Desert Strike

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Desert Strike Page 25

by Leo Nix

  “I bet they'll be sore and sorry in the morning,” said Assassin as he tied their feet and hands then bundled them back into their post. He removed their weapons and boots then checked to make sure they had no communications. It was just as intelligence told them, they were an isolated outpost in the middle of nowhere. While he was checking the post, Chan ran to the back of the truck and flashed the signal for Doff to bring his Bushmaster up.

  “They'll be out for a while. If you're ready then let's get into action,” Halo called to Doff as he climbed back into their truck and headed towards the Marree Hotel.

  Chan guided the Bushmaster into its position just outside the town. He then deployed with the four special ops soldiers in one of the abandoned sheds to watch over the excavation party. Halo had let slip to his mate, Obi-Wan, that he had a secret rendezvous with some bottles of whiskey one night and that was it. Obi-Wan had an open order to participate in every and any operation the commando had going. So he invited himself and his boys along.

  Their job was to provide cover when the whiskey team returned with their liquid spoils. Fortune was now using his SAW machine gun while the other three had their M4A1 and MK17's. Anyone who messed with these boys would only do it once.

  They arrived like the wind itself which blew clouds of dust into the eyes of the few drunken terrorists still out and about at the midnight hour. Donata parked the truck right beside the old Marree Hotel and climbed out. Cambra pointed out where they had to dig. The building had collapsed after the terrorists deemed it unsafe and had detonated explosives to bring it down. The hidden cellar door was under a pile of rubble.

  “Hey, what are you blokes doing?” called a drunk weaving his way towards them with the wind in his face. He peered at them in the dark, his hand up to keep the dust from his eyes.

  “Corporal Spears? I can see you're enjoying the night air. We've just escaped from Sundown's prison and we're excavating his private cellar. We found out he has a case of whiskey stashed in here somewhere and we're going to get it before anyone else does. Want to join us?” explained Lieutenant Donata smoothly.

  “Did ya say,whiskey? Why sure, count me in. Here, let me help ya's.” The drunken Stosstruppen corporal scrambled towards the boys falling several times on the many broken bricks on the ground. Cambra and Assassin were lifting a heavy timber beam and immediately put him to work.

  Twenty minutes into it they'd uncovered the secret trapdoor in the floor just as a group of female Deaths Heads came around the corner and stopped. Donata noted they had the skull and crossed bones, tattooed on their bare forearms. His old animosity flared when he saw them.

  “Hi girls, don't I know you?” asked Donata who quickly brightened for their benefit. “Well if it isn't Private Middleton and her friends. Been out partying again I see.”

  “What are you doing here, lieutenant?” asked a suspicious and slightly less inebriated girl standing back a little from the others.

  Donata didn't hesitate. “We've just escaped from Sundown's prison where we found out there's a secret stash of whiskey in his cellar. We're getting it before anyone else does. Want to join in?”

  Three of the girls smiled broadly and laughingly began to help move some of the bricks the boys were still tripping over. Out of the corner of his eye Donata saw Halo put his good left hand into his coat pocket and move behind the truck out of sight of the forth girl.

  “You should have reported to the duty officer. We've just come from there and he said nothing about a truck full of escaped prisoners.” She backed away from the small crowd, turned then started to run.

  Halo stepped from behind the truck with his silenced M9 Beretta and snapped off two rounds which smacked wetly into her back. It was quick and a gust of wind disguised the sounds as he awkwardly dragged her body and hid it under the truck. He nodded to Donata who stood frozen watching for witnesses.

  By now there were two commandos and four terrorists laughing as they opened the trap door. Cambra told them to step back while he handed up the two cases of Irish whiskey to Assassin, who took them and put them carefully into the back of the truck. Next came the bottles of port and even more whiskey, all very old and very expensive. Cambra handled each bottle fondly, like they were lovers.

  When they were done, Cambra gave each of the helpers a bottle of his $200 whiskey, and told them to run and hide it before anyone saw them. With a giggle and a skip in their step the girls ran off leaving the drunk to weave his way to where-ever he was headed. No one missed the tattle-tale girl.

  “Time to get out of here. Come on, into the truck. Halo, you jump in the back and cover our retreat,” ordered Cambra now taking charge. They didn't see the four Deaths Heads standing not half a dozen paces away, their weapons levelled at them.

  “You! You little prick in the back, I know you. Come out or we'll fire,” called one of the Deaths Heads.

  Halo's face creased in bewilderment, 'how the hell would they know me?' he thought.

  “Hi, guys,” he said as he jumped down from the back of the truck his hand in white plaster and sling. “Do I know you? No, I don't, unless you're a Talon or a Raven's Claw or a Crusader. So who the fuck are you?” He sounded rightly belligerent and resentful.

  The man who called him out stood with his pistol raised but now lowered it, a little less sure of himself.

  “I'm sure I saw you with the Sundown mob at the mines. Weren't you the bastard who planted the booby trap in the Bofors and ammunition truck?” he asked.

  “What the fuck are you talking about, mate? I'm from Longreach, I'm a Crusader you dick. Unless you've been up that way recently then you don't know me and I don't know you. And put that fucking weapon down soldier!” His voice snapped like a pine tree pushed too far in a gale.

  “Then, what are you doing here in Marree in the middle of the night?” came another voice. “It looks like you're stealing something.”

  Assassin and Cambra both had their silenced pistols just below the window sill in the truck cabin.

  Donata knew he needed to calm things down quickly. “Hey, fellas, calm down. We've just escaped from Sundown's prison camp where we heard there was a stash of whiskey hidden in the cellar of the Marree Hotel. We've found it. If you want a bottle then you can have one but don't tell anyone or we'll lose the lot. We didn't spend months in his stinking prison cells to lose our reward.”

  Halo had his left hand in his pocket cradling the pistol. His right in the sling helped make their story of escaped prisoners more believable. Donata added, “I don't know you lot because I've been in his prison but we're legit and if you want a bottle of $200 Irish whiskey, then come and get it.” He walked to the back of the truck and pulled out four bottles then walked over to the Deaths Head commandos who lowered their weapons eagerly, waiting to take a bottle each.

  “Here take one, but by Jupiter's bare arse keep it secret,” Donata said as he handed out the four expensive bottles of whiskey.

  Cambra watched in extreme frustration and resentment. He whispered to Assassin beside him. “That's my friggin' whiskey he's handing out like they're bottles of lemonade. Damn it! If anyone else comes along we'll have none left for our celebration.” He quickly looked up and down the street where he saw another group of soldiers wandering towards them. Elbowing Assassin in the ribs he said, “Fuck this! Let's do them before Donata gives all of my whiskey away!”

  They each carried a M9 Beretta primarily because they'd found a box of them with silencers in the palace tunnels. He lifted his pistol to clear the truck window sill and fired. Assassin almost choked in shock, recovered quickly, and opened fire too. The muffled sounds of bullets hitting bodies and $200 bottles of Irish whiskey smashing on the roadside made both Donata jump in fright.

  “You bastards!” squeaked Halo trying to keep his voice down. “Donata had this under control!” A moment later there were shouts and the sounds of hurrying feet. When Halo looked up he saw what must have been the duty officer and three of his guards running towards the
m. “You frigging idiots!”

  Obi-Wan had just eased his muscled six foot one inch frame quietly into the shadows beside an old shed when he saw activity. It was the headquarters communications office. The staff were still awake and very active. He knew he'd need to silence them eventually.

  “Guys, cover the whiskey patrol, I'll deal with the duty staff,” he said as the four others nodded their assent. The sounds of movement and then yells came to their ears. Obi-Wan knew it was time for action so he pulled his three foot machete from its scabbard. It was shaped like a mini-sword with a foot-long handle. The blade itself was razor sharp and it made a whipping noise when swung with force. Obi-Wan spun it in his hand like a gun slinger waiting for his chance to perform the 'decisive act'.

  The four guards, weapons drawn, had to run past Obi-Wan's shed to get to the whiskey patrol truck. The expert martial-arts swordsman knew he needed to silence them before they woke the whole township. He slowed his breathing and stopped his internal clock - time stood still. For that single moment, just before unleashing his power, Obi-Wan brought his life-force into his dan tien, his centre of power. His vital force then rippled back into present time as he stepped forward into the middle of the pack of running soldiers.

  With a flick of his wrist Obi-Wan slashed his blade across the first man's throat almost slicing his head from his shoulders. With a fluid follow-through he backhanded with a whipping stroke across the second soldiers face which brought a blood curdling scream. The terrorist went down his eyes split in half.

  Obi-Wan's next movement was a two-handed chop that took the forearm and pistol from the third soldier who now stood looking at his arm lying on the ground. Obi-Wan kicked him in the chest sending the one-armed soldier flying backwards. His forth movement was another backhanded flick of his wrist. It would have decapitated the last Stosstruppen soldier if she hadn't pulled back a split second before the blade spilled her lifeblood onto the dry sands of Marree. The slaughter was over in seconds.

  The screams of his second victim, however, woke half the township. Obi-Wan was annoyed, if the terrorist hadn't flinched it would have been perfect. He pulled his silenced Glock 19 and ended the screaming. But now the special ops and Chan had something to do other than watch Obi-Wan's swordplay.

  Donata jumped into the truck as Cambra gunned the engine into life. The wind momentarily died down and the sound of the truck backfiring must have woken the other half of the fifteen hundred enemy troops stationed in Marree. Halo was still standing beside the truck when he recognised the Deaths Heads uniforms of the four dead in front of him. In three quick steps he leaped forward to relieve them of their replica SS Nazi knives for his collection.

  “Hey wait for me!” he yelled as he threw his precious load into the back of the truck. Then, struggling with one foot on the ground and the other over the tailgate, the truck took off. As Cambra accelerated Halo managed to lock the elbow of his injured arm over the backboard then wrestled the rest of his body into the back of the truck.

  Assassin turned to Cambra and said dryly, “You dickhead.” Then he pulled his AK from behind the seat.

  The four special ops and Chan opened fire as the first enemy troops came out of their tents. It reminded Chan of an angry meat-ant's nest as half asleep terrorists came running to find out what was happening. The volume of fire from the special ops covering force confused and terrified their enemy. All they could think of was to run for cover. They couldn't see where the fire was coming from and most were still waking up. A lot didn't even have weapons in their hands or boots on their feet.

  “Quick get in!” screamed Cambra pulling up beside their support squad. The special ops team ran for the back of the truck firing firing from the hip. Obi-Wan and Pipeline deployed flash-bangs and smoke grenades which added to the terrorist's confusion. Murphy and Soldier of Fortune continued to lay down heavy fire while they all crammed into the back of the truck. Chan stood picking off any enemy who came towards them, with his assault rifle.

  The wind had now picked back up as Cambra jammed his foot on the accelerator. The wheels spun sending more dust into the air. The truck kangaroo-hopped struggling to gain momentum as the Bushmaster raced into the town firing its twin mounted 7.62 mm machine guns. The arrival of the armoured vehicle made the terrorists think it was a full scale night attack, most ran away to hide in the desert scrub.

  The wind lifted the dust and mixed it with the smoke to cover their retreat. As they drove back the way they'd come, Halo burst out laughing, “I don't believe we just did that!”

  “You guys are crazy but we wouldn't have missed this for the world. Meeting you guys has been a whole lot of fun,” said Pipeline in his deep baritone voice, then he too burst into laughter. Assassin, Cambra and Donata in the front cabin looked at each other wondering what their passengers in the back were laughing about.

  Captain Johnny Walker was distracted by a call from Major Lewis as the whiskey patrol walked in to the Birdsville HQ.

  “Sir, how the hell do we get to Sydney from this bloody place?” he said loud and clear for all to hear in the HQ. “I know he's under a lot of stress, I spoke to him last night remember?” he paused, listening. “Sorry sir, yes sir, I'll get on to it as soon as I can. Out.” He looked up as Doff walked in with Chan, the three Sundown Commandos and the special ops boys.

  “And where the hell have you lot been?” Everyone froze waiting for the storm to break.

  “Captain Walker,” said Chan pushing Doff out of the way and taking control of the situation. He knew that even Captain Walker wouldn't come down hard on him, not on one of Sundown's Commandos, and definitely not someone with Chan's credentials and known record of patrols and kills. “We've rescued that Irish whiskey Shamus liked so much. You know, Shamus the original Sundown Commander?”

  Captain Walker was about to explode but stopped himself with some effort. “I heard you silly bastards were up to something but had no idea what it was. So that's it then? A bottle of whiskey?”

  “Not a bottle sir, two cases and some extras. We knocked over the Marree barracks and put the fear of God into them. It was a swift and decisive action and the enemy were totally unprepared for us.” Chan didn't pause for breath, he needed to get it all out before he lost confidence. “We caused, perhaps, thirty enemy casualties, and we got away without a scratch.”

  Captain Walker rubbed his face several times, turned and poured himself a strong, over-brewed coffee sitting on the wood stove. He needed to sort out his head before he answered. The coffee was bitter like his mood.

  “Right, let me get this straight, Specialist Chan. You requisitioned Bushmaster Charlie, its crew chief and the entire crew…” He looked at the four special ops and the commandos. “Plus this lot… to rescue a box or two of alcohol?”

  Sergeant Doff now gently eased Chan aside, it was time he stepped up. Being only a year younger than Captain Walker and his second in command, he spoke up clearly. “Captain, it was my idea. I talked the boys into bringing back a box of whiskey from the Marree Hotel to help Sundown's Commando celebrate the mines conflict and Shamus' death. It was my responsibility as senior NCO and crew chief.”

  Halo stepped in front of Doff holding his plastered hand in front of him as he spoke.

  “Sorry, Captain Walker, but it was my idea. Sergeant Doff was pressured into it because of me. I thought of it and I organised it…” but before he could finish Cambra pulled on Halo's shoulder dragging him backwards and then stepped to the front.

  “That's bullshit, Halo. Johnny, I had two cases of Jameson Whiskey hidden in my hotel and wanted it for Shamus' Day. It was my idea, no one else's. If the axe is going to fall then it has to be on my neck. I'm also responsible for using your back door, that was my idea and I put the pressure on everyone to do it.” Cambra was now pulled away by Assassin.

  “Now that is bullcrap, Cambra. I'm the one who got the intelligence from comm's and I'm the one who pushed for us to use the back door,” he said with a conviction that made
Johnny Walker look at everyone like they were mad.

  “What the hell are you all on about? You've gone behind my back, Major Lewis' and Sundown's back and even Wiram's back to drive into Marree, confront two battalions of their best, just to steal a box of whiskey? But even worse you've compromised the back door we've kept under wraps for the past three months?” He smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand.

  “I've got Louie on my friggin' arse to plan a rescue mission for Sydney Charlie on the other side of the bloody continent, now you've got our yank mates here acting in an unrecognised, unorganised and unauthorised action… how the hell do I explain this to my superiors?”

  Staff Sergeant Obi-Wan stepped forward from the back of the pack. He thought he might have a bit more pull than the rest. “Captain Walker, Commander Cullen ordered us to participate in any covert action your boys had planned. I'm sure she would be pleased that you organised a hit and run patrol like this, which sent a message to the Revelationists, that they weren't safe even in their own beds, sir.”

  No one spoke but all heads slowly turned towards Obi-Wan.

  “Well I'll be hog-tied and gagged” muttered Halo looking with admiration at Obi-Wan. “That's exactly what we had planned, wasn't it Captain Walker?”

  The captain shook his head. If he thought the Girl Guards were bad this lot were a hundred times worse.

  “OK, get out, all of you, piss off out of my sight. Sergeant Doff, you stay behind.” Captain Walker now resigned himself to creating some sort of order out of this bloody mess.

  “Sir. Johnny, it's my fault, those idiots were going in regardless. You know what Halo's like when he gets a thought in his head, which fortunately isn't too often,” said the sergeant to his senior.

  “Doff, I know you tried your best but you've screwed up, big time. You do know that I need to inform Vic, Louie and Sundown about this. That back door was left open for a reason and now you've closed it on us. That is going to cost you, not me or Louie or Sundown, you.” Walker now put some rum in his second cup of coffee and offered the same to Doff. He took it in his beefy hands and downed it in one go. The drive back from Marree took them all night and part of the day and he was exhausted.


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