Program Erin

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Program Erin Page 28

by Alex Fall

  "Are you...a Bolt?" One asked.

  "A what?" She asked in a confused tone.

  "What kind of armor are you wearing?" Asked the one who let me in.

  "It's a Galmont type 0-40 series."

  "A what?" The third man asked.

  "What does it do?" quizzed the second dweller.

  "It's a toughness augment," Lori replied patiently.


  "So you're a Bolt?"

  "Or a Brute?"

  "I don't know what you're asking..." She replied. "I'm not from here."

  "What do you mean you're not from here?"

  "Well she WAS with Sapphire."

  "Yeah, but she's not a burn," one man said in reference to my crew member.

  "Are the people that live here in the sky rig powered?" Asked Lori.

  "You mean like Greaters? Psh, c'est ça oui...."

  "Parle vous Parisien?"

  "Vous n'êtes pas une supérieure?

  "I, uh..."

  "Elle ne parle pas..."

  "So you are not a Benevolent?"

  I smirked at Lori's patience. She's going to get overwhelmed at this rate. I finished changing into the warm, dry clothes and toweled some of the water from my hair before stepping out. In the low light environment, my eyes shown greatly and my presence was louder than normal because of that. Conversation died when I stepped out. One of the men that came late (the one wearing a red knit cap with long loose blonde hair underneath) cleared his throat and dismissed himself. The other two remained by the door.

  "You knew people lived in here. Is that why you wanted to come here so badly?" Asked Lori in a hushed voice.

  "In part."

  I left my wet clothes with one of the men, who told me they would get washed. From there, I trotted through the hallways, Lori trailing behind me, all the way back to the room I had originally secured. When I opened the door, Monica and Sharon both looked up.

  "Told you she'd come back," Sharon said proudly to Monica.

  Monica stared at me and my wounds in silence, and soon Sharon did too. "What happened?" Sharon asked.


  The girls examined my scars intently from their seats. That is, until Lori came in view. Monica jumped to her feet and locked her eyes on my combat ready crew member.

  "Who are you? Are you a Greater too?"

  Lori remained calm, but still confused. "I don't believe so."

  "This is Lori. She comes from where I come from," I said. Monica didn't seem to understand, but Sharon perked up.

  "She's not from Lenburg?"

  "No. I'm from the Decapolis," Lori said as she kneeled down to Sharon's level. "It seems you know Erin?"

  "Yep! She saved me," she said with a chipper tone.

  Lori peeked over at me as if I were some stranger she had never seen before, then a smile crept on her face.

  "What are you looking at?"


  "So...what is the Decapolis?" Monica asked timidly.

  "It's where I come from. And Erin too," Lori replied.

  "Who is Erin?" Monica asked. Sharon pointed to me. "That's your real name?"

  I returned a stare with no reply.

  "So you found a way back?" Sharon prodded with some loosely concealed excitement.

  "Well...sort of," Lori admitted.

  "When can we go?" asked Sharon, growing more excited.

  "We're not going anywhere," I stated.

  "...okay," Sharon said with a sudden loss of enthusiasm.

  Lori on the other hand stood up to that comment. "Captain? What do you mean?"

  "We need to talk."

  I led Lori out of that room and into another across the hall. Once in the small unused room, Lori and I resumed our conversation. I brought a first aid kit to fix myself up a little while we talked.

  "How could you say you're not going anywhere? What do you mean by that?" Asked my crew member.

  "I can't go back. Not just yet."

  "Why not?!"

  I looked to the side. "Because there's some things that need to be fixed here first..."

  "And you have to be the one to fix them? What do you even plan on fixing?"

  "There's a ton of problems. And yes I have to be the one!"

  "Why? Since when can you fix, who knows how many people? And what about everyone in the Decapolis?!" She asked, getting more and more upset.

  "What about the Decapolis?" I asked as if I lacked interest.

  "Captain! That's our home! That's YOUR home!"

  "I don't have a home. That's partly why it’s so fitting that I be the one to fix things."

  Lori closed her mouth and stared at me in amazement. "Something happened to you here. You're not the same Erin."

  "Nope. I've got more scars than the old Erin."

  "Captain!" She shouted as she slapped the wall. "Take this seriously! The De'mus board is worried sick!"

  "You told the De'mus board?" I asked gravely.

  "Absolutely! We thought you died!"

  I glared at Lori for a moment before I noticed Monica's face standing behind her at the doorway. I checked my temper so as not to explode on anyone.

  "It's so *cussing* cold in here..." I said in a low voice.

  My crew member sighed and ran her hand through her hair. "Hold on, I saw a blanket on the way in." She disappeared around the corner and returned several seconds later.

  "Thank you," I said after I wrapped myself up.

  "At least the city taught you some manners I guess," she said under her breath.

  I looked away as I tried to gather my thoughts to resume the conversation. However, she noticed that I heard her mutterings. "I'm sorry captain, that was out of line."


  A quiet tension seemed to build in the room, as neither of us wanted to talk. Monica took the chance to step into the doorway, and Sharon followed closely behind her. A little boy's face also peeked around the corner, along with what I assumed to be his older brother's. There's a lot of dwellers in this room all of the sudden. Have we been that loud?

  I snapped my fingers and held out a hand to have Sharon come closer.

  "You are right Lori. I guess I am a bit different. I didn't expect to have a little girl with me, so this is some aspect of myself that I'm not yet familiar with."

  Lori broke her gaze from whatever she was staring at outside the door to examine Sharon, though neither of them said anything. I rolled up Sharon's sleeve to show off her injection site.

  "Everyone in this city was forcibly given a drug. Whatever it was, some of the people reacted to it and developed...powers. Like electricity or super strength. But the ones that got the powers took over the city and pushed all the normal people aside. It's...angering."

  "So you want to stay behind...because you're angry?" Lori asked calmly.

  "What? No! I'm staying because... Because I have purpose here."

  My companion shot me a doubtful look. All right, I'll show her what I know about this place.

  "Lori, look around you. These people are living in the husk of a sky rig. What kind of living is that? Do you think they CHOSE to live like that?" I pointed to the older boy that was watching us talk. "You. When is the last time you ate at a restaurant?"

  "Me? What?" He stuttered.

  "When is the last time you had a sit down meal in a restaurant?"

  "Uh...we aren't allowed in restaurants."

  "So you've never been to one?"

  "Maybe when I was littler...why?"

  I looked to Lori to drive my point home. Continuing on, I turned to Monica. "Where are your parents at?"

  " mom is no longer around." She looked to the ground before the next sentence. "I haven't heard from my dad since I was six..."

  "Do you at least know what he looks like?" I asked pointedly. Monica simply shook her head no. Again, I looked to Lori, who remained quiet.

  “Monica, why are your parents gone?”

  “Benevolents.” She appeared uncomfo
rtable with my questions so I switched the focus.

  "Sharon, are your parents alive?"


  "How did the people that you lived with treat you?"


  "How bad?" Asked Lori after a moment of silence.

  "They beat her, starved her, slaved her, and insulted everything about her existence," I stated, letting the irritation rise. I stood and came face to face to Lori. "And I was the one who saved her, because no one else would. So tell me, would YOU leave these people if you were me?"

  Lori scanned my face then turned away after my eyes beat back hers. She uttered one reluctant word: "No..."

  I backed off and sat back down, finishing up wrapping the burn on my hand. "You can go back and tell the others where I am."

  "I am NOT leaving you captain." I looked up to see the fiery determination she wore on her face to match with her words. "If you want to get yourself hurt trying to save everyone, then I'm going to be there to make sure you live through it all."

  A smile cracked on my face. There's that determined woman I first hired. "Hold that I thought, I need to finish patching myself up."

  I opened a bottle of my medicine and my heart skipped a beat. I was completely out DCP tablets! The stress hit me like a train, so I grabbed the sleep pills. My heart jumped out of my chest when I realized that I was out of sleep meds also! No! This can't happen! I NEED that medicine!

  I frantically dug through my pack and found another bottle of sleep pills. It was also empty.

  "What's wrong?" Asked Lori.

  "*Cuss!*" I spat after I found a third empty bottle of sleep medicine. I threw the bottle across the room as I shouted.

  Lori held out a bag. "I figured you'd need some more medicine."

  "Sleep pills!"

  She raised an eyebrow and fetched a small bottle from the pack. "Since when did you start sleep pills again?"

  "She's addicted," Sharon tattled.

  Lori halted and drew her hand back. I snatched the bottle from her hands before she put it away, glaring at Sharon. After downing a couple, I stuffed the bottle in my pack and looked back up to see a concerned crew member.

  "That's not all I need. I'm almost out of everything."

  She slightly held her hand out for me to take the medicine bag she brought for me.

  "Thanks..." I muttered. I looked to Sharon, who seemed much more uncomfortable after she ratted me out. "And no, I'm not mad at you," I whispered to her.

  I stood slowly to avoid as much pain as possible. At last, I was finally beginning to warm up. "Lori, do you mind staying here? We'll see what we can do tomorrow. I need to heal for a bit..."

  "I guess...And sleeping pills? I would like to know what all happened since you've been missing."

  I looked out of the room, feeling the pressure of being in the wrong. I never break eye contact first. I did that with Fake Arty too. What's wrong with me lately? Stray thoughts of Fake Arty filtered through my mind. Shut up, I don't need to hear that right now...

  "That's fine."

  * * *

  My musical notes were getting smoother. Or at least, that's what Fake Arty said. I had been playing for a while in this dream so he let me go ahead and start strumming different notes, explaining which string played which note. Then we got into a discussion about musical theory, sheet music, scales, progressions; I remember hearing about this once but it was all still confusing. I set the bow down to rub my temples after listening to my imagination rant. When I did, he cooled off on talking.

  "Everything alright?" He asked.

  "Yeah...just worn out and kind of stressed. Its hard to listen to you."

  "Ouch, that boring huh?" He said with a smile. "Well I know you're in a lot of pain too."

  "Yeah, especially my left arm. It still hurts from burning down Rod's guys."

  The mention of violence seemed to make Fake Arty's mood falter. He fell quiet for a moment, before switching the subject and pulling out his digital speakers to play some music. "Does anything help with the stress?"

  "Sleep meds..."

  "Erin," he said in a half disappointed tone. "You know that's-"

  "Yes! I know, it's bad for me!" I snapped, throwing my hands in the air. At a look of his face though, I realized how irritable I was and worked to get in check. In a much calmer voice, I added, "I just can't help it. It's... I don't know."

  "An addiction?"


  He put his hand on mine. "We'll work on it, okay?"

  I pulled my hand back. "Stop."

  "Stop what?"

  "That. Flirting."

  "I'm not flirting! I'm going to help you relax." He scooted closer and held out a hand, grinning slyly.

  "By scanning my memories? No."

  "That's not what I was...OK, turn around."




  "Pretty please?"


  Instead of adding more words, he pooched out his bottom lip and conjured up some exaggerated and ridiculous puppy eyes.

  I felt a smile try to cross my face. "No."

  He blinked several times.

  "Heh, stop." *Cuss!* Did I just laugh?!

  Fake Arty smiled. "You just laughed!" I went to say something in reply, but he cut me off by pointing a finger in my face, adding, "Don't cuss."

  I tried to give him a death glare, but was flustered when he tapped me on the nose with the finger he was using to point at me.

  "Now turn around, please."

  I sighed. "How do you do that?" I asked as I shifted to face away from him.

  "Get you to comply?"


  "Because you're getting nicer and sweeter."

  I glared over my shoulder at him, but instead of the desired effect, he hid something behind his back and held up a finger again. "No peeking."

  Why do I play these silly games with him? Or is it myself?...Whatever he is!

  Something touched my head and stroked downward into my hair. "Are you brushing my hair?" I asked.


  The soft brush rhythmically smoothed my hair and in a way massaged my head. Silly games...stupid games. Stupid brush, making me sleepy. I'm already asleep, this doesn't make sense. So...relaxing...

  He sat and brushed my hair, which gently rubbed my head and upper back, until the tension in my shoulders began to loosen. I didn't realize just how tight I was until I began to sit back and soak in the experience. Was that real, or just situational for this dream? Fake Arty switched off the music and began to hum some soft, unrecognizable tune which only added to the calm atmosphere. The sunlight danced across my cheeks, making me warm inside...and very sleepy. I closed my eyes, and soon my head bobbed.

  "Stop," I said lazily.


  "Because I don't want to fall asleep in a dream. I don't trust you."

  "Oh, that's not fair."

  I pushed his hand away and came down off the log we were sitting on to lay in the thick grass.

  "Am I going to wake up soon?" I asked.



  "Do you like your dreams?" He asked after a second or two.

  "I guess so."

  "You GUESS so?"

  That smile came back on my face. "What's wrong? Not the answer you were hoping for?"

  "Hey, sarcasm is MY thing round these parts."

  "Then what's mine?"

  I awoke in the metal room that I stayed the night in. Thunder rumbled in the distance, and the smell of rain still permeated the area. Speaking of permeate, it smells like Sharon in here. I rolled over to find the girl sleeping in the unoccupied space of my large bed. When did she come in here? Why did she come in here? My door was left open and Monica slept with a pile of stuffed animals and blankets across the way. Somewhere nearby, Lori also slept. Or maybe she's awake, I'm not sure. And oh my god, my burns ache today.

  I sat up slowly, sore in my muscles from fighting and a
ching on my surface from injuries. The specialized medicine that Lori brought for me was letting me heal at a nice rate, but I would still need to take it slow for a day or two. Sounds of the cello bounced around in my mind as I rubbed my face to wake myself up. It's cold in here. I wish it were as warm as Ilavoan. I reached over and slipped on the oversized sweater that was gifted to me by the dwellers. It didn't sound like there were very many people awake and moving about yet. The smell of peanuts wafted past me, awakening my hunger, so I got up and followed the scent.

  "It's Erin!" Said a voice suddenly and loudly right as I exited my room, paired with a hand grabbing my shoulder. The suddenness and tinge of pain from my burnt shoulder being touched caused me to reflex, and by reflex I mean punch the perpetrator in the throat.

  Wyatt stumbled backward coughing. I blinked at the realization it was him, but offered no apology. He should know better than to sneak up on people in the morning.

  "Nice...ack, to see you too," he sputtered between his coughs.

  "Where did you come from?" I inquired.

  Wyatt held up a finger while he leaned against the wall to normalize his breathing. Another person rounded the corner, another familiar face. It was Reggie, and he was whole.

  "Captain! Whoa..." He stopped to examine my scars. I looked to the side, partly to hide my scars, but also to see where Lori was.

  "Late as usual," I greeted him.

  "Gar, what happened to you?" Reggie asked Wyatt after he had his fill of looking me over. Reggie's voice seemed hoarse.


  "He snuck up on me. What's wrong with your voice?"

  "Ah, just getting over a cold. Guess I caught something once I finished healing up." He continued to stare at me for a bit before speaking again. "Captain. Erin...I'm glad you're alive."

  He held his hand out as if for a handshake but hesitated. "Sorry, still sick."

  I offered my hand. "I don't really get sick. You should know that."

  Reggie scooped my hand up with both of his and smiled, apparently glad to see me. It's like he missed me or something.

  "Hey! How come he gets a handshake and I get punched in the throat?" Wyatt asked in a feigned upset.

  "Cause you're loud," Reggie answered for me.

  "What do you mean I'm loud?"

  "Dude, its like seven in the morning. I bet she just woke up."


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