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Unicorn's Unease

Page 6

by Crystal Dawn

  “Three separate spies have reported it has turned for the large part.”

  “What time?” Jake asked.

  “We attack at dawn.” Herk replied. “I’m hoping some of their males may help us. They’ve not managed to convert all of them so attack with caution.”

  Everyone nodded. Even though they weren’t into the fighting long, the enthusiasm was no longer there. Now it was simply for duty. There had been too much death in such a short time. Herk dismissed them after giving a few instructions and they left going in every direction.

  “What now?” Jespers asked.

  “Now we prepare ourselves for battle.”

  “Can we go to the bar and have some drinks first?”

  “Why not?” Julio asked. The bar, the only one for many miles around, was within easy walking distance for warriors. They started out walking, but if they drank much, they would flash back to headquarters. It was a small place and sometimes in the late night hours quite crowded.

  It was easy to find because there were few buildings in town, if you could call it a town. There was a gas station with a laundry mat and a small grocery store. A building that looked more like a shed than anything was set up to serve food to go. A couple houses were scattered about and the bar finished the town sitting at the other end without any buildings too close.

  Right now they were doing a hell of a lot of business as most of the warriors had the same idea they did. Everyone wanted to get a drink before turning in for the night. The owner was the bartender and he looked about fifty. His slightly younger wife, who looked tough as nails, was the barmaid. A huge guy stood at the door with a sawed off shotgun and he must be a bouncer.

  Most people were going to the bar for their drinks even though there was no seating there. Some of the males were buying their drinks and heading outside to drink them. With the place packed like it was and hot as hell, it smelled like sweaty gym socks. The odor was tolerable but not pleasant. Looking at the crowd of aggressive soldiers, he knew it was only a matter of time before a fight broke out.

  Herk planned to build a rec area with a bar and he couldn’t do it soon enough. Having all their soldiers go to a place like this was just asking for problems. A pretty girl came into the place picking up an order since the place served food as well. The males got frisky taking turns in an attempt to get her attention. It wasn’t long before a fight broke out. By that point she was gone, but it made no difference.

  “Let’s get out of here.” Jespers said.

  “If only it was that easy. We have a battle tomorrow and we need these guys. They need to be taken back to headquarters.”

  “”How are we going to do that?” Jespers eyes followed as a guy went flying past them after he received a hard hit.

  “Start with him while he’s confused.”

  Jespers grabbed him and they flashed away. Julio grabbed the next guy that got conked and they took turns flashing them away. The numbers were growing smaller and the males still battling out began to notice.

  “Where are my buddies at?” He asked belligerently. His eyes fell on Jespers. “It’s your doing, isn’t it?”

  “Did you forget about the battle tomorrow?” Julio asked.

  “No, I’m preparing for it Sir.”

  “Herk won’t be pleased with this kind of preparation. Head back to headquarters to finish your drink.”

  “Yes, Sir.” The older male said. He wasn’t happy but he was a soldier who followed orders thankfully. He was gone in a blink.

  “I thought we were in trouble for a minute.” Jespers admitted.

  “For a minute we were. He recognized me or he would have gone after you.”

  “He looked mean as hell.”

  “It’s good that he’s on our side. Now let’s go back too. There’s nothing here for us now.”

  Back at the base, they parted ways each going to bed to get all the sleep they could. Julio remembered in his younger days going to places much like the local bar and fighting, but usually after a victory not to prepare for a battle. He couldn’t imagine how a bar brawl would prepare anyone for a battle.

  Taking a hot shower, once he was done he set his alarm early and laid down catching some sleep. It was funny how the alarm seemed to ring right after he closed his eyes. Jumping up, he smacked the alarm to stop that horrible noise. He dressed in his black battle suit. It was form fitting and gave some protection during a fight.

  The suit didn’t stop speeding bullets or a sharp knife, but it took more force for an enemy to push through it. It was a recent addition along with some neat weapons and a first aid kit that might keep you alive until help came if you were severely wounded. Some of the warriors refused the newer equipment but he liked to try all the latest stuff.

  Jespers was in the dining room when he arrived and they grabbed a quick breakfast sandwich and got out of the way for the next soldiers to come through. As he wiped out his food, he observed the other warriors. Over half wore the new suit. That was progress because many of the older supes refused to try new things of any kind. There was Janel but she wasn’t wearing the new suit which surprised him. Maybe they didn’t order them in her size. Most of the females weren’t wearing them.

  Warriors started to gather as the departure time grew nearer. All but a few were gathered as Herk and Pru appeared. That made it officially time to leave as soon as they flashed. Everyone crowded closer with the witches in the center of those who couldn’t transport that way. It began with those that could take themselves to the battle and the witches or others taking those that needed help.

  He’d seen all the descriptions of the place, but Turnia was impressive. A solid looking rock wall surrounded the place and a sizable city for this area thrived inside the walls. Few people were up at this hour, but guards walked the walls and signs that the city was awakening were evident.

  It was hard to believe Hubolla had a foothold here. None of the signs the other places had were present here. The place looked charming and peaceful. His eyes met Jespers’ then Herk’s. “This doesn’t seem right.”

  “I vote you talk to one of their leaders before we make a horrible mistake.” Pru insisted.

  “Once we talk to them, they’ll be aware of our suspicions.” Herk observed.

  “If you don’t and you wrongly attack them, no one will trust us again.” Pru said.

  “Fine. We’ll send the troops back and a small group will go in.”

  The small group ended up being Julio, Herk, Pru, and Janel. It looked more like a date than a political visit. They were immediately let in and escorted to the mayor. He was short and chubby, but nice and accommodating.

  “You were told we had a nest of Hubolla followers?” The mayor laughed. “We regularly ban any found to be supporters of that creature.” He turned out to be a troll using glamour to look human. It was also clear he was telling the truth as he knew it and he should know.

  “What now?” Julio whispered to Herk.

  “We thank him and leave. Something is wrong with our information gatherers. We need to get to the bottom of this.” Herk insisted.

  “Can I do anything else for you?” The mayor asked.

  “No, you’ve been more than helpful.” Herk admitted.

  They left with as many questions as they’d come with. Who had said there was a Hubolla nest here and how had they determined that? Had they been set up or had they lied? How would they find out and what action would they take once they knew? Leading was a tough job.

  “It’s lunch time. Before we leave this lovely city, let’s take the ladies out to eat.” Julio suggested.

  “Sounds like a good idea. Are you agreeable ladies?” Herk asked.

  “Why not?” Pru said after she looked at Janel who nodded.

  They continued down the narrow streets until the aroma of good food drew them in. It was a restaurant that had a grill. The menu was large for such a small place and the reason became obvious as they looked out of the window and saw a farmer’s market in the
square. Supplies were close by if they ran out.

  The place reminded him of the way things had been many years before. Julio might be young for a Unicorn, but he would be long dead if he was a human. A waitress came and they gave her their orders. She was back quickly with drinks. Beer for the males and juice for the females. The aroma of their food cooking filled the place and made him feel hungry.

  Their waitress brought their plates quickly on a large tray. They ate family style with their choices of several grilled meats and vegetables. All of them fell on the food like they were starving. It didn’t take them long to wipe it all out. He’d remember this place and bring Janel again sometime.

  They decided against dessert since Herk needed to get back to give a report about what had occurred or in this case hadn’t happened. Once they paid, they headed out. Most of the citizens of this town were human so they walked out the gate and flashed once they were out of sight.

  Just as they flashed, he grabbed Janel’s hand and redirected her with him. It was time to act, he’d waited long enough. She was his and now that he’d have her alone, he’d be able to convince her. They arrived in seconds at the small house he’d rented for a month. Whatever it took, they would be mated soon.

  “What have you done?” Janel asked.

  “I borrowed you for a short time.”

  “Are you crazy?”

  “Crazy about you. I made a mistake and I think I’ve paid for it. It’s time now that we are together again.” Julio insisted.

  “It was more than a mistake. That was a complete rejection of me as your mate.”

  “That wasn’t what I intended. I needed to get my head on straight and realize what really mattered. Don’t you see what you mean to me?” He held her chin up so she would look in his eyes.

  “No, all I can see is you walking away.”

  “Don’t do this to us. I know you’ll regret it too if we turn our back on what we have.”

  “I’m more afraid of giving you the chance to hurt me again than I am of the pain that you’ve already caused and it continuing.” He saw her eyes fill with tears. What had he done?

  ‘I’d do anything to take it back, but it’s no use. We have to move past this. If it takes a hundred years, I’ll keep you here until you believe me.”

  “Isn’t that an oxymoron? I’ll imprison you until you see I wouldn’t hurt you?”

  “You might think so, but you took away my choices. You’re more stubborn than I am.”

  “Apparently not. You just move your behavior to the next level without regards to how I feel.”

  “That’s not true. You are my everything. Some females would think this was romantic.”

  “Go find one of them.” Janel gave him a hard look.

  “I don’t want one of them. All I want is you.” He stepped closer to her and gently took her in his arms. Kissing her sweetly, he tried to pour his love into the kiss. “Can’t you feel that?”

  “Chemistry isn’t good enough.”

  “Is that really all you feel?”

  Janel looked away. “Just let me go.”

  “Never. You are a part of me I can’t live without.” He flashed them up to the bedroom.

  “Why won’t my powers work here?”

  “The house is spelled. No magic except mine works here and no one can enter or leave without my permission.”

  “That requires a powerful witch. Where did you find one?”

  “I need to keep a few secrets, Sweetheart.” Julio declared.

  “Fine, keep your secrets. I’ll still find a way to leave.”

  “Okay. But while you’re here why don’t we talk about us?” Julio pulled his mate over to the bed where they sat side by side.

  “What do you want to talk about?”

  “Tell me how to get you back.”

  “Are you crazy? Why would I do that?”

  “That’s what I thought you’d say.” Since reason wouldn’t work, it was time to try seduction.

  He pulled her into his arms again and this time the kiss claimed her. It was hard and masterful as he scorched her lips with his heat while his tongue demanded entrance to duel with hers. His hands moved over her possessively and stroked her stomach. Pulling back quickly, he stared at her.

  “What was that?” He asked in disbelief.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “There’s something in your stomach. I felt it move. Either you’re possessed or you’re pregnant. Which is it?” Julio asked.


  “When were you going to tell me?”

  “Soon, really I was.” Janel assured.

  “I guess you got your trip back now.” He touched her and flashed her to headquarters. This time he was the one who walked away.

  It was several hours later when Jespers knocked on his door. “Come in.”

  “Bro, what’s up with you?”

  “Janel is pregnant and she didn’t tell me.”

  “That’s terrible. She looks really upset too. Maybe she feels bad about it. How did you find out?”

  “I borrowed her and took her to that house I rented. When I touched her stomach, something moved. She admitted it and I took her back here. What I did was wrong in one way, but her keeping the news of my offspring from me, that’s way worse.”

  “Maybe she planned to tell you.”

  “She says she did, but she had many chances and never said a word. I can’t believe I didn’t realize it. I was such a fool.”

  “No one else seems to know either. You’re not the only one who overlooked it.” Jespers pointed out.

  “That doesn’t make me feel any better.”

  Chapter 8


  Janel watched as Julio walked away and instead of the pain and fear of rejection she’d felt before she was ate up with guilt. The look on his face when he’d realized she was with child had made her feel horrible. He’d immediately known the baby was his and never questioned that. It was obvious he felt betrayed and it would be hard to overcome that.

  She went to her room where she paced and worried. There were no solutions here so she went to find Pru who was in her room with her feet propped up. “Hey Girlfriend.”

  “Hey, Pru. Got a minute?”

  “Sure do as long as I don’t have to stand on these feet with the swollen ankles. What’s happened?”

  “Julio kidnapped me and we ended up at a house he rented that was spelled to keep me from escaping.”

  “Clearly that didn’t work out.”

  “No, he figured out I was pregnant and he felt betrayed. He brought me here and walked away.” A tear ran down one of Janel’s cheeks. She angrily brushed it away.

  “So now that you think you’ve lost him forever it’s not so hard to forgive what he did?”

  “You’re right. That’s how I feel. I wish I’d let him talk me into giving him another chance. Now it’s too late.”

  “I doubt that it’s too late. You might have to give him a little time to stew, but you’re gonna have his baby so he’ll have to come to you.”

  “That’s true if he cares about the baby.”

  “There may be some males who don’t care, but most do.”

  “What’s going to happen now? Herk’s made his report hasn’t he?”

  “They want him to get someone closer to him inside Turnia to see what is really going on. They also want someone watching the spies that sent the message about Hubolla followers there. It will cover all their bases.” Pru explained.

  “That sounds smart. We can’t take any chances if we want our children to enjoy a world that’s free.”

  “It certainly makes it personal when you have a baby about to be born.”

  “How close are you?”

  “I may only have a month. It’s hard for them to tell.”

  “You’re so lucky. I have at least two or I think so.”

  “I know, Sweetie. Things will work out you just have to give it time.”

p; “I’m not a patient person.” Janel admitted.

  “Me either, but sometimes there is no choice.”

  “Not when it depends on other people. You think he’ll stay mad long?” She looked at Pru hopefully.

  “If he talks to Herk, maybe he’ll come around faster.”

  They sat around talking about unimportant things just to pass the time. It didn’t seem like hours had passed, but they had. Herk came in and looked surprised to see her. “Looks like things were going too smoothly. Julio wants you taken off battle duty.” Herk informed.

  “It isn’t his decision. I’m in little danger where you have us standing behind the warriors.”

  “Hey, I’m on your side for now. Pru will have to quit soon. So many of the witches are expecting we can’t afford to lose them all at once. He was just shocked, I think he’ll calm down after a while.”

  “Do you really think so?” Janel asked hopefully.

  “Sure. I believe he loves you. That’s why he’s so confused and hurt right now.” Herk admitted.

  That didn’t make her feel any better. She’d been stubborn and now it was his turn to withhold forgiveness. It looked like their relationship would never work out. Maybe they were just not meant to be. Just the thought filled her with overwhelming sadness.

  “He’ll come around. Even my stubborn mate did.” Pru encouraged.

  “Thanks guys. I’m going to go downstairs and grab a snack before I turn in.”

  After saying their goodbyes, she headed down to the dining room. A snack would help her sleep and tonight she would need the help. She thought about how good it felt to be in his arms and regretted being so stubborn a little bit more. Pru had Herk to rub her feet and share the joy of the baby when it kicked. All alone, it wasn’t as easy and it would just get harder.

  In the dining room she made her way to the area where she ordered her food. A meat and cheese plate with a hot herbal tea to drink should relax her. She got her order and headed to the door just as Jespers and Julio were headed in. Jerking back in surprise, she almost spilled her hot tea on herself. Goddess, that male drove her crazy.

  “Need some help?” Jespers asked.


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