Capturing Charlie [Braden Security 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Capturing Charlie [Braden Security 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 8

by Dale Cadeau

  The guy just nodded his head her way and followed the other guy out.

  Charlie looked at Grant laying on the bed and the towel on the floor. Picking it up, she added it to the clothes drying.

  “Hey, you can’t take that away. I have nothing to wear if I want to leave the bed.”

  “Maybe I want you to have to stay in bed. You need rest, Grant. That last blow added to the others, your head must be splitting.”

  “The pills helped, but I would like to get up and see what McDonald’s delight they brought us this time,” Grant said, sitting up in bed, making sure the covers kept him decent.

  “You just lie there. I’m going to bring the tray to the bed.”

  Charlie had done a lot of thinking while she was in the bathroom. She thought about her life and how she had made it this far. She had always been a straight-A student, not going out with guys like her sisters. She had a plan. She wanted to make a difference. Her family always had enough to get by, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have hand-me-downs from her sisters.

  She didn’t want that life for her family, so she studied until she was one knowledgeable stockbroker who could see trends and hedge bets with the best of them. Numbers she could understand, and when she began at Braden Investments, she learned from the golden boy himself, Chase Braden. Everything he touched turned to gold.

  Her family was set for life, and with her portfolio, she was also financially stable. She kept at the job because she loved the excitement. But she had to admit that she didn’t know real excitement until Grant came to Braden Investment to fill in for Chase. Chase was pursuing his dream of working with his brother and his unit in the security business. When Grant walked into the office that day, her senses came alive. Her sisters had always talked about an instant attraction to someone, but she had never experienced it.

  Now it looked like if she didn’t make a move, she would never get to experience anything with Grant. Mind you, the situation didn’t really call for romance or even some lust-filled nights. But she was damned if she was going to end her days without that taste of him that she had been dreaming about for so long.

  She wasn’t the most experienced, but she knew the fundamentals and was sure if she could get Grant on the same page that he would take over. But how to go about it? Taking his towel and with his clothes still wet, it was a start. She hadn’t been thinking about that when she started washing his clothes, she just wanted him to be comfortable. But she wouldn’t let this lucky break get away. She would serve him their lunch-dinner then take a shower and wash her clothes, too.

  Having her plans worked out, she picked up the tray. Charlie carried it over with shaky hands to Grant, who stared at her like he knew she was planning something. Charlie laid the tray down on Grant’s lap, making sure that her hand brushed the obvious bulge under the blanket. There, that should get him thinking. She was glad she still had a hand on the tray as he jumped at her touch.

  Letting on nothing unusual had happened, she returned to the table and brought their drinks back. Grant had now situated the tray over his bulge and seemed a bit jittery. Sitting on the bed beside him, she gave him a wide smile and herself a pep talk. Deep breath—this was the start of her seduction of Grant.

  Chapter Fifteen

  When the pizza got to the penthouse an hour later, Tony was no nearer to finding the van amongst all the white vans heading out of the city. Getting up, he stretched his legs as he went to the counter and helped himself to a slice.

  “God, does everyone in this city own a white van?”

  Clay, who was already seated at the table eating, couldn’t disguise his grunt of frustration. There were getting nowhere.

  “I wish we had Angel here to help. He might be able to sense something that we’re missing.”

  Chase added. “Yeah, me too. But we can’t disturb him right now.

  Did you get the money in place, Chase?

  “Jackson is working on it, he should be calling soon. I had to drop some of my portfolio to make up the amount,” Chase replied

  “Are you going to have to take a loss? I’m sure me and the guys could chip in, too. Not much, but it might help,” Clay offered

  “No, I’ll be okay. The market is stable right now, so I won’t lose much. And after all, this is my mess,” Chase said, picking at his slice of pizza in front of him.

  “Chase, it’s not your mess. It’s Braden Security they’re after, all of us. You were picked by them as a means to get to James. Charlie just got caught up in it. I just wished Grandma had been more detailed as to how she knows Grant and Charlie are not in any danger. Until Cyn has her baby, she’s off the table just like Angel,” Clay said, taking a sip of his beer.

  “I don’t think she would tell us anything more anyway. She said that they needed time. God knows what she meant by that,” Gage said as he finished up his pizza and took his plate back to the sink.

  The landline in the penthouse rang and all the guys looked at each other. It wasn’t time for the kidnappers to call. They had already checked in today. Clay got up and went to the phone.

  “Braden here.” He spoke into the phone.

  “Clay, you have a nice rich voice over the phone.”

  “Is this Grandma?” Clay asked.

  “Yes, it’s Grandma.”

  “Has Cyn had her baby yet?

  “No, not yet, that’s not why I’m calling you.”

  “Did you sense something else?” Clay asked her hurriedly

  “No, but I can feel your worrying way over here, so I called. I still think you shouldn’t find them too fast. They need this time together. Really, they are not in danger,” Grandma said with patience.

  “Grandma, we don’t know that for sure,” Clay answered back.

  “You don’t, but I do. So listen, one of the men holding them will end up helping them in the end. He really is a good guy, but working under a delusion.”

  “Do you know who he is?” Clay asked

  “No, I don’t. But I can reassure you that all will be well in the end.”

  “Grandma, can’t you tell us anything else?” Clay pleaded.

  “Tell Chase not to worry about the stocks he is selling, they would have tanked shortly anyway,” Grandma said with a laugh.

  “Grandma, that’s not what I meant.” Clay had to grin at the sly old woman.

  “I know, Clay, but this is really all I’m going to say right now. Oh, I also wanted to tell you that I really like your wife. She is here with me and Cyn.”

  Clay was left holding a dead phone, as Grandma hung up.

  Clay put the receiver down and swore as he swiped his hand though his hair and looked at the guys sitting at the table.

  “Well?” Chase asked

  “That was Grandma. She knew we were worried and called to tell us again everything would be okay.”

  “Is that all she said? We could use anything about now,” Tony said as he continued to look at the computer screen showing the highway feed.

  “She also said that one of the guys holding them was a good guy with false information.”

  “Tell me how Grandma can think one of the guys is a good guy when he pulls this kind of stunt,” Chase said, still just staring at the pizza in front of him.

  “I don’t know, Chase. That’s all she said. Oh, and she likes Laura.” Clay sat down. “I think you should call Jackson and get an update. It looks like we are going to need that money.”

  “Sure, I can do that, but what about getting Carlos out of prison? We haven’t even talked about that.” Chase gave up on the pizza and picked up his beer and took a swallow.

  “I was hoping it wouldn’t get that far,” Clay said, thumping his bottle on the table.

  “Do you think we should contact the warden at the prison and arrange something to make it look like he’s been freed?” Gabe asked.

  “We can’t take the chance on this leaking. No, we will have to come up with a plan, as if we were running a legit mission. And hope that we do
n’t have to follow through.” Clay took one of his hands and rubbed the back of his neck, his expression thoughtful.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Charlie watched Grant eat and listened to him talk about anything but their situation, but her mind was racing. She was coming up with different scenarios as to how to approach Grant with her request. Did she play the sympathy card, about this could be their last night together? No, he would probably reassure her again that they would get out of here and how good the Braden Security man were.

  Did she just reach out and grab him and hope that he would cooperate? What if he didn’t—that would be embarrassing. Maybe she should have her shower and just come out wearing a towel and drop it at his feet. What if he didn’t like what he saw when she had her clothes off? God, what could she do?

  Grant stopped eating and talking. He knew that Charlie wasn’t listening to him anymore with her one-word replies. She was biting her bottom lip and seemed to be off in her own little world. He just hoped that she wasn’t giving up. A depressed Charlie would be hard to deal with. Her tears brought him to his knees, wanting to solve all her problems. If she got depressed, he might do something stupid to get her out of here. No, he had to keep a clear head.

  He could think of one way to keep her mind and body occupied. He would love to strip her clothes off and make love to her. Taste every inch of skin as he unwrapped her. He would make love to her all night, so all her thoughts and senses would be inundated with nothing but the two of them and how good they were together.

  And Grant knew that they would be good. He had never had so many erections when just talking about stocks and bonds. It was like her every word turned into sweet nothings whispered in his ear whenever she spoke to him at the office. Every night it was a repeat of the first night he met her. Taking himself in hand every night was getting on his nerves. No other woman appealed to him after he was introduced to her by Chase.

  The days that they were together were spent in longing for her, the nights were agony, spent wanting her so much. The blisters on his hands were getting blisters and could be attributed to his never-ending longing. Grant put a hand out and secured the tray on his lap. His thoughts were starting to show and the erection he had willed down, when they started to eat, was rearing its head again, making the tray lopsided.

  Reaching his other hand out, he touched her cheek to get her attention. “What are you thinking about? We really are fine.”

  Charlie came out of her daze when she felt his hand. Looking into his eyes, she could drown in their blue depths. They held so much confidence. This was a man that would only do what he wanted and on his own timetable. Was she really going to be able to persuade him? “I was just thinking of going in and having a shower. Are you done eating?”

  “Yes, I think that would be a good idea. You will feel better after a shower. I know it helped me. Why don’t you go and do that? If you’ll hand me my towel, I’ll clean up this.” Grant pointed at the towel draped over the chair.

  Charlie leaped off the bed. “No, I’ll do it, you just lay there. Maybe you should take another pill?

  Charlie didn’t want him to have his towel back so he could move around and maybe check to see if his clothes were dry. If she had a chance of succeeding, she wanted him naked and easily accessible. Just looking at his muscular chest had her licking her lips. No, she was determined that tonight was the night, kidnappers or not.

  Taking the tray, she put it back on the table as Grant watched her with a strange look on his face. She knew she was acting a bit crazy, but it would be worth it in the end. Wiping her sweaty hands on her skirt, she turned and looked at Grant.

  “I’ll be right back.” And she hurried into the bathroom and shut the door.

  Stripping her clothes off, she put them to her nose and smelt them. No wonder he wasn’t interested, she stunk. Filling the basin with water, she sponged out her clothes, underwear and all. If she was going to do this, she needed to be accessible to him also.

  Wringing her clothes out, she laid them on the top of the toilet and turned the water on in the shower and stepped in. The water wasn’t the warmest, but it felt great running over her skin.

  Picking up the bar of soap, she soaped up her hair. There was no shampoo. It might look a sight when dry, but at least it would be clean. Rinsing out the soap, she took the bar and ran it over her body. Her nipples were sensitive at just the feel of the soap running over them. She was so primed that she knew with just a few strokes of her fingers in the right spot and she would go off like a rocket.

  Resisting the temptation, she made sure all the soap was rinsed off. She turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. No, if she was going to go off like a rocket she wanted Grant to be deep inside of her at the time. Drying off, she walked to the basin and looked in the mirror, what she would give for a mint right now. The kidnappers had supplied soap, but no toothpaste. Well, she would just have to do. Wrapping the small towel around herself, she picked up her wet clothes, and taking a deep breath, opened the door.

  Shit. Grant had his eyes shut. So much for her grand entrance. Walking over to the table, she moved their dinner tray and laid her clothes out over it the best she could.

  Hearing a noise from the bed, Charlie turned. Grant was now sitting up in bed, and if she wasn’t mistaken he seemed to be checking her out.

  “Feel better?” Grant asked her.

  “Yes, it feels great to get some of the grit off me,” Charlie answered, not moving, stuck to the floor in her insecurities.

  Putting out a hand, he held it toward her. “Come sit down. I don’t bite,” Grant told her with a smile, trying to hide his lust behind it.

  Hesitantly, she walked toward the bed and took his outstretched hand.

  Grant couldn’t stand it anymore, the lust was winning. She stood there holding the towel closed between her breasts, but as she moved toward him, the towel opened with her movement and he could see the curls hiding her mound. God, a man could only stand so much. As soon as her hand was in his grip, he pulled her the rest of the way to the bed and down on top of him. At her startled gasp, he wrapped his arms around her and flipped her on her back with him on top now.

  Taking one of his arms from around her back, he reached a hand out and brushed her wet hair away from her face so he could see her eyes and gauge how she felt with his aggression.

  The gray eyes that stared back at him now seem to glow with some hidden depths, secrets he wished he was in tune to, but he could also see the desire smoldering in them. Grant had seen enough. He lowered his head. Trying not to scare her, he tried to go slow, but with the first touch of her lips on his, he groaned and devoured her.

  Her taste exploded in his senses as he pushed his tongue into her mouth. He knew he was probably being too rough, but he just couldn’t get enough of her taste. She tasted like everything he had ever dreamed of and more something that was uniquely Charlie. Grant only pulled his lips from hers when he desperately needed a breath. He looked down at Charlie and knew his eyes were filled with the lust she inspired in him.

  Charlie pulled her hands from between their bodies and wrapped them tightly around his neck.

  “Hi,” she said her eyes half closed.

  “Hi yourself. You know we shouldn’t be doing this.” Grant tried to clear his head and give her an out if she wanted one.

  “I know, but I don’t care, do you?” Running a hand through his hair and down his back, she gave his ass a squeeze. Being brazen and not giving him a chance to change his mind, she raised her lips to his again.

  “We have nothing else to do.” Then she kissed him with all her emotions, trying to put everything she had into the kiss and show him how much she cared.

  Fuck it, Grant said to himself as he lowered his lips back to hers. He knew what he was doing was the wrong thing—letting himself be distracted from their situation. James would blow a fuse if he knew how unprofessional he was being. But God, he had been waiting so long for her that the tem
ptation was just too much to resist. He hadn’t been thinking straight since they were tossed in here. His cock was hard all the time with her nearness, and being confined together, he didn’t get a chance to get away and clear his head.

  Pushing his tongue into her mouth, he gathered her taste. Every time he tasted her, he thought his cock would explode. Now, with her rubbing herself against him, Grant knew he was a hair’s breadth away from losing it.

  With their maneuvers on the bed, Charlie’s towel had opened and he could feel her skin to skin. Lowering one hand to her breast, he gave the nipple a squeeze. It was hard as a rock, telling him she was right there with him in his excitement. Wanting to taste more of her, he pulled away from her lips and gave small bites on her jaw and neck as he headed to his goal. Cupping her breast, more than filling his hand, he brought it to his mouth when he reached it.

  At his first suckle, Charlie almost bounced him off the bed with her thrusts against his body. Moving to the other breast, he took a small nip. This was heaven just like he knew it would be and he had yet to get inside her. He just hoped that when he did, he could last long enough to satisfy her. He grounded his cock into her thigh. The damn thing was leaking and his balls were drawn up so tight it was painful. Charlie was now moaning constantly and her hands were running through his hair, holding him close to her breast.

  Charlie had never felt such exquisite pleasure. Most men just gave her breast a quick lick and moved to the main course, rushing to get into her and spill their pleasure, not really concerned that she might not be on the same page. Gripping his hair, she held Grant to her breast. He didn’t seem to be moving away, in fact, he seemed quite content as he made a meal of her breasts. Charlie rubbed her wet hair back and forth on the pillow, trying to absorb the feelings Grant was bombarding her with. When she felt him pull away from her breast and move down and nip her stomach just above her bellybutton, Charlie knew she couldn’t take anymore. Fisting her hand tighter in his hair, she pulled. Grant grunted but looked up.


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