The Game: A Contemporary Sports Romance

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The Game: A Contemporary Sports Romance Page 3

by Alexia Chase

  “Can I ask you guys to look this over?” I hold out a sheet of paper. “I was talking with my boss earlier this week about making some adjustments to the lifting schedule, and he gave me the green light. But I want someone else to analyze it before I hand it over to him.”

  “Sure.” Tony grabs it and scans through the document. His brows crease. “What are we looking at here? Increasing concentration curls and Lat pull-downs?”

  “Yes.” My heart skips a beat. Tony doesn’t mince words. I’m not sure I’m prepared for his brutal honesty.

  He presses his lips together. “It makes sense to me.” Glancing over at Gunner, he shoves the paper between his face and the phone. “Gunner, what do you think?”

  “What?” Gunner frowns.

  Shit. So glad we could interrupt whatever awesome shit you’ve got going on. I roll my eyes and then quickly glance around to see if the guys noticed. Jeremiah and Devin have moved on and are talking about the game on Sunday.

  “Dani has put together a new training schedule. Why don’t you get your head out of your ass and review it?”

  “Sure.” He flushes and takes the page from Tony.

  My stupid hands shake as he scans the document. Why do I give a shit? For the last two weeks, he’s been polite to me, but more times than not, he’s avoided me.

  Tony places a hand on my shoulder. “I think it is great. You’re doing a fantastic job, Dani.”

  “Thanks.” I smile briefly at him and then gnaw on my bottom lip. What’s taking him so long? It’s not that huge of a list. Warmups. Some crunches. A few extra pull-ups. A couple circuits on the squat machine. Ice downs. Hello?

  Gunner tilts his head to the side.

  “I’ll talk to you later.” Tony grabs his bag. “Later, Gunner.”

  “Yeah…” Gunner doesn’t glance up as Tony leaves the gym.

  It can’t be that bad, can it? My mouth is so dry, I can’t swallow, and my face heats. Fuck. “Here.” I jerk my hand out. “I’ll shred it.”

  “Stop.” He glares at me. “It’s fine.”

  I cross my arms and glare back. “Then, what took you so damn long to look at it?”

  “Shit.” He shakes his head. “I’m sorry. It has nothing to do with this,” He sighs and hands me back the page.

  When his fingers brush mine, my heart slams against my ribs. He inhales and jerks his arm back. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” God, what does he find so repulsive about me? I fucking shower. Brush my teeth. Yeah, I get it. My tits aren’t huge, and I keep what I do have strapped down at the gym, but shit, I’m not ugly.

  “My sister is having problems with her ex.” His jaw twitches, and he shoves his cellphone back into his pocket.

  “I’m so sorry.” Oh, my God, could I be any more self-centered? “I know there’s probably nothing for me to do, but if you need anything, let me know.”

  “Thanks.” He smiles. “I’ll take care of it. He’s more of a nuisance now than anything else.”

  “Good.” The noise of the machines has been replaced by the steady sound of the central air conditioning. I glance around the room. There’re only a couple of stragglers left.

  He runs a hand over his face. “The asshole used to beat her up for sport. When she got pregnant, she had enough and left him. He’s been threatening to get joint custody.”

  “That’s awful.” Tons of questions surge through my mind, but none of them are my business, so I keep my mouth shut.

  “He’s a real prick.” Gunner’s hands ball into fists. “The only reason he’s still sticking around is that he thinks he can get money out of her through me. The guy’s getting nothing. If he ever touches my sister or gets near my niece, I’ll kick his ass.”

  “I hope…” I hope – what? I hope I can watch you beat him up and kiss your bloody knuckles? I hope he disappears and leaves you all alone? What in the hell do I say? I cough. “I hope you work things out, and they stay safe.”

  My knees buckle. Why in the hell does that turn me on? Oh, I don’t know – a swoon-worthy football player protecting his sister and niece. Yeah, it’s an easy question to answer.

  “Thank you.” He runs a hand through his hair, leaving it standing on end. “Right now, we’re going through my attorney, but Veronica was telling me about his attorney’s response. I can’t believe the balls on this guy for a pussy.”

  I place a hand on his forearm. “I’m serious. If you need anything, let me know.”

  “Thanks, I will.” His eyes skate over me. Is he going to kiss me? His gaze darts away. Shit. He must have remembered I’m not his type. Or, I’m completely delusional.

  He disappears from the gym as quickly as the flash of awareness sparked in his eyes.

  Chapter Six


  The restaurant is full of football players, their significant others, and friends. The scent of oregano and bread tickles my nose the second I walk into the quaint café.

  Although I’ve never met Chloe’s parents, I’ve been with Tony to the adjoining bakery. Her place is smaller but always smells like you can gain ten pounds by walking inside the door.

  “Gunner!” Tony yells from across the room. He has his arm around Jenna’s shoulders while they chat with Dani.

  I stop in mid-step. Dani’s hair is pulled up into a loose bun on the top of her head, and several loose strands frame her face. She’s wearing jeans and a top that flows around her curves as she uses her hands to talk. Holy shit.

  One of the guys from the team runs into me. “Shit, Gunner.” He staggers backward. “Watch what you’re doing. We need your dumbass healthy for the game.”

  “Sorry, Bull.” I punch Dillon McClinton in the arm. “I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

  He grins. “Clearly.” Then, he glances over at Dani and arches his eyebrow.

  Crap. Does everyone on the team know I have the hots for Dani? Screw it. I’m not going to confirm nor deny their suspicions.

  I wave Dillon off and walk toward Tony, and the group of people he’s standing with. It has nothing to do with Dani. She just happens to be talking to one of my best friends. No big deal.

  Ashley joins the group and throws her arm around Dani’s shoulders. Oh, fuck. I need to leave. My entire body tenses.

  “Hey, Gunner.” Ashley waves with her free hand. “Join us.”

  I’ve spoken with her a few times to get some menu ideas. Not scope out the competition. Seriously.

  “Hey.” I press my lips together and nod at the group. Dani avoids my gaze and wraps her arm around Ashley’s waist.

  “We thought you were going to stand us up.” Tony gives me a shit-ass grin.

  I shrug. “These types of events aren’t my thing.”

  Ashley glances at Dani. “You and Dani are perfect for each other. I had to drag her ass here.”


  “Not everyone likes to be the center of attention like you.” Dani drops her arm from Ashley’s side and elbows her in the ribs.

  “Ouch.” She playfully rubs her side and steps back. “I don’t know why Gunner doesn’t like this kind of thing. He loves being the center of attention. What QB doesn’t?”

  “I like leading the team. Not talking bullshit with a bunch of people.”

  I glance over at Tony and Jenna. They’re not listening to a word we’re saying. So much for rescuing me if I needed it.

  “You two are lame.” She rolls her eyes. “I can’t believe we’ve stayed friends all these years.”

  “I can.” Dani looks at her pointedly. “I’m here to tell you how special you are when some prick dumps you.”

  Friends. Prick dumps you. My gaze dart between the two of them. They aren’t ‘girlfriends,’ but they’re ‘girlfriends.’ Good Lord. I’m clueless.

  My breath catches in my throat. Is Dani single? Shit. The celibacy pact. Or whatever name I want to give it. It doesn’t matter if she’s single, I’ve got to focus on the game and only the game.

  “Thank you, d
oll.” She puckers her lips and places a loud smack on Dani’s cheek. “And, I’m here when the dumb cocksuckers cheat on you with their tutors.”


  “Shit.” She slaps her hand over her mouth and flushes. “Sorry.”

  “Seriously, Gunner doesn’t want to hear about my ex and his roving hands.”

  Son of a bitch. Some dude cheated on Dani. That’s insane. She’s so fucking hot. The guy must have been a total dumbass. I would love nothing more than to…

  Stop. You can’t do anything.

  “I’m so sorry.” Ashley pops her bottom lip out and pouts. “Forgive me?”

  “Of course.” Dani rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “You’ve been my best friend for eleven years. You know I’ll always forgive you.”

  “Thanks.” She grins and pats her upper arm. “I’ve got to mingle.”

  “Of course, you do.” Dani stares at her back as Ashley sashays through the crowd.

  I clear my throat. “I take it you two have been friends for a long time.”

  “It seems like forever. We met in seventh grade and hit it off. I have no idea why. We couldn’t be any more different. I prefer to hang at home, and she’s the life of the party.”

  I shove my hands into my pockets, so they don’t wander over to her and begin exploring her curves. They’re about to do something on their own without my permission. “I’ve never been big on the party scene myself. I was too busy studying tape and working out.”

  She bites her bottom lip, which only accentuates the curve of her top lip and the plump flesh of her bottom lip around her teeth. I inch forward and stop. Down dude. Even if I forget my celibacy pledge, she’s done nothing to indicate she’s remotely interested in anything but my weight-lifting circuit.

  “How’re things with your sister?”

  “Good.” I nod. “My attorney finally thinks he’s gotten the message to him. He’s supposed to sign over rights to Joselyn.”

  “How old is she?”

  “She’s twenty months and a total angel.” I love my niece. She’s the most awesome creature in the world. Someday, I hope to have a couple of children of my own.

  Would Dani be interested in dating after the season’s over? What in the hell is wrong with me? I can’t ask her to wait five months and not date anyone. That’s stupid.

  “Oh, how sweet.” Her eyes light up, and her face softens. “I love kids. I’m an only child, so I’ve always wanted a bunch of babies.”

  Oh, fuck me. I close my eyes. So, not better. The only thing I can envision is wrapping Dani in my arms and sinking into her delicious body. All kinds of different positions slam into me with full force. One after another, until her belly is swollen with my child.

  I swallow and exhale a loud puff of air. When I look at her again, she’s staring at the wall.

  Chapter Seven


  “I better go find Ashley.” For the love of God, I’m pathetic. I gawked at him like a deranged lunatic and gushed about babies. He’s going to run for the hills.

  Gunner Sinclair doesn’t want to have sex with me. Or have babies with me. I’m Dani Vaughn. His personal trainer. Shit. I’m not even his personal trainer. I’m one of the junior staff he puts up with.


  “Okay.” My breath catches in my throat.

  “You don’t like these things.” He waves his hand around in a circle toward the crowd gathered in the restaurant. “Right?”

  “Not at all.” I shudder.

  “I don’t either. Why don’t we hang out together and avoid all the pretending to enjoy small talk?”

  “Sounds like a win-win.” It does sound like more fun to chill with Gunner than being paraded around by Ashley. I’m so not into being one of her accessories or her pathetic sidekick.

  “There’s a table over there.” He points to a small booth on the other side of the room.

  It’s only big enough for two, so everyone else is gathered around larger table arrangements. “It’s perfect. Lead the way.”

  Once we’re settled, my knee brushes against his and I about jump out of the booth. “Excuse me.” I feel the heat rising across my cheeks.

  “No worries.” He leans back in the seat, crosses his arms over his chest, and stretches his legs in front of him.

  Whoa. That’s a lot of man. My eyes take everything in at once. Lord, I need a portable air conditioner or a glass of iced tea. I don’t move a muscle in an attempt to avoid bumping into him – again.

  The waitress stops and asks for our order. I don’t normally drink, but what harm could come from one beer? After we tell her what we want, she disappears.

  “What was it like growing up with Daniel Vaughn as a father?” Gunner asks.

  “My dad was great. He’s larger than life. He and my mom are still together and live here in town.”


  “Yeah, over on Fairview Ridge.”

  “I had no idea.” He sits up, places his elbows on the table, and clasps his hands in front of him.

  “If you want to meet him sometime, I’m sure he’d be happy to come in.” I glance up as the waitress brings back our drinks. She drops mine to the table with a thud.

  I grab my beer, and she hands Gunner his. Nothing like special treatment for the professional athlete.

  After she leaves, Gunner nods. “I would love to meet him. I watched all his games as a kid.”

  “I was able to go to a bunch of his games when I was young. I loved football.” I flush and study the table. The surface is scuffed from years of use. “I played flag football until I was twelve.”

  “We should play a game sometime.”

  “Whatever.” I roll my eyes. “I played quarterback as well, and there’s no way I could compete with you.”

  “I’ll take the compliment, but I’m sure you could hold your own.”

  “Thanks.” I press my lips together. Does he think I’m weird? God, I hope not. “It sucked when I got older and couldn’t play anymore.”

  “I bet.” He cocks his head to the side. “What did you do after that?”

  Does he want to know, or is he killing time until he can leave without anyone saying he’s too boring to hang with the crowd? “I played softball and then started studying to be a personal trainer. I wanted to do something in the sport’s world, but I wasn’t nearly as good at softball as I was at football.”

  “What does your dad think about your choice of careers?”

  “Since I could never grow a male appendage, this is as good as it gets.”

  He coughs until tears fill his eyes. “I’m sure he’s proud of you.”

  “He is, but I know he still wishes he had a son. Unfortunately, they couldn’t have more children, so I’m the end of the line.”

  “You can have children someday. You might give him a grandson.”

  “Yeah, maybe.” I shift in my seat as I’m suddenly very uncomfortable with the conversation. My dad would adore Gunner. If he could pick a son-in-law, Gunner would be at the top of his short list.

  And to produce a grandson with a top football athlete who worshiped my dad while growing up? Good gravy, he’d be doing a happy dance. Sadly, we’re chatting like two people who’re squarely in the friend-zone and never getting out of it.

  It’s not like he’s flirting with me. We’re talking about me playing a man’s game. Yep, that makes me widely exciting to the opposite sex. I might as well spit some tobacco on the sidewalk and adjust my junk.

  I need to change the conversation. What in the hell do we talk about?

  “Hey, guys.” Tony slides into Gunner’s seat and shoves him against the wall.

  Two larger than life dudes occupying a seat made for one is a sight to behold. “What are you guys talking about?” It doesn’t bother Tony he’s interrupting our conversation, and I’m glad for the distraction.

  “Football,” Gunner says as he tries to adjust in the seat and not have Tony sitting in his lap.

“God, man. Can’t you think of anything else to talk about besides football?”

  “No.” He presses his lips together and stares at the bottle in his hand.

  One corner of Tony’s mouth curves into a slow smirk. “Let’s play Truth or Dare.”

  My heart skips a beat. What in the hell? I haven’t played Truth or Dare since I was in seventh grade.

  “That’s a stupid idea. You do realize we’re in public, and people have video phones everywhere.” Gunner looks at him like he’s lost his mind.

  “Shit.” He cringes. “I should know better than anyone else about bad publicity.”

  “What?” I frown. There seems to be more to this story than a general statement about people eavesdropping.

  “Last year, the paparazzi – “

  “Oh, yeah.” My mouth drops, and I gape at Tony. “Now, I remember.” There was an article in the gossip magazines about a conversation between Tony and Jenna that hadn’t exactly painted him in a flattering light.

  “Don’t bring it up.” Tony glares at me. “It was a bad time.”

  “But it all worked out.” I glance around the room until I settle on Jenna.

  Jenna’s standing a few feet away from us next to two women I don’t know. They’re all gorgeous. All soft curves and feminine. I’m a total tomboy. If I wanted to look like them, I’d need to stuff tube socks in my bra and have an intervention for make-up and clothes.

  “Yes, it did.” He places his arm over Gunner’s shoulders. “We should all go to my place and play Truth or Dare.”

  I want to tell him, no, but the word is stuck in my throat. The last boy I played Truth or Dare with was Ronnie Chambers.

  Our five minutes in the closet should have been memorable. Well, it was, but not for a good reason. He had braces and managed to cut my lip. I’m betting Gunner could do a better job.

  Jenna taps Tony on the shoulder. “The next thing I know, you’re going to invite them over for Naked Twister.”

  “Um…” I point between Gunner and I. “We’re not together.”

  “And, I’m not into swinging, either.” Jenna grins and then turns to study Gunner. “Still living the celibate life?”


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