
Home > Other > Angels > Page 1
Angels Page 1

by Meredith Badger


  Go Girl Angels: Team Trouble

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Go Girl Angels: Kicking Goals

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Go Girl Angels: Going Overboard

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Go Girl Angels: Puppy Love

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Go Girl Angels: Lucky Stars

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Go Girl Angels: Angels Forever

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Copyright Page

  ‘Where are we going, Ms Diamond? Is it just our class? Why is Mr Stavros’s class coming out of their room? Is Mr Paul’s class coming, too?’

  The corridor echoed with the sound of footsteps as students from Mr Stavros’s class came out of their room to join Ms Diamond’s group. Bonnie walked backwards so that her teacher couldn’t escape her questions.

  ‘Mrs Clarke is going to talk to us about a major project, Bonnie,’ Ms Diamond said, as she ushered students towards the end of the corridor.

  Bonnie groaned and backed into a locker. ‘Ah, it’s just a boring project!’ she complained to her bestie, Lucy. ‘And if Mrs Clarke has planned it, it’s probably something she finds really exciting. Like fifty pages of maths sheets!’

  Since Mrs Clarke had become the school principal, Bonnie had been quite a frequent visitor to her office. Snippy and Snappy, the hermit crabs who lived in a tank on her desk, had become like old friends. They always came out of their shells to say hi to Bonnie. It was as though they knew what it was like to get into trouble.

  ‘I don’t know, Bonnie,’ Lucy whispered. ‘I mean, everyone’s heading towards the multi-purpose room …’

  Bonnie looked ahead. Kids were filing out into the sunshine and across the courtyard to the best building in the school.

  Bonnie smiled. She knew what Lucy meant. There was usually something different and interesting happening in the multi-purpose room. They had seen some great performances in there before. And sometimes Mr Paul would set up a surprise gym class, with mats and trapezes – like a real circus!

  Today, though, the room was only set up with a microphone at the front. Bonnie and Lucy found a spot on the floor, stretching their legs out in front of them. Soon, heaps of their friends had joined them.

  Everyone was wondering aloud what the project might be.

  As soon as Mrs Clarke walked up to the microphone, though, everyone fell quiet. When Mrs Clarke wanted attention, that’s exactly what she got! She wasn’t a teacher who would stand for any mucking around.

  ‘Good morning, students,’ Mrs Clarke said briskly.

  ‘Good morning, Mrs Clarke,’ the students chimed back.

  To her left, Bonnie could see a tennis ball rolling across the floor between Joey and Sam. She reached out and grabbed it. Then she gave it a gentle nudge towards Lola. Lola flicked it on towards Annabelle …

  ‘Mr Paul and I are very excited about the special project you’re all about to begin,’ Mrs Clarke continued, glancing at Mr Paul. ‘The project is called Team Terrific, and it will be a great way for your year level to learn about teamwork!’

  ‘Team Terrific!’ Bonnie whispered to Lucy, giggling. ‘How lame is that name?’

  Mrs Clarke gave a pile of handouts to someone at the front of the room. Bonnie watched as the papers were passed around from student to student, with everyone taking a copy.

  What could be so exciting about a school project anyway? Bonnie wondered, as the tennis ball knocked against her knee.

  She quickly checked to make sure no teachers were watching and then tossed the ball towards Joey. She giggled as it bumped into his back and kept rolling.

  ‘Here you go, Bonnie,’ Lola said, handing her a copy.

  Bonnie quickly scanned the handout in front of her.


  Can you work with others to be

  part of a successful team?


  • There will be six teams of six people.

  • Choose a leader and a team name.

  • Each team will have four challenges.

  • You have one week to complete each challenge.


  Points will be awarded after each challenge is completed. When all the challenges are completed, the winning team will be announced at a whole-school awards night. The winning team will have their names engraved on the new Team Terrific plaque!


  Week 1: GET ACTIVE

  Choose a sport and compete against another team.


  Each team must build a raft out of recycled materials. The teams will race their rafts at the local swimming pool.


  As a team, provide help and support to a person or organisation in need.


  Work together to create a performance. Then show the whole school what you’ve got!

  Mrs Clarke kept talking about the project. Bonnie heard snippets of what she said. There was something about the project being important, and teams having to pull together to achieve their goals. There was something else about appointing a team leader who could guide the team well.

  But all that was like a hum in the background for Bonnie, because Mr Paul was wheeling something onto the stage on a trolley. Whatever it was, it was as big as Mr Paul and covered in a white sheet.

  And Bonnie had a feeling that it was definitely going to be something interesting.

  After Mrs Clarke had finished talking, Mr Paul stepped up to the microphone. He looked a bit like a penguin in his black and white tracksuit!

  ‘Who would like to know what I have under here?’ he boomed into the microphone, pointing to a mysterious shape hidden under the sheet.

  Bonnie grinned. Mr Paul’s voice was normally pretty loud. Speaking through the microphone, he could have been heard in Indonesia!

  ‘Me!’ Bonnie and a few other students called out.

  But Mr Paul shook his head. ‘I said, WHO WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHAT I HAVE UNDER HERE?’

  This time, the multi-purpose room vibrated as every student called out, ‘ME!’

  ‘Dah-dah!’ Mr Paul sang, as he pulled off the white sheet.

  Bonnie sat up straight.

  ‘This …’ said Mr Paul dr
amatically, ‘is the brand-new Team Terrific plaque!’

  Bonnie ignored the tennis ball that had just rolled next to her feet. She stared up at the huge, wooden plaque with the shiny brass plate in the middle, and listened intently.

  ‘When the Team Terrific challenges are finished, we will have the plaque engraved with the names of the students in the winning team. Each year, when we hold this competition again, another set of names will be added.’

  Bonnie bit her lip as Lola leant backwards and nudged her in the ribs. Suddenly, the handout did seem exciting!

  Winning was very important to Bonnie. She loved getting blue ribbons and trophies. She had plenty of them at home. She even had a few trophies in the cabinet outside Mrs Clarke’s office.

  But she had never, not ever, had her name engraved on a big brass plaque!

  Bonnie gave Lucy a quick pinch on the leg. ‘That is so going to be us,’ she whispered. ‘You and me, Lou, the first names ever on that plaque!’

  Lucy grinned. ‘Oh, really? I thought you said Team Terrific was totally lame?’

  ‘Not anymore,’ Bonnie whispered with a giggle. ‘Don’t you desperately want to have your name on that plaque, Lou?’

  Lucy rolled her eyes, but she was smiling, too. Sometimes Lucy needed a bit of help getting competitive. But that didn’t matter. Bonnie was totally pumped for both of them!

  ‘So, is everybody ready for the Team Terrific challenge?’ Mr Paul asked.

  ‘YES, MR PAUL!’ Bonnie called out with the other students.

  Mr Paul grinned, and handed the microphone back to Mrs Clarke.

  Mrs Clarke pushed her glasses up on her nose. ‘Does anyone have any questions?’

  A few hands shot up in the air. When Mrs Clarke asked a question, you definitely didn’t just call out!

  ‘Yes, Chloe?’ Mrs Clarke said.

  ‘Um … I was just wondering if we get to choose our own teams,’ Chloe said.

  Bonnie watched her. Chloe was a real girly girl. She was a dancy, singy kind of girl. Lucy was a bit of a dancy, singy kind of girl too, but Bonnie got on well with Lucy because she was quite sporty as well. On casual clothes days, Lucy always made sure she was wearing something she could really play in. Chloe always chose skirts and dresses and strappy shoes.

  ‘No, Chloe,’ Mrs Clarke responded quickly. ‘The names for each team will be chosen out of a hat.’

  Mr Paul pointed to his baseball cap.

  Groans and moans bounced around the multi-purpose room. Bonnie glanced at Lucy and screwed up her nose. She didn’t care so much who would be in a team with her. As long as Lucy was in it too!

  Although, having Lola would be great.

  Actually, Bonnie thought as she looked around the room, maybe I do care who is on my team!

  ‘That’s enough noise, thank you,’ Mrs Clarke said sternly.

  The groaning and moaning stopped. Everyone was silent as Mrs Clarke passed around an envelope full of little pieces of paper.

  Bonnie opened her pencil case. She chose her lucky blue pen – the nice one her dad had bought her when she got her pen licence.

  Lucy was about to use a random pen from her own pencil case, but Bonnie shook her head.

  ‘Use this, Lou,’ she urged. ‘It’s for good luck.’

  Lucy smiled, and took the pen. Bonnie watched as she wrote her name in her tiny, delicate handwriting.

  Everyone folded up their pieces of paper and dropped them into Mr Paul’s cap as he walked past. In a few minutes, Mr Paul was back on the stage, holding his cap in his hand.

  ‘When you hear your name, you may stand up,’ Mrs Clarke said. ‘When you have got your team of six, you may go quietly and find a space to start discussing the project. Are you ready, Mr Paul?’

  Mr Paul nodded.

  ‘Group one,’ Mrs Clarke said, taking a piece of paper from the cap. ‘Dani.’

  Bonnie watched as Dani stood up. Dani was Chloe’s best friend.

  They must really want to be in the same group, Bonnie thought to herself.

  Mrs Clarke read the other five names in Dani’s team. ‘Matt, Sally, Pete …’

  One by one, Dani’s new teammates stood up and hurried over to where Dani waited. But Chloe wasn’t one of them.

  ‘Group two,’ Mrs Clarke continued. ‘Maddy, Erin, Dale …’

  Bonnie started to get impatient. This was taking ages!

  Finally, after the third team had been chosen, Bonnie heard her name! She jumped up excitedly.

  As she waited for the next name to be called, she crossed her fingers. Then she decided to cross her toes, which was pretty hard because there wasn’t that much room inside her school shoes.

  As Mrs Clarke reached into the baseball cap again, Bonnie held her breath.

  ‘Lola,’ Mrs Clarke said.

  Lola did a little karate chop in the air, and grinned at Bonnie.

  ‘Perfect,’ Bonnie whispered.

  Lola was a really good friend and she was into the same things as Bonnie. If Bonnie got to pick her own team, Lola would be the second person she’d choose. Obviously, Lucy would be at the top of her list – that’s where best friends belong.

  Suddenly, Bonnie felt nervous. There were still quite a few students waiting to be put into teams. She really hoped that Lucy’s name would come up soon!

  ‘Annabelle,’ Mrs Clarke said.

  Bonnie craned her neck around to find Annabelle. Bonnie didn’t know her very well as they’d always been in different classes. But Bonnie had heard about Annabelle’s latest birthday party. Lola said it was really cool and grown-up. Annabelle had had a mocktail party for her birthday. She’d served fancy drinks with umbrellas on top, and they’d eaten nori rolls!

  Annabelle made her way over to Bonnie and Lola. She had to step over lots of legs to get there. Halfway across the room, she tripped. She didn’t fall over though, and when she arrived, she smiled at the girls.

  ‘Enjoy your trip?’ Bonnie asked.

  Annabelle giggled.

  Annabelle will be a good teammate, Bonnie thought. But right now, Bonnie was hoping that the next name would start with ‘L’ and finish with ‘ucy’!

  ‘Sophie,’ Mrs Clarke said.

  Annabelle clapped her hands. ‘Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!’ she said, lifting her hands into the air and doing a ‘v’ for victory sign above her head.

  Sophie made the same sign back to Annabelle. Then, both of the girls moved their victory signs in little circles.

  It was funny to watch them.

  Sophie was new to the school, but everyone already knew that she was Annabelle’s cousin. Obviously, they were pretty close. Bonnie knew it was going to be great having Annabelle and Sophie in her team!

  Things were going really well. Bonnie couldn’t wait to hear the next name.

  ‘Chloe,’ said Mrs Clarke.

  Chloe twirled her hair as she looked to the other side of the multi-purpose room where Dani had gathered with her new team. Then she slowly walked to the back of the room, and made her way over to Bonnie’s group the long way.

  When Chloe arrived she didn’t say anything. Bonnie tried to smile, to make Chloe feel welcome. But Chloe was looking at the floor and didn’t look up.

  ‘And the last member of the team is … ’ Mrs Clarke fumbled inside the cap. ‘This writing is awfully small,’ she continued.

  Bonnie’s heart skipped a beat. Lucy’s writing was very small!

  Mrs Clarke handed the piece of paper to Mr Paul, in what seemed like slow motion.

  ‘The final member of the team is, er, Luke,’ Mr Paul said.

  Bonnie put her head in her hands and groaned. Luke was a pain. Bonnie had had about a hundred arguments with him. He was already giving Bonnie a look that suggested their hundred and first argument might not be far away.

  This was absolutely, totally stinky!

  ‘Hold on,’ Mr Paul said. He examined the piece of paper more closely. ‘It’s actually Lucy!’ he said.

  Bonnie grabbed Lucy by both hands
and pulled her up. The two of them danced around in circles.

  Mr Paul’s laugh came through the microphone and echoed around the room. ‘So, I take it that you’re pretty happy with your all-girls team?’ he asked.

  Bonnie grinned. ‘You bet,’ she called out. ‘This team is going to be awesome!’

  Bonnie quite liked being squished up in the loft with her brand-new team. As she looked over the rails, she could see the five other groups whispering and planning in different pockets of the multi-purpose room.

  Chloe stood beside her, gazing out at Dani’s group, as though she wanted to be down there with them.

  Most of the teams had both boys and girls. Only one team was all boys. Bonnie stared at the top of Joey’s head. He was huddled up with Luke, Sam, Ned, Bruno and Tim. They were the boys that Bonnie liked to play footy with at lunchtime.

  Bonnie cupped her hand behind her ear and leant in, hoping to hear what they were saying.

  Suddenly, Luke emerged from the centre of the huddle and called up to the loft. ‘Hey, no eavesdropping, Boomer!’

  Bonnie rolled her eyes. She hated it when Luke called her that. It wasn’t even her nickname! She turned away from the rails and sat with the other girls.

  ‘OK, first we have to pick a leader,’ Bonnie said, looking at the handout.

  ‘You should definitely be leader,’ Lucy said to Bonnie. ‘We need to choose someone who’s really good at organising things.’

  Lola spun around and faced Bonnie. ‘Yep, we need someone bossy,’ she said, nudging Bonnie with her elbow.

  Chloe, who had been looking over the railing until then, finally paid attention to what was going on and let out a little laugh.

  ‘Oh, I meant that in a nice way!’ Lola quickly added, realising that she had sounded rude.

  Annabelle cupped her hand and whispered something to Sophie.

  ‘Hey, no private conversations!’ Lucy said, looking a bit annoyed.

  ‘Ah, sorry,’ Annabelle said. ‘Soph and I were just talking about what we’re doing this weekend. She’s sleeping over at my house … and …’

  Lucy tilted her head to the side and raised her eyebrows. ‘What do you think about Bonnie being the leader?’ she asked, looking at Sophie.


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