Boys of Summer: Sharing Spaces

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Boys of Summer: Sharing Spaces Page 4

by Stephanie Vaughan


  Juggling his backpack, the pizza and his keys, Joe let himself into the condo, the stillness inside letting him know that DJ hadn't made it home yet. It was Wednesday night, and since it was Joe's turn to pick up the pizza, DJ must have stopped for something to drink. Joe put the pizza on the table and turned on the TV to ESPN.

  Pizza and the game—their regular Wednesday evening routine.

  The ride to the beach for seafood and beers nearly two months ago had been the start of something. It hadn't led to sex, much to Joe's disappointment, but a friendship had been born that day. He had no idea how DJ had been able to ride behind him on his motorcycle all the way to Newport Beach and not hit a perfect ten on the horniness scale. Apparently the man had reserves of willpower that Joe could only dream of because Joe had spent the meal fighting the urge to touch DJ.

  After making sure the game was on, Joe checked the fridge and found it severely lacking in the beverage department, adding weight to his theory about the reason for DJ's lateness. He plopped down on the sofa and checked the score of the game in progress, pausing when a player with a build reminiscent of DJ's came up to bat. Joe found himself squinting, comparing the player on the TV screen with the picture in his mind of DJ. Professional athlete or not, Joe gave DJ the edge. Damn, but the man was built.

  As though conjured by Joe's thoughts, the front door open and the man himself blew in, a six-pack of his favorite diet drink under one arm, a pizza balanced on the other. “I know I'm late, but we were out of soda."

  DJ's smile never failed to get a rise out of him. A little wry, as though he found life a source of endless wonder and amusement, it was as warm and natural as the man it belonged to.

  "No problem, except it was my turn to get the pizza, dumbass."

  Standing in front of the table already home to Joe's attempt at dinner, a perplexed look on his face, DJ gave a weary laugh. “Seriously?” He set the white cardboard box down next its twin already waiting, lifted up the lid and looked inside. “Man. Long day. I completely forgot."

  "What the hell—it's not like it won't get eaten. Come sit down, the game's already on."

  "Yeah, okay. Gimme a minute, I just wanna—"

  "What?” Joe looked up, exasperated. “Sit. Eat. Watch the game."

  "Gimme a minute, okay? I'll be right back."

  Something was up. Short-tempered wasn't DJ's style at all. The man was patient in ways Joe would never be. “What's so important it can't wait ‘til the commercial? Bases are loaded and Bonds is up, for Chrissakes."

  DJ stopped, mid-way across the room. Just stopped and stood without speaking.

  "DJ? Something wrong?"

  Whatever internal battle DJ was fighting, it must have been resolved because he turned on his heel and walked quickly back, stopping inches away from the sofa where Joe sat.

  "Wrong? Yeah, you could say that. Look at me and tell me if you notice anything."

  Obviously something was eating at him. DJ stood, legs braced, arms stiff at his side, and as Joe's gaze swept over him DJ almost seemed to flinch. “No. Can't say's I do."

  A muscle in DJ's jaw jumped as he gritted his teeth, met Joe's gaze, and gestured with one hand. “Look a little lower."

  Joe swung his gaze in the direction DJ indicated and ... whoa ... “Mmm, yeah. That would appear to be, um, something of a ... uh ... hard-on.” Joe tried a smile. “Geez, I know you like baseball a lot but—"

  Leaning down to brace his hands on the back of the sofa, DJ brought his face close to Joe's.

  "I like baseball. But that's not what caused this. It was you. All the way home, thinking about sitting next to you. Smelling you. Wanting you. Thinking about that time in the Jacuzzi and how I'd like something like that to happen again. But it can't, because we're roommates. And because you don't want it to.” Eyes narrowing, DJ looked hard at Joe. “I was about to go jerk off, so if you don't mind..."

  Joe was stunned.

  DJ thought ... “No shit?"

  "No shit."

  "DJ.” He wanted to grin like an idiot, but Joe didn't think DJ was ready for that. “Can I just ask, what made you think I didn't want that?"

  Blinking, DJ now looked as stunned as Joe had been a moment before. “Because. Because it never happened again. I know you're Mr. One-Nighter. You've never once brought the same guy home twice, so I figured it was just one of those things. Once and done. Besides, I was right here. If you'd been interested, you knew where to look."

  The way DJ's voice softened, the uncertainty that came into his eyes had Joe reaching out instinctively to touch him. Joe's hand found DJ's and he wove their fingers together, hands touching palm to palm.

  "Aw, Deej. No.” Joe turned, rising to his knees, reaching for DJ with his free hand as DJ pulled away. “No. That's not it at all. It wasn't that I wasn't interested. If anything, I was too interested."

  "Too interested?"

  DJ's eyes narrowed, the look on his face openly skeptical, and Joe couldn't blame him. He knew what his past must look like to somebody like DJ. How could he hope to convince DJ that things had changed? That he'd changed.

  "Yeah, I was. Still am."

  "I'm supposed to believe that Mr. Love-'em-and-Leave-'em is suddenly interested in ... What?” DJ straightened, and Joe's hand fell away. “That's a good question. What are you interested in?"

  Joe sat back on his heels, looking up into DJ's face, normally so trusting and open, now frankly wary. It sucked, but Joe had no one to blame but himself. He'd been a rootless party boy for so long he couldn't blame DJ for not believing him.

  "You. I liked you right away and I was always attracted. But hanging out with you, getting to know you ... it's different now. It's all come together for me and I'd—God, this sounds stupid. But, could we see each other?"

  "See each other, like dating?"

  Damn, but that sounded like interest in DJ's voice. He was so good at playing things close to the vest, Joe had begun to wonder if he'd imagined that night with DJ all those weeks ago. But for the first time since then, the spark was back in DJ's eyes.

  "Sounds kind of lame, doesn't it?"

  "Dating your roommate? Yeah. Sounds like a major bad idea. Real recipe for disaster, if you ask me.” So then why was DJ moving closer and slipping a hand into Joe's hair? Tipping Joe's head back.

  "Definitely no kissing.” Joe looked up as he reached out and placed a hand over DJ's crotch, molding it to the shape of the hard flesh behind the zipper. “Or inappropriate touching."

  Glad he was watching DJ's face, Joe could feel the life pulsing beneath his hand and the look was too hot to miss. DJ closed his eyes, his head dropping back to expose his throat as he pressed forward into Joe's hand.

  DJ stayed that way for a moment before opening his eyes and staring very deliberately down into Joe's as he climbed over the back of the sofa. “And for sure no fucking."

  * * * *

  Joe met him half-way, still kneeling on the sofa as DJ climbed over. Once over, DJ paused for a moment, gazing into Joe's eyes. Assessing. “You know, we really shouldn't do this."

  Staring back, Joe's eyes flickered down to DJ's mouth and back up to his eyes. “Probably not."

  DJ didn't know whose benefit he was saying it for, but he felt the need to say it one last time. “This could totally mess things up."

  "Yeah, it could.” Putting one hand on DJ's chest, letting his fingers trail slowly down, coming to rest just above the snap of DJ's pants, Joe's face relaxed into an easy smile. “Or it could be really, really good."

  They paused for a moment, kneeling, staring into each others’ eyes. And just like DJ wasn't sure just what it was he was looking for in Joe's eyes, later he couldn't say who made the first move. Maybe they both did, because suddenly they were kissing.

  One arm around Joe's neck, the other on Joe's ass, DJ tilted his head a little to feel the slide of lips and tongues better. Up close, the scents of skin and hair were thrilling, clean and sharp and uniquely Joe. DJ ro
cked his hips a little, looking for pressure and ground against Joe's ass when he found it. The sounds from the TV faded into background noise as the reality of Joe in his arms took over.

  It was Joe who moved things horizontal, leaning into DJ, pushing him backward until he fell, pulling Joe down on top of him. Spreading his legs, DJ lay back and took Joe's full weight, groaning at the glorious pressure of Joe's crotch grinding against his.

  The silky heat of Joe's tongue in his mouth, lips moving aggressively over his own, had DJ opening. He wanted to open himself more, take everything Joe had to give. As they kissed and the weight of Joe's body pressed down on him, he grew achingly hard, and waves of heat pooled in his dick. Rolling his hips, DJ nearly came at the jolt of desire that flashed through him. Instead, he slanted his mouth to get more of the taste and feel of Joe, that wicked tongue slipping suggestively into his mouth. Sucking hard on Joe's tongue, DJ couldn't get enough.

  Pulling away just enough to speak, Joe ran the fingers of one hand down DJ's nose, brushing briefly over his cheeks and down to his jaw. Coming to rest on the side of DJ's neck, DJ shivered as Joe stroked seductively back and forth across his jaw line. “God, you are so sexy."

  "If you say so.” It stroked his ego to have someone as beautiful as Joe touching him and looking at him with heat in his eyes.

  "Oh, yeah. Definitely. Here,” Joe reached for DJ's shirt, “can we lose this?"

  His blue Henley skimmed off and tossed aside, DJ groaned when Joe brought his hands up to pinch a nipple and run two fingers down his belly, stopping at his pants. It was almost too much. After lying in his bed night after night, imagining scenes just like this, it sent DJ up in flames to have Joe actually touching him and stroking him.

  Eyes gleaming wickedly, mouth curving in a smile of anticipation, Joe lowered his head to DJ's chest and licked at one nipple. As heat and sensation raced through his body and gathered in his dick, DJ gasped and arched up off the sofa. “Oh! Oh, God, yeah.” DJ shivered as Joe's mouth moved to the other nipple, warm tongue licking, lips blowing a stream of cold air next.

  Joe kissed him hard on the mouth. Looked into DJ's eyes and whispered, “I really want to fuck you."

  A thrill shot through him, and DJ gazed up at Joe's face. Such soulful dark eyes, that perfect straight nose, those lush lips. He wanted. Wanted more of Joe—more of everything. He was overwhelmed by it. “And you're waiting for...?"

  Joe smiled and kissed him again quickly. “From the minute I met you I knew we were going to get along. On the important things we think alike."

  His hands on Joe's waist, DJ's fingers slid up under Joe's shirt and pressed into the warm, smooth skin there. Searching Joe's eyes and liking what he saw there, DJ smiled back. “Can we agree on a bed, then? God knows I've waited long enough."

  "You were waiting for me?"

  "From the minute I met you, I think."

  "If I'd only known."

  Moving to a bed took some negotiation, since neither one wanted to let go, but somehow they made it up the stairs, DJ leading the way to his room. “Do you mind?"

  The hall light lit Joe from behind, highlighting his thick, black hair and casting his face into shadow. Even in the semi-darkness, though, Joe's beautiful smile and slow shake of the head showed clearly enough. “Anything you want."

  Watching Joe undress was possibly the single most erotic moment of DJ's life. He'd been thinking, dreaming, anticipating this moment since he'd opened his door that day and Joe had walked into his life. DJ was stripping out of his own jeans as quickly as possible so that he could take in everything about Joe, down to the smallest movements.

  DJ'd seen guys undress hundreds of times during his college baseball career, but he'd never seen anyone like Joe. Muscular yet sleek, maybe it was his Italian blood, but something about Joe gave him a sophisticated, European look. Pants first, now thumbs hooked in black briefs and then—Oh, yeah. Naked and beautiful. Gorgeous dick, flushed and hard, curving up toward Joe's belly.

  All Joe had to do was look at the bed and DJ was on it, waiting. Kneeling, stroking himself, DJ didn't mind a bit when Joe climbed onto the bed and brushed DJ's hands aside.

  "Uh-uh. That's for me. That's all mine now."

  One hand wrapped around his cock for a squeeze, the other pulled his head in for another hungry kiss. DJ moaned and thrust into Joe's hand, put his own hands on Joe and just about lost it at the feel of that velvety heat.

  DJ liked kissing and part of him was happy that Joe liked it, too. You didn't get to be that good at something unless you genuinely liked to do it. But right this second DJ needed more than kissing and he needed it from Joe. Hard.

  "I want you to fuck me. Now. God, I want you."

  * * * *

  It should have felt weird. Could easily have felt odd. On the scale of things that had the potential to go really wrong, getting naked with a friend had to be way up there. But DJ looked amazing, all hot, naked skin and greedy eyes, and what could have easily seemed like a good idea taken way too far didn't. It felt good and right and, damn, but he wanted this.

  His hand wrapped tight around DJ's dick, DJ arching and thrusting under him, Joe was ready to go off. He had to slow things down. So he reluctantly opened his hand and let go of DJ, only DJ wasn't having any of that. Grabbing Joe's hand with his own, DJ took both hands together and held them in place around his balls and the root of his dick while he ground up against them. His voice when he spoke was gritty with passion and his eyes kept drifting shut. “C'mon, Joe. Let's do this. Don't make me beg."

  "Oh, Deej, no.” He kissed DJ, couldn't seem to stop, ‘cause he tasted so freaking good and it felt so damn right. “No, I just want this to last a little bit and I don't think it will ‘cause you get me too hot."

  "Yeah? Me, too. You, I mean.” DJ's smile was bemused and his eyes were getting that glazed-over look. “Stuff's up there."

  Joe's gaze followed the direction of DJ's nod and broke away long enough to reach into the drawer next to the bed for—yes!—condoms and lube. “Always knew you were the Boy Scout type. Hey, watch it!"

  DJ had taken the opportunity of Joe's stretch and reach to get an iron grip on Joe's dick.

  "Don't want you getting distracted. Always knew you were a little ADD."

  "Believe me, no one's getting distracted here. Although ... God, I love your body. This...” Joe lowered his head to suck one tiny brown nipple into his mouth and worry it with his teeth for a moment, “I hope you like your nipples played with ‘cause I can't stay away. And this...” Moving lower Joe took DJ's beautiful, beautiful cock in his hand again and slurped it into his mouth. The taste of pre-come and sweet, clean skin merged, and Joe was in heaven. He began working DJ with his tongue and lips, and DJ groaned and swore. “This is a work of fucking art."

  "Oh, shit yeah, that's nice. Sweet.” A ragged groan rumbled up from the depths of DJ's chest and he swore some more. “God, that's good. But I want your dick. In me."

  There was no more delaying and Joe sat back long enough to apply protection and slick himself up. Lubing his fingers liberally, he applied two of them to that sweet puckered ass that was calling to him. DJ arched and came up off the bed when Joe found his prostate and strong muscles clamped around Joe's fingers.

  "Never say I can't be reasoned with."

  Removing his fingers, Joe moved his cock into place and pressed. That sweet moment when resistance gave way and the head of his cock first slid in ... there was nothing like it. Nothing. It was victory, euphoria, anticipation, completion all in one. Savoring the moment, Joe pushed slowly, letting DJ's body adjust and his own wallow in the tight, hot heaven they'd found together.

  DJ groaned and arched, his body sliding down on Joe's cock, and Joe made a last final push to be all the way in. The sound of panting filled the room, and Joe paused to look down at DJ, eyes closed, head thrown back, hands gripping the sheets, a smile curving his gorgeous lips.

  Joe's gaze traveled down past DJ's taut abs, his muscular legs
drawn up, to where their bodies met. He withdrew slowly, then just as slowly pressed back in, entranced by the vision of DJ's body swallowing his dick. Was there a hotter sight on the planet? Joe didn't think so.

  Pulling back again, Joe leaned forward on one hand and wrapped the other around DJ's cock. A moment of adjusting and they found their rhythm, DJ groaning with every instroke and sighing every time Joe withdrew. It was all so incredibly fucking good, the glorious rush of sensation every time thrust hard into DJ, the joy of looking down into DJ's beautiful face and knowing it was more than just fucking. It was—

  DJ came and the smoking hot sight of his mouth open in a silent ‘ah’ of ecstasy, come splattering his belly and chest, combined with DJ's body clamping down hard on Joe's cock and Joe came, too. Closed his eyes as the rush of completion came roaring up from his balls and he emptied himself into DJ.

  Joe eventually rolled to one side, but he left one leg tangled with DJ's. He didn't know why, but he found himself fascinated with DJ's skin; how smooth it was, resilient, springing back when a finger pressed into it was removed. Running his hand along DJ's side, down to grip that incredible ass, Joe pulled DJ's leg up and over his own where he continued to idly stroke it.

  When DJ finally roused, it was to reach for Joe's hand and bring it to his lips. Opening his eyes to meet Joe's gaze, DJ smiled and held Joe's gaze as he placed a kiss in the palm. DJ held onto the hand and brought it to his chest.

  Something in DJ's expression worried Joe. Was he having regrets already? Joe could see that DJ's internal monologue of doubt had started already, so when DJ's mouth opened and closed without words emerging, Joe's anxiety kicked into high gear. “What? Say it. Whatever it is, I want to hear it."

  "Don't take this the wrong way, but...” DJ looked apprehensive and Joe's heart plummeted. “How do you feel—just hypothetically—about TVs in the bedroom? My day's ruined if I miss SportsCenter."


  * * *

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