Sheikh's Desire

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Sheikh's Desire Page 23

by Leah Leonard

  Khalil took a seat. “May I have your word you will speak to her, make eye contact with her, and try and engage her as a true member of our family without making her feel an outsider?”

  “Of course, you have my word. I do want my sons to be happy. Your brother has found peace in his life with his wives. I want you to find happiness as well. So go. You have my blessing. We have many other business matters to discuss, but all can wait until your return.”

  “Thank you, father! I will go at once and I will advise you upon my return.”

  “God speed, son!”

  Khalil walked out of the restaurant, into the street and glanced around at the city he could only remember through Kelley’s eyes. Every building, every corner reminded him of her.

  Now with his father’s blessing, Khalil could aggressively move forward to do what he had imagined doing for the past few weeks. He climbed into his limo to head for the airport and his mind spun with thoughts of seeing Kelley again. He ran over the words he would say to her when he professed his love, asked once more for her hand in marriage and invited her to join his family as the single most important person in his life, to unite with him once and for all, forever.


  After returning the money to Ms. Merrill, Kelley went to the office, thankful there was no sign of Josh. Thank God!

  She casually asked around and fortunately, nobody in the department had seen him since he left to go overseas. Just as well, Kelley thought. She didn’t want to disgrace him by telling everyone what a liar he was. She could completely discredit him, but what would be the point? To do so would only exasperate the sad fact that she had no judgment regarding other people. That was something she would need to keep to herself, because despite all the hardship, she really believed she would somehow start again, and her career would go on.

  The office staff was so happy to hear about her adventures overseas, even if they didn’t result in any actual findings, Kelley didn’t have the heart to tell them that the whole trip had been a wasted effort. She wanted to keep them motivated and excited for the future, because if nothing else, Kelley had come to learn that the future could be filled with unexpected surprises.

  One of her first acts was to rekey the office, in case Josh ever did decide to make an unwelcomed appearance. Next, she put some ads out for a new grad assistant, and third, she decided to spend time cleaning out old files, re-examining documents with half baked ideas for work on them, tossing those with no potential and creating a new file for any potential projects worth following up on. With every shelf she cleared, every file she emptied into the shredder, Kelley felt lighter and free, and did her best to concentrate on the here and now, rather than to think about the one man whom she loved more than anyone on earth.

  Dust rag in hand, Kelley was busy digging through a pile of old newspaper clippings Josh left behind, when someone walked into her office.

  “I heard you were back.” The familiar British accent was nothing she ever wanted to hear again.

  Kelley emerged from the closet, wiping her brow and placing her rag on the table. “What are you doing here, Ian? I thought you were still in Greece.”

  “I was, love, but without you, turns out I couldn’t find a thing. You always were me lucky charm, ya know?”

  Ignoring the implications of the comment, Kelley kept on dusting her desk, barely looking at him. “I’m sorry to hear that.” She meant it. Kelley could definitely relate to the pain of working tirelessly on something, only to have it turn out to be nothing. “Are you going back to try again?”

  “Aren’t you the bright little bird?” Ian knew full well Kelley hated being referred to as a bird, a British slang term for woman. He knew how to push her buttons, and could still be one of the most annoying people alive. “That’s exactly why I’m here. Turns out, I’m flying back in two weeks. I could use a hand, love.”

  I’ll bet you could! That’s all Ian ever considered her to be, an extra hand to assist him in his rise to glory. Sadly, after spending the day glancing through files and turning up absolutely zero potential projects, Kelley hated to admit she would actually have to consider this. Not so she could pick up with Ian again. Clearly that would never happen. She would never ever forget his betrayal. Forgiving him was no problem. She already came to peace about that long ago, but would she ever find herself in his bed again? No way. Especially not after what she experienced with Khalil. She knew now what real love was, and Ian wasn’t it.

  To work with him, though, that was a different story. She had poured herself into the Greeks when she and Ian were together, and at this point, she needed something to do. Without working projects she could report to the school department heads, Kelley would ultimately lose her office and her ability to work in the field she loved so dearly.

  “Do I take the silence as consent?” Ian teased.

  “Maybe…” Kelley hated him for coming here on the one hand, but on the other, she realized this was a blessing. “If I go, and I do mean if, you and I are…”

  Ian raised his hands as if under arrest, “Off limits, I get that, love.”

  Kelley sighed. Would the man never change? Apparently not. “And I’d appreciate it if you’d stop calling me love. We’re colleagues and collaborators in research, nothing more.”

  “Whatever you say…” He flashed his horse-mouthed grin.

  What did I ever find attractive about this man? She certainly couldn’t remember at this point, especially not after Khalil. “What about your…baby mama?” She laughed as she said it, but what else could she call poor naïve Amber? She was the mother of Ian’s child, after all.

  “She is not in the picture, I told you, the kid was adopted out, but I’m glad to see you care,” Ian smirked.

  How dare he think so highly of himself! This was among the annoying traits Kelley had learned to push down and ignore when she and Ian were together.

  Kelley would have to think long and hard about whether or not she could really do this without letting her guard down and falling back in with him out of loneliness. “I will tell you in a day or two. How about that?”

  “I need a yes or no straight away. I must get the tickets by and arrange the accommodation. We leave on Monday.”

  “You mean like a few days from now?” Kelley looked around the office again, realizing her work had hit a wall, big time. What did she think she was going to do around here? Like him or not, trust him or not, Ian was offering an opportunity. She had to move on with her life, and Ian was here and now. She didn’t have to pretend with him. She knew she couldn’t trust him and at least that was somewhat refreshing. She could go into the project with her eyes wide open, keep professional space between them and at least get a chance to go work in Greece, which was far better than sitting around here. Plus she would use this time to justify herself to her department and forget all about Khalil. “You know what? I’m going to say yes.”

  Ian appeared genuinely surprised. “Are you?”

  “I am. I worked my ass off on those projects.”

  “And what a lovely ass it is…” Ian teased.

  Kelley would not dignify that comment with a response. She knew if they traveled together she would have to put up with far more than that. Right now, she didn’t care. “Count me in. Let me know what time on Monday to be ready and I will look forward to getting to work.”

  “We’ll be gone a full month, you know? At least. Maybe a bit longer.”

  “Fine. I’ll get someone to fill in here.”

  “I’m pleased beyond words. I’ll be in touch. Cheers!” He disappeared into the hall before she could change her mind.

  Kelley had a plan. Even though she had no idea what she would be doing in the future, at least she was moving forward. For now, that was enough.


  Thanks to his father’s encouragement, Khalil realized he had to go to Kelley and get her back to Turkey as soon as possible.

  He tried calling Kelley’s cell and home number
s from the limo on the way to the airport. At first he did not leave any messages, but later, left two. He kept on calling, but still no answer. Where was she? Why wouldn’t she return a simple phone call out of common courtesy?

  He finally called an office number where someone actually picked up the phone. “Kelley Jones Smith, please.”

  “Sorry, sir, she’s not here.”

  “When shall she return?”

  “I’m not sure. She’s busy packing so I don’t expect her in for the rest of the day.”

  “Packing?” Panic shot through Khalil’s limbs. “For where?”

  “Greece,” the girl said.

  What? Surely she had not decided to return to Greece with that rogue, Ian! “When is she leaving?”

  “Monday morning, from what she told me. Should I leave a message for her? She did say she’d be back by here Monday before she leaves, but I just don’t know exactly what time that will be.”

  Khalil wanted to leave a message of course, but he did not wish to startle her. If she was truly leaving, he had to stop her. “No message, thank you, but can you tell me how long she will be abroad?”

  “At least a month.”

  “I see, thank you.” He hung up, drew in a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. Fortunately he had already planned to go and get her and the private jet was prepared. He would not allow her to leave with Ian. He pulled the ring out of his pocket, ran the tip of his finger over the smooth surface of the stone. He loved the way the ring looked on her and knew this was meant to be. He would make her understand they belonged together. Somehow, someway. He had to.


  After Ian’s unexpected visit, Kelley finished cleaning the office and went home early. She ordered a pizza and spent the rest of the day properly preparing her place to be locked up indefinitely, a task she now realized she had not done for her other trip to Turkey.

  The following morning, Kelley got to work early and was busy sifting through last minute paperwork before her trip to Athens, wanting to make absolutely sure that this time when she left, there were no loose ends hanging over her head.

  This trip felt so much different than the other. First, she wasn’t expected to do anything. The funds were secured by Ian, and his reputation was on the line, not hers. That fact alone felt like a relief. Also, she’d learned the hard way that you can’t go into something like this without the possibility of failure. She told herself that before her first trip to Turkey, but she never understood what it meant. Now she knew that feeling firsthand. Of course she hoped the trip was a success, but if it wasn’t, she wouldn’t be too disappointed. God knows she’d had enough disappointment to last a lifetime the past month.

  Regardless of how hard she tried to find some excitement in the journey she was about to take, she still couldn’t get Khalil out of her mind. The thought brought tears to her eyes. She hoped going overseas to a new place with a rather large team in place to assist with their dig would occupy her mind, and that over time, she would forget all about what happened in Turkey.


  Khalil stood in the doorway of Kelley’s office and watched her with great intensity. So this was her element? He thought the messy office piled with research projects suited her quite nicely.

  She appeared to be engrossed in her work. For the first time since knowing her, he fully understood why his action of hiring the team to plant a phony artifact was unacceptable. Kelley was an intellectual and she had to make these discoveries on her own. He hoped she would move past hating him for all of that. If she would take him back, he vowed never to interfere with her work ever again.

  He continued to watch her, took a few steps closer toward her desk, believing she would see him there, but she never did. She was too busy reading. Her glasses and pulled up hair made her sexy in a new way. He loved all her nuances, each one made him want her all the more.

  Finally he cleared his throat. “Ahem.”

  Kelley did not take her eyes off her paperwork. “I’m almost done. Give me a minute.”

  “I have all the time in the world.”


  The sound of the voice Kelley just heard made her feel like she must be fully daydreaming now. She glanced up and to her amazement, the most gorgeous man in the world stood smiling at her. Even more amazing was how happy she was to see him. Her mind told her this would never work, but right now, only her heart reacted to Khalil. She leapt from her chair, ran around the desk and fell into his arms. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  “I cannot believe you are going off with that man to Greece.”

  She scowled. “How did you know?”

  “I have my ways.”

  Kelley wiped the tears from her eyes. “I only did it to get over you.”

  He brushed her hair out of her eyes, caressed her cheek. “I know. “

  They shared a deep kiss.

  Kelley couldn’t believe he was here. The touch of his hands on hers, the smell of his skin and cologne made her feel safe and sure of her life again. “I missed you. Even though it’s only been a couple of days.”

  “And I missed you,” Khalil gazed into her eyes, taking both her hands in his. “Please know that I love you. I am sorry for all that happened. I see you here now and I understand I was wrong to hire those men to place that vase for you to find. I will never do this again, if only you will take me back.”

  So overwhelmed with emotion for this man she loved more than any other person on the face of the earth, all the negative thoughts she had about him completely vanished. She melted into his arms and realized she never wanted to be anywhere else with anyone else. He was the one! Even if his family hated her, who cared? She loved him and somehow they would find a way to make it work.

  As if reading her thoughts, Khalil added, “And I understand why you did not wish to marry me with my family acting as they did. I have spoken to my father, and he has agreed he will no longer attempt to match me with anyone else.”

  This seemed a bit too good to be true. “Really? Or are you just telling me what I want to hear?”

  “I swear on my family’s lives,” Khalil held his hand over his heart. “I met with him and I told him I love you, and only you. I told him I was coming here to get you, to marry you. He wants my happiness, and he now sees you are the only means for me to have any peace in this life.”

  “About that,” Kelley began. “I’m sorry. I haven’t had much peace since I left Turkey either. I didn’t think I would ever see you again and I was trying to come to terms with everything that happened. I made plans to go to Greece to work because I had no other options right now, and I thought I needed to do something, because I didn’t believe we would ever work things out.”

  Khalil drew a deep breath in, as if trying to absorb what she was saying. He held her waist and pulled her closer. “But now?”

  “Having you here…” her eyes filled with tears. “I love you!”

  “Oh my darling, I love you more than life itself.” He held her close, kissed her multiple times on her cheeks, her hair, her eyelids, wiping away her tears, taking her ever closer in his arms.

  Familiar shivers rushed through her body and Kelley realized she had been a fool to think she could ever live without Khalil. She never loved anyone like this before and to think of a life without him was more than she could bear. “I missed you so much! I don’t ever want to be apart again!”

  Khalil fell to his knees and pulled the familiar ring from his pocket. “Marry me!”

  Crying, Kelley nodded and this time, she held out her hand willingly, while Khalil slipped the ring on her finger. “Yes!”

  Khalil stood, took her in his arms. “You have made me the happiest man alive! I love you!”

  “And I love you,” Kelley kissed him deeply.

  “Well isn’t that just the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard in me life?” The unwelcomed voice boomed from the hallway outside Kelley’s office.

  She and Khalil turned around and th
ere stood Ian. “I’ve got your plane tickets here, love. I assume you won’t be coming?”

  Kelley froze, unsure of what to do.

  “Well?” Ian shouted.

  “You shall leave my fiancé alone!” Khalil’s nostrils flared, he stepped forward, clenching his fists.

  Panic ripped through Kelley’s core. “No Khalil, don’t! This is my mess to fix.”

  By the grace of God, Khalil backed down, an act Kelley knew was hard for him.

  She turned to Ian. “Thank you for the opportunity, but my work, and my life, are taking me in a new direction.”

  “Good luck to you both and goodbye.” Ian smirked, took a dramatic bow and disappeared.

  Khalil breathed deep through his nose, trying to calm down. “So I do not have to punch that man?”

  “No, please don’t,” she said, wrapping her arms around him. “You’re the only man for me. Forever.”

  “Do I have your word?”

  She nodded. “Yes. And what about you? You don’t want to marry any Sultan’s daughters, do you?”

  “I have never loved anyone but you. Forever, my darling. That is what you and I shall be.”


  Two weeks later, after completely clearing out her apartment, breaking her lease, and resigning from her position at the university, Kelley stood in the palace gardens in a white flowing gown, hand in hand with the man who she would spend the rest of her life with.

  The ceremony was a mixture of both of their spiritual traditions, simple and conservative, with a Catholic priest Khalil had flown in from Istanbul.

  “Do you Sheikh Khalil take Kelley to be your wedded wife?”

  “Indeed, I do,” he gazed lovingly into her eyes.


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