Krewe Daddy

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Krewe Daddy Page 10

by Margie Church

  Covering his mouth with the back of his hand, Luis coughed and sputtered. "I can't say I agree, but the waiting might be more fun. At least, for a little while."

  Drew shook his head. "Patience was never your strongest suit. How about next Thursday or Friday night?"

  "A whole damn week? Shit. It'll have to be Friday. I work regular hours."

  "And I work Saturday, so don't think it's going to be an all-nighter."

  Luis grinned.

  Drew swore his eyes were sparkling with mischief, too. He decided Luis might as well see how the other half lives. "Why don't you pick me up at my apartment, and we'll go from there. Nothing fancy, okay?"

  "I know just the place. What you're wearing will be fine."

  Silence yawned. Drew took that as his cue to leave. "Tell the security guard not to shoot me on my way out."


  Drew stopped and turned to Luis. "Maybe?"

  He pointed toward his crotch. "You did leave me in bad shape."

  Drew snorted. "I'm sure you remember how to take care of business on your own. I'll see you Friday."

  Chapter Eleven

  On his way back to the office the following Friday afternoon, Drew drove through a warehouse district. He saw two men walk into one of the buildings. One wore a suit, carried garment bags over one shoulder, and his briefcase in the other hand. The other man also wore a suit and carried what looked like two, large hatboxes.

  Drew did a double take. Luis?

  With his interest piqued, Drew turned the corner and drove around the block. As he neared the building again, he saw two more men approach the entrance.

  Drew found a parking place and turned off the ignition. He hadn't eaten, and called into the office to say he'd be out of reach for a lunch break, then walked to the building.

  Inside the entrance were two doors. On his left was a nameplate that read Flamin'

  Dames Krewe. Drew smiled, thinking it would be fun to see Luis at work. He tried the door. Finding it unlocked, he went inside.

  Aphrodite's massive head loomed from its perch on the float. Even in the shadows, the wicked expression on half its face made Drew bust out in a grin. Voices came from farther back in the warehouse. Drew followed them, making no sound as he moved through the building. The closer he got, the more he could understand. He recognized Ronnie's voice immediately.

  "Luis, you've outdone yourself. These samples are magnificent. I love the colors.

  And the fabric." Ronnie shuddered for effect. "My skin is in absolute heaven!"

  Drew heard a round of laughter as he reached the entry to the area where the men had gathered.

  Luis and Ronnie were costumed as human-sized copies of Aphrodite. Luis wore flowing robes in magenta, aqua, cream, and gold. A large turban in matching colors, and adorned with jewels, made him appear quite regal. Ronnie wore a more form-fitting costume in emerald, burgundy, silver, and cream.

  "I can't wait to see what we'll look like in full makeup."

  Drew didn't recognize the voice. He stepped out of the shadows, about to announce his presence, when Ronnie reached for the hem of Luis' flowing tunic. His heart skipped a beat. He stayed out of sight, waiting to see how Luis would react.

  Has Luis changed, or does this gay panther still purr the same way?

  Ronnie moved closer until their chests touched. "The krewe wants to thank you for doing such spectacular work. I think we should christen the new float properly."

  Luis chuckled and didn't raise a finger to stop Ronnie. He glanced toward Drew but obviously didn't see him flattened against the wall.

  "I'm supposed to handle all three of you?" Intrigue laced Luis' voice.

  Drew's stomach fell like a rock in an empty elevator shaft. Hard and fast.

  "You've never been shy." Ronnie cooed and the others laughed.

  "We don't bite hard." The guy who'd just spoken was already unbuckling his belt. The leather slid out if its fabric moorings with a whoosh.

  If the man being seduced hadn't been Luis, Drew thought he'd be very turned on by the unfolding ménage. Instead, disappointment washed over him. He turned away from the scene as their teasing words and laughter increased.

  On his way to the door, he nearly ran into another arrival.

  "Everything okay, Officer?"

  Drew didn't bother to try to straighten the guy out about his inaccurate statement about his title. "No problem."

  He shouldered his way past the guy and left the building.

  * * * * *

  Drew paced his bedroom like a caged animal. In a self-righteous voice, he shared his anger with the empty room.

  "I am so glad I didn't get physical with that son of a bitch last week."

  Clenching and unclenching his fists, he stewed over the scene in the warehouse.

  "Luis changed? My ass. The only thing that's changed is my mind. He's incapable of changing, and I'm incapable of being made a fool of again. Adiós, Luis."

  Drew plopped down on his bed. This fiasco sure shed light on a lot of my problems. I found out how Kyle is really wired, and Luis will be history tonight. He let out a pent-up breath. A couple of weeks ago, my life seemed to be headed on a fast track to disaster. Not anymore.

  A name popped into his head. Blair. Now that things were settled with the other two men, nothing stood in the way of a deeper relationship with Blair—if he wanted one. Or, I can keep looking for somebody else. Drew rubbed his face, tired of the day's drama. Somehow, the notion of being free to choose who he wanted to be with didn't have the appeal he'd expected.

  A rapid knock sounded from his apartment door. Turning onto his side, Drew checked the time. Who the hell could that be?

  He walked through the living room and looked through the peephole. I'll be damned.

  After unlocking the door, Drew swung it open.

  Luis stood in the hallway. The happy, expectant expression on his face turned to embarrassment. His gaze roamed over Drew. "I'm too early. I'm sorry. I was anxious for our evening to begin."

  "You mean end, don't you?"

  Luis spoke at a measured pace. "No, I've been looking forward to tonight all week." He looked past Drew's shoulder, into the apartment. "May I come in, or would you like me to come back later?"

  Luis' obtuse behavior flabbergasted Drew. He motioned for Luis to come in. As he crossed the threshold, Drew couldn't resist a snide remark. "I'm surprised you didn't bring your IV."

  Question marks riddled Luis' expression. "IV?"

  "I'd have thought you'd be dehydrated after fucking that many guys. Frankly, I'm surprised you're vertical." Drew glanced at his watch for effect. "And early."

  "What in the Christly hell are you talking about? Are you drunk?"

  There was no need to dance around the subject anymore. Drew let accusations fly, eager to hear how Luis might lie his way out of this one.

  "I was there. I heard and saw it all."

  Luis shook his head. "I'm clueless."

  "I saw you with Ronnie and the others at the warehouse. I heard you talking. I saw him trying to take off your shirt, and the other guy getting undressed. I can't believe you had that many cocks this afternoon, and still had the nerve to come over here pretending to be excited about a date with me." Drew shrugged, knowing he was acting like a jealous ass. "Sorry to disappoint, but last time I checked, I only had one dick."

  "You were there."

  "I just said that, didn't I? Maybe your hearing is going, along with your discretion."

  "Stephan mentioned a cop in the building."

  Drew nodded. "I saw enough."

  "I don't think so."

  Drew crossed his arms and rocked back on his heels. "Really."

  "I didn't have sex with Ronnie, or any of the other men there, today. I told him as long as you and I were trying to sort out our relationship, I wouldn't spend any time with him outside of work."

  "You expect me to believe you?"

  Luis rose to his full height. "I do."

p; "I think you're full of shit."

  "Drew, if you want to play these childish games, I'm leaving. This is how we got all fucked up in the first place."

  "Ronnie was all over you; I saw him."

  Luis nodded. "He was, but that doesn't mean I acted on his advances. I've said all I'm going to say. This is déjà vu." He pointed to the floor. "Either you start right now, this minute, believing the honesty in my words, or we're finished for good."

  He crooked an eyebrow. "What's it going to be?"

  The pivotal moment had arrived for Drew. Luis couldn't have been any clearer.

  Luis headed toward the door.

  Drew grabbed his arm. "Wait." Their eyes met, and Drew knew his were chock-full of uncertainty. Calm confidence reflected in Luis' eyes. His bullshit detector was rarely wrong, and this time, Drew took Luis at his word.

  "Let me get changed and we'll go." He pointed to the kitchen. "There's beer in the fridge. Have a seat; make yourself at home."

  * * * * *

  Forty-five minutes later, Luis held open the door for Drew at Cleo's. The way the bouncer nodded at Luis gave Drew the distinct impression they knew each other.

  "You come here often?"

  Luis nodded. "Yeah, it's a different crowd. I'm not into the sports scene and the noise. I like to be able to sit back and have a conversation."

  They went to the bar and ordered drinks. While the bartender took care of their order, Drew found himself covertly watching the other patrons, gauging how many of them paid attention to Luis. A few sidelong glances; a couple of more direct gazes.

  Definitely a lot of interest here tonight.

  The bartender put their drinks on the rail. "Ten, even."

  Luis took out his wallet. "I'll get this round."

  Drew grabbed his Guinness. "Let's find a table." Turning, he almost bumped into a dark-haired guy.

  "Luis! How fabulous to see you tonight."

  The man looked and sounded very happy to see Luis. However, the way the guy checked out Drew made him want to burst out laughing.

  The newcomer extended his hand to Drew. "I'm Rush."

  Drew shook the proffered paw. "Drew. Nice to meet you, Rush."

  Crooking an eyebrow, Rush gave Luis his attention once more. "You've been holding out, Luis. Where did you get this pretty boy?"

  Drew couldn't contain his chuckle. He shot Luis a go-ahead-and-tell-him-I-can't-wait-to-hear-this kind of look.

  "Drew and I go back a long way."

  Rush let out a long, slow whistle. "Well, if you lose your way, Drew, I hope you end up at my address."

  Drew smiled even broader. "I'm flattered. I'll keep the offer in mind, Rush."

  Rush frowned. "Do I know you, Drew? Have we met before?"

  He shook his head. "I doubt it, unless you've been ticketed or arrested."

  Rush's eyes widened with interest and mischief. "A cop. Oh, Luis, you are such a lucky Daddy." He leaned into Drew and spoke in a seductive tone. "I love handcuffs and full body cavity searches."

  Drew almost choked on his drink. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he glanced at Luis, who seemed a lot less amused. "I've got a pair of latex gloves in the truck. If things get boring here, maybe I'll have to arrest you."

  "Okay, that's enough." Luis sounded downright grumpy.

  "I'm just having a little fun with your boy, Luis. No need to get bitchy." He placed his hand on Drew's bicep. "So, where have I seen you before, gorgeous?"

  "He's a model." Luis' voice matched the sour look on his face.

  Rush tapped Drew's chest with his index finger. "That's it! You're a Marks man, aren't you?"

  Frowning, Drew crooked his head. "Marks man?"

  "That's what I call all you beautiful guys in the Marks on Redding catalog. Luis, you are such a scoundrel."

  "I can't disagree, at least not tonight." Luis' lip curled up in a smug smile.

  Rush became animated as he continued. "There are a couple of guys, oh, they're so dreamy. I almost get calluses on my hand every time the catalog comes out! That hot guy with the dark hair and fathomless, dark eyes." Rush fanned himself. "The pictures of the two of you make me want to faint sometimes. How do you stand it? I'd be all over him like gravy on rice."

  "His name is Teak." The gruff tone came back in Luis' voice.

  Rush shivered for effect. "What a positively perfect name. He's a god. I bet he's amazing in bed. Have you slept with him?"

  Drew cleared his throat. "I don't think we know each other well enough to be sharing that kind of information tonight, Rush."

  His eyes opened wide. "You have! Oh, my gosh. You are the luckiest man. I bet it was fantastic."

  "Drew, I think it's time for us to take a seat. Please excuse us, Rush. It was really nice to see you."

  He gave Drew a long, final once-over. "It was all my pleasure. And I meant it, Drew. If things don't work out with Luis, please give me a call. The boys here know where to find me. I'd love to get to know you better." He licked his lips. "And I'll look forward to the next catalog." Rush winked. "Marks man."

  Luis put his hand on Drew's waist. "Maybe you can give Rush an autograph."

  Rush rubbed his hands together in anticipation. "I'd love that. We could meet for lunch or drinks, and afterward, you could—"

  Drew laughed over the man's enthusiasm. "Autograph your catalog."

  "Killjoy." Rush gave Drew a flirtatious grin. "Can't blame a guy for trying."

  "Goodnight, Rush." Luis led Drew away.

  Drew liked the possessive feeling of Luis' hand on him as they walked to a table away from the bar traffic. He didn't think Luis experienced an exchange like that very often. The way Drew remembered, any man arriving with Luis was marked as off-limits. It felt good to see Luis challenged. And being recognized as a model seemed to level the playing field a little bit more. You may be the sought-after Daddy, but I'm not sloppy seconds. Not by a long shot. Drew settled into a chair next to Luis, then took a drink of beer.

  "Rush seems like a nice guy. Did you date him?"

  "I work with him."

  Drew burst out in laughter. "Seriously?"

  "I don't see what's so funny."

  "I think it's hilarious. He's flirting outrageously with me, and I can hear him needling you every chance he gets."

  Luis guzzled his drink. "I should never have shown him that catalog."

  Drew leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest. "You didn't tell him about me."

  Luis shook his head. "There was no reason to. It's none of his business. He found the catalog on my desk, and we talked about the pictures. End of subject."

  "Is he a designer, too?"

  "He's a very talented painter and sculptor. He worked on the masks the Flamin'

  Dames are wearing."

  Anxiety stabbed Drew in the gut. "So he's part of the party crowd, too?"

  Luis's eyes became slits. "Don't start. My past and your past are not part of tonight's equation. You don't answer to me about what you've been doing for the last six years, or with whomever you've been doing it. Neither do I."

  "Are you up to date on your checkups?"

  He bristled. "Yes. Are you?"

  Drew nodded. "Healthy as a virgin." He flashed Luis a grin, trying to ease the tension he saw on Luis' face."

  Luis gave Drew a stern look. "For what it's worth, I don't whore around. I might have some fun, but I'm careful."

  "Thanks for telling me."

  "So then we can ride bareback." Luis sounded serious as a heart attack.

  Drew wanted to laugh at Luis' deadpan humor, but his cock twitched. They sat so close together, it wouldn't take any effort to lean in and kiss him. Should I? Taking the initiative seemed like a huge step. Drew stared at his half-empty glass. They had so much to work through before they jumped in the sack.

  Luis was watching him—no, studying him—the heat of his gaze like a blowtorch's flame.

  Drew felt more and more like the proverbial moth. Since when do guys think wit
h their brains?

  He caved in to his attraction and pulled Luis into a hot kiss. No need for teasing preambles. Judging from Luis' response, he was expecting the kiss and welcomed it.

  Drew opened his mouth wide, feeling the scrape of Luis' heavy beard on his chin. Luis'

  tongue twisted, stroked, and coaxed a sexual response from Drew that nearly blew the zipper out of his jeans.

  Drew broke from the kiss. "I haven't—"

  Luis dragged him back to that cave of lust with another kiss that made Drew check his better judgment at the door. His hand was on Drew's thigh, advancing without delay toward his crotch.

  Had they been alone, Drew would have let him take his dick out right then and there—and chastised him for taking so long. Cop mode kicked in, and Drew grabbed Luis' wrist.

  "Stop. Not here. I can't." His chest rose and fell as though he'd been running.

  Passion filled Luis' voice. "Let's get the hell out of here. My place is closest."

  Drew slammed down the rest of his beer, hoping the cool ale would help calm him. "Fuck, I don't even know if I can stand. I have such a hard-on."

  Luis kissed him again, not making the situation between Drew's thighs any better. "Tomorrow, you'll have trouble walking for a different reason. Call in sick to work. I want you in my bed. All night."

  "I can't. Skeeps is ready to put a bullet in me for being gone so much already."

  Luis drained his glass and set it on the table. "Who the hell is Skeeps? Your lieutenant?"

  "Jordan Skeeps is my partner. Look, we're wasting time arguing. Let's make the best of the time we have. It is, after all, our first date." Drew gave Luis a quick kiss on the lips.

  Luis smiled. "You've changed. I like what I see. Very much."

  When they passed the bar, Rush waved goodbye.

  * * * * *

  As he drove them to his penthouse, Luis glanced at Drew, slouched in the passenger seat.

  "You gonna make it, Drew?" A sinful thought came to mind. Luis reached over and caressed Drew's swollen cock.


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