Desert Strike

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Desert Strike Page 9

by Leo Nix

  “War is hell ain't it?” he chuckled. Walker put his arm around Nulla's shoulder and together they walked across to the newly erected tent city – this was their new meal venue since the arrival of refugees and soldiers from Alice Springs. They went over to Halo and Pedro who were surrounded by a group of admiring off-duty soldiers.

  “…then he spun around and kicked the bloke in the stomach. He continued to spin, full circle, to slice his neck with his knife,” said Halo who was demonstrating the move standing above everyone on the table. Halo looked up to see the two older men approaching and stopped.

  Pedro didn't notice and kept talking. “He's not human I tell yous. When that berserker takes over, he's a demon. He dances among them terrorists and just cuts 'em up like a samurai, then throws his knife like a circus performer.” He moved his hands to show how Sundown held his knife and performed a perfect re-enactment of throwing. “He threw Shamus' commando knife and it went into his eye socket and right into his evil brain. The boofhead just stopped dead in his tracks and then dropped into the creek bed.”

  A young voice called from the middle of the group of soldiers. “Hey Pedro, what sort of knife was it?”

  Pedro suddenly stopped talking as though shot. He peered through a gap in the group, trying to locate the voice. “It's you ain't it! That bloody boofhead wot asks all them damn questions.” He didn't have time to finish when Captain Johnny Walker stepped up and called for their attention.

  “Pedro, we've got a job for you and Halo after lunch.” He lifted the tea pot, felt that it was still hot then reached for a spare mug and poured himself a cup. He looked to Nulla who nodded and poured one for him as well.

  “What's this about then?” asked Halo scratching at the itchy bullet scar on his scalp.

  “Special training session for the Girl Guards, mate. I need six AK's, pistols and knives. You've still got that Deaths Head knife collection of yours?” Nulla had Halo pegged and wouldn't let him look away.

  “Aww gee, Nulla, that's my private collection,” he whined. “Damn it, I earned them. Each one tells a story of death and destruction.” The boys around him laughed. They'd heard the story many times of the Marree Hotel battle and how Halo had collected every Deaths Head knife before they escaped to Birdsville.

  “Halo, sorry mate, we only need six, just six. I'll let you officially award each girl their own knife and they can kiss your cheek, the one on your face that is.” Captain Johnny Walker chuckled and turned to Pedro. “Mate, I need you and your sniper rifle, and can you grab a Blaser with ammo as well?”

  Pedro nodded, he already knew this was on the agenda. Sundown had spoken to him before he left for Alice Springs. “I need you both at the sheering shed to walk the girls through their weapons and then onto the range.”

  A voice called out from among the troops. “Can we help? Them girls are… cute.”

  Johnny reached across several bodies and from the very middle of the pack, pulled up a young soldier, just out of short pants.

  “Ah ha! Bob, my boy! So, you like these young girls so much you want to help them out too?” he said smooth as silk.

  The young man smiled with delight. “Thanks, Captain Walker, I'd really like that.”

  “While the girls are busy with weapons training, they'll need someone to shovel the manure from the camel sheds. I want those three sheds of theirs cleaned of every scrap of camel shit before 3 pm. Got it?” The captain finally released the frustration that had built up inside him all morning.

  “That's what you get for being a boofhead and asking questions all the damn time!” said Pedro. “'Koala Bob is it? Matey, I'm going to kick your butt with me tin legs if you don't have those yards shining by three o'clock. Johnny here can relieve me when I gets tired of it.”

  Koala Bob, turned and grinned at his mates. Any attention from the legendary originals was worth even the worst punishment. Besides, he knew he'd get to meet the girls when they came back from training, so this wasn't punishment at all. He was already practicing what he would say to the girls.

  After weapons training with Pedro and Halo, the girls were back in the sheering shed, they were exhausted. They had started the day learning to manage the camels. Each had their own mounts and were now expected to sleep nearby every night to help speed the bonding. Next, they did physical exercises, followed by self defense with Shadow and then assassination moves with Captain Walker. After a short lunch break there was weapons training and learning how to move like a sniper through the desert scrub. Right now Nulla and Johnny were introducing them to strategy and tactics.

  Jaina spoke up first. Much like Blondie she'd been through basic terrorist training, followed by specialist training for the Tajna Sluzba.

  “Nulla, why did you choose four of us, shouldn't it just be Blondie and me? Lucy and Heidi shouldn't have to be put through this intensity of training in such a short space of time. How will they remember anything?”

  Both Lucy and Heidi were lying on the floor of the sheds massaging their feet, just like Nulla had taught them on their way from Adelaide. Their life in Adelaide seemed so long ago now.

  “Jaina, we're all fond of you girls, you know that. Even Johnny here is.” Captain Walker smiled sheepishly. “I wanted you two on this mission, so did everyone else Sundown spoke to. But what I've seen of these two Adelaide beauty's was so impressive, I thought four was better than two.”

  Heidi's head slowly rose and she looked up at him. This was followed by a curious Lucy.

  “Nulla, did I hear that correctly? You said we were… beauty's?” asked an amazed Heidi.

  The group chuckled and Nulla grinned. “I'm sure I said you impressed me with your courage and loyalty. I saw how both of you handled yourselves when Arty was shot. I heard from Simon and Luke how Lucy stayed to help them when that bastard Wilson bloke fired at you. Both of you are hero's in my eyes.”

  The girls were silent for a few moments, then Lucy spoke up. “Nulla, do you really mean that?”

  “I sure do Lucy. Didn't I want you to take command of our group if I was killed on our way here, to Birdsville?”

  “And the boys stood up for me too?” she continued, her face bright with tears.

  “Those boys think the world of you two. If it wasn't for what they told me, you wouldn't have been invited to join this elite group.” Nulla reached down and lifted her to a standing position beside him. “Lucy, you showed your true worth on our way here, to sanctuary. You helped Simon take out those terrorists at the motel. You helped cover Luke at Arkaroola. You've not skimped a dirty job here at the palace. Even helping Fatima and Pinkie clean those sex rooms in the tunnels wasn't too much for you. So that's why you're here, because I trust you.” Nulla stopped, then added, “No, that's not true. It's because we all trust and respect you.”

  Of course Heidi wasn't going to let Lucy take all of Nulla's attention and perhaps she also wanted the rugged Johnny to take notice. “Nulla, when you said we were 'beauty's' you did mean 'pretty' didn't you?” Heidi had her chin lifted slightly, again, just like Glenda did when she wanted something from Nulla. Her throat was pale, she was young and at that moment she was simply gorgeous.

  “Heidi, if you ask me one more time if I think you're beautiful, guess what I'm going to do.” Nulla said firmly knowing exactly what she was up to. Behind him he heard Captain Walker chuckling softly.

  Heidi dropped her chin and said into her chest. “I know, you'll take my AK off me.” Under her breath she whispered loud enough to be heard. “Glenda gets away with it all the time, why not me?”

  Captain Johnny Walker couldn't stop himself. “You girls are all beautiful, that's why we chose you. But don't forget, this is an assassination and it might end up a suicide mission. If you get caught you'll be executed.” A chill air entered the shed and the girls, except Blondie, sat down, the smiles slipped from their faces. There was no more fun, it was serious again. “Not only will you be killed but being pretty carries its own dangers. Beauty is a myth isn't it
Blondie?” Captain Johnny Walker deliberately asked the prettiest and the toughest of them all.

  Blondie had been quiet throughout their training. It wasn't just a case of her ongoing hangover from the nightly binges, but because she was bored with life. This was all so meaningless to her.

  “Heidi,” she said turning to the girls sitting beside her, “look at me,” she commanded, “look at me and tell me what you see.”

  The girls knew her story, of how she had escaped the entire Mount Isa Revelationist army, without the help of her brother, Fat Boy. Blondie, the ex-Revelationist secret agent, intrigued the entire commando. They all fell silent, waiting to hear what she was going to say.

  “Well?” She waited another few seconds before continuing. “Beauty is a myth, it's not the key to happiness like they told you on TV. Beauty is a commodity, others want it and they'll do anything to get it. People will deliberately hurt you to take what they want from you. Men use you and women are jealous of you. Being beautiful is a curse.” She wanted to have that cigarette she saw Nulla rolling but she put it off until she'd made her point. “Beneath this so-called beauty, I'm just a boring person. I'm not even a woman any more, I'm just a chattel.” She spat out that last sentence.

  Jaina looked at her mentor, her face betrayed her concern. “Blondie, we're Tajna Sluzba, I'll always look after you, you know that.”

  “Yes, I'm Tajna Sluzba, I can survive anything I'm a protected species.” Blondie replied wiping at her eyes which had mysteriously grown moist.

  Nulla saw what was happening and stepped in. “Righto, Johnny, if you can take over tactics please. Blondie, please walk with me.” He reached across and took her arm gently. Blondie walked meekly with him towards the back door of the sheering shed. Together they sat quietly, watching the sun easing its way towards the horizon.

  “Blondie, what's going on with you? I've been watching you slowly drift away from us. You've gone somewhere in your head and I'm worried that we now have to worry about the greatest asset we have against the terrorists, you,” he said looking directly at her.

  Blondie sat silently, watching the reds and orange streaks against the high clouds on the western horizon. They sat without talking for some minutes, then she began.

  “Nulla, between you and me, I just want out. Cambra noticed too and tried to help, but I threw it back in his face. I've just stopped wanting things, life is meaningless.” Her legs swung back and forth. Nulla waited, noticing the tears running down her cheeks.

  “You've got Glenda and a baby on the way and that's meaningful.” Blondie lifted her legs up and rested her chin on her knees. “Everyone else has family and friends and they have meaning. But I've got nothing, not even pleasant memories. I've got emptiness. I just have revenge.”

  Nulla knew there was something coming, so he reached into his pocket and pulled out his tobacco pouch. “Want one?” he asked as he began to roll two cigarettes, one for each of them.

  Blondie waited for her cigarette to light before drawing the smoke deeply into her lungs and resting her chin back on her knees.

  “Reverend Albert organised for the gang to rape me, Nulla. Fat Boy found out the truth off the Iceman. We weren't wanted any more.” Blondie paused as she drew on the cigarette, she felt her head spin. Their supplies of cigarettes and tobacco was now gone. Pedro and Nulla appeared to be the only ones to have real tobacco. Everyone else was smoking smelly bush herbs, dried tea leaves and something people called 'bush tobacco' but tasted like camel manure.

  “That's what I've been craving, a proper smoke, thanks,” she said and continued as she waved at the flies darting in to land on her face. “I know where he is and I know Reverend Thomas and Reverend Mark have him in their sights. They all have their own special mansions in Darwin. When we get there I'll hunt them down, in my own way and in my own time. I'll assassinate them, all of them.” Nulla could hear the venom in her voice and he looked carefully at her.

  “Blondie?” Nulla said quietly. “Do you mind if I ask Charlene to talk with you? She's helping Tricia and Katie in the first aid team and she's good to talk to. I've had a few chats with her myself, so have Halo and McFly. I'd like you to as well. What do you say?”

  Blondie just nodded and drew on her cigarette again. “Yeah, I like that girl, she's quiet and peaceful, a good find, Nulla. It won't do any good but I promise to have a chat with her.”

  With the training day over, Captain Johnny Walker and Shadow walked with the three girls to their camp near the camels, while Nulla and Blondie stayed behind to talk. They now cooked their meals around the camels so they would get use to the smells and flickering of the camp fire. The camels made noises of complaint but the group got on with their evening preparations regardless.

  “Shadow, look! Spooky's coming over to see what we're eating!” Spooky was Jaina's camel. Gently and slowly, Jaina handed the young camel a piece of flat bread made from what wheat they had left and other edible seeds Fatima and Fat Boy had grown, harvested and baked.

  “Amazing!” whispered Captain Walker. He and Shadow now had a truce of sorts, they simply ignored each other.

  “Captain?” asked Jaina, after Spooky returned to his camel friends, satisfied. “When did you say Sundown would be back?”

  Captain Johnny Walker wiped the food from the corners of his mouth before he spoke. “Andy said they should be on their way back tomorrow, or the day after. Apparently they'll be bringing some Pine Gap troops with them. There's more to this than we know, Jaina. Sorry I just can't tell you more because I don't know.”

  Lucy watched from beside the fire. “What's it with Blondie? Does anyone know why she's acting so strange lately?”

  “She's angry at the world these days,” said Jaina, cleaning up her mess gear. “The church people up north treated her bad and she wants revenge. I think it's eating her up that she can't get there faster. By camel, it's going to take us months just to get there. Then we have to find the targets and execute the assassinations.”

  Lucy sat thinking for a while. “Didn't Nulla say Fat Boy's going to do some prep with his friends in the bike gang before we get there? Aren't we suppose to just turn up, charm the churchy's and then kill them?”

  “You make that sound so easy, Lucy,” said Heidi. “We have to survive the trip first. Don't forget Wiram and Nulla will probably come with us. They're our backup plan and escape route. If we don't get the local aborigines on-side we're going to have trouble hiding the camels and gear. Then we'll be at the mercy of the bikers. You know what wankers they can be.”

  “I worry about Donna and Glenda, Heidi, they'll miss their partners. It's going to be dangerous.” Lucy was helping Jaina set up their swags for the sleep-out. It was a simple rug on the ground and two sticks to support a cover for their head, if needed.

  “Huh,” said Captain Walker, “dangerous for the boys? Give me a break, it's you lot we're worried about. Why the hell do you think we've been pushing you so hard?”

  Shadow was about to say something when Lucy spoke up. “Johnny, you can share my bed if you like and then we won't be scared.” Her impish face creased into a smile and she winked at him.

  “Lucy, I'm not like that you know,” he hurried on. “Not that I don't like you or find you unattractive.” Captain Johnny Walker's face turned red. This was dangerous territory, a single male with a group of intelligent females.

  “The best looking fella in the camp and he's gay!” cried Heidi as she put more wood on the fire and set the billy to boil water for their cup of tea.

  “Well, young lady, I quite like who I am,” he said teasing the girls. He was back in control and on safe ground. The group had this conversation at almost every meal and he was getting used to their rough and tough, girlie-way of teasing him. He reached down and grabbed at his crotch. “You know I could still entertain you if you wanted.”

  Jaina burst out laughing. “Johnny! Put your meat mallet back into your trousers before one of the dogs thinks it's a sausage! Don't even think
about it!” She was holding a length of rope in one hand and a stick in the other, but right now she couldn't remember what she was supposed to do with either of them.

  “I hear your Shrek man is, ah, well-hung my dear. I guess you just don't need me anyway.” He got up laughing to himself and walked into the night towards the shed. He called back to them over his shoulder. “I'll get Blondie and Nulla. Final lesson in half an hour.” It was back to business and time was running out for everyone.

  Blondie was heading back to the camel camp for her meal. She told Johnny that Nulla had gone back to see his wife and said he wouldn't be back for another few hours.

  Johnny thanked her and smiled. “Did he now? I think he forgot it was his turn to walk you girls through night stalking. I'll send someone to get him.”

  “Nulla?” Glenda was pulling her top on while Nulla showered ready to go back to help with the girl's training.

  “Yes, love?” he called as he towelled himself dry.

  “Come back here for a minute,” she said coyly.

  “Why? What do you want now?” he asked absently, putting on his shirt.

  “I just want, you know, I want to…” she let her voice trail off.

  “Oh, that again. Righto, I'm on my way.” Nulla came out of the bathroom, threw his towel and shirt into the corner and eased his muscled body beside her. Glenda was lying on the bed with just her t-shirt on. She reached up and took it off as he pulled her body in close to his and snuggled his face into her swelling breasts.

  “Nulla, I'm worried about this holiday patrol Sundown wants you to go on,” she said softly, enjoying his firm body pressed tightly against hers.

  “I told you darling, Wiram and I are just there to entertain the camels. Sundown wants the originals, plus the cameleers, to go on a short training patrol, that's all. It's safe and it's going to be a quiet holiday. I promise we'll be back, even if I have to kill every terrorist in the territory to get back to you, my love.” He held her close as he rolled her over, she now lay on top of him.


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