
Home > Other > Memphis > Page 9
Memphis Page 9

by Kelly A Walker

  “You don’t have to carry me. It’s my nose, not my legs,” I whisper to Tanner.

  “Yeah, I know. Humor me, okay?”

  Tanner picks me up bridal style and I hear Cain tell Jasper to grab my purse while he locks up. We make our way down to the lobby and out the door without running into anyone. Tanner sets me down in the backseat, buckles me in, then jumps up front. Cain is in the driver's seat and Jasper is beside me, rubbing his hand back and forth over the top of my leg. I close my eyes to help ease the headache that's now pounding and before I realize it, we’re stopping and Tanner is picking me back up and carrying me inside a doctor’s office. “Jasper, you have her purse?” Tanner asks.

  “Got it. I’ll go sign her in and give them her information. Memphis?” Jasper leans over so I can see him. “Are you okay with me getting your driver's license and insurance card out of your wallet?”

  I wave him off and close my eyes again. I’m sure people have broken their nose without so much fuss, but I’m not good with pain. At all. I still cry when I have to get a shot and demand a sucker everytime. Even when it’s just for my yearly flu shot. I’m a big baby and I’m not ashamed of it. Besides, it's nice to have someone to fawn over me. I haven't had anyone since Momma died and up until this moment, I had forgotten just how lonely I’d become without her.

  It seems like as soon as I close my eyes, Tanner is lifting me back up and carrying me down a hallway with doors lining both sides of it. We go into room number three and he gently places me down on the bed with crinkled paper. I listen to Tanner and who I assume is a nurse discuss what happened. In no time she's gone and I feel three sets of hands. One is at my feet, running up and down my calves, the other two are at my sides, holding my hands and rubbing my arms.

  The door opens and I peek out to see an older gentleman in a white coat enter the room. He looks around at all three guys then to me. “Miss Reynolds, can you tell me what happened?”

  “I opened the door to my hotel room and slammed it into my nose.”

  The doctor once again looks at each of the guys before turning his attention back to me. “Can you set the ice down so I can get a better look at it?”

  I hand Cain the towel and Jasper helps me sit up so the doctor can look at me. He studies my face from a few different angles before touching my cheek. I wince and pull back. “I’m sorry. I can see a bruise already forming from the door on the left side on your nose. I don’t think the cheek bone is broken, but we’ll get an x-ray of it when we do your nose.” He steps back and crosses his arms over his chest. “I’m going to say the nose is definitely broken, but the x-ray will confirm it. You're going to have a black eye on the right side, and some swelling down your face for awhile. Let’s get that x-ray and go from there.”

  We wait on the nurse to come back and get me, but this time I push Tanner away before he can pick me up again. “Tanner, I can walk back there on my own. You guys just sit and calm down. It’s so tense in here I can barely breathe.” I can see they all want to argue, but decide against it. Smart boys.

  The nurse walks me back to my room after the x-rays and I get back on the bed and wait for the results. It doesn't take long for the doctor to come back in and confirm that the nose is quite broken, but it's not bad enough to require surgery to reset it. The good news is that the bone in my cheek is not broken. He orders me a prescription for pain and swelling, then tells me to take it easy for a few days and to come back in two weeks.

  Tanner picks me up, again, and carries me back out to Cain’s SUV. After placing me in the backseat again, he leans in and kisses my uninjured left cheek. The ride back to the hotel is silent and somber. I lose the battle with Tanner, and he carries me back up to the hotel room.

  “Memphis, I need you to pack your things,” Cain tells me. “We aren't sure how you're going to react to this pain medicine and you should not be alone right now anyway. We’ll all go over to Tanner’s, he’s got plenty of room, so you can be comfortable.”

  I start to protest, but Jasper cut me off. “You were checking out tomorrow anyways. What’s a day early?” I can’t say no to Jasper, not after this afternoon's kiss. I touch my lips remembering it, then wince when I hit a sore spot. “Come on, baby. Let's get you all packed up so we can go home and you can get some rest.”

  I turn to see Cain already has my suitcase on the bed and is throwing my toiletries in it. There isn't much to pack. I didn't unpack anything, so all my clothes except for the ones in the laundry bag are already in there. It takes us about ten minutes to load me up and go back downstairs to Cains SUV. I close my eyes when Cain starts driving, reminding myself that it could be worse. What did Momma always tell me when things got bad or weren't going my way?

  Chin up buttercup.

  The sound of rain hitting the windows wakes me from a deep sleep. I don’t remember the last time I slept so soundly. I attempt to roll onto my back to stretch and two things stop me. One, the horrible pain radiating from my face and two, the arm draped across my waist. The pain I can understand. It’s not like I can ever forget slamming the door into my face. In front of three guys, no less. The arm is another thing. The last thing I remember about last night is Tanner once again picking me up and carrying me into his house and putting me in a bed. If the tanned arm with the white tan line from a watch is my clue, I’m guessing I’m in Tanner’s room and it’s his arm around me. I tilt my head back and yep, I guess right. His brown hair is flopping over his eyes and I want to run my hands through it so badly. His arm suddenly squeezes me and I freeze, afraid I’ll wake him up.

  “You done looking at me? It's kind of creepy.”

  Rolling my eyes I pull a hunk of arm hair then laugh when he squeals like a girl.

  “Dang it, Memphis. What was that for?”

  I roll over towards him so I can see his face better. “That was for calling me creepy. Who’s room am I in and why are you in here with me?”

  He finally opens his hazel eyes and we stare at each other for a moment. “This is my room, Jasper took the guest room and Cain took the couch. I wanted to watch you, make sure you didn’t have any problems from the pain pills they gave you last night, so here I am.”

  “Here you are. In bed with me.” I slowly lift up the covers to see I’m wearing a plain white tee and my underwear. Tanner is wearing no shirt, holy cow, and a pair of Daffy Duck pajama pants. “Tanner?”

  “Yes, baby.”

  I shiver when he calls me that. “Who took my clothes off me last night?”

  He lifts both his arms above his head and stretches. “I think it's time to get up. Pretty sure I smell coffee and,” he sniffs the air like he’s some sort of coon dog, “something else in the kitchen.”


  The jerk jumps out of the bed like his butt is on fire and races out of the bedroom. I debate getting up, but my bladder has other plans for me. Groaning, I sit up and take a second to get my bearings. Tanner’s bedroom is painted a soft khaki color, the floors are covered with tan carpet and the dresser, night stand, and bed are all a dark mahogany. The comforter I was wrapped up in is navy with a single red stripe down the center. It’s clean and simple. It reminds me of Tanner.

  There’s three doors in the room, one I know goes out, so I’m betting of the two left, one is a closet and the other a bathroom. The first door is definitely Tanner’s closet. It’s full of jeans and flannel shirts. The second is a small bathroom with a single vanity, a toilet that thankfully is clean, and a shower. I grab one of the navy washcloths and wash my face, being as gentle as I can around my nose and the horrible bruise running down the right side. I walk back into Tanner’s bedroom and grab my toothbrush, toothpaste, and a change of clothes. After scrubbing my teeth because morning breath, ewww, I change into a comfy pair of yoga pants, but decide to leave on the tee I was sleeping in. It’s soft and smells like Tanner. Sunshine and grass.

  I hear talking and follow it into a small but bright kitchen. The entire back is made up of windows with a
round table in front of them. The cabinets along the wall and on the island are oak and the countertops a white marble. I spot Cain in nothing but a low-hanging pair of plaid pajama pants at the stove. I slide up beside him. “Boo,” I whisper in his ear.

  “Dang it, girl. Don’t scare a man when he’s about to flip a pancake.” Cain leans down and gives me a quick kiss on my lips. Well, okay then. “Do you want some coffee? Jasper made a pot,” he points to the half full coffee pot beside him. “There’s a mug waiting for you by the sink.”

  I grab the mug and fill it full of coffee. Looking over the rim, I notice everyone has stopped talking and all three are staring at me. “What? Do I have something on my face?” I laugh at my own joke.

  Jasper clears his throat. “Memphis, we all need to sit down and talk.” He’s acting nervous and not like himself.

  Nodding my head, I walk over to the table and take a seat. Cain sits a plate with two pancakes down in front of me, followed by warm maple syrup. I was hungry, but looking at the reserved faces around me causes me to lose my appetite.

  “So, who’s starting this intervention?” I attempt a joke to break some of the tension.

  The guys all look at each other before settling their gaze on me. Jasper is the first one to speak. “Why were you running from us yesterday morning?”

  “What?” This is the same thing he said to me yesterday and I still don’t know what he's talking about.

  “You texted Cain yesterday and told him you couldn't see us. We want to know why. Did we do something?”

  “Jasper, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Arthur showed up at the hotel yesterday morning and I called Jim after he left. Jim said we needed to talk in person and it wasn't something I could just put off, so I sent a text to Cain and told him I wouldn't be able to meet you guys. I wasn't running. Where would you even get that idea from?”

  “Memphis,” Cain props his elbows up on the table and rubs his face harshly, “Arthur called Tanner and told him you were leaving. He said you asked him to come to the hotel and told him you were taking a percentage of the business from Jim but wanted to sell it so you could get out of here as fast as possible.”

  “He told me you had someone in Wisconsin and that you wished me and Gretchen all the best,” Tanner says with a challenge on his face.

  “Are you asking me something, Tanner? If you have a question, spit it out.”

  “Is there someone back home, Memphis?”

  Looking up at the ceiling I count to ten before releasing a long breath. I look at each one of them in the eye. “There is no one back in Wisconsin or anywhere for that matter. I never called Arthur. He showed up at the hotel, without any warning, and told me I would take Jim’s offer and then sell it to him. He then told me to leave here and never return.” I wipe at the angry, treacherous tears falling down my face. “Arthur finished this sweet father-daughter chat by informing me that you,” I point to Tanner, “were given his mother's engagement ring a week before I got here to give to Gretchen.”

  “Son of a…” Tanner stands up and slams his hands on the table. “I knew he was up to something. I knew there was no way you would just take off on me. On us. What is he trying to accomplish here?”

  “Tanner, Jim told me everything. About the gambling, putting the company in debt, all of it.”

  Jasper reaches over, grabbing my hand. “We didn’t want to involve you in any of this. It isn't something you needed to deal with, but we had a bad feeling when Jim made you his offer. He knows Arthur is no good and Rachel, well she’s something that's for sure.”

  I roll my eyes. “Trust me, I know. After my talk with Jim, I’m much more aware of everything.” I focus on Tanner again. “Did you know anything about me, or the fact that Arthur had a kid out there somewhere before I got here?” Tanner adverts his eyes and my gut drops. “Did you all know?” I ask, looking at Cain and Jasper. Silence is the only answer I need. I push back from the table. “None of y'all were surprised when I showed up, were you? Was I a joke to you? Get to know Arthur’s long, lost, illegitimate child and play with her and her heart?” I drop my head so they can’t see the new tears that have formed. “I never had anyone but my momma. I sure as hell don’t need anyone now.”

  I turn on my heels and stomp back to Tanner’s room to grab my suitcase. “Memphis, please.” Cain grabs my wrist to stop me. “Give us a chance to explain. Please.”

  “You have as long as it takes Jim to get here and pick me up. Not a second more.”

  “Okay. Come back to the kitchen, Memphis.”

  I pull out my phone and send a message to Jim. He told me the morning we met for breakfast that he was getting into the whole texting thing. Said it was the only way he could stand to deal with some people. That morning I thought it was just him being funny, now I suspect it’s the only way he can deal with his jackass of a son. I read his reply and tell the guys they have about ten minutes.

  “Please sit, Memphis. I promise I’ll tell you everything I know.” For some reason I still trust Tanner, but I refuse to look at him, instead I focus on a small chip in the paint on the table. “Gretchen told me last year that she overheard her parents arguing one night about Arthur having a bastard child.” I flinch at his words. “Honestly, I didn’t think much about it, but after you showed up, Arthur let something slip that bugged me. He said, ‘Now that she’s here, I can use her to fix everything.’ I didn't understand until the morning after you met Jim and told me about his offer. It all clicked then.” Tanner uses his finger to lift my chin. “Look at me, Memphis. We never did anything, for any reason other than we wanted to get to know you. It had nothing to do with Arthur, Jim, no one. It was the three of us only. If you don’t believe anything else, believe that everything we’ve said and done with you has been one hundred percent true.”

  “Baby.” Jasper is cut off by the slamming of Tanner’s front door.

  “Memphis?” Jim barrels into the kitchen. “What the hell have you boys done to my granddaughter?” Jim reaches a hand out to touch my tender face but thinks better of it. “Memphis, grab your stuff. I’m taking you home with me.”

  Tanner stands to address the situation. “Now, Jim, listen for just a minute.”

  “Don’t you tell me to listen, Tanner. I get a message from Memphis asking me to pick her up and I get here to see her face looking like this. Just what happened?”

  “It’s okay, Jim.” I grab arm. “This was an accident. They came by the hotel last night and I pulled too hard on the door and slammed it into my face.” He looks at me suspiciously. “Really. I promise, that's all that happened.”

  “Then why did you send me a message to come get you? Don’t tell me nothin’ because I can see dried tears on your face.”

  “We told her about Gretchen telling Tanner of Arthur’s unknown kid,” Cain states.

  “I believe bastard is the word you actually used,” I say through my gritted teeth.

  Jim turns his head slowly to look at me. “Tell me which one I need to whoop first. I may be old but I can tear up any one of these boys, and they damn well know it.”

  I lay my head on his arm and laugh. My laughter turns into a sob and Jim pulls me to him. “It’ll be alright, Memphis. I promise, no one is going to hurt you again. Not while your old grandaddy is around to take care of them.”

  “Grandaddy?” I ask, looking up into the eyes of the most kind man I have ever met.

  “Well, what else are you going to call me? I’m not hip to those new labels folks have. I prefer old school and grandfather makes me sound old.” He shivers at the thought.

  “I’m good with grandaddy.”

  Jim kisses me on the crown of my head. “That’s my girl. Now, let’s all sit back down and you jackasses can tell me what else you did to upset my granddaughter, then we can make a plan on what to do with that son of mine.”

  I let go of the grip I have on Jim’s arm and sit back down. After Momma died, I thought I was all alone. Who knew that coming here t
o find my father would end up with me, Memphis Reynolds, a crazy pink haired kindergarten teacher and loner extraordinaire, would find herself a grandaddy?

  Will wonders never cease?

  “Baby, it's time to wake up.”

  I wake to a pair of gentle hands holding my face. “What time is it?” I ask while attempting to burrow back under the covers.

  “It’s still early, but I need you to get up. We have a surprise for you.” Cain places a chaste kiss on my head then pulls all the covers off of me.


  The jerk laughs and walks out of the room. “Ten minutes then I’m coming back with a water gun, Memphis.”

  I huff and get out of the once cozy bed. Shuffling my feet I head to the bathroom to take care of my business. I showered last night in an attempt to scrub off the horrible thoughts I have about Arthur. The thoughts didn't fade but I did feel better afterwards. Once I’m done in the bathroom, I head back to Tanner’s room and throw on a pair of old jeans with a tear in the knee and a black shirt with the words Coffee Before Communication in silver glitter across the front. With my favorite Chuck’s on my feet, a little lip gloss and mascara on my face, and I’m headed to the kitchen to find out what my surprise is.

  “Alright, fellas. What's this big surprise that couldn't wait a few more hours?”

  All three of them: Jasper, Cain, and Tanner, are sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in hand. They are dressed similar with older jeans, t-shirts, and worn in boots. Whatever the surprise is, it obviously isn't something fancy.

  Tanner pushed a cup in my direction and I take my seat at the table. “We figured after everything that happened the last two days, you deserve a break and some fun.”

  I narrow my eyes at Tanner. “What kind of fun are we talking about, Tanner?”

  “The kind that gets us a little dirty.” Cain winks at me. “You ready to get dirty with us, baby?”


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