Sheikh's Desire

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Sheikh's Desire Page 8

by Leah Leonard

“Yes,” Kelley said. “It sounds fascinating.”

  Soon they were inside the vast collection of precious gems and jewelry. Khalil was a perfect host and tour guide. “These items were considered sacred to the Sultan who would only visit them on special occasions. They are gifts from the four corners of the world and are of immense spiritual and monetary value.”

  Kelley was blown away with the beauty of the jewels and stunned by what these treasures must be worth. “They are truly priceless, I’m sure.”

  “As are you,” Khalil said.

  Kelley decided to ignore him by pretending to study a painting on the far wall. She walked away, putting as much distance between them as she could. For the moment. She clutched her purse with both hands, noticing her palms were clammy and her forehead was perspiring a bit, not from the weather conditions, but from the man.

  Next, they visited the palace kitchen and a vast collection of stunning handmade porcelain, went to the portrait gallery to view paintings of the sultans and admired the amazing architecture as Khalil led her into the palace courtyard.

  “This reminds me of your home,” Kelley told him, “Only a little bigger.”

  Khalil chuckled a bit. “In the ancient times, the Sultan kept quite a large harem in these quarters. So you can see, I am nothing like them, can you not?”

  “I never said you were.”

  “Ah but you see I have one wife, I am about to take another. You must believe me to be like the men of old, however I assure you I am nothing like my ancestors.”

  “So you aren’t planning on taking another twenty wives then?” Kelley teased.

  “By spiritual law, we may only have four wives. The harems were not filled with wives…” the implications were obvious.

  Kelley recalled Safina telling her the same thing. “I see…so, do you wish you had a harem?” Jealous feelings bubbled up from Kelley’s core. But why was she jealous? Why did she want him to give her the answer she wanted to hear? Khalil was married, he lived in another country, and this temporary situation was just that - temporary. It was certainly not any reflection of actual reality at all. They would never be together, there would never be a future between them. So why did this bother her so much?

  Khalil shook his head. “Not at all. My one true desire is to experience a real love.” He brushed his fingers against hers purposely, perhaps testing her to see if she would pull away.

  She didn’t.

  He took full advantage of the moment, leaned in, grabbing her around the waist. He pulled her close and kissed her deeply.

  Like before, Kelley couldn’t move away from him even though she knew she should. His energy, his life force was so incredibly magnetic, it was as though a tractor beam was sucking her in, and try as she might, she was powerless to resist.

  “You are stunning,” he whispered in her ear before kissing her neck.

  Kelley became aware people were staring at them. “Stop. We need to keep going.”

  And keep going he did. Kissing his way down her neck, under her veil to her collarbone.

  Once their carnal instincts were under control, Khalil toured her around the holy relics where items from Biblical history such as the staff of Moses, sword of David, and robe of Joseph were kept. The experience moved her deeply. “We are all the same, you know,” she told Khalil.

  “I agree,” he took her hand, squeezed her fingers.

  She didn’t let him go, instead allowing herself to wander the stunning area with him like they were on a first date, in the honeymoon phase of a satisfying relationship. She tried to forget he was engaged to her unreliable friend and that his wife was home dying at this very moment.

  He should be with her, and Kelley should be in Ephesus digging like the foundation was paying her to do.

  She hoped she could forgive herself for this. When she got back to Boston, she would have to get to church as soon as possible to attend a confession. Until then, she would try and enjoy this experience while it lasted, and prayed her unexplainable attraction to a married man would be all she had to confess.


  Khalil never experienced such a day as the one he and Kelley shared at the palace. He was not accustomed to taking guests on tours, nor was he used to having truly intelligent conversations with a woman, especially not one who he considered to be his equal, and even his friend.

  Safina had her moments of genius, but they had nothing in common and there had been a wall he had never been able to break through. Only now did he realize this was because she loved someone else. The truth was, he felt no physical attraction for her whatsoever, but he had at one time believed that aspect of their relationship might develop over time. Oma was quite clever, although she rarely ventured outside the palace. His marriage to Oma was such that anything more than he shared with Safina would have been an improvement.

  He recalled Kelley’s comment earlier about Oma being the love of his life. Nothing could be further from the truth. He did not have any love of his life, however he was soon beginning to believe that Kelley Jones Smith would fill that role before much longer.

  Other than the women he bedded from time to time, he had not had such complex feelings before of mental and physical stimulation all at once. This was all a part of the lovely Kelley Jones Smith. After this day, he wanted nothing more than to bed her, sooner rather than later.

  He would try again tonight at the palace, but he knew better than to push her too hard. He did not want her to return to Ephesus just yet. He hoped to accompany her there, once things at home settled a bit.

  If by chance Oma should pass in the night, he would be free to leave. And while he did not wish his wife any ill will, and sincerely hoped she would indeed make a full recovery, the fact of the matter was the poor woman had suffered. She deserved to find eternal peace. He prayed she would find that release from anguish soon, and prayed he would be strong enough to face her departure from his life.

  At this moment, this beautiful day with a beautiful woman was more than he hoped for, and a welcome distraction from reality.

  After a few hours at the museum, Khalil arranged for the two of them to enjoy a gourmet meal atop the finest restaurant in Istanbul. They were escorted into a small dining area atop a private balcony with perfectly framed views of the Bosporus at sunset.

  “Khalil,” Kelley glowed like an angel as she gazed out toward the river, then back at him. “This is the most incredible day I’ve ever had.”

  “I feel the same,” he leaned in, scooted his chair closer to hers, took her hand. “A perfect end to a perfect day. I thank you.”

  “I should thank you. This is amazing.”

  “As are you.” He leaned in, brushed her lips gently.

  She leaned back slightly, as if breathing him in. “Khalil…” her expression said she was once again about to protest their connection.

  “Shhh. Not now, my love. Tonight is ours. Please, let’s not spoil it with worry about tomorrow.”


  Despite the incredible setting and the company, anxiety rose within Kelley and finally reached a boiling point.

  “I can’t,” Kelley pushed her chair away from the table to distance them.

  “But why, my love?”

  “You’re in the middle of some major life traumas, here, Khalil, in case you hadn’t noticed. Your wife is dying, your fiancé left you. Yes the scenery and company are amazing, but this situation is anything but perfect. We both know that.”

  “Which is why I am here, enjoying your company.”

  “Exactly. I don’t want to get anything started. I can’t.”

  “Are you saying you have feelings for me?” he grinned.

  She did, but she certainly didn’t want to admit them. The fact he kept calling her love wasn’t helping any either. “The truth is you met Oma, you fell in love, you married her, and now she’s dying. This isn’t right!”

  “You think I love Oma?” Khalil looked sincerely confused. “You believe she is the lo
ve of my life? You are wrong.”

  “She is your wife.”

  “Indeed, however that has nothing to do with love.”

  “So you just sleep with people and take them in without loving them?”

  “I never slept with Oma.”

  A rush of heat burst forth from Kelley’s center, a mix of passion and fury at the audacity of his comment. “Are you kidding me? Do you think I’m a fool?”

  “I speak truth.”

  “You were married for five years! Don’t tell me you never—”

  “I cannot say I never bedded a woman in five years, no. Indeed, I have, many times, however Oma was not among them. And I rarely went anywhere with her outside our home. Occasionally we would take a drive, but never this far away.”

  “Why not?”

  “That is obvious, is it not? She is sick. She has been ill ever since we met. She is a favor for my father. His oldest friend is her father. No man would have her. My father agreed to have me take her as a wife so as not to disgrace her and leave her unmarried. Before we married, she was considered a spinster in the eyes of our society. She cannot produce an heir, she cannot live like a normal person because she is simply too frail.”

  Kelley sat quietly and considered everything Khalil was saying. He certainly seemed to be telling her the truth. She could see how that really was a noble gesture on his part, but how sad it was at the same time to be stuck with someone you don’t love. “And Safina?”

  “We grew up together as children, but we had not seen each other in years. Our fathers decided the time had come for our union, now she was back from the United States.”

  “The two of you certainly didn’t seem like a happy couple when I met you at the airport. She never even told me about you. Can you believe that? I thought we were friends.”

  “I believed her a comrade as well, however now I see she cannot be trusted.”

  “That’s for sure.”

  The wait staff appeared momentarily and lit several candles, poured some refreshing fruit drinks.

  Khalil lifted his glass. “So? Will you give me a chance to care for you while you are here?”

  Kelley reached her hand over the table, placed her fingers on his wrist. “I will.”

  They clinked their glasses together.

  “To friendship,” Kelley said.

  “Indeed,” Khalil took a sip and smiled. “And more.”

  Kelley sucked in her breath and knew there would definitely be more, primarily because she wasn’t strong enough to stop it.


  On the ride back to the palace, Khalil sat next to Kelley with one arm around her shoulders, his hand resting on her knee.

  He was pleased she felt comfortable enough with him to express her displeasure at the circumstances surrounding his personal life. His was a complex living arrangement, he realized, especially from an American perspective.

  Breathing in her sweet scent hardened him and sent waves of energy buzzing throughout his body. He wanted her tonight, and believed things were moving positively in that direction. Soon they would be home and he would walk her to her room, invite himself inside, and lock the door…

  Thinking of these things, he leaned in, kissed her neck.

  She turned toward him and to his surprise, kissed him back.

  That was all the encouragement he needed. He slipped his hand around her waist, clinging to the fabric of her abaya, relishing in her lithe body and imagining what her skin would feel and taste like.

  She didn’t resist. Instead, her body relaxed into his, her head reclined in the crook of his shoulder. The faint sound of her breathing was music to his ears. Her scent lingered in his nostrils. Things were going as planned, indeed.

  When they arrived at the palace, the driver was unable to park in his normal spot because another white limo sat in its place.

  Khalil knew that car. He cringed. The evening would not be going as he wished after all.

  “Who’s here?” Kelley asked.

  Before Khalil could answer, an elderly man in a long white robe and a graying beard appeared in the doorway.

  “My father.”

  Khalil waited while the driver helped Kelley from the car, then stepped out behind her. Although he did not mean to, he placed his arm around her shoulder.

  “Khalil?” the booming voice addressed him. “Who is this? Where is Safina?”

  Kelley appeared uncomfortable and Khalil couldn’t blame her. His father was an imposing and demanding man and he wasn’t going to be too pleased to learn about Khalil practically being left at the altar. “Father, may I present Doctor Kelley Jones Smith.”

  Kelley extended her hand and bowed slightly.

  The Sheikh not only ignored her, he kept his eyes only on Khalil and said, “You do not need to bring your whores around here son. What are you thinking? You are to be married in two days time.”

  “Father, this is a friend of Safina’s. She is from the United States. She is a doctor of archeology.”

  The Sheikh was not moved. “Further reason for me to ask where is your fiancé?”

  Khalil wasn’t about to have this conversation out here where all his servants could hear. “We must speak in private.”

  “I would say so,” the Sheikh said.

  “Father, you will go inside at once. Meet me in my study. I shall be there shortly.”

  The Sheikh didn’t look at all pleased to be asked to leave, but he went inside and closed the door behind him.

  Kelley appeared to be nearly in tears. “Khalil, I need to go now.”

  “Absolutely not!”

  “Don’t you see?” tears streamed down her face. She spoke in hushed whispers. “No matter how you and I feel about each other, we can’t overcome all this. Your life…it’s too complicated.” She turned and went inside before he could stop her.

  Turning to one of his most trusted servants, Khalil said, “Please follow her. I shall be in my study with father and shall return shortly. Have her wait for me in her room.”

  “Yes, sir,” the servant bowed.

  Khalil wiped his brow. He would have to deal with his father, get him out of here and then return to what he was planning before – getting to know the gorgeous Kelley and hoping he could talk her into staying here indefinitely.


  By the time Kelley walked inside the palace, the elder Sheikh was fully out of sight. Thank God, because Kelley was crying now, and she couldn’t help it or stop herself.

  She was caught up in a make believe fantasy, simple as that. Although she and Khalil had an amazing time today, this was a beautiful moment in time, and it wasn’t meant to be anything more than that. The longer she stayed, the deeper her hurting would be. And his. She hoped. The reality was she didn’t know for sure if he even cared or not. Maybe, but maybe not. He might just want to have sex, nothing more.

  She ran across the ballroom, opened the door to the apartments where Safina lived just a few days ago. Khalil had given her the same room she had before, only now she had full access to the area since her friend disappeared. What a mess this all was! What did she expect? There was no way in the world this could turn out to be anything but a disaster.

  She finally reached her room and fortunately her bags were still packed from earlier. She pulled a few scattered items off of the bed, zipped them into the side pocket and opened her door.

  To her surprise, Khalil’s main servant stood blocking her. “May I get you anything, madam?”

  “Yes, a cab. I need to go to the airport.”

  “Please,” the man stepped in front of her. “My master has asked you wait for his return. He shall not be long. Then if you wish, you may go as you please.”

  Frustrated, Kelley really wanted to barrel out of here right away. But how could she without making a scene? “Okay fine. I’ll wait in my room, but tell your master to hurry up, will you?”

  “Indeed,” the servant bowed.

  She stepped back inside, keeping
her bags packed and by the door and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling. What a day this had been!

  To her surprise, she heard a loud click.

  The heavy sound of footsteps faded away.

  What the? She leapt off the bed, walked to the door, tried it, but it would not open. She gasped. Khalil’s servant locked her in from the outside!

  Panic ripped through her body. “Hey! You! Let me out!” The more she jiggled the door, the more panicked she became. She pounded her fists on the door, rattled it, and even kicked it with the side of her foot, which hurt her. “Hey! Let me out! Right now!”

  After a few minutes of trying, she soon realized she was trapped. A hopeless feeling washed over her. Khalil was holding her prisoner! How dare he! What could have possibly possessed him to take such drastic action? She hoped he would come to his senses and release her. But what if he didn’t? She might have to try and escape.

  She ran to the window, tossed the curtains back. Thick bars were nailed to the glass and the view beyond her window was nothing but the steep rocky cliffs surrounding the property. She was trapped!

  Images of the palace flooded through her mind. Thousands of women over the ages had been kept against their will in apartments just like these. Before now, she could only imagine what those poor women must have felt like, not being allowed to venture beyond the walls of their homes. Kelley always thought of herself as a free spirit, which was one reason why she never married. She craved freedom above all other things. Now her most prized possession had been taken from her against her will. Her worst nightmare had come to pass.


  Not wishing to have to discuss his situation with his father tonight, Khalil burned with fury at the fact his treated him with such disrespect in front of not only Kelley, but the entire staff. He followed the old man into the study, slamming the door behind him and walked to the corner of the office and poured them both some tea before turning to face the elder Sheikh, who took the liberty of taking a seat behind Khalil’s desk.


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