Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript (Oxford World's Classics)

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Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript (Oxford World's Classics) Page 38

by Malory, Thomas

  So the king and Sir Lancelot led their life the most part of that day together. And fain would King Pelles have found the means that Sir Lancelot should have lain by his daughter, fair Elaine, and for this intent: the king knew well that Sir Lancelot should beget a pucel*,* upon his daughter, which should be called Sir Galahad, the good knight, by whom all the foreign country should be brought out of danger; and by him the Holy Grail should be achieved.

  Then came forth a lady that hight Dame Brusen, and she said unto the king, ‘Sir, wit you well Sir Lancelot loveth no lady in the world but all only Queen Guenivere; and therefore work ye by my counsel, and I shall make him to lie with your daughter, and he shall not wit but that he lieth by Queen Guenivere.’

  ‘Ah, fair lady,’ said the king, ‘hope ye that ye may bring this matter about?’

  ‘Sir,’ said she, ‘upon pain of my life let me deal.’ For this Dame Brusen was one of the greatest enchanters that was that time in the world. And so anon by Dame Brusen’s wit she made one to come to Sir Lancelot that he knew well, and this man brought a ring from Queen Guenivere like as it had come from her. And when Sir Lancelot saw that token, wit you well he was never so fain.

  ‘Where is my lady?’ said Sir Lancelot.

  ‘In the castle of Case,’ said the messenger, ‘but five miles hence.’

  Then thought Sir Lancelot to be there the same night. And then this Dame Brusen, by the commandment of King Pelles, let send Elaine to this castle with five and twenty knights. Then Sir Lancelot against night rode unto the castle, and there anon he was received worshipfully with such people to his seeming as were about Queen Guenivere secret.*


  So when Sir Lancelot was alit, he asked where the queen was; so Dame Brusen said she was in her bed. And then the people were avoided, and Sir Lancelot was led into her chamber. And then Dame Brusen brought Sir Lancelot a cup of wine, and anon as he had drunk that wine he was so besotted and mad that he might make no delay; but without any let* he went to bed, and so he weened that maiden Elaine had been Queen Guenivere. And wit you well that Sir Lancelot was glad, and so was that lady Elaine that she had got Sir Lancelot in her arms; for well she knew that that same night should be begotten Sir Galahad upon her, that should prove the best knight of the world. And so they lay together until undern* of the morn; and all the windows and holes of that chamber were stopped that no manner of day might be seen. And anon Sir Lancelot remembered him, and arose up and went to the window; and anon as he had unshut the window the enchantment was passed. Then he knew himself, that he had done amiss.

  ‘Alas,’ he said, ‘that I have loved* so long, for now I am shamed!’

  And anon he got his sword in his hand and said, ‘Thou traitress, what art thou that I have lain by all this night? Thou shalt die right here of my hands.’

  Then this fair lady Elaine skipped out of her bed all naked and said, ‘Fair courteous knight Sir Lancelot,’—kneeling before him—‘ye are come of kings’ blood, and therefore I require you have mercy upon me, and as thou art renowned the most noble knight of the world, slay me not; for I have in my womb begotten of thee that shall be the most noblest knight of the world.’

  ‘Ah, false traitress, why hast them betrayed me? Tell me anon’, said Sir Lancelot, ‘what thou art.’

  ‘Sir,’ she said, ‘I am Elaine, the daughter of King Pelles.’

  ‘Well,’ said Sir Lancelot, ‘I will forgive you.’ And therewith he took her up in his arms and kissed her, for she was a fair lady, and thereto lusty and young, and wise as any was that time living.

  ‘So God me help,’ said Sir Lancelot, ‘I may not wite* you; but her that made this enchantment upon me and between you and me, and I may find her, that same lady Dame Brusen shall lose her head for her witchcrafts, for there was never knight deceived as I am this night.’

  Then she said, ‘My lord Sir Lancelot, I beseech you see me as soon as ye may, for I have obeyed me unto the prophecy that my father told me. And by his commandment to fulfil this prophecy I have given thee the greatest riches and the fairest flower that ever I had, and that is my maidenhood that I shall never have again; and therefore, gentle knight, owe me your good will.’*

  And so Sir Lancelot arrayed him and armed him, and took his leave mildly at that lady young Elaine. And so he departed, and rode to the castle of Corbin, where her father was.

  And as fast as her time came she was delivered of a fair child, and they christened him Galahad; and wit you well, that child was well kept and well nourished. And he was so named Galahad because Sir Lancelot was so named at the fountain stone; and after that, the Lady of the Lake confirmed him Sir Lancelot du Lake.*


  And so the noise sprang in King Arthur’s court that Sir Lancelot had begotten a child upon Elaine, the daughter of King Pelles; wherefore Queen Guenivere was wroth, and she gave many rebukes to Sir Lancelot, and called him false knight. And then Sir Lancelot told the Queen all, and how he was made to lie by her ‘in the likeness of you, my lady the queen’. And so the Queen held Sir Lancelot excused.

  And as the book saith, King Arthur had been in France, and had warred upon the mighty king Claudas and had won much of his lands.* And when the King was come again he let cry a great feast, that all lords and ladies of all England should be there but if it were such as were rebellious against him.


  And when Dame Elaine, the daughter of King Pelles, heard of this feast she yode to her father and required him that he would give her leave to ride to that feast.

  The king answered and said, ‘I will that ye go thither, but in any wise as ye love me and will have my blessing, look that ye be well beseen in the richest wise, and look that ye spare not for no cost. Ask, and ye shall have all that needeth unto you.’

  Then by the advice of Dame Brusen, her maiden, all thing was apparelled unto the purpose, that there was never no lady richlier beseen. So she rode with twenty knights and ten ladies and gentle-women, to the number of a hundred horses; and when she came to Camelot, King Arthur and Queen Guenivere said with all the knights that Dame Elaine was the best beseen lady that ever was seen in that court.

  And anon as King Arthur wist that she was come he met her and saluted her, and so did the most part of all the knights of the Round Table, both Sir Tristram, Sir Bleoberis, and Sir Gawain, and many more that I will not rehearse. But when Sir Lancelot saw her he was so ashamed, because he drew his sword to her on the morn after that he had lain by her, that he would not salute her nor speak with her; and yet Sir Lancelot thought she was the fairest woman that ever he saw in his life days. But when Dame Elaine saw Sir Lancelot would not speak unto her, she was so heavy she weened her heart would have to-brast; for wit you well, out of measure she loved him. And then Dame Elaine said unto her woman, Dame Brusen, ‘The unkindness of Sir Lancelot near slayeth my heart.’

  ‘Ah, peace, madam,’ said Dame Brusen, ‘I shall undertake that this night he shall lie with you, and ye will hold you still.’*

  ‘That were me liever’, said Dame Elaine, ‘than all the gold that is above earth.’

  ‘Let me deal,’ said Dame Brusen.

  So when Dame Elaine was brought unto the Queen, either made other good cheer as by countenance, but nothing with their hearts. But all men and women spoke of the beauty of Dame Elaine. And then it was ordained that Dame Elaine should sleep in a chamber nigh by the Queen, and all under one roof; and so it was done as the King* commanded. Then the Queen sent for Sir Lancelot and bade him come to her chamber that night, ‘Or else,’ said the Queen, ‘I am sure that ye will go to your lady’s bed, Dame Elaine, by whom ye begot Galahad.’

  ‘Ah, madam,’ said Sir Lancelot, ‘never say ye so, for that I did was against my will.’

  ‘Then,’ said the Queen, ‘look that ye come to me when I send for you.’

  ‘Madam’ said Sir Lancelot, ‘I shall not fail you, but I shall be ready at your commandment.’

  So this bargain was not so soon done and made between
them but Dame Brusen knew it by her crafts, and told it unto her lady Dame Elaine.

  ‘Alas,’ said she, ‘how shall I do?’

  ‘Let me deal,’ said Dame Brusen, ‘for I shall bring him by the hand even to your bed, and he shall ween that I am Queen Guenivere’s messenger.’

  ‘Then well were me,’ said Dame Elaine, ‘for all the world I love not so much as I do Sir Lancelot.’


  So when time came that all folks were to bed, Dame Brusen came to Sir Lancelot’s bedside and said, ‘Sir Lancelot du Lake, sleep ye? My lady Queen Guenivere lieth and awaiteth upon you.’

  ‘Ah, my fair lady,’ said Sir Lancelot, ‘I am ready to go with you whither ye will have me.’

  So Lancelot threw upon him a long gown, and so he took his sword in his hand; and then Dame Brusen took him by his finger and led him to her lady’s bed, Dame Elaine, and then she departed and left them there in bed together. And wit you well this lady was glad, and so was Sir Lancelot, for he weened that he had had another in his arms.

  Now leave we them kissing and clipping, as was a kindly* thing; and now speak we of Queen Guenivere, that sent one of her women that she most trusted unto Sir Lancelot’s bed. And when she came there, she found the bed cold, and he was not therein; and so she came to the Queen and told her all.

  ‘Alas,’ said the Queen, ‘where is that false knight become?’

  So the Queen was nigh out of her wit, and then she writhed and weltered as a mad woman, and might not sleep four or five hours.

  Then Sir Lancelot had a condition, that he used of custom to clatter* in his sleep and to speak often of his lady Queen Guenivere. So Sir Lancelot had waked as long as it had pleased him, and so by course of kind he slept and Dame Elaine both. And in his sleep he talked and clattered as a jay* of the love that had been betwixt Queen Guenivere and him; and so he talked so loud that the Queen heard him there as she lay in her chamber, and when she heard him so clatter she was wroth out of measure. And then she coughed so loud that Sir Lancelot awaked, and anon he knew her hemming,* and then he knew well that he lay by the lady Elaine; and therewith he leapt out of his bed as he had been a wood* man, in his shirt. And anon the Queen met him in the floor, and thus she said: ‘Ah, thou false traitor knight, look thou never abide in my court, and lightly that thou void my chamber! And not so hardy, thou false traitor knight, that evermore thou come in my sight.’

  ‘Alas,’ said Sir Lancelot; and therewith he took such a heartly sorrow at her words that he fell down to the floor in a swoon. And there-with Queen Guenivere departed; and when Sir Lancelot awoke out of his swoon, he leapt out at a bay window into a garden, and there with thorns he was all to-scratched of his visage and his body. And so he ran forth he knew not whither, and was as wild as ever was man; and so he ran two years, and never man had grace to know him.


  Now turn we unto Queen Guenivere and to the fair lady Elaine, that when Dame Elaine heard the Queen so rebuke Sir Lancelot, and how also he swooned and how he leapt out of the bay window—then she said unto Queen Guenivere, ‘Madam, ye are greatly to blame for Sir Lancelot, for now have ye lost him, for I saw and heard by his countenance that he is mad for ever. And therefore alas, madam, ye have done great sin and yourself great dishonour, for ye have a lord royal of your own, and therefore it were your part for to love him; for there is no queen in this world that hath such another king as ye have. And if ye were not,* I might have got the love of my lord Sir Lancelot; and a great cause I have to love him, for he had my maidenhood, and by him I have borne a fair son whose name is Sir Galahad; and he shall be in his time the best knight of the world.’*

  ‘Well, Dame Elaine,’ said the Queen, ‘as soon as it is daylight I charge you to avoid my court. And for the love ye owe unto Sir Lancelot, discover not his counsel, for and ye do, it will be his death.’

  ‘As for that,’ said Dame Elaine, ‘I dare undertake he is marred for ever, and that have you made. For neither ye nor I are likely to rejoice him, for he made the most piteous groans when he leapt out at yonder bay window that ever I heard man make. Alas,’ said fair Elaine, and ‘Alas,’ said the Queen, ‘for now I wot well that we have lost him for ever.’

  So on the morn Dame Elaine took her leave to depart and would no longer abide. Then King Arthur brought her on her way with more than a hundred knights throughout a forest; and by the way she told Sir Bors de Ganis all how it betided that same night, and how Sir Lancelot leapt out at a window araged* out of his wit.

  ‘Alas,’ then said Sir Bors, ‘where is my lord Sir Lancelot become?’

  ‘Sir,’ said Dame Elaine, ‘I wot not where.’

  ‘Now alas,’ said Sir Bors, ‘betwixt you both ye have destroyed a good knight.’

  ‘As for me, sir’ said Dame Elaine, ‘I said never nor did thing that should in any wise displease him. But with the rebuke, sir, that Queen Guenivere gave him I saw him swoon to the earth; and when he awoke he took his sword in his hand, naked save his shirt, and leapt out at a window with the grisliest groan that ever I heard man make.’

  ‘Now farewell, Dame Elaine,’ said Sir Bors, ‘and hold my lord King Arthur with a tale as long as ye can, for I will turn again unto Queen Guenivere and give her a hete.* And I require you, as ever ye will have my service, make good watch and espy if ever it may happen you to see my lord Sir Lancelot.’

  ‘Truly,’ said Dame Elaine, ‘I shall do all that I may do, for I would lose my life for him rather than he should be hurt.’

  ‘Madam,’ said Dame Brusen, ‘let Sir Bors depart and hie him as fast as he may to seek Sir Lancelot, for I warn you he is clean out of his mind; and yet he shall be well helped, and but by miracle.’*

  Then wept Dame Elaine, and so did Sir Bors de Ganis, and anon they departed. And Sir Bors rode straight unto Queen Guenivere; and when she saw Sir Bors she wept as she were wood.

  ‘Now fie on your weeping,’ said Sir Bors de Ganis, ‘for ye weep never but when there is no boot. Alas,’ said Sir Bors, ‘that ever Sir Lancelot or any of his blood ever saw you, for now have ye lost the best knight of our blood, and he that was all our leader and our succour. And I dare say and make it good* that all kings, christened nor heathen, may not find such a knight, for to speak of his nobleness and courtesy, with his beauty and his gentleness. Alas,’ said Sir Bors, ‘what shall we do that be of his blood?’*

  ‘Alas,’ said Sir Ector de Maris, and ‘Alas,’ said Sir Lionel.


  And when the Queen heard them say so she fell to the earth in a dead swoon. And then Sir Bors took her up, and dawed* her; and when she was awaked she kneeled before those three knights and held up both hands and besought them to seek him, ‘and spare not for no goods but that he be found, for I wot well that he is out of his mind.’

  And Sir Bors, Sir Ector, and Sir Lionel departed from the Queen, for they might not abide no longer for sorrow. And then the Queen sent them treasure enough for their expense, and so they took their horses and their armour and departed. And then they rode from country to country, in forests and in wildernesses and in wastes; and ever they laid watch both at forests and at all manner of men as they rode, to hearken and to spere* after him, as he that was a naked man, in his shirt, with a sword in his hand. And thus they rode nigh a quarter of a year, endlong and overthwart, and never could hear word of him; and wit you well, these three knights were passing sorry. And so at the last Sir Bors and his fellows met with a knight that hight Sir Melion de Tartare.

  ‘Now, fair knight,’ said Sir Bors, ‘whither be ye away?’—for they knew each other aforetime.

  ‘Sir,’ said Sir Melion, ‘I am in the way to the court of King Arthur.’

  ‘Then we pray you,’ said Sir Bors, ‘that ye will tell my lord Arthur and my lady Queen Guenivere, and all the fellowship of the Round Table, that we cannot in no wise hear tell where Sir Lancelot is become.’

  Then Sir Melion departed from them, and said that he would tell the King and the Queen and all the fellowship
of the Round Table as they had desired him.

  And when Sir Melion came to the court he told the King and the Queen and all the fellowship as they had desired him, how Sir Bors had said of Sir Lancelot. Then Sir Gawain, Sir Uwain, Sir Sagramore le Desirous, Sir Agloval, and Sir Percival de Gales took upon them by the great desire of the King, and in especial by the Queen, to seek all England, Wales, and Scotland to find Sir Lancelot, and with them rode eighteen knights more to bear them fellowship; and wit you well, they lacked no manner of spending. And so were they three and twenty knights.

  Now turn we unto Sir Lancelot, and speak we of his care and woe, and what pain he there endured; for cold, hunger, and thirst he had plenty.

  And thus as these noble knights rode together, they by assent departed, and then they rode by two and by three, and by four and by five, and ever they assigned where they should meet.*


  And now will we turn unto Sir Percival that rode long; and in a forest he met a knight with a broken shield and a broken helm, and as soon as either saw other they made them ready to joust. And so they hurtled together with all their might, and they met together so hard that Sir Percival was smitten to the earth; and then Sir Percival arose deliverly, and cast his shield on his shoulder and drew his sword, and bade the other knight alight and do battle unto the uttermost.

  ‘Well, sir, will ye more yet?’ said that knight; and therewith he alit, and put his horse from him. And then they came together an easy pace and lashed together with noble swords, and sometimes they struck and sometimes they foined, that either gave other many sad strokes and wounds. And thus they fought nearhand half a day and never rested but little, and there was none of them both that had less wounds but he had fifteen; and they bled so much that it was marvel they stood on their feet. But this knight that fought with Sir Percival was a proved knight and a wise fighting knight, and Sir Percival was young and strong, not knowing* in fighting as the other was.


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