Alien Blood (Diaspora Worlds)

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Alien Blood (Diaspora Worlds) Page 14

by Melisse Aires

  Her country men had lied—they lied about the planet being free of inhabitants, and they claimed the planet was a Seeded world, with flora and fauna similar to Terra. The northern continent was Seeded, it seemed. But this area was alien. Overly large trees, neon bright flowers, eerie animal calls. She'd heard people actually lived in that bizarre forest, thick with fluffy white fronds as tall as she was. It was hard to believe.

  She hugged Ulric a little closer. What those first families must have experienced, alone in that wild strange forest, trying to keep their little ones safe.

  Lorl needed to keep her little ones safe. She had stood before the Grandmother's Counsel several days ago, and asked for refuge, for herself, Ulric and the little girls, now orphans. Her homeworld was devastated by war, she had no funds for travel to a safe place. That left New Prague, with its domes, industry and poisonous spores. Kellac said she could probably find work in the mining district. It didn't sound like a nice place to be a single mother, though. She was hesitant to accept Kellac's view of New Prague because he came from its wealthiest family. She would be just another mining contract worker.

  Gales of laughter rose from the children on the beach. No white sand and sea shells on New Prague. She doubted children played ball in the plaza, either.

  The Grandmother's had offered her a position as a cook in the communal meal room, and continued use of the snug little house on the hillside. Lorl might also teach mathematics to their older youth. Rivier would speak to her about that. She'd have all the necessities, plus this lovely location. It was her best option.

  She shied away from thoughts about Rivier. With his brilliant green eyes and bright red gold hair he was far more attractive than she expected any Zh Cle' to be. But what did she know about Zh Cle'? The tales she'd been told on her homeworld didn't resemble this community at all.

  Kellac, Gema and Dooley would be surprised when they learned she was staying. But her little family would be safe here. Safety was more important than Pure Genetics. She was beginning to wonder if Pure Genetics had any real meaning at all.

  They would live in that little white house with the arches and patio overlooking the sea. Her son and daughters would play in the sand and learn to sail those Farradae solar boats, starting with tiny ones that went just above the ground. Already the girls had friends at school and were busy enough their grief only showed for short times. Someday perhaps Toph would be at peace again and she could attempt to find her parents and sisters, and the extended family of the little girls.

  Considering the situation and the ugliness she'd allowed in her life, her future was better than she deserved. If any grace of life was being bestowed on her—as the Grandmothers claimed— it was due to the innocent children in her care.

  “Are you done with your drink?” She asked Ulric. “Let’s go play before mama goes to cook.” The children, like the children of her co-workers in the communal kitchen, would accompany her to work, and play in a small area with baskets of communal toys or outdoors in the park-like Meeting Plaza.

  Ulric wiggled to get free. “Beach, beach.”

  Lorl laughed at his excitement and they headed down to play in the sand and water.


  The small solar boat was open, with a sail of clear glass-like material. Some kind of solar panel, Kellac told her. They only skimmed about three feet off the ground, and hardly went any faster than a man’s walking pace. It was the same technology as the aide Gema had to use to walk until her broken leg healed. She had a type of leg brace which she maneuvered by walking with her healthy leg. The machine stepped evenly with her, while her broken leg rested in its special casting. It was hard to believe that in a few weeks her leg would be straight and able to do all the things she hadn’t been able to do since childhood.

  Her head still ached, and lights often seemed too bright, which was why she had to wear a wide brimmed hat outdoors. Farradae was bright, with its clear skies, white buildings and white sand. The Zh Cle’ healer Mola said it would take longer for her head to repair than her leg. She would have headaches, eye strain and some occasional confusion and memory issues that would resolve over time. The doctor ordered her to rest and relax, give herself time to heal. Kellac and Dooley could maintain the small house they would be living in next door to Lorl.

  She left the hospital on the seventh day following the boar attack. Her first glimpse of Farradae made her draw in a sudden breath. It was so lovely, with its white sand beach, warm terracotta cobblestones and a hillside of white houses adorned with bright flowers. Beyond the houses a hill rose up to even higher table lands. It was a vibrant, lush with growth, though not all the growth was Terran green. Purple and white vied with bright green and yellow in the alien forest.

  “This is so lovely. Much nicer than the dark lake.”

  “Yes. No stinging insects. You’ll like the house, too. Dooley is taking the top floor and we’ll have the main floor. We can make our own meals or go down to the cook house for communal meals.”

  They arrived at the small terraced house. Lorl came to greet her with her son Ulric and two small blond PureGen girls. Lorl and the children were dressed in Farradae clothing, she noticed, unstructured light tops and baggy calf length pants. Many women wore a scarf tied around the waist, into which they tucked small necessities. Some of the scarves were beautifully embroidered. Lorl and the children all wore matching pale blue scarves.

  Ulric gave her a hug. “This is Sola and Olani, Ulric’s new big sisters.” The little girls smiled shyly.

  “Kellac told me you plan to stay here in Farradae even after the New Prague ship comes.” Gema sat on a chair next to a small table on the patio, which stretched between the two houses. The children were playing with small dolls and shells on the floor near Lorl’s front door.

  “Yes. This is a stable place to raise children. I work in the communal kitchen for the evening meal, and am also working with the upper level school teachers of mathematics. Some of our Confederation math is new to them and they are eager to learn.”

  “I will be joining you in the mornings teaching math, Lorl. Not for a few days though. We will wait until Gema is a little more comfortable,” Kellac said. Gema looked at him in surprise. He hadn’t told her he was going to teach math. But there had been no word from New Prague so they were probably going to be here for several months. None of them wanted to take advantage of the generosity of the Farradae people. Gema hoped she would soon be well enough to take part in the work of the village.

  “I’m glad you are well, Gema. We are going down to the beach. Most of the village children play there in the early afternoon.” The children placed their toys in a woven basket and they left, the children laughing and skipping down the street.

  “Alone at last!” Kellac swooped her up into his arms and deposited her on the double seat swing at the far end of the porch. I have something important to ask you.”

  “Don’t ask me to help teach math,” she said with a pretend frown.

  Kellac raised her hand to his lips. “Marry me, Gema. Tonight.”

  Shock made her dizzy. “Marry?” The yearning in her heart brought tears to her eyes.

  “I almost lost you. If the Farradae village had not been here, or been unfriendly to us, you would have died. Do you know that? The med kits we had on the transport could not even begin to fix a head injury like you had.”

  “Of course I will marry you. But what about your family? They won’t approve.”

  “They are capable of change. Plus, we have set it up so our marriage is legal in the Terran Alliance. Dooley, Lorl and I researched it. So no one can dismiss it.”

  “All three of you did?” That touched her, the idea of the three of them trying to figure out if Kellac could legally marry her.

  “Yes. Dooley claimed the transport as a spoil of war, which is legal in the Alliance. Lorl is his second in command and also the envoy of Planet Toph to the Farradae. You and I are passengers on the ship. And Captain Dooley can legally marr
y us, with Lorl as witness. We even have an old fashioned scroll to sign.”

  “We do?”

  “Yes, and Lorl has a dress and flowers arranged. We hoped you would want to do it tonight, here on the patio. It is very pretty when the sun sets. And Lorl is baking confectioneries.”


  Kellac grinned. “It seems that Lorl is quite skilled at baking sweets. The Farradae are impressed with her.”

  “She seems to have found a home here. The incident with the laser…I think that was caused by shock. I don’t think she is a bad person at all.”

  “I think you are right about her Gema.” He tapped on his com. “Dooley, Lorl, the wedding is on.”

  Gema heard an excited squeal from Lorl, followed by cheers from the little girls. Again tears touched her eyes that they would care about her at all.

  The gown was a creamy peach tone, falling simply to the ground from a scooped neckline. It was sleeveless and the Farradae fashion was to cover the shoulder straps and neckline with fresh flowers. Flowers also crowned her head and she now sported a fringe of silky hair, trimmed by Lorl, over her forehead, masking her wound, which was still bright red. Kellac wore pale lilac, which made his eyes stand out in his tanned face. He too wore flowers pinned to his shirt in the Farradae fashion. The delicate neon blossoms emphasized his strength and masculinity in Gema’s eyes.

  Lorl, the children and Dooley were also dressed in Farradae style. The children held woven baskets of flower petals and fairly quivered in anticipation.

  Dooley picked the wedding vows, ancient Terran ones Gema’s own parent might have vowed. “Kellac and Gema, under your own power and your own will, repeat after me:

  “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.

  Your people will be my people,

  And your Star will be my Star.

  And we will be one.

  Let nothing but death part you from me

  That we may be together in eternity

  In the Starlit Haven.”

  They repeated the words together, looking into each other’s eyes, while bathed in the light of the setting sun, and the sweet scent of the bright blossoms.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. Kellac, you may kiss your bride.”

  With a smile, Kellac pulled her tight for a kiss both gentle and promising, while Lorl cried and the children rained them with flower petals.


  Lorl’s flaky crust fruit tarts and cream filled cakes where the perfect end to the wedding meal. After the meal Lorl and Dooley cleaned up, then Lorl took her children to bed and Dooley left to spend an hour or two at the tavern, leaving Kellac and Gema alone. They sat on the patio for a time, enjoying the cool sea breeze.

  Gema picked up the rolled scroll, tied with a piece of colored yarn. “I hope our marriage doesn’t cause trouble for you with your family.”

  “It will work out Gema. I want you to stop worrying about it. We are safe and we’re together. Everything else is unimportant.” Kellac caressed her cheek with his finger tips.

  “Take me to bed, Kellac.”

  “You need your rest.”

  Gema slid her arms around his neck. “I need you more.” She stood and pulled Kellac’s hand. He rose and let her pull him into the bedroom.

  “I’ll be very upset if this make your head hurt.”

  She stood on tiptoe and brushed a kiss across his lips. “I asked the doctor. And look, we have an actual bed, not a pile of grass, or a tarp over the mud.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Four Months Later

  Dooley’s enhanced arm com received a hailing from the ship Warhaven from New Prague, settled into orbit near the planet Dusault 9.

  “This is Captain Trey Dooley, of the small transport ship Survivor. Please be informed the planet name Dusault 9 is incorrect. This planet is named Farradae and claims the legal status of a Terran Alliance Territory. Provenance and the Farradae Constitution are being beamed to you at this time.”

  “Great. Is Kellac there? This is his brother Karvyr.”

  “Kellac will meet you in the cleared landing field two clicks south of the white sand beach on the south edge of Farradae City.”

  Kellac drove a solar boat to the new landing site. Gema sat next to him, wearing her floppy brimmed hat. Nerves made her clutch Kellac’s knee. Kellac grabbed her hand and pressed it.

  “Sorry. Did I tickle you?”

  He laughed. “I know you’re nervous. You have nothing to fear. It’s just my brothers.”

  He landed the boat near a sleek and lethal looking ship.

  “That’s a transport?”

  He shrugged. “Light armored cruiser. Military transport.”

  Two men came down a ramp. Both were tall with dark hair, and their broad shouldered, muscular builds looked similar to Kellac’s. One brother wore his dark hair clipped neatly short, the other wore barbaric felted locks, the front pulled back into a messy knot. Chains and jewels fell to his back from the knot.

  Kellac leaped out of the boat with a shout. “Kaistril!” He threw himself at the barbaric brother with the sky blue eyes. As they embraced Gema was shocked to see Kaistril had cyborg implants on his arm and temple.

  “Karvyr.” Kellac hugged the brother with brilliant green eyes. “I almost didn’t recognize you without your focals.”

  “My eyes regenerated after that lab accident, so I no longer need to wear focals. But I have enhanced ones now that transmit and record scientific data.” Karvyr pulled a pair of eye focals from a pocket and plunked them on his nose. He looked around. “This is an amazing place.”

  “Come meet my wife, Gema.” Kellac helped her out of the solar boat.

  “You got married? Congratulations!” Kaistril rapped Kellac on the back with hardy enthusiasm. “It’s great isn’t it? My wife Sabralia traveled with us, you’ll meet her soon.”

  “Gema is the part Zh Cle’ cyborg herder I told you about.”

  Gema held her breath.

  Kaistril embraced her enthusiastically, lifting her feet off the ground. “Welcome, sister.”

  “Oh, no,” Karvyr said.

  They all stared at him. Gema’s heart pounded with anxiety and she again clutched Kellac’s hand hard.

  “Oh. Sorry. Where are my manners? Congratulations. Gema, you are stunning, I can see why Kellac wanted to marry you. And your cyborg herding ability has started an exciting area of study for our science community. Recent reports from Mother said we had to pay a small fortune to get Zh Cle’ herders to New Prague.” Karvyr sighed. “But now it is just me. And Mother is determined one of us will marry General Paloma’s daughter.” His expression was gloomy. His brothers laughed.

  “What about Kyler? Where is he, anyway?”

  “Long story, but he is fine and on his way back to New Prague,” said Kaistril. “Also, we had to fight off a Gorvas Armada to get here. We decided to try and follow the path the ship Farradae would have taken from Armagh to look for a possible jumpstream and ran right into a newly built Gorvas hub with a whole cluster of jumpstreams. With a well armed Armada. But we now control two really neat space hubs. That’s why we’re late.”

  “Kyler met a do-gooder. I expect a wedding any minute,” Karvyr said. “Which is why I’m the sacrifice.”

  Kellac looked at him with raised brows. “You can fill us in. Please join us at our home. I don’t like to keep Gema in the bright sun, she is recovering from a head injury.” Kellac ushered them to the solar boat, Gema first.

  “Can I drive this?” Karvyr asked. “Intriguing design.”

  “No,” Kellac said with a grin.

  “I’m really fine,” Gema said. “I even have a job. In textiles.” She loved her job of mixing dyes.

  “Let me get Sabralia.” Kaistril ran up the ramp to retrieve his wife Sabralia, a lovely blue eyed brunette, obviously pregnant. He helped her into the solar boat and her serene smile brought some calm to the group of brothers.

  “Welcome to the fami
ly,” Sabralia said.

  The End

  Author’s Note: I hope you enjoyed this book. I love writing this series and have many more books planned. You can find out more about my writing at

  I would appreciate a review on the site of your choice. Thank you!



  Book Three in the Diaspora Worlds Series


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