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Memphis Page 5

by Kelly A Walker

  "Why is this important to him? I appreciate the three of you taking the time to entertain me, Tanner, but you really don't have to do it. I don't want any of you to put your lives on hold just to babysit me."

  "Trust me, Memphis, it's not babysitting to us. Just," I watch as Tanner pulls his cap off so he can run a hand through his hair. His other hand is wrapped around the steering wheel so tight it's beginning to turn white. "Just trust us, alright. Let us show you our city and all you have to do is sit back and enjoy it. Deal?"

  Something is up with Tanner, but I have no idea what it could be. Can I trust him? Something tells me yes, I can trust him and Cain. "Alright,I promise to just enjoy my time with you guys."

  Tanner winks, places his cap back on his head and turns up the radio. I guess our conversation is done. For now at least.

  Jim is sitting on the front porch waiting for us when we pull up at the Peterson's house. "Morning, Jim. I hope you haven't been waiting on us."

  "Nonsense. I like to sit out here in the mornings and enjoy a cup of coffee in silence. Living with all these folks can get pretty loud, especially in the mornings."

  I take the steps and walk over to Jim. I watch him openly studying me, not even ashamed about doing it. "You ready, girl?"

  "I'm ready old man."

  Jim gets up from his chair and guides me back down the stairs and toward a blue SUV parked in front of the four car garage. "Tanner!" Jim hollers at him. "I'll have her back in about two hours. Don't make her wait on you."

  "I'll be here, Jim. Have fun, Memphis. Don't believe anything that old coot says!"

  Jim shakes his head and I think I hear him mutter something about young jackasses under his breath.

  The ride to the diner is short and silent. Neither of us felt the need to fill the time with idle talk. There's something comforting about being in Jim's presence. I can't put my finger on it, but I can tell something is going on. I just hope whatever it is, Jim leaves me out of it. I am no closer to being a part of Arthur's family as I was before I knew who he was. Last night made that painfully obvious.

  Once we make it to the diner, Jim leads us inside and to a booth in the back. The diner has an old school feel to it. The chairs and booths are red vinyl, the tables have white tops and chrome legs, and the floor is a large black and white checker print. The walls are painted white and covered in old pictures. The ones above our booth seem to be all of Elvis. From his time in the army to his horrible cape days, they are all here in technicolor. It's a lot of Elvis.

  "What can I get you two?" I look up to see an older lady with tight grey curls in her hair and a pink shirt advertising the name of the diner, Sunny's Place.

  "I'll have what I always have, Jean." Jim looks to me. "Do you know what you want, Memphis?"

  I’m not a big breakfast eater, but I don't want to disappoint Jim, so I order a western omelet with a side of toast and coffee. This seems to make him happy, which surprisingly makes me happy. Maybe it's the humidity down here that's affecting my brain.

  As soon as Jean leaves from dropping off our coffees, Jim decides to start talking.

  "I want to sign over twenty-five percent of Peterson, Inc. to you, Memphis."

  I spit the hot coffee out and watch as it sprays all over the table.

  "That wasn't exactly the reaction I was hoping for," Jim says as he wipes the coffee up.

  "What the hell, Jim? First of all, you can't just spring that on a person, especially when they just took a freaking mouthful of hot coffee. Second, you don't know me from Adam. Why would you give me anything?"

  "You're my granddaughter, Memphis. Family means everything to me and I want to take care of you."

  Tears spring to my eyes and I take a calming breath and push them back down. "Jim, I don't even know what to say. Thank you for saying I'm family. However, I can't take part of your company. It wouldn't be right. What would I do with it? I'm just a simple kindergarten teacher, Jim. Heck, I don't even live here."

  Jim waves his hand like everything I just said is nothing. This man. "Look, I want to do this and I am doing it, Memphis. I would love for you to move here, but you can live anywhere. Owning part of the company doesn't mean you have to uproot your life. It just means that you'll be able to take care of yourself and when you have children of your own, you can take care of them as well."


  "Let me do this, Memphis. Make an old man happy and say yes."

  "I just don't know, Jim. It's very generous and sudden. Can I have some time to think it over? This is a big decision."

  "You know, any other person would take this and run. You aren't like my son or my other granddaughters at all. It’s refreshing."

  Not knowing how to respond, I decide to ignore what he just said and go back to drinking my coffee.

  "It's killing you to ask me, isn't it."

  Damn this man is overscrupulous. "Why me, Jim? You have three other granddaughters. Do any of them own a part of Peterson?"

  "Not a damn one of them. And unless Arthur leaves them his shares in his will, they won’t ever. Arthur holds twenty-five percent, I have the remaining seventy-five. He assumed I'd give him another quarter and then split the remainder between the girls after they got married. That's why he's pushing Tanner so hard on Gretchen. He thinks if Tanner and Gretchen marry, I’ll give them the full fifty percent and not save any for the other girls. He isn't stupid. He knows I have a soft spot for Tanner."

  "Is it serious between Tanner and Gretchen?" I don't know why I ask, but for some reason, I have to know.

  "Nah. She's been sniffing around him for a few years. Tanner always has dinner at the house on family night. He didn't grow up with what you might call "decent" parents. To be honest, his dad was an abusive ass and his mother was crazy. He started working for me when he was fourteen and I doubt he'll ever leave the farm. It's in his blood, it makes him who he is."

  "If they aren't dating, then why was he letting her hang all over him last night? It didn't look like she meant nothing to him."

  "Gretchen may mean something to him, but it isn’t like you think, Memphis. Tanner sees himself in her. Those girls haven't had an easy time either. Rachel is too concerned with keeping up with who's who of Memphis and Arthur has never been around. I think he sees someone who's desperately looking to find a place to belong, like him, and he feels sorry for her. Don't mistake that for something romantic."

  I'm not sure what to say next. Once again, Jim has left me speechless. Jim places his hand over mine, making me feel very small and dainty next to this large man.

  "Take a few days and think about my offer. This is your business too, Memphis. It's your right as a Peterson."

  "I'm not a Peterson, Jim."

  "You are in every way that matters. No matter what anyone says, you are a Peterson. You are my blood, my family, and I will always be here for you. Whether you and Arthur stay connected, it doesn't mean anything to me. Me and you, girl, we’ve made a connection and you can't get rid of me now."

  This time I couldn't keep the tears back if I had to. "Has anyone ever told you that you don't play fair?"

  "Every day."

  I let out a huff. "Fine. I won't promise anything, but I will think your offer over."

  "That's all I can ask of you. Now, what do you say we get out of here, I told a certain farmer that we'd be back in a few hours and our time is about up."

  The ride back to the Peterson's house is again silent, but this time it's because we both have a lot to think about. Tanner is there to greet us and opens the door to Jim’s SUV and helps me out. I say goodbye to Jim, surprising both of us when I place a kiss on his cheek. "I'll see you soon, Jim."

  "Take care of my granddaughter, Tanner. You tell those other two boys of yours the same thing. Anything happens to her, and it'll be your three butts on the line."

  "I hear you Jim." Tanner shakes his head. "We'll see you later."

  Tanner once again helps me into his truck and we take off back toward
the city. "How was your date with old Jim?"

  "He offered me twenty-five percent of the business." I slap a hand over my mouth as soon as the words bust through my lips.

  Tanner pulls his truck onto the side of the interstate and puts his truck in park. Swinging his head to look at me, he asks me to repeat what I just said. "You heard me right. Tanner, I was so shocked I spat my coffee out all over the place. Why would he do this? I mean, he told me it’s because we're family, but he has three other granddaughters. Why give all this to me?"

  Tanner is silently looking out through the front of his windshield. His next words are spoken so softly I almost miss them. "What is that fool thinking? He knows the situation with the business. Why is he dragging you into it?"

  "What are you talking about? What situation."

  I guess he thought he was alone because the sound of my voice makes Tanner jump in his seat. "Sorry, Memphis I just spaced out for a second. It's nothing to worry about. Let's get back to the hotel and meet up with Cain and Jasper. We have a lot to get done today and we're on a tight schedule."

  I knew something was going on. I could tell by the way Jim was acting before he dropped his bomb on me and the way Tanner seemed nervous before he dropped me off with Jim. One thing I do know, if it has anything to do with Arthur and the rest of the Peterson family, then I really could care less. I don't need to know or be involved in anything with them. My mind is already made up, I'll call Jim first thing in the morning and politely decline his generous offer. I don't need any kind of drama or trouble from anyone, especially not my newly found father and his family. No thank you.

  I am not a drama llama.

  "You can't be serious?"

  "What? You don't like animals, Memphis?"

  I smack Cain in the stomach. "Of course I like animals. I just wasn't expecting this." With my arms spread wide I turn in a circle, taking in the Memphis Zoo. Yep, the guys decided that a perfect day would be spending it at the zoo. In the summer. Did I mention it's like a hundred percent humidity?

  Tanner throws his arm across my shoulders. "Come on, Memphis. Give our zoo a chance. If you're good, you might get to meet Akili."

  "Oh! I bet we can see Winnie today!" Cain yells as he starts jogging toward the entrance. "Come on. I want to see Winnie."

  "Who is Akili and Winnie?" I'm almost afraid to ask, but I have to know.

  "Akili is the baby giraffe, and Winnie is our brand new hippo." A voice I've never heard enters my ears and I stop and turn to see who just spoke to me. Holy hotness. What do they feed these southern boys? He steps in front me and raises his hand. I reach out to shake his hand and use the time to look him over. He's definitely taller than I am, he may be a little taller than Tanner. His blonde hair is pulled back at the nape of his neck into a ponytail, he doesn't have a beard like Cain, instead this stranger has a five o'clock shadow covering his face. His eyes are crystal blue and right now they are assessing me the same way I am him.

  "You must be Memphis. I'm Jasper, and no, we didn't all think this was the best thing to do today. Unfortunately majority rules in this group so you'll just have to suck it up like I am."

  I watch Jasper walk away from me and meet up with Cain at the ticket booth. If he didn't want to be here, he could have stayed at work. I don’t need some jerk ruining the small amount of time I have here, especially when I'm spending it with Cain and Tanner. I happen to like these two guys and we don't need a sour puss ruining our fun.

  "Don't pay him any attention. Jasper is a little closed off, it's not just you. He's that way with everyone but us until he gets to know you."

  "Is he going to be like this all day?"

  Tanner surprises me with a kiss on my forehead. "No, he'll be fine in a little bit. He just needs to get to know you." Grabbing my hand, Tanner begins to drag me toward Jasper and Cain. "Lets go slowpoke. We've got a baby hippo to see!"

  I laugh at the guys’ excitement over the zoo. I can't remember the last time I visited one. It must have been back in middle school on a field trip. My kindergarten field trips consist of mostly nearby parks and the city's Children's Museum. Maybe I should take the time to visit ours once I get back home. I rub a spot on my chest when I feel a pang of sadness from thinking about leaving. What is wrong with me? I've known Tanner and Cain five seconds, I can't be missing them already. At least I don't have to worry about becoming attached to Jasper. The whole jerk attitude is a major turn off for me.

  The sound of Cain's yelling brings me back to the present. "Move it or lose it, Memphis! The animals wait for no one."

  "That was the most fun I have had in forever!" I couldn't contain the huge smile on my face. In one hand I held a large stuffed sloth I instantly named June, in the other, pictures of all four of us riding a camel. It had been the most fun and carefree day I can remember.

  A heavy arm drapes itself over my shoulders. "I can't believe you've never seen a real sloth. How have you lived your life? It's like being denied the most basic necessity." Cain hasn't stopped bugging me about the sloths since I made that horrible decision to say something about having never seen one in real life before today. That was all he needed, because I spent the next thirty minutes not only watching the insanely adorable creatures, but learning all about them from Cain. Who knew they were his favorite animal?

  "I'm still trying to figure out why you felt the need to inform me that sloths only pee and poop once a week." I may have nightmares about that fun fact. A constipated sloth trying to get into my bathroom.

  Cain removes his arm from around my shoulders and then grabs my hand, swinging it back and forth. "Watch it, Memphis. One day you'll be watching Jeopardy and this will be one of the answers. You're going to feel guilty about making fun of my sloth facts."

  "I apologize, Cain. You're probably right. Where would I be without this pertinent sloth knowledge."

  "Children, please. Can't we all just get along?" Tanner slaps Cain on the back and gives me a wink.

  Jasper chooses this moment to go back to being his grouchy self. "Is there any more elementary activities you have planned, or are we going back to acting like adults now?"

  Once we started walking the zoo earlier, he let go of some of his attitude and I actually enjoyed being around him. I'm not sure what put the giant chip on his shoulder, but I do know he needs to knock it off before someone knocks him out. Namely me. I've been told I have a mean right hook. "If we're bothering you so much Jasper, you can go back home or wherever it is you need to go."

  Jasper lets out a loud sigh and looks up at the sky. "No," he groans out. "I'm sorry. I've just had a long week and I have a lot of my mind."

  I look over at the blonde haired Adonis to see if he's telling the truth. We've all had bad days so I can understand that. I decided to give him one more chance before I show him my right hook. "It's alright, Jasper. Why don't you pick what we do tomorrow. That is, if you're still planning on spending the day with us?"

  "You both okay with that?" Jasper asks Cain and Tanner.

  "Whatever is fine with me, man." Cain is the most laid back of the three. I assumed he'd go with anything.

  "That's fine, Jasper. Just tell me when and where." Tanner surprises me with his answer. The more I get to know the farmer, the more I can see that he likes to be in control of things. I thought he'd be laid back like Cain, but he's more like Jasper. I wasn't expecting that at all.

  "Great. I'll plan something and call you later tonight. I have to head out. You know how upset Princess gets when I leave her alone for too long." Jasper waves over his head as he walks away from us.

  "I'm getting hungry. What do you say we head back to your hotel and grab some dinner? There's a great pizza place not too far that delivers."

  I almost ask Tanner who exactly Princess is, but think against it. Instead I nod my head in agreement for the pizza plan and hop in his truck, waiting for him and Cain to finish their discussion about pizza. Once we are back in my room, I barely have time to kick off my shoes before t
here is a knock at the door. Expecting the pizza delivery, I'm shocked to see Gretchen on the other side of the door.

  "Um, Gretchen. Can I help you?"

  She pushes past me and heads straight for Tanner. I know Jim told me there was nothing going on with them, that Tanner didn't like her that way, but I'm still not so sure. It could be the fact that my oldest half-sister is currently smashed up against him and he doesn't seemed to be too bothered. It's not like he's attempting to remove her nasty hands from him. Memphis! Pull yourself together! One, Tanner is not yours and you have no say so in what or who he does. Two, it's not like you live here and are even about to start anything with him. Three, well, I have nothing else. I have absolutely no claim over Tanner or Cain. I need to let this go and keep reminding myself this. But seriously, does she have to wear those pants? Her jeans are so tight I can see her religion. I slap myself on the forehead then realize that everyone is looking at me. Just freaking perfect.

  "Did you need something, Gretchen?" I attempt to ask politely. If the sneer on her face is anything to go by, it didn't work.

  "Actually, I was just coming to see Tanner. We haven't been able to talk all day since he's been babysitting you."

  "Gretchen." Tanner finally removes her claws from him. "I told you it wasn't like that."

  "Damn it, Tanner. He didn't mean it like it sounded, Memphis. Did you, Tanner?" Cain narrows his eyes at Tanner.

  "What?" He seems perplexed for a moment. Tanner must have finally realized what he said because he flinches. "What I mean to say is we aren't babysitting her. The three of us wanted to show her around the city while she’s here." Tanner looks to me. "Sorry if it came out wrong."

  "It's okay, Tanner. I understand what you're saying." I really didn't, but I wasn't about to have any discussions about anything in front of Gretchen. Speaking of Gretchen, I turn my attention back to her. "We were just about to eat dinner..."

  "That sounds fab." She cuts me off before I can tell her to get lost. "Where are we going? There's a new steakhouse not far from the house. Tanner and I can ride together and Cain can drive so he can bring Memphis back afterwards."


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