Special Cowboy Menage Collection

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Special Cowboy Menage Collection Page 31

by Morgan Ashbury

  “Don’t stop.” The words came on their own, and she didn’t know if she really could take him or not, but in that moment her body craved him with a hunger she barely grasped.

  “Don’t stop. Fuck me, Jonathan. Please.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  She had to admit, seeing the land like this—with no roads or cars or construction of any kind—made an entirely different impression upon her. Yes, it looked totally different than what she’d grown up with, what she was used to, but beauty dwelled here, too.

  The horses were no small part of that beauty. Because she had asked, Jonathan and James had brought her out here again. This sight must be common to them, yet they seemed willing to indulge her every whim.

  Outside of bed, as well as in it.

  The wager had been that they could make each and every one of her fantasies come true. She’d taken that bet, quite frankly more interested in scratching the sudden fierce itch she’d had for them than anything else. And had discovered, along the way, dreams she’d never fully admitted to having, not even to herself.

  Too dangerous.

  If her recent divorce had taught her anything, it was that it was too dangerous to place your hopes on anyone other than yourself. And yet these last few days had rekindled that silly dream of finding a man who would cherish her, who would see to her comfort and her needs and just be there for her, no matter what. Someone who would think of her and not just of himself. The kicker, of course, is that now she could imagine not just one man in that role, but two.

  “That is an awfully serious face you’re wearing there, darlin’,” Jonathan said from beside her.

  The sound of his voice pulled her out of her thoughts, brought her back to the moment. The mid-day sun shone on down on her, a light breeze smelling of rain brushed her skin, and before her a tableau as beautiful as any she could imagine unfolded for her visceral pleasure.

  She couldn’t share her deepest thoughts. Not yet, and maybe not ever. So she shared what she could, what she’d been thinking as she considered the animals, before her thoughts had turned inward. “Will they make it, do you think? There really are so few of them left. Will there still be herds of feral horses fifty years from now? A hundred? The truly wild horses are already extinct. What if these end that way too?”

  “They won’t. As long as there are people who care, some will survive.” Jonathan sounded certain.

  “People didn’t know, in generations past. They didn’t understand the choices they made had impact in the future. But our generation does. We still have much to learn, but at least now we’re paying attention,” James said.

  They turned their horses around and headed back toward the ranch house.

  “I’ve missed this. I used to ride every week when I lived in New York. Then when I took the job in Washington, it turned into something I would do only once in a while.”

  “I couldn’t imagine not riding most days. Couldn’t imagine life in the city,” Jonathan said quietly. “I go stir crazy if I’m there for more than a couple days at a time.”

  “I’m not quite as tied to the saddle as Jonathan is. That, actually, is probably the only major difference between us. It’s why he’s boss here, and I’m boss at the casino. But I couldn’t live in the city, full time, either. Two weeks is about my limit.”

  James rode a horse as comfortably as his brother did. Tabitha realized that they were like two sides of the same coin.

  “Well I loved city living, for about a year. But then it just got…wearying. Carson City isn’t as frenzied as DC, but this is nicer. I think I like rural living best of all.”

  “You know, the BLM has an office in Winnemucca, and that’s only minutes away,” Jonathan said.

  “So if you ever thought you might like country life on a more regular basis you do have options.”

  Tabitha was getting used to the way the brothers could finish each other’s sentences. What she couldn’t always judge was the meaning behind what they said. So…if she liked it here, she could, what? Move a few miles away and come visit? Or did they mean something else? Her heart pounded in her chest.

  Best not go there. I’ll just pretend those were rhetorical comments.

  When they returned to the saddle barn, one of the men called out. He came over, held Tabitha’s horse as she dismounted.

  “There’s a city dude waiting to talk to Jonathan. I told him you might be awhile, but he said he’d wait. He’s planted his ass on the porch. We’ve been keeping an eye on him. Seems kind of antsy.”

  “City dude, huh? What’s he look like?” Tabitha asked.

  All three of the men looked at her with varying degrees of disbelief. She thought it had been a reasonable question. Finally, the hand said, “He looks like a dude from the city. Black hair. Shades. Suit. Oh, and he likes to look at himself…kept darting his eyes at the car mirror when we were talking.”


  Tabitha bit back her smile, because the brothers Keller had said that one syllable name in the same tone as she had—disgust—and at the same time. They’d sounded like a mini Greek chorus, the three of them.

  “Stupid son of a bitch. Doesn’t he realize that he just barely missed getting his lights punched out the other night?” James asked.

  “I wouldn’t say that perception or insight numbered among his faculties, no.”

  Jonathan nodded. “Depending on what he has to say, I can’t promise he gets a pass this time.”

  “I never asked you to give him one,” she said. “Just don’t get your ass in trouble.”

  “You worried about my ass, darlin’?”

  Jonathan’s smile was sexy as hell. “Well, it is a very nice ass,” she told him.

  “Since he just asked for me, by name, he likely doesn’t want either of you to hear what he has to say,” Jonathan said quietly.

  “What the hell is he up to?” Tabitha knew that about some things, Ed was completely clueless. But she would have thought even a brain-dead moron like him would have twigged on to the vibes coming from the Kellers the other night.

  “Only one way to find out,” James said. “Take him into the kitchen through the front of the house, but give us a few before you get there. Tabitha and I will enter through the mudroom at the back.”

  “That is exactly what I had in mind,” Jonathan said. “That way if my fist accidentally slips, I’ve got witnesses to say I was provoked.”

  “Trust me,” Tabitha said, knowing all the unhappiness she felt about Ed being here came through in her voice, “you will be provoked.”

  * * * *

  Ed had to agree with Phyllis. Anyone who preferred living out here as opposed to Reno, or any other center of civilization, couldn’t be all that swift.

  Sitting in the chair on the front porch of the ranch house—and he had to admit it was a pretty nice house, really—he felt unnerved by all the quiet. His skin actually started to crawl when he caught sight of a fly. Bugs. God, I hate bugs. He hoped that damned cowboy would hurry up and come back.

  He’d rented the car, and even though he’d told Phyllis that he’d wait until she gave him the green light, he’d decided to just come out here on his own today. She’d wanted to make sure Jonathan was alone before he made his move. She seemed to think James and Tabitha would be here too, but he knew better. Tabitha was as much of a city dweller as he was. Despite the fact that Phyllis claimed they’d all driven away together, Ed was reasonably certain the Kellers would have dropped Tabitha off at her house in Reno.

  He knew his ex-wife.

  Motion pulled his gaze to the left. Getting to his feet, he waited for the cowboy to approach. He’d forgotten how big the Kellers were. Dressed as he was in rough clothes, cowboy hat pulled low over his head, he looked like one mean hombre.

  Ed swallowed convulsively. He just had to remember that he, and not Keller, was the urbane one. He, and not Keller was the intelligent one. And really, when you looked at things closely, Ed was doing this guy a huge favor.

/>   “I understand you wanted to see me?”

  “Yes. I thought perhaps we should have a talk. Just mano-a-mano, if you get my drift.”

  “I can’t imagine what you could possibly have to say that would be of any interest to me, but I can give you a few minutes. Come inside. I need some coffee.”

  The interior of the place—the elegance of it—impressed Ed. Hardwood floors, expensive furnishings. There was money here, no doubt about it. And at least the cowboy seemed to respect his surroundings if the amount of time he took to take off his boots, put on house shoes and hang his hat neatly were any indication.

  “Kitchen’s this way.”

  Ed had a moment to firm up his impression that the Kellers were wealthy. He knew quality furnishings when he saw them. This house absolutely reeked of money. No wonder Phyllis wanted to sink her teeth into the other Keller. Not that he blamed her, really.

  It was just a shame he was determined to take Tabitha back to DC once she came to her senses. Otherwise, he could see him and Phyllis making time for each other on a regular basis. That hot little red-head had been right about one thing. She sure as hell had exploded in the sack.

  Ed watched while Cowboy Jonathan went about putting a pot of coffee on to brew. He was about at the end of his patience when the man finally turned, leaned against the counter and folded his arms across his chest.

  “All right, now what brings you here?”

  “A matter of mutual interest.”

  When the cowboy just lifted one eyebrow and waited, Ed plunged ahead. “Look, yesterday before leaving Reno, you were seen kissing and fondling your brother’s girlfriend. I’m assuming that you’d really rather he not find out about that. That kind of a revelation could really fuck a man up, you know? In my estimation, a piece of tail is nice, and all that, but hardly worth the split that would happen between you and what’s his name…Jay?”


  “James, right. A piece of ass isn’t worth bad blood between you and your brother James.”

  Ed gave the man a moment to digest the knowledge that he’d been caught. “Now, here’s the thing. The problem, as I see it, is Tabitha. If it weren’t for her, then there’d be no potential falling out between you and your brother, right? And even though she is a trouble maker—believe me I’m certain that cheating on your brother with you was all her idea—I’d kind of like to have her back. And I know that if I could just get her away from your brother, then she’d come to her senses and we could put our marriage back together.”

  “You mean you’re not divorced?”

  “Well yes, we are, but that’s just a technicality, believe me. She got her panties in a twist the way women sometimes do, and it kind of snowballed from there. I think she just got to the point where she didn’t know when or how to quit, that’s all.”

  “So that takes care of you and Tabitha. But what about James? What will he do with no Tabitha to keep him warm at nights?”

  It was a relief to Ed that the cowboy was at least bright enough to see the big picture. He gave the man a big smile. “See, that’s the beauty of this whole thing. That hot little red-head that manages Aces and Jacks has her eye on him and is getting ready to grab hold of him once I get Tabitha out of the picture. Actually, she was hoping to get to him before I got to you, so she could throw up the fact that you betrayed him—for some reason she wants to start trouble between the two of you. Now, I don’t think there’s any need to be doing something like that. I’m letting you know about that up front, because us men have to stick together. With Tabatha gone, he’ll be missing pussy, and there she’ll be. She’s hot enough and smart enough that a man wanting to get laid will see her, and grab her.”

  “And you’re telling me all this because…”

  “Well, I figured you could pretend to be James and dump Tabitha. Dump her hard, call her a slut or whatever for spreading for the two of you—and let’s face it, that’s exactly what she is, right? Of course, all women are, come to that. But that’s beside the point. If you could do that today, then I’ll arrive on the scene, kind of timely like, comfort her, and be on my way to connubial bliss in no time at all.”

  “Sounds like you have everything all figured out.”

  “Thanks. Of course, it’s kind of a shame. I’ve only had one taste of one of your Nevada wild flowers. That Phyllis is one hot mama, if you know what I mean.”

  “Oh, I think we all know exactly what you mean.”

  Ed snapped his gaze to the left, the sound of Tabitha’s voice sending a chill down his spine.

  “Uh….” His ability to think seemed to be impaired.

  “You dirty, rotten, self-centered, egotistical son-of-a-bitch! I wouldn’t take you back even if you suddenly learned how to use that under-sized cock of yours! I wouldn’t take you back if you were the last man on God’s green earth!”

  He’d never seen Tabitha this angry before, and when she began to stalk toward him he actually took two steps back.

  The other Keller—the one who was standing beside her—reached forward and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Now, darlin’, you don’t want to go and spoil Jonathan’s fun, do you? After…what is it you call him? Oh, yes, after Ego Ed here went and so thoroughly provoked him, and all? Do you?”

  “Provoked him? How the hell did I provoke him? What the hell is going on here, anyway?” Ed knew his voice had risen in pitch and volume. The reason for that was right in front of him. Jonathan Keller was wearing an expression that Ed didn’t like one bit.

  “You provoked me by insulting my woman, and my brother. By coming here, where you’re neither welcome nor wanted and trying to stir up trouble.”

  “But…but…damn it! That cunt Phyllis got it all wrong? She’s your piece, not your brother’s?”

  Ed realized as the words left his mouth that those had probably been the absolute worst words he could have used, entirely.

  He saw the fist coming. The next thing he knew he was on the floor, his jaw throbbing like hell, stars dancing before his eyes, his nose bleeding.

  “Damn pansy went down with one punch.”

  Ed wasn’t certain which Keller said that.

  “That’s unfortunate. Since he insulted my woman and my brother too, I wanted a chance at him.”

  “Darling, if you hit him after the way Jonathan just decked him, he won’t be able to drive away, and we’d be stuck with him here.”

  “I thought you wanted to kick his balls up around his throat, darlin’?”

  “Well I did, and I still do. So maybe you gentlemen would like to take out the trash before I reconsider and do just that.”

  “Damn, our woman’s hot when she’s pissed, isn’t she, brother?”

  “She sure as hell is that, brother.”

  Ed was hauled up to his feet by two pairs of strong hands and marched out the door, but not before one salient fact penetrated his pain-filled brain.

  His ex-wife had taken on two lovers who had willingly chosen to share her—which meant he had just blown his plan all to fucking hell.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The slide of the butt plug being pulled out of her caused a shiver to wrack her spine. The delicious sensation was followed by warmth—James was using a wash cloth on her. He’d also heated the lubricant, so when he touched the silky substance to her anus, it was a welcome caress.

  Tabitha should have felt embarrassed, having James perform this deeply personal service while Jonathan looked on. That she didn’t, that she felt so at ease with them both astounded her, and gave her something to think about—but later. Much, much later.

  Jonathan wrapped his arms around her as soon as she straightened up. Their reflection in the bathroom mirror, his darker tanned flesh pressed against her pale white, turned her on.

  He moved one hand up to cup and fondled her right breast, using his fingers to pinch and pull her nipple. This was a new experience. She’d never gazed in a mirror while a lover pleasured her. She liked this. She looked s
exy. And watching what she felt being done to her added to her arousal.

  “I’ve waited a long time to slide my cock into your ass, darlin’. Just imagining how hot and tight you’re going to be has got me ready to come.”

  She automatically switched her gaze to meet James’s in the mirror. He looked as aroused as Jonathan did. The pleasure on his face as he watched his brother caressing her was intense and real.

  “You’ve got us both ready to come,” James said, “with little more than your open, honest responsiveness to us.”

  “Oh, God.” The sex talk had her squeezing her muscles together in an attempt to keep her dampness from sliding down her thighs.

  “You are so incredibly sexy, Tabby-cat. I want to watch James fuck you. Come to bed with us.”

  Jonathan could be commanding when he chose to be. He never let go of her as he followed her into the bedroom. Once James was sitting on the bed, and opened his arms, Jonathan let her go with a propelling little nudge in his brother’s direction.

  James pulled her into a kiss that was totally hot, his tongue and lips voracious in tasting her. His hands roamed her back, her ass, between her legs until she whimpered her need.

  “Hot, baby?” he whispered when he weaned his lips from hers and sampled her neck.

  “You know I am. You have me hot all the damn time, the both of you.”

  Their male chuckles, deep and intimate, settled low in her belly.

  James took one of her nipples into his mouth and suckled. Jonathan stroked a hand through her hair, catching the strands in his fingers and pulling her head back.

  His mouth took hers with heat and intent, and Tabitha knew she was lost in the erotic haze created by her two lovers.

  Hands caressed and aroused. Jonathan pressed his cock against her back, urging her forward until she felt James’s hard penis against her belly.

  James lifted her and she spread her legs, straddling him so that his latex covered cock nestled against her clit.


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