Special Cowboy Menage Collection

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Special Cowboy Menage Collection Page 44

by Morgan Ashbury

  “What could you have done, being in jail? Besides, my Jimmy is dead. What do I care about his so-called wife? Like I said, she couldn’t even make him a father.”

  If he’d known she’d lit out, he could have contacted people, found out where she landed, saved himself a shitload of time. But he couldn’t tell his mom that, either. Rick just shook his head in disgust. Sometimes, talking to his mother was a complete waste of time, and this was one of those times.

  Annie’s leaving the way she did made Rick think that maybe Jimmy had told her what was what—even though he’d sworn, on his last visit upstate, that his wife remained in the dark about everything.

  No, Annie likely knew, and the fucking bitch had probably fled, thinking she could get away with taking his loot with her.

  So he borrowed Squirrel’s car and was on his way to visit Annie’s mother. He didn’t believe for one minute that a mousy little bitch like Annie would pull up stakes and not tell her own mother where she’d headed.

  No, Mrs. Smith knew where her little girl had gone. Before he left Albany, Rick would know where she’d gone, too.

  He knew Annie’s mother could be cowed into keeping silent about his visit. Hadn’t her old man managed to keep her in her place all those years? He didn’t want Annie to know he was on to her, or that he was coming. He wanted to make his reappearance in her life a complete surprise.

  Rick grunted and adjusted his cock. He started to get hard just thinking about the kind of reunion he planned to have with sexy little Annie. One of the other things he spent a lot of nights dreaming about to help pass time in the pen after Jimmy died was how he would stick it to Annie.

  Never far from his thoughts was that time he very nearly had Annie under him. If Jimmy had been just ten minutes later coming home that day, he’d have fucked her good and proper. She fought him, of course, but he’d known then she really wanted it. Really wanted him. All women were whores, and Annie was no different.

  Maybe she’d fight him now, even though she was no longer hooked up with Jimmy. Couldn’t say he’d mind if she did. He felt pretty pissed about this runaround. Her fighting would give him the perfect excuse to get rough with her. Hell, maybe he’d get rough with her anyway. Yeah, I really like that idea.

  The loud blare of a car horn brought his attention back to the road. He’d put thoughts of fucking Annie aside for now. Maybe, if she was a good little cunt and made it up to him, if she sucked his dick real good and freely offered him her asshole, he’d take her with him to the Tropics. And when he was tired of her, he might give her ten grand or so, just so she could get herself home. He could be a generous man if she took good care of his cock.

  Yeah, that sounds good. But first he needed to find her. He passed a sign that told him he was only about fifty miles from making that happen.

  * * * *

  “Well, girlfriend, I hear you took a riding lesson last night.”

  Annie looked up into the laughing eyes of Veronica Ferris. She’d seen the woman come into the store a moment ago, and noticed that she hung back until Annie finished ringing up Mr. Busbies’ purchases.

  Veronica carried a bag that smelled suspiciously of hamburgers. Obviously, she’d stopped at the café before coming to visit. Annie could count on sharing lunch with Veronica at least a couple of times a week.

  “Does my getting one of those burgers hinge on whether or not I confirm what I imagine everyone in town already knows and has shared with you freely?” Annie asked. Her tummy growled and her mouth watered. She’d slept later than usual—probably thanks to the unaccustomed activity the night before—and therefore missed breakfast. She hoped she would have a slow day so she could run upstairs and at least make a quick sandwich, and to have time to put her mind back on the events of last night. But business had been booming this morning, largely due to gossip. Every single customer had remarked on her taking riding lessons from ‘the boys’, as Jesse and Grant were collectively known.

  “No, I don’t need that gossip confirmed. I’m convinced of its veracity. As far as it goes, at any rate. I brought you a burger as a bribe for you to fill in the missing details. I called your place last night, hoping to talk you into coming over to watch a movie with me. But you weren’t there.”

  “No. I, um, fed the men after my riding lesson. And what with one thing and another…” Annie knew the blush coloring her cheeks and her inability to put together a coherent sentence were not good signs. In the face of Veronica’s laughter, her savoir-faire completely disintegrated.

  Veronica’s eyes fairly sparkled. “I see. Well there’s riding, and then there’s riding. There’s feeding and then there’s feeding. The rest of the town doesn’t know that you didn’t get home until well after eleven, girlfriend, which was the last time I called you. But I do. So 'fess up. Which one of those studly cowboys were you riding and feeding last night?”

  Oh, my. At that moment Annie was very grateful Veronica didn’t tend toward spreading gossip. In fact, in the course of their friendship she’d not heard one word about another person pass that woman’s lips.

  Under the current circumstances, that was a very good thing.

  “Which one?” Annie felt like a parrot, repeating Veronica’s question. Why did her voice have to pick just that moment to crack? She cleared her throat, meaning to divert the question, but what came out was, “Which one—”

  “Oh, my God! Both of them? Oh, Annie!” Veronica paused as if looking for just the right word. Then her lips curved into a definite feline smile. “Congratulations.”

  Annie figured there didn’t seem to be much point in denying it as the truth must have been written all over her face.

  “You are now my hero,” Veronica continued, a thread of awe in her voice. “Here, maybe you want my burger, too? To keep up your strength? ”

  Annie burst out laughing, covering her mouth with both hands when it felt as if she wouldn’t be able to control her mirth.

  “No, just one burger, please, and thank you,” she managed at last.

  Veronica came around the counter to perch on the second stool Annie kept there. Opening the bag, she handed Annie one foil pouch and pulled one out for herself. Annie walked over to the soda cooler and took out two chilled bottles of water, handing one to the other woman.

  “Both of them,” Veronica repeated once Annie was sitting next to her. “However did you manage to talk them into that?”

  “It was their idea. I’m still not really sure what the heck is happening, to be honest with you. I’m just so pleased that I could—” Annie had always found it difficult to talk about intimate matters. One night, a couple of months ago during an evening of chick flicks and wine with Veronica, she let slip that she believed herself to be frigid. When prodded, she’d confessed why.

  “See? I told you! From all I’ve heard and read, men who are selfish or controlling lovers accuse women of being frigid to excuse their own piss-poor performances. Very few women truly are frigid. So, what happens next?”

  “I have no idea. They both made it perfectly clear that last night was not a one night stand. So I guess I’m just going to have to take it one day at a time, and see.”

  Veronica burst out laughing at her unintended pun. Annie wondered what she would have said if the door to her store hadn’t opened just then. Billy Woods ambled in, looking, as he always did, to be in no particular hurry. He had his MP3 player hooked to his ear, a usual sight. Sometimes she thought he would nod his head to the beat when there wasn’t even any music playing.

  She knew Veronica thought the man was slow and lazy, but Annie liked Billy.

  “Don’t interrupt your lunch, ladies,” he said, flashing them a smile. “I’ll just look around a bit. Hey, Annie, are you sore today after your exercise yesterday? Or did the boys give you a break and tell you how to take care of that?”

  He stood waiting for an answer and Annie felt at a complete loss. Beside her, Veronica made a strangling sound as she choked back more laughter.

  “Ah, no, I seem to be fine. No, um, soreness at all. In fact, I think I could have ridden even longer than I did.” Oh, my God, I did not just say that. She was bad, bad, bad.

  “Stamina’s an important quality to develop,” Billy agreed. “But it’s probably best to build up your time gradually until you get used to the action.”

  Annie felt on the very verge of losing it. She swallowed, and tried to change the subject. “I was probably as surprised as everyone else last night to hear that you’ve spent some time in the saddle yourself.” Oh, that didn’t come out right at all. Billy’s eyes twinkled, as if he shared her joke. But surely not. No, that was likely a figment of her just-slightly-guilty conscience. Not guilty for having ridden two saddles the night before, but rather for her conversational coquettishness.

  “My mother held cherished dreams of an Olympic gold medal hung around her son’s neck. Me, I just liked the feel of having a fast, hot animal between my legs. Ah, well, here I’ve interrupted your lunch after all. You go ahead and eat now, Miss Annie. I’ll have a look-see for the items I came in for. Not even sure if you can meet my needs, but I’ve been constantly and pleasantly surprised every time I’ve come in this store.” Then he paused and nodded to Veronica “Afternoon, Ms. Ferris.”

  Billy turned and wandered to the back of the store, the area where all the tools and odd pieces of repair parts and other gizmos were kept.

  Annie slapped a hand over her mouth for the second time in a half hour. She looked at Veronica, who crossed her eyes, then laid her head down on the counter. The other woman’s shoulders shook with silent laughter.

  Annie could only hope Billy took his usual long time finding what he’d come in for. She needed every moment she could grab to corral the imp that had made her say those things and get herself back under control.

  * * * *

  Billy peeked around the shelf to check on the women. Veronica had her head down on the counter and Annie looked like she was about to choke. Oh, well, it couldn’t be helped. Well, yes, it could have. He didn’t have to choose just those exact words a few moments ago. But it had been kind of hard to resist.

  As he listened to the expert way Veronica goaded Annie into confessing all, he felt his temper spike. Personally, he didn’t care if Annie played hide the snake with both Jesse and Grant. How could he, considering he often entertained more than one bed mate at a time? Billy could be called a lot of things. A hypocrite wasn’t one of them.

  But he absolutely hated that female pit viper pretending to be Annie’s friend and sucking up all those intimate details.

  He put his hand up to the pod attached to his ear and adjusted the volume. This handy little device cost him a small fortune about a year ago, and had since proven to be well worth the expense. He’d worn the other one—the one that actually played music and looked identical to this one—right from the first moment he arrived in town. People were used to seeing him with it day and night. Now that things were beginning to move, he could wear this one so he could keep track of things. He’d placed two “bugs” in the store, one in Annie’s apartment, and one in Veronica’s. He’d hidden another couple around town, too, just in case.

  When he heard Veronica was going to drop in on Annie, he’d been ready.

  Between the message he’d received earlier when he’d gotten to his shop and the vibes he’d been picking up lately, it looked like things might be heating up fast. If everything went south at the same time, he didn’t know if he’d be able to keep it all under control.

  The time might be coming to call on some re-enforcements.

  Chapter Ten

  Jesse watched Annie with Grant. His best friend was giving their woman another riding lesson. This time, Grant sat upon Sandstone, his preferred ride. Annie sat atop a pretty little palomino filly named Razzamatazz.

  Later, they would tell her they acquired the horse especially for her. The blond quarter horse made a perfect beginner’s mount. Jesse had purchased the spirited, but well-mannered, mare from a ranch just outside of Cheyenne.

  Jesse folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the doorframe. Annie paid rapt attention to Grant’s instructions, absorbing every bit of information he gave her. Since Annie enjoyed her first lesson Monday night, he and Grant decided to take turns giving her further instruction.

  Dinner was ready. Cooking had always been a hobby Jesse enjoyed. His thoughts carried him into the past. As much as he worked hard with his dad, out on the pastures when he’d been a young teen—riding fence, chasing after wayward cows—he’d looked forward to Sundays, to time spent with his mom in the kitchen.

  Jesse’s attention was pulled back to the riding lesson in progress. His gaze wandered down the lane. He knew they were all pleased they hadn’t drawn an audience again this afternoon. Annie seemed a little nervous when she first arrived, casting furtive glances back toward the county road that was just visible from the paddock.

  Who could blame her? None of them wanted a repeat of Monday’s events. None of them thought they could manage that kind of tongue-in-cheek banter a second time.

  Grant looked over and nodded. Jesse left his perch, taking the steps two at a time.

  They were still working their way through the parameters of this relationship, still cautiously on guard against feelings of jealousy. There hadn’t been any yet and Jesse couldn’t be happier.

  “Molly here’s been in the kitchen rustling up some grub for us,” Grant announced to Annie as Jesse approached them.

  “Homer’s just jealous because he can’t cook.” Jesse teased in return, easily throwing back the familiar insult.

  “I’m no great chef either,” Annie said, “so I do admire a man who can cook.”

  “Okay, I’ll learn,” Grant returned, deadpan.

  Jesse leaned against the corral, his right foot on the bottom slat, his arms folded on the top.

  “So what do you think of your horse?” Jesse asked.

  “She’s a sweetheart,” Annie replied. She leaned forward and ran a hand down the palomino’s neck. Jesse imagined her hand running down his body in much the same way and shivered. His gaze flicked up to Grant and he could see his best friend was having the same thought.

  “So what’s for dinner?” Grant asked, his voice sounding a bit strained.

  “Roast chicken and vegetables. It’s done, in the oven, on low. It’ll keep a while.”

  Annie must have caught the arousal in his tone. She looked at him, then over at Grant. When she met his gaze again he could tell it wasn’t just the men in this ménage whose fires had been lit.

  “After I take care of my horse, I’d love a shower.” Annie’s voice turned sultry, kicking Jesse’s arousal up a notch.

  “Well now,” Grant said. “Water sports.”

  “I’m thinking one just like we enjoyed the other night,” Annie said. “That is one very jazzy bathroom you have there, Mr. Conrad.”

  When Jesse came into his inheritance, one of the things he’d done was to renovate the master bedroom, installing an ensuite bathroom complete with a nice, round Jacuzzi tub and a shower large enough to hold a party in. Definitely money well spent.

  It didn’t take much for him to conjure the image of the three of them Monday night. That had been one hell of a party, no question about it. The thought of a repeat performance made him hard.

  “Yeah,” Jesse said. “Let’s all go get wet and wild.”

  * * * *

  Annie hadn’t expected such an oasis of luxury in the middle of Wyoming cattle country. This bathroom—somehow that name really didn’t fit—felt like uptown Manhattan meets gracious country living. No, she’d think of this lavishly appointed room as a spa—her own personal spa with her own personal attendants.

  As she stretched, arms above her head and eyes closed, she imagined herself a pampered princess from early Roman times. Two virile, naked men ran soap-covered hands over her, touching every part of her body. One pair of hands cupped and tweaked and cleansed breasts and
nipples, the other traced her body’s curves between her legs, back and forth from belly button to ass-dimple.

  A shiver wracked her and she wondered how long she’d be able to keep standing.

  “Gotta love that smile,” Grant’s whispered words came from in front of her.

  “I’m imagining you both as my sex slaves, ministering to my every want and whim.”

  “Works for me,” Jesse’s voice from behind her held the trace of a laugh, “as long as next time, you’re ours.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Annie purred, not only in response to the sensation of male hands on her flesh, but because she could picture herself as their personal sex slave, and loved the image.

  “You have to say ‘master’ and everything,” Grant teased. “Maybe you can disobey us. Then we’d have to…punish you.”

  Annie laughed. She never imagined sex could involve teasing and laughter and be so much fun.

  Jesse wrapped one arm around her at the same moment Grant speared his fingers into her pussy. Annie cried out as the sudden orgasm swamped her. Letting go, she rode the wave, knowing her men would keep her safe, knowing this was just a tiny taste of pleasures yet to come. Grinding her hips against Grant’s busy hand, she felt her body gift him with her moisture.

  “You’re so responsive to us,” he whispered, then covered her mouth with his. Hot and wet, arousing all on its own, Grant’s kiss awakened senses that had mellowed under the heat of water and glide of hands.

  Jesse’s hand slid between her legs, barely brushing Grants, then back and up. One finger rubbed across her anus. Grant had touched her there the last time they’d been wet and wild together, and the sensation had shot her instantly higher. Today wasn’t any different.

  Jesse began to press inward. “Okay, baby?”

  She never imagined a lover touching her there, let alone using it to give her pleasure. In the last few days, her entire body had evolved into one giant erogenous zone. His touch thrilled her, reigniting her inner flame. “Mmm, yes.”


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