Krewe Daddy

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Krewe Daddy Page 12

by Margie Church

Judging from the immediate change of subject, Drew figured he'd given the right answer. He wanted to ask what Luis' plans were, but decided the air in the car was frosty enough.

  "If we wait until Wednesday, I could spend the night."

  Shifting in his seat, Luis leaned against the door. "I'll be in Milwaukee working on their BrewFest event most of the week. I leave Monday morning, but you can stay over anyway. We can go our separate ways in the morning."

  Drew nodded.

  A hint of a smile curled Luis' lips. "And bring your toothbrush. I'll give you a shelf in the bathroom."

  Drew leaned in and kissed him. "Okay. I'll see you after work tomorrow."

  * * * * *

  Two hours later, Drew and his partner, Jordan Skeeps, headed southwest on Interstate 90.

  "What's going on behind us, Skeeps? You keep checking the rearview."

  "I'm not sure. That gray beater has been hanging back there since we left the city limits. I'm just keeping an eye on them. If they follow us onto 306, I'll pull over."

  Drew shook off his drowsiness and sat up straight. "I can't read the plate."

  "Me neither. Here's 306." Skeeps applied the brakes.

  Drew watched from the side mirror, his hand on his weapon, just in case. "Here they come."

  Although he didn't need to, Skeeps came to a full stop, forcing the driver of the gray car to show his intent.

  In a sudden show of bravado, the driver sped up, sending loose rock and dirt flying as its passenger side tires hit the gravel shoulder.

  Drew paid close attention to everything; he'd have only a few seconds.

  A Mexican man was behind the wheel. Grinning, he flipped off Drew as the car passed. Another guy in the back seat pointed at him, imitating shooting a handgun.

  Skeeps turned left. "Get the plate."

  The car continued speeding down I-90.

  Drew ran the license while Skeeps pulled onto the shoulder on Bayou Gauche Road. Their trailered airboat rattled behind the 4x4, kicking up another cloud of dust.

  While the license plate number went through the system, Skeeps had his dispatcher contact the State Highway Patrol to tell them what happened.

  "Yes, the car continued south on I-90. They just passed us at Bayou Gauche Road.

  At least three men were in the car." Skeeps described the one who pretended to shoot at Drew, then gave his attention back to Drew. "Just a minute. Drew, what have you got?"

  Drew relayed the information. "Registered to Angel Gonzalo. No warrants on Gonzalo, but there's a note that he's a known member of the Retribution gang."

  Skeeps repeated that to his dispatcher. "My partner, Agent Rothem, also recently testified against Mateo Sandalio, a known member of the gang."

  "Agent Skeeps, State Patrol advises you to take extreme precautions."

  "Roger that."

  The dispatcher delivered another volley of information from the police. "State Patrol will send an officer to the area and report any findings to us. Agent Skeeps, what is your final destination?"

  "The Salvador Wildlife Management Area. We should be offloaded and on the water within the hour."

  "Contact Region 8 headquarters when you're coming ashore, and we'll ask State Patrol to try to have a car in the area."

  "Affirmative. Agent Skeeps signing off."

  Drew looked at his partner. "I knew I should have gotten more sleep last night.

  Never fails. Whenever I play, I pay."

  Skeeps put the truck back into gear and pulled onto the road again. "Hot date?"

  Drew looked at him. "Luis."

  He raised his eyebrows. "No shit. How did that go?"

  Drew couldn't contain his smirk. "Pretty damn good. Not smooth sailing yet. We have some issues to work out, but it's going better than I expected."

  "I'm glad to hear it."

  "Really? You're as straight as they come. Two guys together doesn't bother you?"

  "I've gotten used to you. And you never lean over and grab my dick, so either I'm not your type, or that's not your style." Skeeps broke into a round of belly laughter.

  Drew laughed along with him. "Not my type. I like them—"

  Skeeps raised his hand like a stop sign. "That's enough. I said I'm glad you're working things out. I don't need the gory details."

  Drew couldn't help poking a little more fun at Jordan. "Aw, come on. Don't you want to know how it feels?"

  "Not another word."

  Drew pasted on his best innocent expression. "You sure?"

  "Not one more remark, or that airboat will come back with only one agent and it won't be you behind the wheel."

  "Killjoy. Anal sex is so hot." Drew rushed through the last sentence and broke into evil laughter.

  Skeeps blanched.

  "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." He laughed some more. "I've taken so much shit about being gay; it's fun to shovel a little back once in a while."

  "You act the same way my grandma used to describe the rotten neighbor kid.

  'Give him an inch, and he'll take a mile'."

  Drew gave him his best for-the-camera smile. "You know I love you, Jordan."

  "Oh fuck, now you're sleeping with the fishes for sure."

  Laughing, Drew leaned back. "Just drive. We have a long day ahead of us."

  * * * * *

  Riding back to the office late that afternoon, Drew was glad their day on the water passed without any more drama. The sun had beat down on them mercilessly without a single cloud to offer shelter. He could already hear Sapphire fuss over the white lines on his temples from his sunglasses and the uneven, light color on his forehead from his ball cap. Sapphire would have a shit fit when he saw him and send him straight to the spa. An airbrushed tan would fix things up for all the photos.

  Wouldn't be the first time.

  The sun and lack of sleep sapped the strength from him. "I'm going to close my eyes for a couple minutes, Skeeps. Wake me up if we're going to be shot."

  Skeeps gave him a jaundiced look. "Thanks a heap. I'm starting to think you'll be doing the driving from now on."

  "That would suit me just fine." Crossing his arms, he settled into the seat and closed his eyes.

  "Just so you know, I'm taking the corners hard and the stop signs heavy."

  "I'm wearing my seatbelt."

  It seemed like only a few seconds passed until Skeeps hit the brakes.

  Drew's eyes flew open. "Whoa."

  "We're home, sweetheart." He gave a humorless chuckle.

  Drew rubbed his eyes and then stretched. "Man, I really crashed. Hadn't planned on that. Sorry."

  Drew got out of the truck and appreciated the comfortable evening temperature.

  Too bad Luis has plans. The weather is perfect for sitting on his balcony and watching the stars come out. Maybe tomorrow.

  "Are you going to stand there all night or help me carry this gear?" Skeeps pitched the life vests at Drew. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were pussy-whipped."

  Drew screwed up his face. "That's disgusting."

  "Well, whatever you lovers want to call it, your head's in la-la-land."

  Drew felt his face grow warm, and was grateful the darkness cloaked his embarrassment.

  With their arms loaded with packsacks and other gear, Drew and Skeeps went inside the Region 8 offices. The receptionist probably had left a few hours ago, and with few exceptions, the place was vacant.

  After Drew put his gear in his locker, he went to his office to check his phone messages. A bright pink slip was taped to his lamp. He grabbed it and scanned the missive.

  "Aw, shit."

  Skeeps wandered in, also carrying a pink paper. "Great. Mandatory overtime."

  "When are they going to get some more staff?" Drew crumpled the message and pitched it in his wastebasket. "I have plans for tomorrow night."

  "That are now trashed, just like mine."

  Drew shook his head and released a long, slow breath. "Guess it'll be a long-ass day tomorrow, but at least
they didn't mess up my weekend."

  "So far, at least."

  "I'm leaving town first thing on Thursday."

  Skeeps frowned. "Another photo shoot? How many of those are you doing this year?"

  "I'm throwing a bachelors' party in Redding for Kevin and Teak. I'm the best man, so not showing up isn't an option." Drew turned off his lamp. "Might as well blow this pop stand. We'll be back before we know it."

  Skeeps walked out with Drew. "You really have an interesting life."

  Drew shrugged. "Sometimes."

  "Maybe one night we'll have to get drunk, and you can tell me all about it."

  The comment caught Drew off guard. Is there a hidden meaning? He'd have to pay more attention to Jordan, just in case. "Anytime. See you tomorrow."

  * * * * *

  Remembering Luis was busy tonight, Drew texted him when he got home.

  Going 2 miss R date tomorrow. Have to work OT. Sux. Will call U. Have a good nite.

  He ate his deli sandwich while flipping through the television channels. He wished Luis would call or text before it got too late, but after an hour and a half of waiting, he turned off the TV and went to bed.

  The next morning, the alarm went off at five-thirty. Drew hit the snooze, but his second alarm went off a couple minutes later. He flipped back the sheets back with a snap.

  He didn't know why he got mad about that every morning. He always got up at five-thirty, and he always needed two alarms. He stomped across the bedroom to shut off the second alarm.

  "Still sucks."

  His phone lay on the nightstand. He picked it up and saw a text from Luis that arrived after midnight.

  Come anyway. I want to see you.

  The message made Drew smile. He sent a return text.

  Wish I could but won't have time to get organized & pack. I'll call. Let's meet Sunday when I get back. Have fun in Milwaukee. LOL!

  While making loud groans, he rubbed his cheeks rapidly. "Wake up, Rothem."

  Chapter Thirteen

  In his Redding, Nebraska hotel room, Drew slipped into his dinner jacket.

  Blair walked up and straightened Drew's collar.

  "You look good enough to be on the menu tonight." A lazy smile lifted his lips.

  Drew couldn't help but smile back at him. Despite their awkward conversation yesterday about their future together, or lack thereof, he really liked Blair and hoped they could remain friends.

  "You look like a hot entree yourself."

  Blair chuckled. "You've been hanging around with Sapphire too long. But I'll give you a taste of what you're missing."

  Before Drew could react, Blair planted a steamy kiss on him. Blair knew exactly how to turn Drew on, and within seconds, he was returning the kiss with the same vigor Blair delivered.

  Drew's brain started chanting, whoa, whoa, whoa. His body countered with, go, go, go.

  Drew's ringing cell phone ended the silent argument. He released Blair and wiped his lower lip with the pad of his thumb.

  "I have to get this. It might be Sapphire calling with some last-minute problem."

  His voice and breathing sounded unsteady. Seeing caller ID did nothing to allay his nerves.

  He gave Blair a look. "It's Luis."

  "I'll give you some privacy."

  When Blair turned, the bold evidence of his passion jutted from the front of his body.

  Averting his gaze, Drew cleared his throat, and answered the call. "Hi, Luis."

  "Hey, how are you?"

  "I'm good. Are you home already?"

  "Yes, I got in a few hours ago. I wasn't sure I'd catch you. What are you up to?"

  "I'm getting dressed to go to the party. It starts in about an hour. Sapphire is making me crazy with all his demands, but I think we're going to have a spectacular evening if everything goes off the way we planned."

  "What are you wearing?"

  "Black tuxedo, but I refuse to tie the bowtie. I'm hosting this gig. It's a small concession."

  Luis laughed. "I bet you look sexy."

  Drew glanced at Blair, who was tying his shoes. "I guess. How did things go in Milwaukee?"

  "Pretty well, I think. They liked the design revisions. We spent some time interviewing local contractors and artists to work on the floats and other display pieces.

  I can't remember the last time I looked at so many buxom women with beer steins in their hands. I've gotten good at drawing boobs on this project, that's for sure."

  Drew laughed with Luis. "Tempted by any of them?"

  Luis snorted. "What's planned for tonight's party?"

  "We're getting dressed and—"

  "We? Who's with you?"

  Drew's stomach felt like a slinky toy going down the stairs. He closed his eyes.

  Son of a bitch. "Blair is here."

  "Why? I thought I told you to change the room assignments."

  The dictatorial tone of Luis' voice changed Blair's attitude from amenable to hardass. "I tried, but the hotel is sold out. The best they could do was give me two doubles instead of a king."

  Luis harrumphed, not making Drew any less angry.

  Luis continued his tirade. "You mean to tell me that you're spending thousands of dollars there this weekend, and they can't give you a private room? That's a crock of shit if I ever heard one."

  Drew stiffened at the implied insult. "I didn't want to put someone out. This accommodation works fine as far as I'm concerned, and it should work for you, too. It's a fair compromise, and you and I aren't exclusive."


  "Okay, yet. I don't want to argue with you about this. The room situation is fine."

  "Easy for you to say, you've got your spare lover right next to you."

  The top blew off Drew's self-control. "Really. And how do I know you didn't christen the new floats in Milwaukee, Krewe Daddy?"

  A soft beep sounded in Drew's ear. Luis had hung up on him.

  Blair stated the obvious. "That didn't go well."

  Puffing out his cheeks, Drew exhaled. "Nope."

  "Are you going to call him back?"

  He slipped his phone in his pants pocket. "Not now. After we both cool down, it'll be fine." He looked at Blair. "We still have issues to work out. We've both changed for the better, but that doesn't erase the past."

  Understanding filled Blair's eyes. He put a hand on Drew's shoulder. "If it doesn't work out, my offer stands. I think we'd be great together."

  Drew covered Blair's hand with his. "Thanks. In a lot of ways, I know you're right. I can't rush this thing with Luis, or you."

  Blair nodded. "If you're ready, let's get going before Sapphire comes hunting for us."

  * * * * *

  Almost four hours later, dinner was over and most of the photos were taken for the bachelors' party. Drew looked around the crowded ballroom. Their guests seemed to be enjoying each other and an evening of great food and wine. The way the party came together warmed his heart.

  Because of Kevin's celebrity, a select group of media was invited to cocktails and dinner. Now that part of the evening was over, and the media were ushered out.

  Security guards, positioned at every entrance, ensured they stayed out, too.

  While everyone enjoyed an after-dinner cocktail, the room was transformed into a more intimate scene. Couches and padded chairs replaced many of the tables and dining chairs.

  The lights dimmed, giving Drew his cue. He accepted a microphone from Sapphire, whose eyes sparkled with nervous excitement. Dressed in a silver sequined gown and ash blonde wig, Sapphire had done his best to emulate Marilyn Monroe.

  "Thank you, Sapphire." Drew kissed his cheek. "I couldn't have done this without you. Please give Sapphire a big round of applause. Kevin, you have a goldmine in this lady."

  Sapphire did a little bow before taking a nearby seat.

  "And now, for a moment I've been waiting for all evening. Kevin and Teak, would you please make yourselves comfortable on this couch?" Drew pointed to a cozy-looking loves
eat near a large privacy screen.

  On his way to the couch, Teak stopped. "You're not going to roast us, are you?"

  Drew shrugged.

  "The boss already said it wouldn't go well for you."

  Drew broke into laughter. "That would be too bad. I'm the best man and what I say goes tonight." He looked at the other guests, encouraging their opinions.

  The crowd of mostly men laughed and chanted their desire. "Roast them, roast them!"

  Holding up his hand to silence the group, Drew turned to Kevin and Teak. "I've had such a great time tonight, and I hope you have, too. It's no secret that you are two of my favorite people. I'm happy I helped bring you together, even if it cost me a fortune in long underwear. Kevin, you're a very lucky man." Drew spoke out of the side of his mouth. "I ought to know."

  The crowd broke into gales of laughter. His affair with Teak was no secret.

  "So, without further ado, please accept this last gift with my greatest affection."

  Drew pointed to the DJ.

  The opening strains of Leave Your Hat On commenced. Two men dressed in tight, white T-shirts and black leather pants removed the privacy screen, revealing a third man.

  He stood in front of a bed, with his back turned to the group. A black tuxedo and top hat added another dose of sexiness to the scene. He gyrated his hips in synch with the sassy brass melody. When Joe Cocker began singing, the man turned, revealing his identity. The guests hooted and applauded as one of their own, Parker, began a seductive striptease for Kevin and Teak.

  Parker was a marine biologist, a classically trained dancer, and also modeled for Kevin. He moved with ease and professionalism through the song. He slid onto and off Kevin's and Teak's laps and in and out of his two assistants' embraces as though he still danced for a living.

  Drew took it all in, laughing at Kevin's and Teak's reactions, and enjoying himself to the fullest.

  The guests erupted in ribald catcalls when Parker stripped down to his black thong and slid onto the unmade bed, covered in gold, satin sheets. At the end of the song, Parker crooked his index finger at Drew, signaling him to come to the bed.


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