The Naked Truth: Shall Set You Free (NEW ALBION Book 2)

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The Naked Truth: Shall Set You Free (NEW ALBION Book 2) Page 7

by Wallace Greensage

  As he pondered this, a car drew up and a young man approached and tapped lightly on Spiralli’s door. The door opened a crack then swung open and the young man stepped inside. Two minutes later he was back outside again. Unbeknown to Todd, Durak had received the rest of the promised money. Another two minutes and the young man had driven away, leaving three cars in the apartment car park. Todd sat low in one of them, watching and waiting. He called in the plate number of the visitor’s car while he waited.

  Todd was convinced in his own mind that Durak was aiming to carry out Spiralli’s reprisal on Dana, but he had no proof. He couldn’t justify official help on such a whim. And, anyway, if he reported his suspicion, Durak would simply be picked up and would be out again and free to carry on within a day or two. No! This was down to him. He had to nip this in the bud his way.

  A few minutes later, Durak left the apartment at a slow stroll. He didn’t appear to be on any sort of mission and Todd relaxed a little. Nevertheless, he followed him on foot. Durak entered a cheap dive, neon beer ads flickering in the filthy window.

  Todd phoned Charlotte and explained what was going on. They decided not to alert Dana yet as Todd didn’t think that Durak was preparing for action that night. He’d probably just been paid by the visitor; Todd now knew Bobby-Joe Henderton’s name and address from his earlier vehicle trace enquiry. Durak would need time to prepare and tool up, he believed. Tonight would be his first true night of freedom with substantial money in his pocket.


  Todd was sure his instincts were right three hours later when Durak staggered out of the bar. The man weaved his way back to Spiralli’s apartment very slowly and very carefully, clearly not wanting to attract attention, Todd following on the opposite side of the road well behind Durak. Durak didn’t check and never knew he was being followed.

  Todd was behind the wheel of his car by the time Durak eventually found the keyhole after several attempts and had staggered inside, bumping into the door post as he did so, before slamming the door. And goodnight to you, Todd thought. He knew that Durak was too drunk to attempt anything that night.

  He also noticed that, although other vehicles had arrived in the car park, only one of the cars that had been there when Durak left for the bar was still there and he ran a trace on it. It belonged to an elderly resident. Presumably Durak didn’t have transport that night and as Dana’s home was several miles away, she was presumably safe for another night. He’d had plenty of time to think things through while Durak was tanking up at the bar and realised with relief that he had time to put his plans into action.

  Dana would be working next day. He planned to arrange to pick her up in the morning and, on the drive to her travel shop in the city centre, outline his plan to her. He would make sure that she wouldn’t be alone outside her home or office from then on until this was over.

  Just to be sure, Todd drove by Henderton’s place. Henderton’s vehicle was parked up and Henderton’s lights were all out. Clearly, Henderton wasn’t planning to meet Durak that night.

  Chapter 29

  ‘GOOD morning, Dana,’ Jerome called out from the back of the travel agency as Dana closed the street door. ‘How are you on this bright, cheerful Thursday morning, so full of promise?’ She gave a brief wave to Todd who had insisted on walking her right to the door from his a car.

  ‘Morning, Boss,’ she called back as she shrugged out of her jacket. ‘Coffee on?’

  ‘You need to ask? Who’s the escort? New attentive boyfriend?’

  Dana hesitated, unsure of how much to tell Jerome. ‘Nah, just a friend. I met him and his wife when I was on holiday. We bumped into one another this morning.’

  ‘And he walked you right to the door?’

  ‘Jeez Jerome, you’re full of goddamn questions this morning.’

  Jerome laughed. ‘Just looking after the interests of my staff. Ah-ha, and here come the rest of them. Morning ladies. Glad to see everyone on time. Makes a pleasant but unusual change!’

  ‘Morning Jerome,’ the new arrivals called out to him. ‘Coffee on?’

  ‘And so life turns full circle. Every morning the same question. Every morning the same answer!’

  ‘Then let’s change it,’ Dana told him. ‘We’ll expect doughnuts in future too.’

  Jerome shook his head and buried it in his paperwork.


  Dana took her mid-morning break and sidled up to her boss. He was busy but stopped working as she approached.

  ‘Here we go,’ he remarked. ‘She has that “Boss, please can I…” look on her face.’

  ‘Boss, please can I have tomorrow off?’

  ‘Dana, come on girl. You just got back last week. Now you want more time off?’ He sounded stern but Dana knew it was all an act. He was putty in her hands.

  ‘Jerome, you know I wouldn’t ask unless it was something serio…important.’

  He could see she wasn’t kidding around anymore. ‘Serious? Important? Dana, is everything OK? Anything I can do to help?’

  ’You just did by agreeing to let me have tomorrow off.’

  ‘To quibble, actually I didn’t.’

  ‘But you will,’ she winked, turning and sashaying away from his desk for a coffee refill.


  As the hours of her busy day raced along, Dana began to have butterflies in her stomach. She wasn’t sure why as she completely trusted Todd. She knew he wouldn’t let any harm come to her. She still couldn’t shake off a feeling of apprehension, though.

  ‘You OK, Dana?’ Jerome whispered in her ear as she sat staring out of the window. The shop would close soon and customers had tailed off.

  ‘Yes of course. Why?’

  ‘Because you don’t seem yourself. Is something bothering you?’

  ‘No. Everything’s fine.’


  ‘OK, something has come up with my ex.’

  ‘I thought he’d gone down for a couple of years? What’s he got to do with anything?’

  ‘He has…only…’ she turned and looked up into brown eyes, recognising that they were full of concern for her. ‘He may have sent someone to cause trouble. That guy this morning is truly someone I met on holiday but he’s also a copper and he’ll be picking me up after work. He thinks that whatever is going on will happen soon. He’ll make sure I’m safe tonight and that’s why I want tomorrow off. I don’t know what’s going to happen.’

  Jerome put his hand on her shoulder, chocolate brown against her white top. ‘Dana, if there’s anything that I can do, just say the word.’

  ‘I’m in good hands, Jerome, don’t worry. But thanks for the offer.’ She put her hand on his.

  Chapter 30

  ON Thursday afternoon, Evie was home before Renata, Stevie and Paige. Her final class of the day had been cancelled as the teacher had been taken ill and they’d all been released early.

  As Renata ushered the two young children into the kitchen, she spied her daughter in the lounge. Evie explained why she was home early and moved into the kitchen to share a pot of tea. Her sweet tooth told her that biscuits would be on offer too.

  ‘Ah, so you’re Paige, are you?’ she commented as she spotted the little blonde girl. ‘I think you like my dolls, don’t you?’ She’d noticed that they’d been rearranged the day before and guessed what had happened.

  Paige was in awe of the older girl and simply stood stock still, staring up at her. Three years is a huge difference when you’re seven years old.

  ‘Here are your juices, kids,’ Renata told the two youngsters.

  Evie looked down at the still-immobile Paige. ‘Would you like to come with me to my room to see my dolls again?’

  A beaming smile broke out on Paige’s face. She took Evie’s hand and the two girls headed for the stairs. Stevie shrugged and headed into the lounge to watch cartoons on television. He knew he’d lost his playmate for the day.


  Fifteen minutes later, Evie and Paige heard voices downstairs. �
��That must be your mommy, Paige. Do you want to go down and see her?’ Paige shook her head. She was having far too much fun with her new best friend, playing with dolls!

  ‘Evie,’ Renata called from the foot of the stairs. ‘Can you come down for a minute please?’

  ‘Coming,’ she yelled back. ‘Come on, let’s go and see what’s happening.’ Paige took her hand as they playfully skipped down the stairs.


  ‘Evie, this is Mrs. Solomons and her two children, Olivia and Dominic.’

  Evie smiled and nodded. ‘Hello,’ she said timidly to the trio.

  ‘Hello, Evie,’ Marie-Louise replied. ‘We haven’t met before. I think you must be about the same age as Olivia?’

  ‘She’ll be 11 in a few weeks’ time,’ Renata told her.

  ‘And Olivia’s just eleven, so yes, about the same age,’ Marie-Louise confirmed.

  ‘Why don’t you take Olivia to your room for a few minutes while Mrs. Solomons and I have a chat over tea?’

  All three girls shyly and quietly made their way to Evie’s room. By the time they were called back downstairs thirty minutes later for Olivia and Paige to leave, shyness was a distant memory. Renata had to shout twice over the giggling and excited voices.

  Chapter 31

  BOBBY-JOE Henderton arrived just after dark on Thursday evening and Durak was ready and waiting. He climbed into the passenger seat and told Bobby-Joe where they were headed.

  Bobby-Joe looked hard at Durak. ‘What do you want with her?’ he asked nervously.

  ‘Just fucking drive and don’t ask again.’

  ‘No, man! I don’t think this is right. You can’t hurt a girl like that…’

  Bobby-Joe let out a strangled yell as Durak’s hand closed around his throat. ‘Mind your own fucking business and drive!’ Durak yelled.

  Neither of them had noticed a slight young woman make a mobile phone call as they left the car park.


  ‘Wait in the car, got it?’ Durak instructed threateningly.

  ‘What are you going to do? How long will you be?’ Bobby-Joe screeched.

  Durak stared at Bobby-Joe menacingly but said nothing as he opened the car door. ‘Wait for me, cunt!’

  Bobby-Joe watched anxiously as Durak carefully climbed the wooden steps to the top outer walkway of the two story building. Durak reached Dana MacStewart’s door, checked around to make sure he wasn’t being watched and quietly slipped the key from Spiralli’s kitchen board into the lock. The door opened slowly and silently as Durak cautiously pushed at it.

  Then all hell broke loose.

  Bobby-Joe watched wide-eyed as Durak doubled over as a night stick was jabbed hard into his gut. The nightstick withdrew fast and came down hard onto Durak’s head. Durak crashed sideways onto the walkway, out for the count. A huge black woman stepped over him, thrust the night stick into her belt and dragged Durak along the walkway by his feet. She was three steps down before another cop ran up the steps and stopped her from causing Durak further cranial damage.

  Bobby-Joe had seen enough. I’m out of here, he thought. He was too slow. As he turned the key to start the engine, the passenger door opened and Todd slid into the passenger seat.

  ‘Going somewhere?’ he asked with a smile.

  Chapter 32

  ‘HI Dad,’ Charlotte smiled as she popped her head around her father’s office door on Friday afternoon. ‘I was just passing and thought I’d see how you are.’

  ‘Hello, Flower. Come on in.’

  ‘I can’t stay long, Dad. I have a mountain of work.’

  ‘Stay for a cup of tea. Sit yourself down.’ It was more of an instruction than a request. He buzzed for his secretary.

  She didn’t usually linger but Fraser Duffy’s secretary had read the signs and entered with a tray. ‘Hot water’s nearly ready,’ she smiled and left the room.

  ‘I was hoping to see you,’ her father told her. ‘I know I shouldn’t listen to rumours and should know better than to take any seriously, but…’ he hesitated, wondering whether to continue at all. It seemed too incredible for words.

  ‘But?’ Charlotte asked apprehensively. Rumours about what? Her holiday, being naked? Surely not.

  ‘I just thought maybe you should know, ridiculous as it is…’ His voice tailed off again.

  ‘Know what?’

  ‘Well. No, maybe I shouldn’t…’

  ‘Dad! You can’t start and then stop like that. What is it?’ She had to know.

  ‘I heard, not from a reliable source I should say, that you were at a nudist beach while you were on holiday. I don’t for a minute think it can be true but I thought I should mention it.’

  ‘A nudist beach,’ Charlotte replied, stammering, not from shock as her father thought, but that the news had travelled so far so quickly.

  ‘Yes, I know, it’s all so ridiculous.’

  ‘Yes, it is,’ Charlotte fibbed. ‘Can you imagine me at a nudist beach, Dad?’

  ‘No! No of course not. Look, forget I mentioned it at all. It’s just some idle chatter I expect.’

  ‘Who told you that, Dad?’

  ‘Oh it doesn’t matter…’

  ‘Who told you?’ Charlotte insisted.

  ‘It was one of the other managers in the senior staff lunch room. It doesn’t matter who. I already told him it was impossible.’

  ‘But where did he get this from?’

  ‘I don’t know. All he said is that someone, I don’t who, had told him that they thought they’d seen you. Look, let’s forget it.’

  ‘Yes, let’s,’ Charlotte replied sharply. This was a topic she wanted to avoid at all costs. Her parents must never know the truth. But she was also ashamed that she had to hide this from them and that she had lied by omission. It didn’t sit comfortably.


  As Charlotte walked back to her desk, she wondered who on earth could have seen her. And why would they mention it? It would have to be someone that didn’t know her very well otherwise the rumour would have been fact. She wondered if she even knew the person that had seen her.

  I guess that’s the problem with being a nudist in public, she thought. It was inevitable that someone you know is going to see you eventually. She’d hidden behind the fact that whoever it was would probably have been nude too. So whichever of the managers had spoken to Dad, she thought, must have worked that out too. Maybe the manager himself was a nudist. And maybe there was a whole naturist network in Matthewson that she had no idea about - in addition to Ella and herself, of course.

  Now, there’s a thought, she smiled to herself.

  Chapter 33

  ON Friday evening at Lucy and Jake’s home, Charlotte and Todd had arrived half an hour early. They’d agreed in advance to meet before other guests arrived to give the four friends time to discuss the ‘coming out’ double-birthday celebration lunch on Sunday at the restaurant where Molly worked, La Grande Large.

  ‘Todd,’ Jake began, ‘you know that Lucy put an idea to Charlotte on the phone yesterday.’

  ‘Yes, but with everything that’s been happening and with me being out every evening, we haven’t really had much of a chance to discuss it.’

  Charlotte nodded. ‘I explained briefly to Todd on the way over here that your suggestion is to invite all of our parents to lunch and to casually bring up your naturist way of life. We’d then see how our parents take it and move forward from there.’ As she outlined this her voice clearly indicated that she still didn’t think much of the suggestion.

  ‘I don’t think there would be much of a problem with my folks,’ Todd added, ‘but you have to know that Charley’s parents are really straight-laced – and that’s probably a gross understatement. I’d be willing to give it a go and to stop the conversation if it started to bend out of shape, but it’s really Charley’s decision.’

  ‘I simply don’t think it would work,’ Charlotte deliberated. ‘I doubt I could handle it anyway especially after what happened today when I saw my dad.�
� She explained her conversation with her father over the rumour about being seen at a nudist beach and that she’d deflected the conversation and avoided the truth. She hadn’t seen much of Todd to tell him this. ‘I don’t see how we can possibly bring this up again so soon. My dad would know I’d misled him.’

  They all thought about this silently for a moment. ‘I see that makes it more difficult,’ Jake remarked.

  ‘How about we go ahead with lunch anyway with all of our parents but not mention naturism at all?’ Charlotte suggested.

  ‘And if one of our parents mentions it?’ Lucy asked.

  ‘Or if they get on so well together that they arrange to meet again, perhaps when we’re not there?’ Jake added.

  ‘Crap!’ Charlotte exclaimed. ‘Maybe some other time then.’

  ‘But thanks for the thoughts and suggestions,’ Todd placated. ‘We really appreciate it and maybe we’ll get to it at another time.’

  ‘OK, it’s your choice of course,’ Lucy remarked. ‘But remember, it would be better coming from you than from anyone else.’

  They didn’t have an inkling then how events would unfold so quickly.


  The other guests, Ella, Molly and Dana, arrived and the happy group of friends sat comfortably at a table on the candlelit deck as the last of the sundown glow gently filtered away, pre-dinner drinks in their hands. The weather was still warm enough to enjoy the evening air without clothing, although Lucy had provided blankets in case anyone felt chilly.


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