NightFall (NightFall: Book One)

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NightFall (NightFall: Book One) Page 19

by Anastacia Kelley

  There was a pause on Mr. Brant’s side of the call. “I’m glad to hear it.”

  Simone was agitated that Mr. Brant was making small talk. He doesn’t do small talk. She decided she needed to push him a little. “Mr. Brant, I am curious as to why you wanted a detailed story on Van and Saldivar. I mean, there must be much bigger clubs in Paris that would also strike your fancy. Why couldn’t I just write about the club itself and just note the owners? It seemed like you needed a lot of stuff for a small club.”

  Davis Brant sighed. He didn’t know how much to tell her. If he told her something, anything, and Mr. Hobbs found out, Simone and Indea, along with Van and Saldivar, would be in grave danger. And it would be completely his fault. He put them in this horrible situation without them knowing and now it might possibly get them killed. “Simone,” he started, his voice shaking. “Trust me when I say that everything will be fine. You’re like the daughter I never had. I can’t say anything to you. Do you understand, Simone? Please, I can’t tell you anything. It’s safer that way.”

  Simone heard the panic in his words. She got the meaning behind his statement loud and clear. If he told her anything, their lives would be in danger. But, she had to know something, anything. “Well, I’m sure you have all the information about the club and the owners. You won’t need any more on them, I assume.” She hoped he got the message.

  Mr. Brant audibly swallowed. “No. I will need a couple more stories. So far, what you’ve given me has gotten rave reviews. It would be best to keep going. For the good of the paper, Simone.”

  Simone rubbed her temples. She didn’t want to continue with this. She was getting more than uneasy with the whole situation. She wondered if Mr. Brant had been threatened and if she didn’t continue with the story, would he be harmed? Was Mr. Brant’s life in her hands? Was her life in his? She didn’t want to betray Van and Saldivar by doing this. If she did, she was certain Indea would never forgive her. So far, Indea hasn’t said anything about her work to Saldivar. She was sworn to secrecy. But if Indea knew that it would somehow ruin their lives, she just might forget her promise in order to save them. Simone couldn’t blame her if she did.

  Simone bit her lip. “I’ll see what I can do. That’s all I can give you right now.”

  “That’s fine, Simone. Our readers would like to know where Van and Saldivar grew up and they want to know a little about their families and their history. I know you won’t disappoint me.”

  Simone squeezed her eyes tightly. Tears threatened to fall. Mr. Brant had always been like a father to her and now it seemed it was falling apart. She didn’t want to let him down but she didn’t want to do this to Van or Saldivar. She was torn. “Okay,” was all she said, her voice a broken whisper. She replaced the receiver and sat down on the edge of the bed. What had gone wrong?


  Davis stared at the phone. He hated himself with a passion right about now. How could he keep doing this to Simone? Maybe he should just find a way to tell her and face whatever punishment Mr. Hobbs had in store for him. But if he did, Simone and Indea would still be in harm’s way. He was caught between a rock and a hard place and it seemed there was no solution to remedy the problem. It was his fault. He should have never agreed to do any of this no matter what they were going to pay him. Unfortunately, hindsight was always 20/20. It was too late to turn back now. If he could change anything, he would have never put Simone in this deadly situation. It was too late. Too late.

  Davis decided to leave the office early. He had to find a way to get Simone and her friends out of this. As for himself, he didn’t know if he could save himself. But he would help Simone if it costs him his life. He owed her that much.

  He locked up his office door and left the building.


  Van was sitting in his usual chair when Saldivar walked through the door later that night. Saldivar caught the intense look Van gave him.

  “What is wrong, mon ami?” Saldivar asked, sitting opposite him.

  “We need to talk about some important matters. First, Raven. What is the story on her any way?” Van wanted to know.

  Saldivar thought for a moment. He then explained to Van what Raven had told him. Zane, the hospital, the spying. “I already know you know about the OVI. I want to know the sorry person who would write stories on us in the first place,” he finished.

  “I despise him already,” Van said scathingly. “If it were up to me, I’d thrash that reporter.”

  “Yes, well.” Saldivar went on the change the subject. “What about Simone? Have you told her your story yet?”

  Van smiled. “Yes. Surprisingly, she wasn’t as repulsed as I thought. I know it will take time for her to get used to it. She says she still loves me; that she couldn’t stop just because of what I am. She’s an extraordinary person. I love her very much as well. What about Indea?”

  “I have not told her yet. I hope she doesn’t think I betrayed her.”

  “Why would you think that? She’s obviously smitten with you.”

  “Yes. I am of her, too. I wanted to tell her first, but she was so lovely and my hormones had had enough.”

  Van eyebrows lifted. “Ah. It is understandable, Saldivar. I think you’ve repressed your needs for far too long.”

  Saldivar nodded. “I will tell her soon.” He just hoped it wasn’t too late.


  Simone needed to go see Van. She had to come clean about being the reporter. That she was the one doing the stories, though she didn’t know at the time how dangerous it was to have written articles on them both. That she had absolutely no idea that these stories were meant to harm them and spy on their comings and goings.

  She was still hurt that Mr. Brant had used her to infringe on Van and Saldivar’s life. Since Mr. Brant had asked her to do the stories, she didn’t question his motives until it was too late. She just wanted to know why he would use her. Why would he even think about betraying her? They have known each other for over ten years. She wasn’t like a daughter to him any more. She was just a pawn in his twisted game. And she didn’t want to play any more.

  She grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

  Van had to understand.


  “Why, Simone,” Van said smoothly, opening the door wider to let her in. “I’m glad you came by.”

  Simone forced a smile as she walked into the living room. “Me, too, Van. I---“

  “Have you given any thought to what I have explained to you?” He sat down close beside her. “Do you think you could live your life in shadow as long as it’s with me?”

  Tears fell gently, spilling onto her cheeks. “Oh, Van. I do love you.” She rested her hand on his hard thigh.

  Van’s jeans were suddenly too tight. Oh, how he wanted to bury himself deep inside her. Van moved his head and breathed in the sweet fragrance of her hair. Her skin. It was intoxicating. “Simone,” he started roughly. “It will not be easy. Sometimes it can feel like a punishment. But with you by my side, it could never be so bad any more because I love you with every fiber of my being.”

  Simone wanted him. All thoughts of telling him she was the one doing the stories were so far in the back of her mind. She just wouldn’t do them any more. She was sure Van loved her enough to forgive her, especially since she had no inkling that Mr. Brant would use it against them. She lifted her chin and smiled seductively, her eyes meeting his. “Punish me, Van,” she whispered, her voice throaty and low.

  Van sucked in an aroused breath. In an instant, he crushed his mouth to hers. A bruising kiss. Teeth clashed. Hands roamed. There was no time to make it to the bedroom. They had to have each other right here. Right now.

  They shed their clothes quickly and Simone lay on the plush rug and held out her arms to Van. Van fell into her arms and placed kisses lightly over her face. Her chin. Her neck. Oh, how badly he wanted to pierce the skin and drink from her. He held off. She wasn’t ready for that yet.

  Van lifted up on his knee
s and caressed her thighs before scooting down and grabbing her legs and wrapping them around his shoulders. He plunged his tongue into her. Simone cried out and her hands raked through his hair. Van ran his tongue up and down her moist folds. Simone raised her hips, begging for more. Van tasted her sweetness, her passion. She was heaven. She was fire. Simone lifted up once more, reaching, as Van slipped a finger inside and stroked her softly. Simone thought she would explode into a million pieces the way Van was touching her.

  Umm, this wonderful torture. How long could she stand it? Van continued to work her with his tongue and fingers, bringing her to new heights of pleasure. Before she climaxed, Van lifted up and pressed his thumb on her core. She cried out in sweet surrender.

  Van positioned himself over her after protecting himself. He did not enter her. He waited. “What do you want, Simone?” he asked huskily. “Tell me……… me,” he urged in a deep growl, looking at her intently.

  “You……” Her voice shook. She reached between them and grabbed his throbbing shaft. She gently coaxed him toward her womanhood. As she slipped him inside, she finished breathlessly. “……..inside me.”

  Van grunted deeply, filling Simone with his aching manhood. She was warm, soft and made of hot velvet. He was hard and thick and the friction he created was sure to bring them to flames. Van massaged Simone’s breasts, pinching and playing with the nipples, loving the feel of them hardening against his fingers. He thrust harder as he bent down to take a pebble hard nipple in his mouth. He laved at it, bit it softly as he ground his hips into her. Simone clamped her legs around Van’s waist as he continued to massage her supple flesh. She held him tightly, straining against him. Van lifted his head and took Simone’s mouth. He drank in her loud cries of passion. Her pleas. He felt her moan against his lips. He felt her womanhood clamp down on him, milking him to pure ecstasy. He thrust harder. Faster. Higher. The tension was almost too much to bear as they began reaching for the pinnacle of pleasure. Both cried out as he spilled his seed into her, her warm honey spilling around him.

  They lay, clutching each other in the aftermath, panting, sweaty and totally sated.


  Simone lay in the crook of Van’s arm. They had moved to the bedroom, comfortable in their silence.

  Simone was still troubled by the thought of Mr. Brant deceiving her into unwillingly violating Van and Saldivar’s privacy. She just wanted to know why. Why lie to her? What was in it for him? The only reason she could think of was money.

  What a shame. It was awful how the love of money made people do terrible things. Horrible things to the people they supposedly loved like family. Simone felt a tear fall from her eye. She should really tell Van. Make him understand that she had no clue as to what was going on. He loved her. He had to see. She sniffed.

  Van tightened his hold on Simone. “Simone? Something is troubling you,” he stated. “Please tell me?”

  Simone lifted her head, meeting Van’s questioning and concerned gaze. Oh, how she hated doing this, especially after making love with him. “Van. Oh, I don’t even know how to start.”

  Van’s brows furrowed. “Just tell me any way that you can,” he coaxed softly.

  Simone sat up in bed. She already dreaded the words before they came out of her mouth. “The reporter that you despise so much? Well, what if I told you that she had no idea she was being misled in writing those stories on you and Saldivar?” She bit her lip. She didn’t know how Van was going to react when he found out that she was the reporter.

  Van frowned. “Why do you assume the reporter’s a female and was deceived into writing those stories? Where are you leading me, Simone?”

  Simone’s head dropped to her chin. The tears flowed freely now. “Oh, Van. I’m so sorry. If I had known……but I didn’t. I wouldn’t have done it. If I had known what I know now, I couldn’t have done it.” She knew she was blubbering and not making much sense.

  Van shot out of bed, naked as the day he was born. “Wait a minute. Don’t tell me that you’re the reporter causing all this commotion with the undead? You can’t be the reporter from the states.” He didn’t want to believe it. He wanted Simone to deny it. He silently begged her to tell him she wasn’t the one.

  Simone got out of bed and put on her dress she found lying on the chair. In her haste, she forgot to put on anything else. She sighed. “Van, please try to understand. I had no idea what was going on. All I thought my editor wanted was some highlights of Paris and clubs, yours included. I didn’t know you were a vampire until you told me. Like I said, had I known what I know now, I would have refused to write any of those stories. You have to believe me. I would never hurt you, Van. Don’t you see that? You can look inside my mind. You know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you or lie to you.”

  Van’s anger had clouded his mind. He wanted to look, but he was too furious. More at the situation than with Simone.

  “Saldivar told me about this reporter. You knew we were talking about it. You knew about it before we even made love. Why couldn’t you tell me before this, Simone? Are you still going to write more on us? Did you continue to write about us after you found out I was a vampire? Did you make love to me so you could write about the mating rituals of vampires? Did you get your story, Simone? Was I good enough to print? Do you want a little more before you go?” He hated the words he was throwing at her, but he was saddened and angry.

  Simone’s eyes were wide from shock. She said nothing. She turned and ran out of the bedroom, tears blinding her. How could she have been so stupid to tell him? It was plain as the nose on her face he was infuriated with her. He had every right, but it still didn’t stop her from hurting terribly. She knew he was also hurting. By the time she reached the door and grabbed the handle to open it, a hand shot out with lightning speed and stopped her from opening it.

  Simone spun around. “What, Van? Didn’t you say enough? You don’t want to keep me here. I’m the reporter, remember? Let me go.”

  Van’s jaw clenched. “No.” He closed in on her. “We’re not finished.”

  Simone crossed her arms. Even in her state, she still noted that Van didn’t bother to get dressed. “I think you’ve said plenty.”

  Van reached out to touch her but she flinched away from him. She backed up but her back hit the door.

  Van cursed himself. He had scared her. “I would never hurt you, Simone.”

  Simone shook her head fiercely. “You lie. So what you said up there was not hurting me? I don’t believe you.” She turned once again and reached for the door handle.

  Van still held the door shut. Instead of letting her go, Simone felt his bare chest on her back. Heat infused her. She was still angry with him but, by God, she still wanted him. He still had that power over her. She could’ve kicked herself when she leaned into him. She felt his arousal on her backside.

  Van leaned his head into her neck. He breathed in her scent. “Don’t leave,” he said, his voice thick with passion. She felt his hand reach down and lift her dress. He caressed her bottom before moving his hand to her hip, and slowly reaching around and touching the soft curls at the apex of her thighs. He took his knee and opened her legs wider. Simone could feel his stiff manhood nudge at her opening. He grabbed her hands and held her palms to the door.

  “Don’t leave me.” His warm breath fanned her neck before entering her hard and fast. Simone let her head fall back onto Van’s shoulder. She could feel his teeth at her throat. He drew in a little skin and sucked gently but not biting her. In the aroused state she was in, she wouldn’t have cared.

  He pushed up into her. Simone let out a gasp. Her palms flattened on the door as her head fell forward. She pushed her bottom into Van, letting him take all he wanted. Van ran a hand down Simone’s face, slipping a finger into her mouth. She sucked at his finger as he rode her hard. Simone could feel his breath coming in short pants on the nape of her neck. He took his finger out of her mouth and brought it down and touched the very core of her pleasure. He w
orked her, petted her.

  Simone could barely catch her breath. He pushed her hard up against the door. He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. She could feel him coil tighter inside her.

  Simone could hardly take it, it was so good. “Mmmmm. Oh, Van. Y-yes. Oh, yesss.”

  “You….feel…so good, Simone.” Van ground out as he jerked inside her. He felt Simone tighten around him, milking him to the ultimate finish.

  They both cried out as Van exploded inside her. Simone let her head fall back onto Van’s shoulder, trying to catch her breath.

  Van turned her around and held her close in his arms. They just held each other for a long time.

  They found their way back to the bed and Simone rested there until Van had to take his leave to rest before the sun peaked on the horizon. He kissed her softly good-bye, promising that they would talk at length tonight, when he awoke. Simone quietly tip-toed out of the house and made her way home.


  Davis Brant had gotten off the plane in Paris half an hour ago and hailed a cab to take him to the Skys’ residence. He needed to talk to Simone and the best way was to talk to her face to face. He had to warn her; tell her everything before this debacle went any further. It had gone too far in his eyes as it was. He had done enough harm to her already. He should have never even entertained thoughts of telling her to do these vampire stories and then trying to sweeten the pot with a bribe of giving Simone her own office and the go ahead to continue these kinds of articles on a regular basis. He wouldn’t blame her if she completely disowned him and quit the paper.

  It was entirely his fault.

  The cab came to a halt near the Skys’ driveway. Davis paid the driver, adding a generous tip and stepping out into the fragrant night air. He spied a singular person walking toward the Skys’ home. A female. Davis squinted. It was Simone!


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