Sheikh's Desire

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by Leah Leonard

  Sheikh’s Desire

  Leah Leonard

  About the Author

  Leah Leonard is a hopeless romantic

  and author of numerous books.

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  Leah Leonard Romances

  Copyright © 2015 Leah Leonard

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 1508605785

  ISBN-13: 978-1508605782


  Archeologist Kelley Jones Smith was the luckiest woman alive. At least in some areas of her life.

  Even though her boyfriend just dumped her for his new pregnant girlfriend, on the upside, she received a grant to go to Turkey to conduct what she hoped would be a historically significant dig.

  Less than a week after both of these life-altering events, hours of packing and planning, and a very long flight, Kelley stepped off the plane in Istanbul.

  She couldn’t believe her eyes. This was it! Years of dreaming, planning, studying everything she could had finally paid off.

  The world was like that sometimes. Huge ups followed by incredible downs. Ian was a jerk. End of discussion. Had he not run off with his young student, Kelley realized she might not be here right now. Thank God!

  The airport bustled with activity as flurries of international travelers rushed to their destinations. She pushed her way through the crowds, following a woman she recognized from her plane, and headed toward the baggage claim, grabbed her suitcase off the carousel, and rolled it out toward the waiting area to meet her friend.


  She heard her name, glanced around the packed area beyond the gate, but did not see anyone familiar.


  The voice appeared to be coming from a young woman with a traditional headdress covering her hair and most of her face. A long black robe concealed her form, making her completely undistinguishable from anyone else at the airport.

  Kelley walked a little closer and gazed into her eyes. “Safina?”

  “Yes.” The young woman approached and hugged her lightly. They embraced like strangers at a business dinner. “How have you been, my friend?”

  “Better now that I’m here.” Kelley stood back and glanced at

  Safina’s wardrobe again, confused by her strange behavior and appearance. Surely this wasn’t the same girl who she’d been best friends with in college, the wild woman who wore the shortest shorts in the sorority, and passed out drunk at the frat party last fall? No, it couldn’t be. Safina was spontaneous and free. This person seemed so conservative, so reserved, so…

  “It is wonderful to see you again.” Safina bowed.

  Formal. Yes that was it. Kelley’s best friend changed. She had apparently immersed herself back into her Middle Eastern culture after leaving the university last year. “You too. I almost didn’t recognize you with all your...” She gestured to the head covering again.

  Safina gestured to her headgear. “It is custom.”

  Kelley stood speechless. The two of them graduated with honors less than a year ago, and oh how things had changed. Kelley had tons of fond memories of the time they went to New Orleans and received more beads than any of the other girls for showing themselves off to drunken frat boys during Greek week. All those fun times were ancient history.

  Kelley realized now probably wasn’t a good time to mention Safina’s love affair with Josh, or the fact that he would be joining her in Istanbul to help with the dig.

  She would mention that later, once they were alone. Hopefully in private her friend would open up and they could get into a real conversation. But not here, not now.

  After all, it had been awhile since they had seen each other. Kelley imagined they would pick right up where they left off, but judging from this initial impression, she realized only time would tell. Meanwhile, she was happy to have the opportunity to visit Turkey, see her friend again and do her research. For now, that was enough.

  Following Safina, Kelley felt a cool breeze on her bare legs. Feeling awkward and incredibly underdressed, she suddenly became all too aware she hadn’t changed out of her skirt. She left Boston in such a hurry, she didn’t bother to think about her clothes. “Should I go to the bathroom and change?”

  “No, you are fine for now.”

  For now? Kelley felt terrible. How could she be so stupid and disrespectful? She had slacks in her suitcase. “Are you sure? It will only take a minute.”

  “No. It’s okay. Come.” Safina gestured her toward the exit, grabbing the handle of her bag. “The car is waiting.”

  “I can get that,” Kelley said.

  “No, I insist.” She glanced over her shoulder toward the baggage carousel. “Is this all you have?”

  “My assistant will send more once I’m settled in,” Kelley said, careful to avoid bringing up Josh.

  “Very well.” Safina rolled the bag through the glass doors where a jet-black stretch limo sat parked on the curb.

  Kelley was prepared to keep walking, until a driver in a hat and uniform rushed up to Safina, taking her bag and placing it in the trunk. “This is your car?”

  She just assumed they would be driving something like the old fixer upper Safina had back in the day, with the dents and dings from too many parking lots, the torn seats, the stereo that only worked when you slapped the dash in just the right way.

  Before Safina answered, Kelley’s attention turned to the stunning man who appeared from the other side of the limo. Dressed in a sleek grey business suit and tie, he was tall and lean, with thick black impeccably groomed wavy hair that showcased his perfect white teeth, huge smile and deep brown eyes.

  When he met her gaze, Kelley felt a little pinch in her heart. She sucked in her breath, and her stomach, for that matter, and braced herself against the side of the car, in case her legs gave out.

  She had never seen such a beautiful man, ever. She opened her mouth, starting to say something, anything to avoid such an awkward moment, and tried to turn her attention back to her friend, but before she could, the unspeakable happened.

  The hunk placed a tender arm around Safina’s shoulder, as if he was about to help her into the car.

  Did Safina have a brother? Or better yet, a cousin, Kelley hoped?

  Safina gazed over the limo before ducking her head into the car and said, “Meet my future husband, Khalil.”

  “As in Gibran?” Kelley blurted out before realizing that might be rude. Khalil Gibran was one of her favorite poets.

  “Yes.” Safina giggled under her veil and Kelley sensed a smile might be hidden in there somewhere. “Khalil, allow me to introduce Doctor Kelley Jones Smith.”

  “Uh, actually I’m not quite finished with my doctorate yet,” Kelley stammered. “Soon though.”

  Safina glanced at Khalil. “Kelley has quite a talent as an archeologist.”

  Seeming unfazed by her comparison to the poet, Khalil gently helped his future bride take a seat, walked around the backside of the limo, and reached out his hand. “Pleasure. Safina has told me much about you.”

  His sexy accent rendered Kelley speechless. The proper thing to say would be something like, ‘she’s told me great things about you too,’ but that was a lie, and they all knew it. She’d never heard a thing about this man, let alone seen him. His was definitely a face she would not soon forget. Instead of voicing any of these thoughts, much to her dismay, she stood and stared, unable to speak or remove her hand from his.


  Jones Smith? The blonde beauty had two of the most common American names, but from what Sheikh Kh
alil could tell, there wasn’t anything ordinary at all about Miss Jones Smith.

  Khalil wasn’t sure how he felt about his newest wife inviting a friend over, especially not one who looked like her. Tall and curvy with gorgeous long legs and blonde hair that fell down her back, bright blue eyes that could stare a hole through him, the soon-to-be doctor was every man’s dream, and then some.

  Khalil’s other wife never made such unusual requests. Although the situation proved a bit awkward, this was a prime example of the more admirable traits about his Safina. She wasn’t like the other woman in the society at all. Safina could think for herself, she talked about things his other wife had no idea existed. Most women had never ventured out of the city, let alone the country. Safina had seen a bit of the world. She was his prize.

  She had been overseas, studied at an American university for a semester. Or was it two? He couldn’t recall. He was too busy gazing at the pair of sexy tan legs before him. He cleared his throat trying to get his mind back on his fiancé.

  Unfortunately as Khalil stood at the airport by his soon-to-be new bride’s side staring at the luscious blonde with the long flowing hair, full mouth and long uncovered arms and legs, he wondered if choosing Safina hadn’t been the biggest mistake of his life. Out of respect, he offered his hand.

  The blonde placed her delicate fingers in his.

  He gazed at her sun tanned skin, admired her perfect manicure and long bright pink fingernails. The moment they touched, a shock rippled through his torso and traveled directly to his groin. He cleared his throat, stepped back slightly, so as not to make a scene, holding her hand long enough to be civil, and then withdrew. Now was neither the time nor the place to be aroused, especially not around his new almost bride. He had considered wearing his thobe, the traditional white robe he wore around his palace, but unfortunately chose the suit today. Although he appeared more Westernized, he wished he followed his initial instincts because his pants suddenly fit him too tight and his normal attire would have concealed his outward signs of arousal. He fixed his gaze on the beauty, admired her soft white skin, and perfect complexion. She didn’t appear to wear much make up. Her looks were natural, and yet exotic at the same time.

  His uncomfortable clothing only became more so once he inhaled her perfume. The faint scent of flowers mixed with her musky attractive perspiration dizzied his brain. He released her hand and backed away, trying his best to control his expression. He took a deep calming breath in through his nose.

  He hoped no one knew what he was thinking. He sighed. How long would this vixen be staying? His gaze lowered toward the street and on the way, he enjoyed the view of her cleavage. American woman were hot. No doubt about that.

  He hoped Safina would tell her friend to dress more appropriately for their culture. The good doctor should know that already. What kind of doctor was she? He thought about asking, but to some extent, he didn’t care. His mind was far too distracted by her looks.

  Safina rarely mentioned her time in the United States. She told him a few stories about her studies there, but now his only thought was of repressing the overwhelming attraction he felt toward her friend.

  If this so-called doctor stayed with them for more than a day, he had no idea how he would be able to resist. Perhaps a trip to the country with his brother would be in order.

  He climbed into the limo and waited while the driver assisted their guest to her seat.

  Unfortunately, she slid across the leather and their knees accidentally bumped. “Excuse me,” she apologized.

  “Of course,” Khalil lowered his gaze to her tanned calves, noticing how amazingly muscular she looked. He had to stop! He slid further down the seat, sitting across from their guest and pretending to offer her more room, when in reality it was he who needed to get as far away from her as possible. His stiff crotch made it quite difficult to sit comfortably. He shifted in his seat, cleared his throat and glanced out the window at an old man struggling with a bag outside on the airport sidewalk. Even that unattractive sight proved not enough to temper his arousal, but he had no choice but to keep breathing, trying to think of anything but those legs and that body that was so close, he wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch her again.

  After a dizzying minute or two, the driver finally pulled away from the curb and Khalil felt better with some movement and a little distance between them. When they arrived to the palace, he would have to go into his quarters to isolate himself until he could get his external signs of affection under control.


  Once Kelley got in the limo, she had to come up with some way to keep her friend from knowing she wanted to jump her future husband’s bones. “So when did you two get engaged?”

  What a stupid question! But it was the only thing she could think of at the moment to distract her from the heat she felt when she touched Khalil’s hand and leg.

  The man was almost too good looking, if that was even possible. Her best friend was the luckiest woman alive. Then again, Khalil must attract that kind of attention all the time. Kelley wasn’t sure if she would want someone so stunning. Women were likely throwing themselves at him all the time.

  Kelley turned her full attention to Safina, looking only at her, trying to pretend she didn’t see that godlike face out of the corner of her eye.

  “Yesterday.” Safina finally answered with about as much gusto as she might tell her about the weather.

  How could she be so nonchalant? Kelley would be shouting from the rafters about marrying this man! And her future hunk husband didn’t seem too enthusiastic about the nuptials either.

  To make matters worse, the limo ride couldn’t have been more awkward. Kelley wasn’t sure if this was her imagination, her suppressed longing for Khalil, or the simple lack of emotion between the couple, but things seemed strained.

  She tried her best not to stare at Khalil, but there he was, sitting directly across from her, next to his fiancé, his soon to be wife. Wife? Unbelievable!

  Hadn’t Safina thought to mention the fact she was getting married when Kelley called her last week? If she had been engaged, that would have been the first thing she would have told her friend, not the last.

  The two of them sat together in the farthest back seat of the car, Kelley’s back was to the driver. She watched them, studied them. They appeared friendly to each other, in a brother sister kind of way, but there was no I’m about to marry you vibe between them.

  Because the culture here was quite conservative, perhaps couples were taught not to express their feelings in public. Besides, Safina’s emotions were hard to read with her face and head covered. The couple sat a few inches apart, her hands folded neatly in her lap, his arm leaning on the window rather than his bride. Shouldn’t they be ripping each other’s clothes off right about now? That’s exactly what Kelley would be doing if he were her fiancé! The last thing she would want is a third wheel like her around to ruin the mood.

  “Didn’t you think to mention your wedding to me?” Kelley had to ask.

  “I wondered the same thing,” Khalil held his gaze on Kelley.

  “I didn’t want you to feel pressured to buy us anything or do anything special,” Safina answered blandly.

  “You’re my best friend…or one of them,” Kelley said.

  “I apologize,” Safina said.

  “It’s all good,” Kelley said, realizing she might as well drop it. She probably shouldn’t have brought this up in the first place. What was done was done. She was here now and would be here for the wedding.

  The car grew strangely quiet. Kelley occasionally stared out of the corner of her eye, making sure that when either of them glanced her way, she stared out the window. Maybe they’d been busy, maybe they had to rush to marry and didn’t have time to tell her. Maybe Safina was pregnant! Who knew? She would have to find out later when the two of them were alone.

  Istanbul was a surprise too, although not as much of a surprise as Safina and Khalil. The southern reg
ions of Turkey were arid and brown, but here, the city was covered with gorgeous bridges, lush green hills and waterways of the Bosporus. It was a port city, and a gorgeous one at that.

  While she stared out the window, the awkward silence finally got the best of her. ”So when’s the big day?”

  The girl who was normally the loudest, always the life of the party said nothing. She turned her gaze toward her husband so he could answer for her.

  “A week from Thursday,” Khalil reported without a single glance in his bride’s direction.

  Kelley turned to Safina. “I wish I’d known. I could have flown in early to be here, thrown you a bachelorette party. You know I would do that for you.”

  Safina held her blank expression, offering no clues as to her inner emotions about the biggest day of her life and the fact it was only a few days from now.

  “Not possible,” Khalil finally said.

  “Custom,” Safina echoed.

  Ah, yes, the custom. Yes, it was glaringly apparent that custom was now a big part of her friend’s life. She would definitely have to tone down any conversations about the past, particularly with Khalil around. If this was how Safina grew up, and she assumed it was, Kelley wondered what it must have been like for her to be so far from home in a country where she could come and go as she pleased and basically run wild, only to have to return to the more traditional ways. It had to be tough.

  Kelley addressed her friend. “I can rearrange my trip so I can leave sooner.”

  “No, absolutely not. We are happy you are here.” Safina lifted a doting gaze up to her future husband, who again never even turned his head toward her. “This is why I did not mention it to you.”

  “I don’t want to be in your way.”

  “You are not,” Khalil said.

  “We are both pleased you are here with us,” Safina echoed.


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