array of sex toys, dildos, and nipple clamps. He took the lube and walked back into the bedroom.

  Temperance still had Richard’s cock in her mouth, and he was fingering her pussy.

  “You found it?”

  He held up the tube.

  “Good, let’s get her nice and prepared. I think it’s only fair we start as we mean to go on. Do you want her ass, or would you like me to take it?”

  “I’ll take her pussy. You’ve been inside her already, and it has been too long for me. I want to feel her again.”

  He handed the lube to Richard, and they switched places.

  “Let’s get her on her knees. I want easy access to her ass.”

  Jay moved up the bed, sitting against the pillows, and Temperance moved between his thighs, gripping his cock. Her ass was in the air, waiting for Richard’s attention.

  He was so turned on that he had to keep counting to calm himself down.

  Chapter Eight

  Richard ran his fingers over her rounded ass. He placed the lube on the bed, and gripped her ass, opening her up so that he got a good view of her anus and her cunt. She was so wet, and he dipped his fingers inside her, gathering her cream, and spreading it over her tight little asshole.

  Each time he touched her, she tensed just a little, and he couldn’t resist prolonging his teasing to see her finally relax.

  “I’m just going to grab a toy,” he said, leaving the bed, and finding the dildo that he was looking for.

  Moving back toward his woman, he watched as she sucked Jay’s cock. Both of them looked in bliss.

  He wasn’t about to be outdone, so he climbed back on the bed behind her. Opening the tube of lube, he squirted some all over her anus, and with his finger, he started to work over her ass. He pushed the lube inside, working past those tight muscles. Once one finger was inside her, he pumped in and out, then used a second finger to start opening her for his cock.

  She was so tight, and he found it a turn-on to work her ass. He was going to be the first guy to have her ass.

  “You’ve got such a nice ass, baby,” he said. An ass he could certainly grow accustomed to being inside.

  When she took his fingers with ease, he gripped the toy, and removed them. Slowly, he guided the toy and started to work it in her ass.

  She tensed up, and he paused, waiting for her to get used to the toy.

  Richard had a great deal of patience, and he knew how to work a woman. Reaching between her thighs, he started to tease her clit.

  “Holy fuck, man, what are you doing?” Jay asked. His head fell to the bed, and Richard used his other hand to start rocking the dildo into her ass. Once she had taken so many inches of the dildo, Temperance began to thrust up to it, moaning as she did.

  He noticed she took Jay even deeper into her mouth, almost gagging on his cock. Her body took over, and he watched her, worshiping the way she fucked back.

  Temperance needed two men.

  She just didn’t know it.

  It was his and Jay’s time to show her how much fun could be had between the two of them.

  “Do you like your ass being fucked?” Richard asked.


  That was all the answer he got.

  Sliding his fingers inside her cunt, he found her already soaking, and when she finally took the dildo and was riding it, Richard knew it was time for her to take his dick.

  Leaving the dildo inside her ass, he climbed off the bed, and grabbed two condoms. “You’re going to need one of them.”

  Jay tore into the condom, and Temperance pulled off his cock.

  Richard rolled the latex over his dick, using some more lube to rub all over his dick. Once he was completely slick, he climbed back on the bed.

  Temperance was kneeling, and he caught her chin, kissing her lips. “Are you ready for this?”


  He slid his tongue into her mouth, deepening the kiss. “Then climb on Jay. Let him put his cock inside you.”

  She straddled Jay’s thighs, and Richard rubbed the lube over his cock, working the length as he watched the other cock slide deep inside her pussy. He would need a mirror across his bed. He wanted to see every single reaction on her beautiful face, and right now, he didn’t have that.

  “How does she look?” he asked.

  “Her eyes are closed, and she’s biting her lip. Now she’s looking at me,” Jay said. “That’s right, baby, look at me with those pretty green eyes.”

  Richard moved in behind her, cupping her hip as he pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “Does he feel good inside your pussy?”

  “Yes. So good.”

  “Get him inside you, and I’ll ride your ass.”

  She groaned out, arching up into his touch.

  Jay gripped her hips and seated her completely on his cock. Richard claimed her lips, devouring the squeal she gave out.

  “Hold her ass open for me,” Richard said.

  Jay took hold of each cheek of her ass, spreading her wide. The tight little puckered hole was gaping a little from the toy he had used, and Richard hoped she hadn’t closed up for what he was about to put his cock there.

  Wrapping his fingers around the length, he pressed the tip to her anus, and started to push inside her. Her muscles were a little loose from the dildo he used, so it wasn’t that hard to get into her.

  She gasped. “Fuck! You’re too big.”

  “Every man wants to hear that,” Richard said. “It’s okay. Getting the tip in is always the hard part. Now we get to the fun part.”

  Inch by inch, he pressed inside her ass. She was incredibly tight, and even Jay cursed. “Fuck, man, even I can feel you. You’ve made her pussy so damn tight.”

  He pushed in the last few inches, and Temperance cried out.

  “That’s it. I’m in, baby.”

  “It’s too much.”

  “Just give it a second. If you don’t like it, I’ll stop.”

  She was gasping, and Richard worked his hand between them, touching her clit. He didn’t care that he was touching Jay in the process. All he wanted to do was make Temperance feel good.

  Seconds passed, maybe even minutes, but he didn’t stop his teasing. Her body changed. She started out quite tense, and unnerved, but then she started to rock. Her ass squeezed his dick, and her pussy grew slick with her cream.

  “Whatever you’re doing, don’t stop, man,” Jay said.

  “I’m going to let her come. You’re going to come all over his cock, and then we’re going to ride you until we come, do you like that?”

  “Yes, God, yes.”

  “Not God, baby. Richard.”

  “And Jay. Don’t fucking forget me.”

  “I won’t,” she said, gasping.

  He needed to get a lot of mirrors around the room. Richard didn’t want to miss a moment of fucking her, and the only way to do that was mirrors.

  Using two fingers, he worked her clit, feeling the tremors of her impending orgasm as her ass started to pulse around his cock, squeezing him.

  “That’s it, baby. Come for me. Let me feel how much you want it.”

  She screamed his name, and then Jay’s. Her ass going even tighter, and from the combined pleasure and pain on Jay’s face, he imagined her pussy was just as tight.

  Richard kissed her neck and nodded at Jay. “Fuck her.”


  Temperance had never known pleasure like it. Jay and Richard were both large men. Richard a little bigger than Jay, but either way, she wasn’t complaining. She had a dick in her pussy and in her ass. The pleasure was out of this world, and the orgasm Richard had just teased her to, was the start of many to come. Neither man would ever let her go without receiving at least one orgasm.

  Jay still held onto her hips, a
nd he started to pull out of her pussy. Richard was still teasing her clit so little aftershocks were making her sensitive to each touch, each caress.

  She had never fantasized about having two men before. Richard and Jay, they had teased her these past few weeks, preparing her for what was to come. She was grateful that they had given her time as she hadn’t been entirely sure this was what she wanted. Now, between both men, she knew it without a doubt that this was exactly what she wanted.

  “You’ve got such a tight little pussy, Tempe,” Jay said.

  “Your ass is telling me what it wants.” Richard kissed the side of her neck, sucking on her pulse. When each man kissed her neck, Temperance lost all sense as the pleasure grew within her.

  “She’s our woman, with her nice tight pussy,” Richard said.

  “God, yes. I’m not letting you go now, Tempe. You’re mine, and come morning, I don’t care. I’m not going to walk away again, and I’m not going to let you go.”

  Both men started to fuck her body, taking it in turns. Jay thrust in as Richard pulled out so only the tip of his cock was inside her. Then as Jay pulled out, Richard would thrust in. There was a point inside her where both men crossed that took the pleasure to a whole new level.

  Both men touched on nerve endings she didn’t know she had, stroking across her G-spot from different angles, and only serving to heighten her need. She gripped Jay’s shoulders, unable to do anything more than become a vessel for them to take what they wanted.

  “Yes, baby, fuck, so fucking good,” Jay said.

  “I’m not going to last. This is fucking heaven,” Richard said.

  Fingers teased over her clit, and she had lost focus of where their hands were. Someone was holding her hip, her tit, and her clit. There was touch everywhere.

  A few strokes to her clit, and she was coming again, screaming both of their names.

  Both men rode her harder than before, with Richard being a little more careful with her ass. She felt his restraint knowing in her heart he was giving her time to get accustomed to him.

  “I’m going to come,” Jay said.

  “Then come.” Richard spoke up.


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