Revealed (The Found Book 1)

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Revealed (The Found Book 1) Page 9

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  “Okay, you’re both right, we do need Kali to convince Sarah to come with us. So now all we need is a plan.”

  Kali knew she wasn’t going to get her way, but Noah was so hot when he was the commander, it didn’t matter.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Noah loved seeing his team together in the little hotel room. It would have been better if Riley and Dave were there, but it would have put Kali in to shock, too much testosterone in one small area. Thank God for Mathers.

  Sierra Mathers was one of those beautiful redheads, with honey gold skin and no freckles. Noah and the other men on the team wondered if having her in the unit would end up being a problem, but within three days of her working on their electronics, nobody cared. She was a magician, and it was all that mattered.

  Sierra had been working on finding a way to get to Sarah Johnson since the second he had called her. Now she and Kali were comparing notes. “How in the hell did I miss that? Even if the school newspapers were deleted, my searches should have pulled them up.”

  Kali was practically on Sierra’s lap at the desk in the little corner of the hotel room. Why was there something erotic about seeing two beautiful women cuddled so close together? He turned to where Nate was on the phone talking to Kota and saw he was watching the two women with interest. They grinned at one another. Yep, their penises were just hard-wired that way.

  Nate hung up. “There are four total. Two on. Two off. They break it up into eight hour shifts, the next trade-off is five and a half hours from now.”

  “Kota’s sure if the relief doesn’t come the ones on duty will make a play for Sarah?”



  “It’s me, Lieutenant,” Sierra piped up from the desk. “I’ve got their room under surveillance.”

  “How the fuck did you manage that? And when?”

  “I did it before reporting in to you. They have adjoining bedrooms over at the Marriott and I went in as housekeeping and planted some transmitters. They only record when somebody’s talking, and then they translate into text, and feed them to me.” She held up her phone. It boggled his mind.

  “Their protocol is very specific. If anyone is a no show, grab the girl. Otherwise they’re waiting for their orders. If they do grab her, they have a location they’re supposed to take her, but they haven’t said where it is.”

  “We need to find out where they planned to take her, and back track these fuckers. Wasn’t Kota supposed to be here already?” They turned at the knock on the door. Nate went to answer it.

  Kota came straight over to Kali. He wasn’t quite as big as Noah, but his presence was imposing. Kota’s Native American ancestry was immediately apparent.

  “Hello Kelly, I’m Dakota Blackthorne. I’ve owed you an apology for a good long time.” His voice held the fresh twang of the west.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I caused you unnecessary pain when you came aboard the helicopter. I grabbed you by the wrist.”

  She could see just how sincere he was, and how upset at the thought of having caused her pain, it was clear on his face. She tried a quick experiment, she took a deep breath and released it, centering herself. She reached out and felt regret that wasn’t her own. Looking into his eyes she didn’t see any of the recognition she did when Noah felt her sensing his emotions. But there was not a doubt in her mind. Kali was feeling some of what Kota Blackthorne was feeling.

  “I know Noah and his team, none of you would hurt me on purpose. There must have been a reason.”


  “Yep. We’re calling Sam by his middle name now,” Nate called from the bed where he was pawing through the contents of the suitcase Kota brought. It contained a small arsenal.

  “Well Kelly, Noah is right, we would never intentionally harm you, but it doesn’t excuse the fact I did harm you, and I’m deeply sorry.”

  Kali couldn’t stand it another minute. She wrapped her arms around him in a fierce hug. His relief came through clear as a bell. Then she felt some distinct irritation. She let Kota go and turned around and sought out Noah. He was looking over Sierra’s shoulder, but briefly caught her eyes and gave her a rueful grin. She laughed.

  * * *

  Noah royally pissed off Sierra, but he really didn’t give a shit. The unit had taken their argument into the adjoining room, and Noah had to have a balls-out conversation with Sierra. One he never thought would be necessary.

  “Do you really think you being a woman plays into whether I think you’re capable in the field, Chief?”

  “I didn’t until today.” Sierra bristled with indignation. Nate and Kota were stone-faced, waiting to see how Noah would handle the situation.

  “Sierra, I have only ever cared how I could best use my people. I haven’t fucking liked it, but have we not used your feminine attributes from time to time to lure guards away from their posts?” Noah watched as the light dawned.

  “Yes Lieutenant.” Good, her head was out of her ass. “You’re using me to work with the women, because I’ll be the best to work with them.”

  “If you question me in front of civilians again we’re going to have a hell of a problem, do I make myself clear?”

  Sierra squared her shoulders and looked him straight in the eye. “Yes Sir.”

  “Good. Now go babysit the civilian, and make sure she lures in the second one.” They all laughed.

  “Be careful. I’ll have all the communications here, if any of you run into problems, you can link in, and I’ll be able to coordinate.”

  Noah watched Sierra go into Kali’s room. He turned to Kota and Nate. “Nate, you sure you’ve got the guys in the room? We could go get them first, and then go get the two on duty.”

  “You know they might ping the ones in the room, so it’s better to hit at the same time. Of course I can take them out.” Noah looked at the man, and realized the two stateside Navy men wouldn’t know what hit them. Each group planned to take one person alive, so if it turned from sugar to shit, they would have a back-up person to interrogate.

  “Kota, you’re the one who scoped out this scene today. What do you think of our two targets?”

  “I think they’re amateurs. I went into the ER, even if I hadn’t known she was being watched, I would have thought she had an ex-husband who hired private investigators to keep an eye on her.”

  “Navy guys couldn’t be that bad,” Nate protested.

  “Oh yeah,” Kota confirmed. “Right down to windbreakers.”

  Noah groaned. Taking out such obvious targets was going to make it harder for them. “So what’s your plan?”

  “Since Sarah is an intern, we see her from the lobby. She’s one of the first people working on incoming cases. You see these guys popping up like prairie dogs every time an ambulance pulls up to the bay. We’re going to pull the fire alarm right before their shift break. It’ll have everybody scrambling, and have them popping up. We can casually take them out on gurneys.” Kota held up two syringes and Nate laughed. Noah swallowed, feeling slightly ill. It was too much like Kali having been drugged the other night.

  “Good planning, Kota. Let’s get moving. I want Sarah in our hands in the next three hours gentlemen, and I want to know who in the hell is behind this little venture.”

  * * *

  “He told me you would be contacting me. I know you’re speaking under duress.” Kali wanted to hit her head on the desk. She glanced at Sierra, who looked as frustrated. They had been on this Skype conversation with Sarah for twenty minutes, and it was an endless loop. She believed she was Kelly Wachowski, and she was a found child. Kali had been right, she had been following her movements over the years the same way Kali had been following hers.

  “Who is telling you I’m speaking to you under duress?”

  “I can’t tell you, it’s classified.”

  “Sarah, we might not have ever met, but you know me. Do you really think I would bullshit you, or put you in harm’s way?”

p; “I think if someone is threatening people you love you would do anything to save them, just like I would, Kelly. Dan and the government is doing everything they can to help you and your family. You just need to hang on a little while longer. Help is on the way.”

  “Sarah, this is important, is he there with you right now?”

  “Kelly, I can’t talk about that. Hang in there girl. We’re going to get you back.”

  “I’m not being held captive. My family isn’t in trouble.”

  “Just hold on another day or two Kelly.”

  Sarah disconnected. Kali dropped her forehead onto the desk.

  “Kali, focus. She’s still at the hospital, I have her cell phone pinpointed. We have to get to her.”

  Sierra was right. “How?”

  “They don’t know me, I can be seen. You have to be disguised. You’re the patient, I’m the relative. Your disguise is you’re covered in blood. It should get you seen in the ER, and passed whoever is watching.”

  Kali grinned.

  * * *

  “Couldn’t we have used ketchup?”

  “Blood, we needed blood.”

  Kali was still gagging as she remembered Sierra cutting her own thigh to get blood to cover the bandages adorning Kali’s head.

  “I’ve cut myself worse shaving my legs, now buck up. Remember to lean on me and let me do all the talking.

  Despite Sierra’s sob story, and Kali’s pathetic appearance as they showed up at the nurse’s station, they were going to have to wait to see a doctor.

  “Fill out this insurance form in the meantime,” the nurse said, handing them a clipboard. Kali closed her eyes and fell to the floor.

  Orderlies immediately rushed over to Kali, and lifted her up onto a stretcher, to take her back to the back.

  “Wait here Lady, only patients beyond this point”

  Somehow Sierra had managed to force her way behind the ER doors. Kali heard them telling her she wasn’t allowed back there on numerous occasions, but she felt her hand holding hers as she was laid on a table and a curtain was drawn around a bed.

  “No. She’s afraid of men. It has to be a female doctor.” God, Sierra was good.

  “I’m here. Let me take a look at her. What’s her name?”

  “Kelly, her name is Kelly, Dr. Johnson.”

  “Kelly, can you open your eyes for me.” Kali lifted the bandage out of her face and looked up at Sarah Johnson, who gaped at her in surprise. Then she looked from Kali to Sierra and back to Kali again.

  “So you weren’t bullshitting me.”

  “Nope. But you can’t trust the Dan guy.” Kali watched the emotions play over Sarah’s face, and then felt her outrage as if it were her own.

  “I’m going to sic my brothers on that asshole.”

  “No time. You’re a target. You and I both are. The good guys are taking care of most of Dan’s team, but they didn’t know about Dan. We’ve got to tell them, but first we have to get you out of here and safe. Where’s Dan?”

  “He’s going to contact me tonight so we can meet. He told me it’s not safe for me. I’d end up a target like you, and I might need to be put into protective custody.”

  “I’m sure he did,” Sierra muttered. “Look, the one thing he said that’s right is it’s not safe for you. You heard what happened to Kali, right?” Sarah nodded.

  Kali grabbed Sarah’s hand. “And Alfred right?” Sarah’s eyes welled with tears. She nodded. “Mai Zhang’s been kidnapped. They’re keeping it quiet, but Sarah we’re in trouble.”

  “My family will keep me safe.”

  “My dad is a chief in the Chicago Police Department and even he wanted me to go with Noah. This is the right thing to do.” Sarah gripped Kali’s hand tighter and looked her in the eye.

  “You trust these people?”

  “With my life. With my family’s lives.”

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The mission was a success, it had gone like clockwork. Then Noah got back to the room, and found Sarah with Sierra and Kali. Kali still had some blood in her hair, and even though the women explained what happened he lost his mind. Literally lost his mind.

  Noah didn’t care what the others thought as he dragged Kali out of the room down the hall to a private room he had booked.

  “Take off your clothes.”


  “Now.” His boots hit the floor, then the knife, gun, and jacket. She stood there, her blonde hair still in disarray, some strands still showing red. When he was down to his jeans he grabbed her around the waist and yanked her against him.

  “Don’t you ever put yourself in harm’s way again. Ever. I would die if something were to happen to you!” Noah jerked the T-shirt over her head and had the bra off her before she had time to react.

  “Noah, Sierra was with me. We were in a public place. We were perfectly fine…” His tongue thrust into her mouth and the sense of panic began to slowly dissipate. God, the taste of her, the heat of her. Just her, just Kali, how could he have gone through the last twenty years not remembering her? He tipped them onto the bed, frantically pulling at her khakis. Thank God all of her clothes were loose, so he could easily remove them. He skipped trying to unbutton or unzip anything, and pulled them off her. He saw the plain white cotton panties she was wearing and smiled. Only Kali could make those look good.

  “Quit ogling my sexy lingerie and strip Kukailimoku. I want to see the goods.”

  He ignored her, and slowly pulled down her panties. Kali’s light blonde curls were already damp. He watched in fascination as the lean muscles of her thighs tightened as she went to clamp them together, but he was having none of that.

  “Open Kali. Spread your legs for me.” He looked into those blue depths and saw her hesitation, but he also felt her curiosity, and he could definitely see and smell her desire. They hadn’t played these games in the bedroom, and now they were at a point where it wasn’t a game. She had put herself in harm’s way, and Noah had a deep seated need to exert his dominance over his woman. He didn’t want to, nor would he ever hurt or humiliate Kali, but this?

  “Kali, part your legs.” He watched as the plump white lips of her pussy slowly opened, showing him the slick essence of her arousal. She trembled and he stroked the glistening pink folds. “Wider.” He watched her with steady eyes, as she struggled with his command, but her knees drifted outwards, allowing him to push and twist two fingers into her hot, tight channel. Her whimper was music to his ears.


  “You are mine. This body is mine. You are mine to care for. You will not take risks with what is mine.”

  Her eyes turned a deep navy, their wills clashing as her hips arched into his caress. “I knew what…hmmm”

  He rubbed circles on a spot inside her, his thumb teasing her engorged clit, and was rewarded with a burst of honey.

  “Noah, more.” She pressed into his hand.

  “No. Not until you agree that when it comes to your safety I am in charge.” Her eyes were at half-mast. He felt her confusion, her anger, but underneath it all, he felt her understanding. He wasn’t above using that.

  “Please baby, I need this,” he said as he continued stroking in and out, his eyes leaving her face to see the beauty of her sex splayed before him. “I need to know you’re protected.”


  He delved deeper, and Kali arched higher, so close he felt the burn.

  “If I feel you’re in danger, I’m not focused, and I might make mistakes.” Her hips dropped onto the bed with a thud.

  “Oh no.” He was right. “Noah, I wasn’t thinking. I forgot how connected we are.”

  “We still are Kali.” He licked along the folds of her sex, around his fingers, tasting all of the honey he had been dying to sample.


  He felt her explode, and it was amazing. He actually experienced her orgasm, and had to exert all of his control not to come. There was no way he was
going to deny himself the pleasure of coming inside this woman’s body. Stripping out of his jeans, it took him moments longer to put on the condom than it should have.

  Looking at Kali lying in front of him, he realized he had everything he could ever want. Somehow his life had come into complete focus. He was blessed, and he was going to die if he didn’t get inside her.

  * * *

  Kali realized Noah had used sex to manipulate her into agreeing. She resented it, but she couldn’t blame him when she had felt his anguish. She reached out and grabbed hold of him, he was her everything, and she needed him inside her. He started slow, he always did, like she was some kind of delicate thing. This time she was having none of his nonsense. She wrapped her legs around his hips and took him inside her in one fast plunge, rejoicing in the feel of him.

  “Kali!” He looked at her, his eyes filled with concern and censure. She smiled beaming with contentment.

  “You feel so good, and I needed you. Now move. Fuck me, Noah.” He hesitated for all of a second and then pulled out and thrust deep and hard. God it felt good. “Again, and again, and again.” They grinned in perfect accord. Kali looked into his eyes, as they turned from brown to black and filled her vision, filled her world. She saw her blue eyes through his, for just a moment, and they glowed like sapphires. Then both colors splintered into the night sky, and she flew with Noah.

  They spent the night in the room, making love and talking. She was remembering the times with her Nana, and he had vague recollections of his parents in the other place. He told stories of his time on Kauai, of meeting Kapu, which meant Grandfather in Hawaiian. He explained his grandfather was literally the grandfather to many on the island, and figuratively Grandfather to the rest.

  “I had an affinity for languages early on. Then during a game of hide and seek with some of the other kids, I found Conner in his secret place. There is no way I should have found him up the tree, but I knew where he was. He and I went to talk to Kapu, and he said I had developed another superpower. He didn’t make a big deal about it. It was his way. All of the children of the Island were made to feel special, and none made to feel odd or peculiar. I remember Anna had a stutter, and Kapu said she was practicing so she could eventually speak better than everybody else, and he was right she did. She became the president of our drama department.”


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