Revealed (The Found Book 1)

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Revealed (The Found Book 1) Page 13

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  “Give yourself a minute, Girlfriend.”

  “What just happened?”

  “Looks like your man might have had an epiphany.”

  “How long were we sleeping?”

  “About four hours. Riley’s in New Mexico. He’s found the Natani’s, but they still won’t tell him where the woman and child are. I like them, they protect their own.” Sarah grinned, her teeth flashed white lighting up her beautiful face.

  “I can’t imagine my parents ever giving up my location,” Kali said as she gingerly swung her legs over the side of the bed.

  “Before we go into the other room, I want to take a quick look at your side, okay?”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “Nope.” Sarah pulled up Kali’s shirt and palpated the area. “I still can’t believe this bruise. Look, you can see the actual imprint of the asshole’s boot, just like you could on Noah.” Sarah traced it, and Kali’s hand followed Sarah’s meeting in the middle of the yellowing bruise. A buzzing sensation rushed from Kali’s fingers up her arm, causing her to shiver.

  “Sarah did you feel that?” Kali looked up into the wide eyes of her friend.

  “It was a vibration, wasn’t it?”

  “Yeah.” They reached out and clasped hands. Nothing.

  “Well never mind. Let’s get back out there and hear Noah’s big revelation. It can’t be anything bigger than you feeling and taking on his wounds. Thank God you didn’t actually sustain a fractured rib too.” They both reached out at the same time to pull Kali’s shirt down over the bruise, their hands touching, brushing against her hurt flesh. This time the pulse of energy was so strong there was no mistaking it.

  “Sarah, stop. Look at my bruise.” Where their hands were touching the bruise, it was fading away, and Kali’s normal white flesh was revealed.

  “What in the hell?” Sarah drew her hand away, and put her eye up close to visually examine the area. “Kali, this makes no sense.”

  “Yeah, and me actually getting psychically injured does make sense? Sarah, touch me again. Obviously you can heal me.”

  “I’ve never been able to heal anyone before.”

  “Well before Noah, I’ve never taken on somebody’s injury either. It has to have something to do with being in touch with other found. No pun intended.”

  Sarah giggled, and pressed her hand gently over Kali’s bruised flesh. It tingled a little, and Sarah lifted up her hand. There was a slight lessening of the discoloration, but not like the area transformed moments before.

  “I don’t understand,” Kali said looking down at the area.

  “I do.” Sarah grabbed Kali’s hand. “Put your hand over mine.” She again lightly applied pressure to the spot, and Kali covered Sarah’s hand. This time there was a distinct vibration, a heat, and then it stopped. They lifted their hands, and the bruise had completely disappeared.

  “How do you feel Kali?” She stood up and bent side to side.

  “I feel great.” She grinned. She reached over and gave Sarah a big hug, then ran to the door. “Noah, come here,” she said as she opened the door. All four occupants of the room looked up as she called out.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. But Sarah can heal you. Come in here.” Kali felt Sarah touch her shoulder.

  “I might as well show everybody. We don’t need any secrets among us.”

  She was right. Kali stepped aside. This was the first time Kali had ever seen Sarah look nervous, usually the young doctor was in total control. Nate noticed as well, because he immediately stepped up.

  “Are you okay, Sarah?”

  “I’m fine,” she said giving him a wan smile. She turned to Noah. They had been sitting or standing around Sierra’s computer set up, and she motioned him toward one of the beds. “Can you lie down? I think it would be best.”

  She unwound the bandages from Noah’s ribs, and within minutes not only was all the horrific bruising gone, but by his ability to move pain free, he and Sarah were convinced his ribs were knit back together. Once again, he needed to put his hands over Sarah’s. But the healing worked.

  “So can you only heal other found?” Sierra asked.

  “I don’t know.” Sarah looked a little lost.

  “How the hell would she know, Sierra?” Nate all but growled at his teammate.

  It was awfully interesting how protective Nate was of Sarah, Kali thought.

  Isn’t it?

  She smiled at Noah. When do we get to go back to the other room, now we’re both healed? She asked her soon to be husband.

  “Sarah, I ended up with a cut in Cancun, do you want to try healing it?” Kota asked.

  Kali and Noah both looked over at Kota, they didn’t know he had been injured. He pulled off the jacket he was wearing and pulled off his shirt, an angry gash showed on his bicep. It was obviously a knife wound.

  “Why the hell wasn’t your coat cut?” Noah demanded.

  “Not my coat.” Kota grinned. Noah laughed, and Kali realized Kota probably stole it from someone in the mansion to cover his wound.

  Sarah went over to Kota and placed her hand on his wound. Nothing happened. “Kali?” Kali came over and placed her hand over Sarah’s. Everybody watched in amazement as the wound slowly looked less angry, and after ten minutes it had pulled together and scabbed over.

  “It’s fucking amazing,” Nate breathed.

  “Itches though,” Kota complained. Sierra hit him on his good shoulder.

  Noah, Kali and Sarah looked at one another. Kali wished she could feel happy about this.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Riley finally called in again with his status. He had a lead on Annie Newman and on Seth Natani, the baby’s father. Annie had gone into the desert with Seth’s grandmother. Apparently the grandmother had a very old home that had been in the family since the early 1800’s, and after a certain point it was only accessible by horseback. The grandmother was known to the community to have the second sight and knew Annie and the baby would be in grave danger if they didn’t go into hiding.

  “Sakuro pulled in some favors and managed to speak to Seth’s DEA task force leader. He’s so deep under cover they haven’t heard from him in three months. The last they heard, he was in Florida. He’s one of their best operatives. Whenever one of their men have been uncovered, they were assassinated, their head left on the local police station’s doorstep. So they’re sure Seth is still alive.”

  “Are they getting any information from him?”

  “No, but three of Lobado’s shipments have gone wrong. The DEA’s confiscation rate is at an all-time high. They know someone very high in Lobado’s organization has to be coordinating things, and they think it is Seth.”

  “How much longer before they pull him out.”

  “They can’t, they’re not sure he’s still in Florida, or if it’s safe to pull him out.”

  “So meanwhile Annie and her baby are in danger from Rixitron, and he could be killed at any moment. That’s just great,” Sierra said with disgust.

  “I’m going to see if I can get a lead on Trent. I owe the bastard.” Riley said.

  “How are you doing after your night in the trunk?” Nate asked.

  “I’m fine, but I think I’m going to be avoiding elevators for the foreseeable future.”

  They talked a bit more about how to track down the man in New Mexico, and Sierra told the men her ideas for hacking into Lobado’s organization. As soon as the phone was disconnected, Noah let out a huge yawn and Kota snickered. Nate laughed while Sierra found something fascinating to look at on her computer screen.

  “What’s so funny?” Sarah asked, Kali who just blushed.

  Noah couldn’t help it, he laughed and grabbed Kali’s hand and headed for the door. “I’m really tired, and Kali needs to tuck me in, Sarah.” Even with Sarah’s dark skin, Noah could tell she was blushing. “Good night.” He hustled Kali down the hall to the room they had shared, was it just two nights ago?

took him two tries to insert the room key into the slot. He glanced over at Kali, her eyes were hot with passion. God, he needed to get her inside the room. The door opened, but when she took a step toward the open doorway, he shook his head.

  What? Why.

  Let me just check the room baby.

  He peered down the hall and nodded when he saw Nate standing outside the other room, watching. He gave Kali a hard kiss before leaving her in the corridor, and went into the hotel room. It took him less than a minute to ensure it was safe. When he opened the door, Kali was standing there looking dazed and needy. He reached out and brushed the back of his fingers against her flushed cheek, relishing her soft flesh.

  “Come inside baby.” He watched aghast, as one lone tear trickled down her cheek. “What’s wrong Kali?” His voice and mind cried the question at the same time.

  She staggered against him, into the room.

  “Kali, tell me, what’s wrong? Are you hurting again? Do I need to get Sarah?”

  “No, I’m fine. I’ve just been so scared. I’ve never, been so scared.” More tears.

  “Baby, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. It’s the last thing I wanted to do. I’m giving up my commission, going forward it’s you and I. We’re going to have a nice boring little life, raising our family.”

  “How can we with people after us?”

  Noah knew he couldn’t answer the question. All he could really do was reassure Kali they were together and she was loved. That he could do.

  Sending a quick prayer of thanks to Sarah, he bent down and picked up the woman who had become the center of his world, and gently placed her in the center of the bed. She gazed at him in wonder, like she was seeing him for the first time all over again.

  “You’re here, you’re really here,” she said as she cupped his face.

  “Yes baby, I’m here.” For the longest time, they stared into one another’s eyes, seeing their future. Eventually heat began to expand, and languid touches started, who began he couldn’t say. He pulled her shirt over her head, and divested her of her filmy bra, ensuring she was healed. His touch was tentative over the spot recently bruised.

  “No. I’m fine. See?” She took his hand and pressed it tightly against her warm flesh, when she arched up, he grabbed it worried he hurt her.

  “Noah, your touch arouses me.” He slowly smiled. His Kali had been healed. “Now you, let me see you.”

  Noah yanked his shirt off revealing his smooth even brown flesh, and she pushed him over. He allowed her to straddle him, enjoying the feel of her warm core nestled against his waist. “You are healed,” she said in awe.

  “I don’t know Kali, I think further testing is required,” he smiled. His hands reached down the back of the waistband of her loose jeans and cupped the succulent curves of her ass. “Let’s get you out of these.”

  “Only if you get out of yours, after all, fair’s fair.” Her eyes shimmered like gemstones, but she was smiling. He rolled her over, and once again was able to pull her pants off without even unbuttoning or unzipping.

  “You need to eat more.”

  “I need to buy clothes that fit.”

  “You need to eat more. Nate will teach you.” He was out of jeans, and rummaging through the nightstand. He had the condom packet in hand when he felt her insecurity hit him. Dammit. “Baby, you’re beautiful, but I worry about you. I’ve seen pictures of you before you were taken, you know this isn’t a healthy weight for you, that’s all.” He grabbed her hand, and had her circle his cock. “Could I be this hard, if you didn’t do it for me?”

  The slow smile and sense of satisfaction had a bead of pre-cum leaking from the head of his penis, and she dipped down and licked it up. “Fuck Kali, you’re killing me here.”

  “Noah, you’ve been mine all my life and I almost lost you.” Her hand trembled.

  “Baby, I was fine.”

  “No. No lies.” Eyes the color of sapphire looked at him, and he tried to untangle the thoughts and feelings in his own heart so he could explain it to her. He rolled over, and pulled her down on top of him again, he loved it when her slight body covered his. Breast to chest, heart to heart.

  “Can you feel me?”


  “Please baby, really look inside, really look, I’m begging you.” For long minutes they lied there, so close.

  “I see, Noah. I see your confidence, I see your abilities. You’re extraordinary. You are capable of more than the others, but you’re still human. You can still die.”

  “I can die crossing the street.” He traced soft patterns down her back feeling every prominent vertebrae, cursing the people who tortured and starved the woman of his heart.

  “Now, baby, look again. Look at what I see when I think of you in danger. I know you’re strong and capable too, but look at yourself from my perspective, as someone I would normally be sent to protect.” Her skin was so soft, up and down. He dipped even lower, to the small of her lower back, and then cupped her firm buttocks. She was so warm and smooth, so fragile, so his.

  “How can you possibly see me as fragile after what I endured?” She kept her head resting against his neck, her confusion clear.

  “Oh baby, I have never doubted your strength, and I never have questioned your will or your courage. But they wanted you alive. If someone wants you dead, you’re dead. That’s what scares the fuck out of me. Someone wants me dead? Someone wants my team dead? Well, they’re the ones who will end up dead.”

  “I’m still going to be scared for you. I’m going to worry when you cross the street, because you mean the world to me. But okay, maybe I won’t worry as much as I have been.” She licked the side of his neck like a kitten.

  Spreading her legs so she straddled him, her moist heat pressed was against him. Only slightly moist, but he planned to fix that. “Lift up.”


  He coaxed her into a sitting position on top of him, smoothing his hands down the sides of her nipped in waist until he had a hold of her hips. Then he easily lifted her up. “Noah…” she squeaked.

  “Right here,” he assured her, as he placed her right where he wanted her, close to his lips. Was there ever anything as gorgeous as seeing the flushed parted folds of Kali’s sex displayed for him?

  “You can’t.”

  “Watch me.”

  She struggled to get away, but she was no match for his strength, and he kept her still. Long languid strokes of his tongue soon had all of her attempts to leave his embrace flying out of her head. He felt her pleasure like it was his own. It was his own, only softer. He reached around and brought his fingers into play, lifting the hood of her clit so he could suckle the little nub, and those soft waves turned into the kind of frantic pulses of need he was used to.

  “That feels. Oh. Please, some more. Noah!” He licked. He sucked. He bit. She whimpered. She thrashed. She screamed.

  She slumped over, but despite her languor she quickly scooted down so she could kiss him. “I like how we taste,” she whispered. She did, he felt her rush of pleasure at their combined flavors and he was close to exploding, and then she felt that. They were starting the loop of sensation, where their thoughts and feelings were merging into one luscious feast of need.

  “Fuck me now, Noah. Fuck me hard. I need to know we’re together, and we’re both alive.” He went to roll her over, but she stopped him. “No, from behind this time, with me on my knees, I need you to grind yourself into me.”

  His head swam with the image, and in seconds her ass was there, and he spread her wide, seeing her soft wet sex, and plunged deep. They both cried out as they experienced one another’s pleasure. With each plunge and pull their feelings entwined, multiplying the effect of ecstasy. When they came, they shouted, unclear where one ended and the other began.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Kali was really nervous about meeting Admiral Nelson Sakuro it was almost like meeting Noah’s father or grandfather. When she said as much to Sarah,
she just laughed.

  “Girlfriend, it could be a whole hell of a lot worse.”

  “How do you figure?”

  “You could be meeting the boy’s mother.” Kali swallowed, she hadn’t considered that. She and Sarah were in the room down the hall that she had been sharing with Noah. Sarah deemed it the Love Shack. They actually were working on shielding.

  “I don’t want Noah to always be able to read me,” Kali complained.

  “Of course you don’t. There are going to be times you’re going to want to beat him over the head with a frying pan, and you’ll want to be able to sneak up behind him to do it,” Sarah said with a straight face.

  “Actually I was thinking more about surprising him on birthdays. Or the times when I was overemotional about something, and I just needed to work it out myself, and I didn’t really need him rummaging around through my psyche.”

  “Okay, I guess your relationship dynamic is a little different than mine.”

  “How many boyfriends have you had?”

  “Boyfriends? I’ve had lovers, Kali. I haven’t had a boyfriend since I was in high school.”

  “Horse pucky, I saw you blushing when Noah was dragging me off to the Love Shack.”

  “That’s because the man was obvious about it, but all right. I’ve had three lovers since high school, and one boyfriend in high school who I never…well…you know. What about you?”

  “Just the one before Noah. I was a late bloomer.”

  “I had six brothers who chased everyone away. I didn’t have a chance until I went away to college, but I made up for lost time,” Sarah grinned. “Speaking of which, what’s the four-one-one on Nate?”


  “You know, junk food boy? The one who could bend me to his will and bend me in every other direction as well?”

  “From what Noah has said, everyone is single. They haven’t felt comfortable being in harm’s way and putting their family through that kind of worry.”

  “People in the military do it all the time.”


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