One Swinging Summer

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One Swinging Summer Page 9

by Hellsmith, Patience

  He must have had a few minutes to kill before he had to herd drunks, because he headed our way when he saw Caleb. He stood with us, and we introduced him to the rest of the group. He remembered me, and teased, "I guess you found yourself a hot, young thing after all. No birthday party tonight? I never saw you out front once."

  "If I had known you were here, I would have come out and said hi," I replied.

  "It's my fault, I've been keeping her busy in here."

  "Yeah, I'll just bet," he laughed.

  I finished my drink, preparing to leave while he and Caleb talked shop. Huge arms was telling a funny story involving a traffic stop, a blow-up doll and a goat that had me bent over with laughter. Caleb, not one to be out-done, was telling a story about a really large lady. He was really getting into the story, and to illustrate the size of the lady in question, he raised both arms out wide.

  As we were listening and watching his gesturing I saw something drop from under Caleb's arm to the floor. It took me the space of a heartbeat to realize what it was. My eyes went wide, I heard myself gasp out loud, and I watched as Caleb and huge arms both slowly looked down at the ground, paused an uncomfortable (well, for me anyway) second, and slowly looked right back up at each other. Huge arms raised his eyebrows to Caleb in question, Caleb shrugged his shoulders in an 'oops' motion, and then they both swiveled their gaze to me.

  All I could do was cover my mouth with my hand, and giggle. "What happens in this bar, stays in this bar," I managed to say, pointing my finger at both of them.

  "Well, on that note..." huge arms said grinning, shook Caleb's hand, and headed off to round up the cattle. Caleb bent over, retrieved my bra from the bar floor, and tucked it into his jeans pocket this time.

  "That was so embarrassing, I'm glad no one else saw that."

  "That was another first, I seem to have a lot of firsts with you. Are you ready to get out of here?" Caleb asked me.

  "Oh, yeah."



  We said our good byes and headed out to the car. I had forgotten that we came in my car, it was sitting in the lot waiting for us, top still down. Caleb opened the door for me, and I checked the seat before I sat down. I had heard horror stories of drunks throwing up in convertibles left in parking lots with their tops down. I had also heard of convertible tops being slashed with the tops up, so you couldn't really win, you just took your chances.

  As I settled into the seat and Caleb went around to let himself in, I had the beginnings of a naughty idea. It was such a nice, warm night, and it was almost all freeway to Caleb's house, I wondered if I had the nerve to remove my dress and ride home naked. I was wearing a long, black maxi-dress, and I was already missing my bra and panties from underneath. As he pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street, I wrestled with my idea.

  I was a bit tipsy, inhibitions lowered, and things just seemed to happen when I was with Caleb that seemed to insulate us from the real world. I knew Monday would be here soon, then it would be back to real life. With an 'Oh, what the hell,' I made my decision.

  As Caleb turned right off of the main street and started merging onto the freeway, I lifted the lever beside my seat, and leaned the seat all the way back. Just because I was feeling adventurous did not mean it was meant to be a public show.

  Caleb looked over and asked if I was feeling OK. I nodded at him, took off my seat belt for the second time today in a moving vehicle, and once again started pulling my skirt up. I was laying back in the seat, hidden from view, as I pulled my dress all the way up my legs. I lifted my hips to free my dress, and soon it was around my waist, and then up over my head. I tossed my dress down at my feet on the floor of the car.

  "Oh, my God," Caleb said grinning down at me as he drove. I looked up at him from my reclining position, completely naked and stretched out on the black leather seat beside him. He switched hands, placing his left hand on the steering wheel, and his right hand on me. He started teasing and squeezing my bare breast, his eyes darting back and forth between me and the road in front of him.

  His right hand played back and forth, taking turns with each breast, and slid down my stomach as I opened my legs. His fingers slid inside me, and then back out, turning their attention to my clit. As his fingers made gentle circles, I brought my own hands to my breasts and cupped them, squeezing them together.

  "You are going to make me drive your car off a bridge," he said with a smile, "but I would die a happy man."

  I closed my eyes and relished in the feelings of my body. His fingers, still circling, and sometimes sliding in and out of my wet warmth, the feel of my nipples under my fingers, the weight of my breasts as I played with myself, and the breeze blowing over my naked body at freeway speed, sending chill bumps up and down my exposed skin.

  My eyes popped open in panic as I heard a car gaining on us, on my side. I started to sit up and grab my dress from the floor, but Caleb stopped me. "They can't see you," he said.

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yeah, it is just a car, they can see me, but not down into the car to see you."

  I relaxed back into the seat again, and could see the very top of the car slowly passing us. I went back to playing with my nipples, sucking on my finger first, and them rubbing my wet finger around my nipples, making them stand even more at attention, and making them glint in the dark. I opened my legs wider, to accommodate Caleb's searching, rubbing fingers.

  It was even hotter, knowing that the car right beside us had no idea what was going on right next to them. We passed a few more cars on our way home, and a few passed us. I could hear them on the road, and could sometimes catch a glimpse of the roof of the car, but we just kept on driving and playing.

  Caleb's hand came back up to squeeze my breasts and pinch my nipples, so I slid my hand down between my legs to take up where he had left off. I groaned beside him, as my fingers slid in and out of myself. Caleb shifted in his seat and said," I can not wait to be inside you."

  I kept my right hand busy sliding slick circles around and around my clit, and slid my left hand onto Caleb's lap. He was hard against his jeans, and he thrust himself against my hand as I rubbed him in the same rhythm I was using on myself.

  I felt Caleb slow down and heard his turn signal come on. I could feel the car change as we slid off the freeway. He came to a stop at the red light at the end of the ramp. A few seconds later, I heard another car stop beside us on my right. It wasn't directly next to us, so I couldn't see anything. It sounded like there was an empty lane between us. I watched Caleb turn the left-turn signal on, and while he waited for the light, he turned his attention back to me. I stretched out on the seat, long and lean, and watched him watch me. His hands explored my warm flesh.

  Every few seconds Caleb looked toward the car next to us, then down to me, watching his hands play with my body, then a quick glance back up toward the other car. I could hear a few quiet voices coming from the other car as we waited. Male voices. They must have their windows down if I could hear them.

  Caleb looked down at me, his right hand alternating between squeezing my breast, and playing with my nipples. Caleb said, "Throw a leg up, over the door." I grinned widely at him, amazed at my own wantonness, and complied. I bent my knee, putting my foot flat on the seat, so that only a naked knee could be seen at first, and then slowly opened my legs more, raising my right leg in the air, and draping it over the passenger side door, resting my foot on the side mirror.

  I heard immediate exclamations from the male voices in the car beside us. "Holy shit," was heard clearly. Caleb made obvious motions of running his hand up and down my body, and I laughed out loud with embarrassed excitement.

  The left turn arrow turned green, and we took off, leaving the other car at the light, hooting their approval. Wait a second. Why did we turn left? Coming off the freeway at Caleb's exit, it was a right turn that took us to his house. Where the hell are we going?

  I sat up enough to prop myself on my elbows and
looked around. Caleb made another left, pulling into the Jack In The Box parking lot and getting in line for the drive through.

  "You are not!" I squealed.

  "Want a burger?" Was Caleb's response.

  "I am not going through the drive thru naked!"

  "I have no choice, the dining room is closed this time of night. Only the drive thru is open."

  "You know what I meant."

  "Yeah, I was kidding. Why not? It would make the guys night. Probably his forever. He would talk about you to his grandchildren."

  I laughed nervously at that. "That's true."

  Did I have the nerve? Hidden in the car for his enjoyment was one thing, but this? I could picture it in my head. No one would know until we pulled up at the window. Maybe if I kept my face covered? Pretended that if I couldn't see him he couldn't see me? Or at least be able to recognize me, obviously he would be able to see me. All of me. Would he even look at my face? Oh, crap, how far do I want to play this?

  I could tell I had about four or five cars to decide. There was someone at the window, and a car or two behind them. I couldn't really tell because the line turned a corner.The car in front of us was about to yell their order into the speaker, so I had a minute.

  Maybe I could bluff through this. It's only one or two people in there at 2 a.m. What would I think if I was working the drive thru, and a guy drove through this time of night, with the rest of the after bar crowd with a naked woman laid out in the passenger seat? As long as she wasn't dead or passed out, honestly, I would think it was fucking hilarious. Caleb was right, I'd definitely repeat the story to everyone I knew, even any grandkids.

  'Yeah, that's all well and good, if it's someone else,' I thought. 'What about me? Now?'

  Oddly enough, I realized we had not moved, at all. They guy in front of us still had not ordered.

  "Why aren't we moving?" I asked Caleb.

  "I don't know, what are you going to do?' He asked me back, with a grin.

  "I don't know."

  We looked toward the front of the line and saw a guy walking, turning the corner from the drive thru window, and stopping to talk to the car in front of the one who had yet to order.

  "Now what?" I asked, panicking again. This night was not turning out the way I expected. He finished talking to that car, and walked to the car directly in front of us. As he talked to that driver, I could tell he was an employee. He was probably in his early 20's, and was walking car to car.

  I made a decision, and grabbed my dress off of the floor at my feet. I had it over my head, and pooled at my hips. I didn't have time to raise my hips and pull it all the way down before the guy was heading to us. As he spoke to us, I tried to pretend I hadn't been naked up until two seconds ago.

  He told us that the front car at the window had died. He said they had tried to push the car out of the way, but it wasn't working, so he was having to close the drive throu until he could get the manager on the phone, or until the car was moved. We were the last car in line, so he asked us to back up and park in the parking lot so the cars in front of us could also back out. He was taking orders though, and said if we waited in the parking lot he would bring our order out to the car, at no charge.

  Caleb said, "No problem," and as the worker walked back up the line of cars, we backed out and parked. I took that time to finish putting my dress completely back on. Once all the cars backed out, the guy put orange cones up, blocking the drive thru, and stuck a sign on the cones. We watched as the other cars that had been in front of us got their food from the employee and left. We were the last ones to get our food, and the guy stayed and talked to us for a minute.

  "You would not believe how crazy tonight has been," he said, while thanking us for waiting. I had to laugh at that. "Yeah, it's been a night for us, too."

  We left him to deal with his drive thru issues, and took our food back to Caleb's. I stayed fully dressed this time, seat upright, my head back against the headrest, enjoying the breeze on my face.

  When we got inside, Caleb put the food on the dinning room table and grabbed me. "The food can wait, I had plans for your naked self before our detour was cut short with dead cars and re-dressing. Right now I am hungry and tired, but before I can be bothered with that, I need you. Now."



  After Friday night started and ended so dramatically, the rest of the weekend seemed rather tame. Saturday started out with another great breakfast, waffles this time, and bacon. Always bacon.

  Caleb had some work to do on his truck, so he pulled it around to the side of the house, and spent the afternoon under it. I spent my afternoon reclined in his chaise lounge, reading a book, and harassing him under the truck. It was relaxing, I was a limp noodle of contentment when it was time of figure out dinner. We weren't meeting anyone tonight, so we kept it casual. He knew a great place for fried chicken, and we planned to go to a movie afterward.

  I was grateful, actually. I was enjoying the down time. I took a quick shower and we headed off. When he pulled into a gas station a few miles away, I assumed he needed gas in the truck. But no, this was his fried chicken place.

  "You get your fried chicken from a gas station?" I asked him. "Do you have a death wish? Where do you get your sushi? A shoe store?"

  "I don't eat sushi."

  "Oh good, me neither. I just assumed anyone who ate gas station chicken must also eat raw fish."

  He smiled and said, "You will be singing a different tune when you leave here. I can't believe you've never had Lisa's chicken, come, let me share the food of the gods with you."

  "Uh huh."

  We walked in and the line was ten deep. It took me a minute to realize that the line was not to pay for gas, or lotto tickets. All these people were in line for Lisa's Fried Chicken. We ordered and sat at one of the few tables. Most people took their chicken to-go, but when our order was ready we sat right back down at the table.

  I took a piece, mainly to humor Caleb, and because I was starving. I figured I would be a sport and try, but I planned on filling up on popcorn at the movie instead.

  I think I ate more chicken than he did. "Oh my goodness, this is so good. It's so crispy, and juicy. This is better than Popeye's, and I love Popeye's. Who knew?"

  "Everyone but you, apparently."

  He was right. As we ate I watched the line. It was constantly full, they were cranking chicken out by the bag. Many people came in and skipped the convenience-store line, making a bee-line for the chicken. "Where has this place been all my life?"

  "I told you," Caleb said. "Nothing but the best gas station chicken for you."

  The movie was good, I didn't think I'd have room for popcorn after that chicken, but apparently relaxing all day works up a large appetite. I had candy too.

  Afterward, we went back to Caleb's. He poured us each a glass of wine and we relaxed some more on his back patio, with a fire in the fire pit.

  "It's been a hard day," I teased Caleb.

  "Somebody's gotta do it, might as well be us, right?"

  When the fire burned out we crawled into his bed, and stayed there through most of Sunday. I had not slept that long in years. We got up, had coffee and breakfast, and crashed again on the down stairs couch. We never left the house all day. It was heavenly. I can't do that very often, I get antsy, but curled up with him, the entire day passed and I barely noticed.

  He invited me to stay again Sunday night, and let myself out Monday morning while he was at work, and I took him up on it. Monday I woke to more coffee, made some toast, showered, and locked up. Back to the real world for another week.

  Friday night came once again. I had to work late to make up for missing last Saturday, and planned on missing another one tomorrow. I wasn't sure how long I'd work, so I made plans to meet Caleb at the bar Friday night. We could always leave one car at the bar, ride to his place together, and pick the car back up some time on Saturday.

  When I got to the bar, I made my normal p
it stop at Lana's bar and got a drink. I walked around greeting everyone, and looked for Caleb. I wasn't sure if he was here yet or not. I had tried to call him to let him know I was on my way, but he didn't answer. I left him a voice mail, but he never called me back.

  I saw his group, hugged Mark and Maria, and waved at Robert and Jean over the table. The two girls weren't here yet. "Where is Caleb?" Maria asked me.

  "I guess still at home, I had to work late, so we didn't ride together," I explained, "But he should be here any minute, he said he would meet me. I just figured I would be the one running late."

  "Here, have a shot," Maria flagged down a passing shot girl, "We will just have to start without him."

  About an hour later, I still hadn't seen Caleb. I left the dance floor, returned Gary James to his girlfriend and went outside to call him. As I dialed his number, I had those damn stomach butterflies again. Only this time, it wasn't from nervous excitement. This time, it was dread. Something wasn't right. Again, his phone went to voice mail. "What the hell?"

  I paced back and forth outside the club, wondering what to do? Go by his house? Wait here? Call again? Go back inside and pretend everything was fine? I just wish I knew whether to be pissed or worried. Was it a cop thing, and he was hurt? Was it a blown-off thing? We had only been dating three weeks. Surely he wouldn't just disappear.

  'OK, this is stupid, calm down.' I told myself. 'There is nothing to worry about until there is, so, go back inside, trust that this will be explained, and wait.'

  The phone rang in my hand. Caleb. I took a deep breath. 'Be light, be breezy, don't be all clingy, freaked out girlfriend, its only been three weeks. Answer the damn phone, this is your explanation.'

  "Hey, there you are, we're all at the bar already, what's keeping ya, handsome?" I answered, knowing somehow that everything was about to change.

  "Hey, I am so sorry, I was dressed and headed out the door, but you would not believe what happened. Five more minutes and I would have missed it." He said, sounding happy, but odd.


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