Special Cowboy Menage Collection

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Special Cowboy Menage Collection Page 34

by Morgan Ashbury

  Tabitha gasped, because he dipped his hand down to her mons again. He began a circular erotic stroking. Her clitoris, eager to play, poked its head up. James caught the little coquette between two fingers.

  Tabitha cried out as a gentle orgasm rippled through her body, subtle deep waves that took the strength from her knees. She shivered because James nuzzled her ear, tasting the lobe and shell of it with his tongue.

  “I would have thought relaxation and arousal were mutually exclusive,” she murmured as she hung in his arms.

  His chuckle was deep and sensuous, darkly intriguing, promising untold sinful delights. Then he shifted her slightly, leaning her forward.

  “Here, lean against the wall, darlin’, with your sweet little ass pointing at me.”

  She leaned forward but caught sight of the packet he retrieved from the high soap dish. “I think you planned this,” she accused without rancor.

  “Well,” he said as he donned the sheath, “you did profess a liking for water sports. And you’ll be delighted to know the penthouse has its own extra large water heater. At this setting, we can stay hot and wet for hours.”

  She didn’t get a chance to comment on that for he laid his hands on her hip and thrust forward, impaling her pussy from behind, driving deep.

  “James!” He felt so much larger in her from behind. Needing to feel more, she bent more sharply from the waist.

  “Tabitha, you have the most amazing pussy. And it loves my cock. Just sucks it right in, tight and deep.”

  His words, the rawness of them, thrilled her. She would swear his cock had just grown, wider and longer. His thrusts quickened, the slap-slap-slap sound of flesh hitting flesh echoing off the marble walls of the shower stall.

  His balls kept brushing against her labia and she thought she might melt from that sensation alone.

  “Come on my cock, Tabitha. I want to feel your pussy shiver down the length of my dick.”

  She knew she was close, and there was nothing she wanted more than to do just that, to come and come until she had not one ounce of energy left. She tilted her hips a bit more, stretching, reaching.

  James fingered her clit and she exploded in orgasm.

  “Yes, baby. Just like that.”

  He thrust into her one more time then held himself deep. She felt the answering spasms of his ejaculation even as the waves of her own climax began to ebb.

  His hands slid from gripping her hips to wrapping around her waist. His cock slipped out of her and he pulled her up, flush against his back.

  When the water rained down harder, she knew he’d adjusted the shower once more. A slight plop told her he’d just dropped the condom on the shower floor.

  “Let me rinse you and dry you. Then I’ll give you a back rub.”

  “If your back rubs are as good as your foot massages, I might make you my slave for life.”

  “Promises, promises.”

  Tabitha refused to think about either those words or the tone in which he’d said them. She felt boneless enough that she knew total relaxation was only a heartbeat away.

  True to his word he lifted her from the shower. The heated towels felt like heaven as he wrapped her in them. He held her on his lap on the vanity chair, his motions gentle as he patted her dry.

  This was a kind of being cared for she’d never experienced, and it was wonderful. Both James and Jonathan seemed to do this sort of thing almost instinctively. Until she’d experienced it, she’d never really known that this was something she’d craved.

  “Here, baby, crawl into the bed and lie on your tummy.”

  Tabitha blinked as James set her on her feet. Why, I must have dozed off in his arms.

  It took no effort whatsoever to do as he asked. Gasping because the sheets felt chilled against her skin, she scooted over to the center of the bed.

  She heard him padding back toward the bathroom. In moments he returned, straddling her so that he faced her back. He kept his weight off her, and she imagined herself melting into the mattress.

  “I’ll warm the cream before I massage it in.”

  “As long as it’s not jasmine. Another dose of that and I might die in orgasmic delight.”

  The sound of his laugher washed over her and she smiled in response.

  “No, this is called peaches and cream. First I’ll cover you. Then I’ll eat you.”

  It was too easy to toss his words back at him. “Promises, promises.”

  Tabitha drifted on a plane of what could only be Zen-like euphoria. James’s hands, coated with the silky, sensuous cream caressed and kneaded, stroked and soothed until Tabitha was positive she was turning into a boneless, carefree mass. Not one drop of tension remained in her body, not one trying thought remained in her head.

  When he murmured and urged her onto her back she complied, certain she was but moments from sleep.

  Sly hands smoothed lotion over her belly and breasts, and Tabitha recognized the awakening tendrils of arousal. Her breathing changed from edge of sleep deep draughts to the shallow, almost panting breaths of excitement. His fingers skirted the inside of her thighs, whispered light touches across her belly, dipping coyly down to brush her labia, then deeper to tease and tantalize the swollen nubbin of flesh, the epicenter of her desire.

  “Now I’m going to eat.”

  James’s mouth, open, hot, wet, covered her pussy, his lips sliding back and forth over her labia, her clit, while his tongue slipped out of his mouth and slipped into her, driving her toward heaven.

  He settled down between her open thighs, spreading her legs up and wide, exposing her completely to his oral possession.

  Tabitha’s arousal grew steadily, a force of nature totally out of her control, reaching, climbing and taking her with it.

  He owned her. His mouth and tongue commanded her and she could only feel, only climb. When he murmured into her flesh, the added vibrations shivered out along every nerve ending.

  Then he speared two fingers into her, seeking and finding her g-spot, stroking it with slow, steady deliberation.

  He held her when the climax bowed her body off the bed, held her as she screamed and came, as wave after wave of unrelenting rapture washed over and through her.

  His mouth voracious, his tongue insatiable, he held her fast, forcing the pleasure on her without mercy.

  Finally, finally, he brought her down to a gentle throb, an ebbing ecstasy that shimmered, softly, before edging toward shore.

  His arms gathered her close, his heat surrounded her. She tried to speak, tried to say…something.

  The crooning sound of his voice, a lullaby, soothed her until she felt the long luscious slide into sleep.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Derek Hamilton got out of his car in front of Ma’s Kitchen in Winnemucca. It was early yet, just shy of seven in the morning. He took a moment to lock his car door, and as he did, discreetly directed his gaze down the street.

  The light brown Ford Taurus had pulled in against the curb a block back. The car sat, engine turned off. He couldn’t risk a really good look—he didn’t want them to know they’d been spotted.

  Keeping aware of that parked car, Derek strolled in to the restaurant—one he frequented about twice a week. Tipping his hat to an elderly lady sitting alone in one of the booths, he took a seat on the stool at the end of the counter. He looked around the diner, smiling at the ones who happened to look up. There weren’t a lot of people out this early, and he recognized every one of them from old Mrs. Wilder having her Monday morning breakfast out, to Joe Canfield, owner of the garage where Derek took his car to be fixed. Those he didn’t know by name, he recognized by face, including the two ranch hands in the booth closest to him. They worked on the Keller spread, but lived in town because they both were married.

  Turning his head just a fraction, he could see out the front window and the street beyond. He could see that Ford Taurus just sitting there, its occupants still inside.

  There were two of them and he would bet
that within the next five minutes, the passenger would get out and come in here. That person would be a stranger. He or she might ask directions, or they might order a couple of cups of coffee to go—but not before having a good look at everyone inside the café, including Derek.

  When that happened, Derek would know without doubt that he was under surveillance, because everything so far had followed standard operating procedure. He had no idea how long they’d been following him. He’d noticed them for the first time this morning. He was pretty certain if they’d been tailing him before today, he would have noticed.

  “Morning, Derek. The usual?”

  The usual was the breakfast special. He’d sit and eat it here at the counter, and tip the waitress a dollar. That was his usual Derek-the-geek routine.

  Sticking to routine seemed like a very wise choice at the moment. And it would afford him the chance to sit and think.

  “Yes please, Miss Jeannie. You know I have to come in here every few days for your Ma’s good cooking.”

  “I surely do, and Ma and I both appreciate not only your business, but your service to the county.”

  “Why, thank you Miss Jeannie. That’s very sweet of you to say.”

  “I’ll go get you that coffee now.”

  “Thank you kindly.”

  Jeannie delivered not only a steaming cup of very fresh coffee, but the day’s edition of the Humboldt Sun.

  Derek opened the paper with no intention of reading it. Looking occupied, he’d be undisturbed. Looking occupied he could keep his eyes on everyone while he tried to figure out why he was being followed, and by whom.

  He could report it to the Sheriff and see what kind of reaction he got. No, likely not a good idea. Whoever was in the Taurus, Derek didn’t recognize them—which meant if they were law, they weren’t from the county level, or even the local State Police.

  He didn’t think he’d put a step wrong. He’d been careful. None of his lesser “business partners” would have ratted him out, because they stood to lose a hell of a lot if they did.

  And if that had happened then that old fart Peter Thompson would have called him in to the office, given him one of those stares over the top of his glasses and asked him point blank what the hell was going on.

  “You have got to be shitting me. No way! She’s fucking both of them?”

  “Shh. Keep your voice down. I’m only telling you what Craig saw. And don’t go spreading it around, either. Word gets back we’ll both lose our jobs.”

  The voices came from the booth. The words captured Derek’s attention and he focused on them.

  “Craig saw them? Doing it? The blonde and both brothers?”

  “Craig damn near rode up on top them. The brothers were naked, and so was she. Looked like they were having some real good fun and games, what with her tied up to that tree and all. We all thought it was odd, the way she came back with them from the city then stayed the night. Couldn’t be government business, could it? Remember how we all thought, yeah, one of them is banging her—though we couldn’t tell which one? Well the day Old Bill had us all checking parts of the fence line, that’s the day I’m talking about.”

  “And Craig saw them?”

  “Yeah. He got an eyeful before he slinked off. The bosses were so hot on that bitch, they never even saw Craig. He said that pretty BLM agent is a natural blonde, too.”

  “Saw her the other day. I sure as hell wouldn’t mind giving her a ride.”

  Derek had picked up his coffee cup. His hand froze mid-way to his mouth.

  Son-of-a-bitch! He lowered the cup, fury kindling in his belly and threatening to burn away reason.

  “Here you go, Derek. Oh, is there something wrong with the coffee?”

  Only his iron will allowed him to set aside his emotions, to focus on Jeannie and give her the patented good-ole-boy smile. “No, it’s fine, Jeannie. Everything’s great. Thanks.”

  He thought he’d been clever, planting that gossip with Tabitha Lambert, hoping to use her to discredit the Kellers, when all the time the slut was banging both of them?

  It wasn’t hard to connect the dots. He’d bet the cunt had run right back to that fucking casino and told the Kellers what he’d said. He could picture it plain as day, too.

  The bell over the café door jangled, and Derek felt the hairs on the back of his neck bristle. It took massive effort on his part to keep his manner calm, to eat his food as if that was the only thing on his mind.

  “Well, hi there. What can I get you?” Jeannie gave her customary warm greeting to the new arrival, and Derek tilted his head to get a glimpse of the man.

  “Do you sell take out coffee?”

  “Sure do, mister. What’ll you have?”

  “Two black, please.”

  “Coming right up. You new in town, or just visiting?”

  “Just visiting.”

  Derek timed it well, raising his head, looking at the man as any law man would under the circumstances. He met his eyes, and knew he was face to face with a man who had balls. Held his gaze a moment then nodded in a cordial manner.

  Then he turned his attention back to his plate as if having dismissed the man from his radar.

  Derek paid attention as the undercover cop—no doubt in his gut that’s what the man was—paid for his coffee, then headed out the door. He walked down the street, giving a good impression of having not a care in the world, window shopping along the way. Smooth as silk he got back into the passenger side of the brown Taurus.

  Looking at the parked car he had a sudden flash of memory and realized he’d caught sight of a similar car yesterday afternoon. Had those bastards followed him over to Elko, or picked him up there? Did they know about his meeting with Bormann?

  The man didn’t trust the Internet for discussing details, and so a face to face meeting had been called. Derek hated putting himself at risk like that.

  Fuck, how much did those bastards know?

  Derek couldn’t take the chance of bluffing things out. He had a real sour feeling in his gut and that feeling was telling him it was time to come up with an exit plan. He had some cash put by, but he needed more—a hell of a lot more.

  With more money, and a head start, he was pretty certain he was smart enough to disappear off the radar of every police agency in the damn country.

  He thought again of that fucking blonde slut. An idea began to form. Oh, now that is just the perfect plan.

  Tabitha Lambert was the Keller boys’ private little whore. They were such ‘upstanding citizens’ he’d bet that if he took her, they’d pay a pretty penny to get her back. And he would give her back.


  * * * *

  Tabitha awoke as the sun began to light the sky, phantom images chasing her from sleep. How easy it had been in the dark of night to close her mind to doubts and questions, to push everything away and just enjoy the moment, and the man.

  But the sun was shining, another Monday had begun and it was time for Tabitha to go back to work.

  Time for her to go back to reality.

  Turning her head, she gazed for a long moment at the sleeping man beside her. Her throat burned when she thought of what she had to do now, what she must do now.

  They’d promised to make each and every one of her fantasies come true, and she had to give it to them. They’d done all that and more.

  The last few days had been a dream vacation in a wonderful erotic kind of fool’s paradise. But the time had come for Tabitha to embrace the truth: it had only ever been that.

  She’d fallen in love with both men, but for the life of her she couldn’t see how this scenario could ever have a happy ending. Stay with both of them? How the hell would that work?

  And then there was the matter of the pending investigation.

  Tabitha didn’t for one minute fear for her safety while in the company of Jonathan or James Keller. She’d made herself as vulnerable to them as it was possible for a woman to be, and had felt perfectly safe doing so

  That didn’t mean she could close her eyes to the possibility that one or both of these men had broken the law.

  Deputy Hamilton had been certain that it was only a matter of time until charges were laid. He was a man both Kellers seemed to genuinely like and respect. He was an officer of the law.

  A part of her refused to believe the Deputy’s allegations, and therein lay the problem.

  She had believed herself in love with Edward Lambert. He had quite literally swept her off her feet, dazzled her with his attention. She’d married him in a haze of love and lust, only to discover in fairly short order that she had been completely duped not only by him but by her own instincts. He was a miserable excuse for a human being, and she hadn’t picked up on the truth of that at all.

  Fast forward to the last few days. Here she stood, feeling swept and dazzled and damn well drowning in a haze of lust and love. Again. Yet the objects of her lust and love were about to be arrested on God knew how many charges, which meant once more she’d fucked up.

  She couldn’t trust her own judgment. Nearly as damning, she just couldn’t, she realized, reach beyond the past to grab hold of the present. Because she recognized that at the heart of everything, she couldn’t trust that they would ever come to love her in the way she knew she needed to be loved. Her own husband hadn’t loved her that way. How could these two men she’d known for so short a time do so?

  Slipping from the bed silently, she scooped her clothes from where she’d dropped them the night before.

  Soundlessly she crept into the bathroom. She would shower at home. She couldn’t take the chance that James would awaken, hear the water running, and join her.

  It would be too easy to stay. Too easy to let this affair coast along until she fell so hard, so far, there would be no going back.

  And then they would move on, or be in jail, and where would she be?

  She picked up her shoes and her purse and crept toward the door. If the gods were with her, she’d be at work before James even woke up.

  “You’re up early. What are you doing, sneaking out?”


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