Once Human: An Interactive Adventure

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Once Human: An Interactive Adventure Page 2

by Anthony Lampe

  You see a few surgeons ready for the procedure. Beyond them, you see a cute young lady, presumably Julia your fiancée, and Brian. You wish you could talk to them, but the agent has you lay on a table for the surgery to soon begin.

  Turn to page 58.

  Page 16

  “Dygor,” you say, “Since you will not answer my question, I must leave you behind.”

  “As you wish,” Dygor states. “Farewell Kryton.”

  Dygor takes off in a sprint away from your location towards the edge of the parking lot. As he flees the area, a bright light shines down upon you. You begin to float off the ground and rise towards the mother ship above. Despite the brilliant light surrounding you, you see the distant building below disappear in a fiery red flash.

  Your feet suddenly land on solid ground and the light around you disappears. You stand in a small room with silver walls and a white ceiling. Above you is a large circular device which must have been the source of the light. You exit through a doorway and walk into a long white hallway. You glance at several doors, each one with foreign symbols above them. Upon staring at them, you soon understand that one leads to the engine room, others to bedrooms, and the throne room.

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 17

  You walk down the hallway and through the main doors into the throne room. The walls glimmer in a golden hue, the floor lined with a red carpet leads to a set of thrones, and you see two figures applauding as you approach them.

  They appear like humans, although their smooth skin is tinted a light shade of silver. The man is dignified, mature, and aging well. The crown upon his head is most impressive. The gracefully mature woman at his side greets you with a nod.

  The king speaks in an alien language, yet you understand every word. “Bravo,” the king exclaims, “you have eliminated the Men in Black headquarters, and with it, their only chance to destroy us. There is no threat of them tracking and targeting our ship now. You have proven yourself worthy of ruling this planet. Out of curiosity, where is Dygor?”

  “He will not be joining us,” you state very neutral, unsure if the implosion destroyed him.

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 18

  “Casualties are expected in war,” the king begins. “It is good that you know how to move on and focus on the future. We can always build you a new Dygor if desired.”

  “That will not be necessary,” Nikki Hart says as she steps into the room, “I will always be at his side, now and forever.”

  You see the grin across her silver face, and mischief in her eyes.

  With the MIB headquarters destroyed, the mission is a complete success. Also, you have proven to the alien race that their brain-cores will prevail in the human hosts. You have a new body, a wife-to-be, and a new world to rule. Destiny awaits you, Kryton the King of Earth.


  Page 19

  Since you’ve known your mother your entire life, you feel it would be best to visit her. Brian gives you the address, and you take off.

  As you pull up to the house, you see clean white siding, the hanging plants on the porch, and an American flag waving in the gentle breeze. You get out of the car, and begin to walk towards the modest home, and you notice the beautiful flowers on the path to the front steps.

  Before you can reach the porch, the house violently explodes. The force of the explosion knocks you backwards and onto the ground. Debris flies overhead, and you stay motionless until you feel too upset to remain still. You stand up and stare at the burning remains of the house.

  You lived there almost your entire life. When you left for college, you expected to see your house again. And, to see your mother again.

  You fall to your knees and begin to shed tears.

  You suddenly hear a vehicle pull up behind you.

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 20

  As you turn around, you fear seeing the SUV, but instead there is a black military-style hummer. You stand up as a man in a black suit exits the driver’s seat. He is in his thirties, with slicked black hair and sunglasses.

  “I’m Agent Zero,” he begins, “and you are in way over your head, Jonathan Zane.”

  You point to the house and say, “Who did this?”

  The man says, “I think you already know who, or more like, what did this.”

  “Why is this happening to me?!” you ask.

  Agent Zero says, “I can explain everything, but we don’t have much time. We must leave now.”

  Above you, the blue sky begins to darken, and grey storm clouds start to approach rapidly from the east. You hear a loud humming sound coming from within the thick ominous clouds, growing in volume as they near.

  “Come with me, now!” Agent Zero demands.

  If you go with the agent, turn to page 51.

  If you refuse to go, turn to page 70.

  Page 21

  You turn around, walk up and climb into the passenger seat of the SUV. Upon shutting the door, Dygor starts up the vehicle and takes off. You are hesitant to put on your seatbelt, for you have no idea what will happen next. However, his driving is apparently aggressive, perhaps reckless, so you quickly buckle up.

  “Save my race and fulfill my destiny?” you ask. “So, who am I?”

  Dygor continues to stare at the windy country road and says, “You are Kryton.”

  “That isn’t the name on the driver’s license.”

  Dygor slams on the brakes and your head snaps forward. As your forehead nears the dashboard, a hand catches it and protects it. Dygor says, “What driver’s license?”

  He doesn’t know about it? you think. I wonder if I should show him, or try and escape again while the car is motionless. This may be the last chance.

  If you show him the license, turn to page 38.

  If you unbuckle and run for it, turn to page 62.

  Page 22

  “Are you coming with me?” you ask.

  “I wish I could,” she says. “But this body I possess can’t survive on Earth. Hence my parents’ plan of our race taking on human bodies as hosts for our brain-cores. Dygor will assist you in your quest. I’ll escape before the ship is destroyed.”

  Dygor enters and leads you into the hallway. He says, “Our time is running out. Your body will not last too much longer in its current state. We must penetrate the MIB headquarters quickly and complete this mission with haste.”

  You nod, and then follow Dygor as he leads you towards the transport room. As you pass a door, it opens and Nikki stops you. She stands to the side of the doorway and whispers, “You chose to destroy our spaceship? Darling, change your mind. After you enter MIB headquarters, instead of entering Vikki’s code, enter this one to cause the MIB building to self-destruct. If you do, you will be the ruler of Earth, and my husband too.”

  Turn to page 72.

  Page 23

  As Dygor raises the silver gun, you lunge forward and grab the weapon. A single blast of concentrated energy fires from the gun and hits the ceiling. During the struggle, you hear Agent Zero fire off a shot, which hits Dygor in the head.

  Circuits spark within, and Dygor’s body shakes.

  “I have failed you, Kryton,” he mutters as he collapses on the ground.

  “Target lock confirmed,” an automated voice begins, “missile launch activated. Impact and implosion in thirty seconds.”

  Julia runs over and embraces you. Brian nods to you. Your mother smiles. Agent Zero just stands there like this sort of thing happens every day.

  In the distance, you hear a massive boom as the missile strikes the UFO. You are unsure if the aliens abandoned ship, and if your thoughts might get invaded by Kryton’s once more. All you know is that you saved humanity, and that is the best feeling in the world.


  Page 24

  You knock Agent Zero aside, push past the surgeons and see Jonathan’s fiancée and Brian standing there staring in shock. You ignore their insignifican
t existence, and sprint out of the room into the hallway.

  You roam the corridors for awhile, trying to find a computer, one which would allow you to strike at the Men in Black. You encounter a few agents who attempt to aim weapons at you, but your lightning fast reflexes disable them and render the agents unconscious.

  Upon breaking into a large room, you find the main computer terminal. After several tries at hacking the system, you finally succeed. You see that you have just gained remote access to a secret MIB satellite which seems to have an implosion missile ready to strike any target.

  With your readiness to destroy the Men in Black, you set the missile to fire off and impact the building in two minutes.

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 25

  You glance up and see Agent Zero enter the room with Jonathan’s fiancée. She takes a step forward and says, “Jonathan, I love you. If you can hear me, please know that I long to be with you forever. We can get you through this.”

  “Jonathan is no more,” you say in a cynical tone. “I am General Kryton, soon to be ruler of this planet. This building will implode in less than two minutes. I offer you the chance to serve as hosts for the army of my people. Your sacrifices of your bodies shall be much appreciated.”

  Agent Zero raises a futuristic weapon and says, “Our bodies are not yours to take, and this planet is spoken for. Your people made a huge mistake coming here. You are the one with the decision to make now. Stop the missile, or go down with it.”

  You realize that you do not have time to escape now. Agent Zero is right. You must either cancel the missile, or sacrifice yourself for your people.

  If you disable the missile, turn to page 56.

  If you go down for the cause, turn to page 79.

  Page 26

  You slip the driver’s license back into the wallet, and return it in your pants pocket. You put on some shoes, then quietly make your way to the front door, and open it slowly. You step outside, shut the door, and notice that the SUV lights are still on, and the figure is motionless inside.

  You begin to walk away from the SUV and onto the parking lot. You hear the sound of a vehicle backing up, and you soon notice headlights aimed at you once more. You glance over your shoulder and notice that the SUV is following you down the parking lot. With each step you take, the vehicle gains several yards on you.

  Your heart starts to race as you realize that you must escape this stranger at all costs. You could try to break into a car, hotwire it, and use it to get away, which for some reason you feel you can do. Or, you could run for the woods up ahead to lose your pursuer.

  If you decide to steal a car, go to page 12.

  If you run for the woods, turn to page 44.

  Page 27

  You insert the data chip into the main computer’s USB port, and within mere moments, an automated voice comes over the loudspeaker.

  “Attention, attention. The autodestruct sequence has been initiated. Please evacuate the building immediately. In two minutes, the building will implode, and everything inside the premises will instantly cease to exist. This is not a drill.”

  “Jonathan?” your fiancée says.

  You glance at her and feel nothing. No connection, no guilt, nothing. You reply, “I am General Kryton. The one known as Jonathan no longer exists.”

  Turning away from the shocked and hurt faces of Julia, Brian, your mother and Agent Zero, you take off towards the hallway. Moments later, you hear the sound of a weapon firing, followed by the familiar discharge of an alien weapon.

  You glance back and see Dygor enter the hallway, sprinting with his silver gun in hand.

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 28

  As Dygor nears, you notice that his chest has been shot. Through the holes in his black shirt, you see dull metallic plating beneath his torn skin-colored flesh.

  You suddenly remember that Dygor is an android, constructed to appear as a human. As you recall this, you realize that for once, your head does not hurt when thinking of the past.

  Dygor takes the lead and you follow him through the long and ever twisting hallways.

  After several turns, you hear the loud speaker once more. “Attention, one minute until the facility implodes. All within the premises will cease to exist in fifty-five seconds.”

  In the distance you see the exit and you pick up your pace. As you leave the building, you stare at the damage to Dygor’s chest.

  “Who shot you?” you ask.

  “That is irrelevant,” Dygor states. “They have been terminated.”

  Turn to page 60.

  Page 29

  You remain in front of Julia and say, “Dygor, she is harmless. It is me you want.”

  “Then come now,” Dygor says.

  You hunch over a little and say, “I am too weak from this intense headache. It hurts so bad, I don’t think I can walk. Dygor, come carry me.”

  Dygor lowers the gun and walks forward. Right as he nears, you duck to the side and Julia shoves him with all her strength. Off balance, Dygor falls onto the bed. You grab a strap, throw it over him, and secure it. Julia had rushed out of the room and entered the control room. Suddenly, the bed shifts and Dygor’s head enters the MRI machine.

  As the machine activates, Dygor screams. The strap holds him in place. You had snuck out when the machine turned on, and had joined Julia in the control room. After the scan is complete, Julia points to the computer screen. You see that inside Dygor’s head are mechanical parts. He is not human, but an android.

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 30

  You point in shock as Dygor pushes himself out of the scan, slides off the bed and walks up to the window you are staring out. Julia is frozen in fear.

  “Master,” Dygor begins. “I seem to be experiencing some memory loss.”

  You and Julia exchange glances, and you ask, “What is my name? Tell me your mission.”

  “Your name, sir?” Dygor is confused. “I can’t recall your name. As for my mission, I am your protector. I am here to watch over you and assure your mission is a success. By the way, what is your name? What is your mission? I will assist in your efforts and help you achieve your goal.”

  Julia whispers, “I think the MRI wiped his brain. Well, his memory.”

  “Dygor,” you say, “I am Jonathan Zane, and our mission is to destroy the UFO. Can you take me to the aliens’ ship and help me destroy it?”

  Dygor stares at you blankly and says, “It would be an honor to serve you. Yes, I can.”

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 31

  “Be careful Jonathan,” Julia says. “I’ve been worrying about you for days, hoping and praying that you were okay. Now that you’re back, I don’t want to lose you again.”

  “I know it must have been hard,” you begin, “thank you for not giving up on me. For being understanding and for being here for me. Wait for me, I will be right back.”

  You hug Julia, and then Dygor leads you outside. Upon stepping away from the university building, you notice thick grey clouds above. A brilliant light shines down upon you and Dygor, and soon it engulfs you in its essence. You suddenly feel weightless. Your feet begin to lift off the ground, and your body levitates all the way into the source of the light.

  Your feet suddenly land on solid ground and the light around you disappears. You stand in a small room with silver walls and a white ceiling.

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 32

  Above you is a large circular device which must have been the source of the light.

  Dygor motions for you to exit through a doorway and you walk into a long white hallway. You glance at several doors, each one with foreign symbols above them.

  At first you are unsure what they say, but as you continue to look upon them, their meanings become clear to you. One door leads to the engine room, a few lead to bedrooms, and the main one straight ahead leads to the throne room. Dygor soon leads y
ou down the hall and into the engine room, full of unimaginable complex matrixes and circuit boards, generators and systems.

  “What are you going to do?” you ask.

  “This spaceship was designed for stealth,” Dygor states. “I am going to disable the cloud generator and de-camouflage the ship.”

  Continue on the next page.

  Page 33

  Moments later, Dygor holds a control board in his hands and says, “The minute I rip this out of the computer system, the ship will be visible. The Men in Black have been trying to track this vessel since we arrived, so they can take it out of the sky. Once I pull this out, we better abandon ship.”


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