Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript (Oxford World's Classics)

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Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript (Oxford World's Classics) Page 74

by Malory, Thomas

  at Guenivere’s dinner 405

  and Sir Urry 462

  supporter of Lancelot 475, 487, 497

  becomes hermit 521–2

  death 526

  Bleoberis de Ganis, Sir (brother of Blamor): excellence as knight 138

  at tournaments 160

  and Segwarides’ wife *545

  combat with Tristram 189, 192–4

  various encounters 218, 222, 254

  at tournament 264

  at Guenivere’s dinner 405

  and Sir Urry 462

  supporter of Lancelot 487, 497

  becomes hermit 521–2

  death 526

  Bliant, Sir, aids mad Lancelot 293–5, 302

  Bloise, Merlin’s master 19

  Borre, illegitimate son of King Arthur 20, 464

  Bors, king of Gaul (brother of Ban): aids Arthur 15, 17–19

  lands 93

  and Claudas 499

  Bors de Ganis, Sir (son of King Bors): lands 93

  excellence as knight xiii, 138

  at tournaments 160, 264, 439–42

  various encounters 218, 220, 222

  seeks Lancelot 289–90

  and the young Galahad 310–11, 314

  chastity and sexual temptation 355, 357, 364–5, 463

  fights Pridam 358–61

  and Lionel 361–3, 366–71, *553

  on Grail ship 371–2, 374–82

  in Hernox’s household 382–3

  parts company from Galahad 387

  at Grail castle 395–8

  to Sarras 399–401

  return to Camelot 402, 403

  confidant to Lancelot 404–5, 437, 470–1, 474–7, 485

  supports Guenivere against Mador 405, 408–12

  wounds Lancelot 419

  and Elaine of Ascolat 425–32

  B. and Sir Urry 462

  at siege of Joyous Gard 486–8

  at siege of Benwick 498, 500–1

  return to England 518–19

  becomes hermit 521–5

  death 526

  and Grail *549

  Brandegoris, King 18, 463

  Brandiles, Sir 405, 418, 435, 445, 447, 448, 463

  his sister 462

  killed 480

  Brangwain, Isode’s maidservant 194–5, 197–8, 206, 209, 211, 216, *545

  Brastias, Sir, knight of Uther’s 5–7, 11, 13, 14, 19

  warden of north 12

  hermit 405, 409–12, 437–8

  name *531

  Breunis sans Pité, Sir xvi, 228, 242–3, 276, 294–5, *545, *546, *548

  Brian de Listenoise, Sir 106, 463

  Brittany, Duchess of 87, 88–9, 90

  Brusen, Dame, servant to Elaine daughter of Pelles xviii, 283–4, 286–7, 289, 297–8

  Cador of Cornwall, Sir 83, 86, 91

  Canterbury, Archbishop of: oversees inheritance of crown 8, 10–11, 13

  and Round Table 51

  marries Gareth and Lyonesse 167

  and fall of Arthur 506

  hermit 517, 521–6

  Carados, King 12, 14, 18, 190, 192, 222, 462

  Carados, Sir (also wrongly called King), brother of Tarquin, killed by Lancelot 105, 161, 195–6, 492–3, *559

  Cardok, Sir 462

  Carlisle, Bishop of 308

  Castor, Sir, nephew of Pelles 297, 299

  Caudebenet, Duke of 18

  Chalance of Clarence, Duke 439, 462

  Clariance, King 18, 462

  Clarrus of Cleremont, Sir 463, 475, 498, 522, 526

  Claudas, King, enemy of King Ban and Bors 15, 20, 58, 93, 285, 497, 499

  Claudine, son of Claudas, at Grail castle 398

  Clegis, Sir 82, 463, 475, 498

  Clodrus, Sir 463

  Colgrevance, Sir (1), killed by Lionel 369–70

  Colgrevance, Sir (2), enemy of Lancelot 464, 470, 473, 478

  Colombe, lady *534

  Constantine, Sir, son of Cador of Cornwall 85, *538

  Arthur’s heir 86, 463, 526

  Cradelmas, King 18

  Crosselm, Sir 462

  Curselain, Sir 470

  Dagonet, Sir, King Arthur’s fool *546

  Dalan 243

  Damas, Sir 62–3, 64–5, 69, 464 (for MS Darras), 480

  Darras, Sir, imprisons Tristram 223, 225–7

  Degrave sans Villainy, Sir 464

  Degrevant, Sir 464, *558

  Dinadan, Sir, Knight of Round Table 254

  at tournament 161

  accompanies Tristram 217–27, 236–7, 239

  objections to chivalry and love xvi–xviii, 221, 251, 254

  and Mark 234

  and Breunis sans Pité 242–3, *546

  confidant of Lancelot 245, *548

  makes lay against Mark 245–6, *547

  meets disguised Tristram 251–2, 253–7

  with Isode 253–5

  at tournament at Lonazep 257, 260–72

  grief for Lamorak 258–9

  D. and Sir Urry 462

  killed 243

  Dinant, Sir 215–16

  Dinas the Seneschal, Sir: supports Tristram 178, 211, 217, 249

  D. and Sir Urry 463

  supports Lancelot 475, 498

  Dodinas le Savage, Sir 161, 181, 418, 445, 447, 462

  Dornar, Sir, son of Pellinore 240, 463

  Driant, Sir 202, 203, 218, 222, 463

  killed 480

  Eastland, Queen of 98

  Ector, Sir, guardian of the young Arthur 6–7, 9–10, 23, 24

  Ector de Maris, Sir (brother of Lancelot): follows Lancelot 96–7

  E. and Tarquin 106, 107

  encounters disguised Lancelot 112–13, 118

  his excellence 139, 236

  E. and Tristram 189, 218, 222

  seeks Lancelot 290, 291–2, 300–3

  at Guenivere’s dinner 405

  at tournament 419

  E. and Sir Urry 462

  supports Lancelot 475, 486–7, 497

  his threnody for Lancelot xx, 525–6

  death 526

  Edward of Caernarvon, Sir 463

  Edward of Orkney, Sir 464

  Eglam, Sir 30

  Elaine, mother of Lancelot 58–9

  Elaine, wife of King Nentres 6

  Elaine of Ascolat xviii, xx, 416–17, 423–5, 426–30

  death 432–6

  Elaine of Corbin (daughter of Pelles): love for Lancelot xviii

  conceives Galahad 283–5, 314

  goes to court 286–8, *549, *559

  rebukes Guenivere xx, 288–9

  cures Lancelot’s madness 296, 297–9

  lives with Lancelot 299–300, 302–3

  Eliazar, son of King Pelles 396

  Eliot, minstrel 245–6

  Elizabeth, mother of Tristram 169–70, 175, 184

  Elyas *547

  Epinogris, Sir 160, 464

  Estorause, King of Sarras 400

  Ettard, lady, and Pelleas 74–80, 464

  Evelake 323, 336–7, *551, *555

  see also Mordrains

  Faramon, King, daughter of, loves Tristram 175, 216, *544

  Fergus, Sir, knight of Tristram’s 213, 217, 243, 463

  Filelolie, sister of Urry 460, 464, 466

  Florence, Sir, son of Gawain 462, 470

  Gahalantine, Sir 101, 103, 118, 462, 475, 497, 522, 526

  Gaheris, Sir, son of Lot of Orkney, brother of Gawain 21, 54, 55, 74, 139, 156

  G. and Tarquin 104, 106–7, 493

  marries Lyonet 167, 168

  G. and custom of the castle 220–1

  and Tristram 223

  kills mother 241–2

  kills Lamorak 253, 258–9

  G. at tournaments 180, 418, 439–41

  at Guenivere’s dinner 405

  G. and Sir Urry 462

  refuses to support Agravain 468–9

  accompanies Guenivere to fire 479–80

  killed by Lancelot 480–3, 485, 493, 518, *560

  Galagars, Sir 59
/>   Galahad, Sir: begotten by Lancelot viii, 281, 283–5, 288, 296, 314

  comes to court 48, 281, 309, 313–16

  sword 48, 315, 373–4

  knighted 303, 311

  lineage 317, 318–19

  achieves shield 321–3, 327

  at Castle of Maidens 324–6, 328

  preeminence 329, 394, 402, 463, 520

  rescues Percival 337–8

  his purity 355, *548, *550

  on Grail ship 372, 374–82

  destroys Hernox’s household 382–4

  defends Percival’s sister 384–7

  journeys with Lancelot 389–90

  visits Mordrains 395

  mends sword *555

  at Grail castle 396–8, 404

  healing of Maimed King 45, 398, *535

  to Sarras 399–400

  death 400–1

  G. and Christ *554, *555

  Galahalt the Haut Prince 246, 248, 258, 417, 420, 439, 462

  title *535

  Galihodin, Sir (brother of Galihud): at tournament 161

  at Guenivere’s dinner 405

  supporter of Lancelot 462, 475, 497, 522, 526

  Galihud, Sir (brother of Galihodin): and Tarquin 106

  at tournament 161

  at Guenivere’s dinner 405

  supporter of Lancelot 475, 497, 498–9, 522, 526

  Galleron of Galloway, Sir 306–7, 308, 462, 470

  Gareth, Sir, son of Lot and younger brother of Gawain 21

  chivalry xvi, *542

  named Beaumains 119, 121, 464

  comes to court 120–3

  his dwarf 123, 139–41, 148–50, 162–4, *542

  G. fights Kay and Lancelot 124

  knighted by Lancelot 125, 440, 443, 469

  overcomes opponents 125–38

  identifies himself 139

  G. and Red Knight of Red Launds 141–6, 464

  passion for Lyonesse 147, 150–4

  sought by Arthur 155–9

  at tournament 160–4

  fights Gawain 164–5

  marries Lyonesse xiv, 166–7

  encounters Dinadan 256

  grief for Lamorak 258–9

  tournament at Lonazep 262–4, 267, 269, 271, 272

  on Grail quest 326, 327–8

  at Winchester tournament 431–2

  praised by Lancelot 432

  at Westminster tournament 439–42, *556

  praised by Arthur 443

  G. and Sir Urry 462

  refuses to support Agravain 468–9

  accompanies Guenivere to fire 479–80

  killed by Lancelot xii, 480–3, 485, 493–4, 518, *559, *560

  probable originality of xx, *541

  Garlonde, invisible knight 42–4

  Garnish *535

  Garrard le Breuse, Sir (unnamed) 126–7, 139, 156

  Gauter, Sir 463, 480

  Gawain, eldest son of King Lot of Orkney xiii, xv–xvii, 21, 139, 149

  his knighting 51, 54, 59

  adventure of brachet 55–7, *536

  G. and Pelleas and Ettard 74–9, 80, *537

  on Roman campaign 91, *539

  encounter with Lancelot 112–13, 118

  G. and Gareth 120–2, 156–8, 162–5

  and Red Knight 145, 146, 155

  at tournaments 160, 180, 181, 236–7, 417, 418, 420, 431, 439–42

  criticized 167

  rescued by Lancelot 195–6, 469, 492–3

  welcomes Tristram 231

  enmity towards Lamorak xxii, 41, 238, 241, 242, 247

  kills Lamorak 43, 253, 258–9, 414, 463, *560

  fails to rescue Elaine 281

  seeks Lancelot 290

  G. and Balin’s sword 312–13, 373–4

  and Galahad 314, 316

  his Grail vows 317–18, 319

  G. on Grail quest 326, 327, 351–6, 394

  attempted poisoning of him 405–6, *556

  G. and Elaine of Ascolat 423–6, 427, 428, 433, *557

  and Sir Urry 462

  refuses to accuse Guenivere 468–9, 478–80, 485, *553, *561

  vendetta against Lancelot xii, 481–95, 498–505, *560

  his strength increases 502–5, *562

  letter and death 508–9

  in Arthur’s dream 510–11, 514

  his tomb 518–19

  earlier history vii, viii, *541, *542

  skull at Dover 529

  Gilbert the Bastard, Sir, slain knight 114–16

  Gillimer, Sir 463, 480

  Gingalin, Sir, son of Gawain 213, 462, 470

  literary relations *541, *545–6, *559

  Gouvernail, Tristram’s tutor 172, 176, 178, 179

  his squire 190, 195, 200, 205–6, 207, 209, 211, 213, 230

  Griflet le Fils de Dieu, Sir: first adventure 25–6

  Knight of Round Table 59

  at tournaments 181, 418, 440–1

  on Grail quest 328

  and Sir Urry 463

  killed 480

  Gringamore, Sir, brother of Lyonesse 148–51, 152–4, 158, 159, 160, 166, 167

  Gripe, Earl, enemy of Howell 206–7

  Gromore Somer Jour, Sir 470, *559

  Grummor Grummorson, Sir 462, *559

  Guenivere, Queen: first seen by Arthur 20

  wedding 50–1, 54, 82

  judges Gawain 56

  court functions 71, 94, 160, 166, 231, 247, 250, 310, 311, 439, 442

  grief for Arthur 85–6

  desired by giant 89

  as Lancelot’s lover vii–viii, xiv, xvi, xviii, 95, 98, 108, 115, 201, 204, 208, 245, 283–4, 437, 444, *548–9, *551, *553

  letters with Tristram and Mark 243–5

  comparative beauty 255, 364

  jealousy of Elaine of Corbin xx, 285–8

  banishes Lancelot 288–90

  search for him 290, 302–3, 304

  and Galahad 314–17, 318–19

  grief at Lancelot’s departure 319–20

  anger with Lancelot 403–5

  gives dinner 405–6

  accused of death of Patrise 406–14

  sends Lancelot to tournament 414–15

  and Elaine of Ascolat 425–6, 427, 428, 431, 435–6

  abducted by Meliagaunt xix, 445–52

  sleeps with Lancelot 453

  accused by Meliagaunt 454–60

  accused of adultery with Lancelot 466, 468–74, *559–60, *561

  rescued from fire 475–81

  faith asserted by Lancelot 484–5, 492

  reconciled with Arthur 489–95, 496

  and Mordred 498, 505–7, 509

  to convent 517, 519–21

  death 522–4, 525

  early history *540

  Gumret le Petit, Sir 181, 463

  Hallewes the sorceress xviii, 115–16

  Harleus le Berbeus, Sir 41–2

  Harry le Fils Lake, Sir 464, 475

  Hebes le Renowne, Sir 181–2, 183, 462, 463, 475, 497

  Hectimere, Sir 463

  Helian le Blanc, Sir, son of Bors 357, 463

  Hermance, King 464

  Herminde, Sir 464, 480

  Hernox, Earl, rescued by Galahad 383–4

  Hervis, Sir 59, 464

  Howell, Duke (King) of Brittany 87, 91, 206–7, 212, 439, *539

  Hundred Knights, King with the 12, 14, 16, 18, 181, 417, 420, 439, 462

  huntress 437–8, *557

  Idres, King 18

  Igraine, mother of Arthur xviii, 4–6, 13, 22, 23–4, 110

  Ireland, King of, see Angwish

  Ironside, Sir, Red Knight of the Red Launds: and Gareth 123, 138–9, 140–6, 150, 155–6, 168

  strength increases 145

  at tournament 159, 160, 161, 162

  at Guenivere’s dinner 405

  abduction by Meliagaunt 445, 447, 448

  and Sir Urry 464

  Isode, La Belle, lover of Tristram xviii, 85, 201, 236, 239, 280, *535

  and ‘Tramtrist’ 179–83

  loved by Palomi
des xvi, 180–2, 261, 274, 276–8, 308

  declares love for Tristram 185

  marriage to Mark 189, 194, 197, 218

  drinks potion 195

  and Brangwain 197, *545

  abducted by Palomides 197–202

  caught with Tristram and rescued 204–6, 213

  grief at Tristram’s marriage 207–8, 209

  loved by Kehydius 211–12

  attempts suicide 214–15

  finds Tristram 216–17

  seeks information 233, 234–5, 244

  to England with Tristram 249–50

  and Dinadan 253–5

  at tournament at Lonazep 250, 260–6, 268, *548

  rebukes Palomides 270–2

  sends Tristram to court 304–5, *549

  death 463, 477, *558

  early history viii, xix

  Isode les Blanches Mains, daughter of Howell and wife of Tristram 206–8, 209, 212, *545

  Jordanus, Sir, knight of Uther’s 5, 6

  Joseph of Arimathea 45, 283, 309, 313, 323, 337, 348, 397, 398, *555

  in other texts *535, *551, *552

  Joseph, son of Joseph of Arimathea 323, 401

  Kay, Sir: and sword in stone 9–10

  as warrior 11, 13, 14, 59, 91

  made seneschal 12

  knight of Round Table 60

  at St Michael’s Mount 88, 90

  rescued by Lancelot 106, 107, 110–12, 118, 463

  and Beaumains 121–2, 123–4, 125, 140, 141, 155, 157, *541

  at tournaments 180, 418, 440–2

  as steward 312, 313, 435

  at Guenivere’s dinner 405

  abducted by Meliagaunt 445, 447

  and Sir Urry 462

  early history vii

  Kay l’Estrange, Sir 462, 480

  Kehydius, Sir, son of Howell 207, 209, 211

  love for Isode 211–13

  La Cote Mai Taillé (Sir Breunor le Noir), brother of Dinadan 161, 405, 462, *541, *543, *545

  Ladinas, Sir 445, 448

  Lake, Damosel of the, see Nenive

  Lake, King of the 59

  Lake, Lady of the (designating characters who are not necessarily the same): and Excalibur 29

  killed by Balin 36, 37

  and Sir Severause 462

  see also Nenive (from whom she is differentiated 58)

  Lambaile, Earl 462

  Lambegus, Sir 199, 200, 202, 205, 463

  killed 480

  Lamiel of Cardiff, Sir 464

  Lamorak de Gales, Sir, son of Pellinore and brother of Percival 29, 240, 301

  excellence 132, 138, 140, 432, 441, 463, 492, *541, *545

  at tournaments 161, 237, 246

  with Tristram 168

  combat with Tristram 202–3, 218

  sends magic horn to Mark 204

  encounter with Tristram 209–11

  lover of Morgause 234, 241–2

  concern for Tristram 239

  feud with Orkney clan xii, 238, 247

  killed xxii, 253, 258–9, 405, 414, 463, 475, 486, *560

  Lanceor *534

  Lancelot, Sir, son of Ban 93


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