Echo in the Hall

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Echo in the Hall Page 9

by Cricket Starr

  “You are my prisoner!” she said and struck a pose like that of a dominatrix in a dirty movie, wide legs and penetrating stare. Then she giggled, spoiling the effect.

  Alex didn’t know whether to be angry over her subterfuge or to burst out laughing. A bondage game? So this was what she’d been planning all afternoon. No doubt her sister, the porn queen, had put her up to it.

  He glanced at the cuff on his arm, at her, and at the room. Oh, what the hell, she’d gone to so much trouble. He hadn’t tried anything this kinky before, but how bad could it get? What was a little S&M between friends?

  Besides, she looked absolutely hot in that get-up. His cock was already hard enough to pound nails at the thought of tearing it off her. If he were free to have his way, he’d have her sprawled on the bed before she could slap him with that dinky whip of hers. He’d shove himself inside her, and wham, bam it would be over in minutes. At least this way he might last a while.

  Trying to control his snicker, Alex went down on one knee before Chloe’s astonished face. “I am your servant, Mistress. What is your command?”

  “Uh…” Chloe stared at him with wide eyes before pulling herself back into character. She gestured to his clothes with an imperious wave of her whip. “Remove those garments…slave.”

  He suppressed a chortle and went to work, removing his shoes, and socks, unbuttoning his shirt one button at a time. As he pulled his shirt off his shoulders he glanced over at “Mistress Chloe”. She was looking more nervous that he’d seen in recent days, rolling the little whip around between her palms.

  “You know,” he said as he unfastened his pants, “If you get to be my mistress now, I get to play the master next time.”

  Her eyes fixed on his massive erection and she chewed on her lower lip. “No talking. We can discuss that later.”

  Smirking, Alex dropped his pants on the floor. “Just thought I’d mention it. I think I might enjoy having a little sex slave like you.” The single cuff dangled from his wrist, the only thing left he wore. Naked, he strode toward her and dropped to one knee again.

  “I await your bidding, my mistress.”

  Again Chloe looked uncertain. “Very well. Lie on the bed. On your back.”

  No longer trying to suppress his grin, Alex obeyed. He even put his hands over his head when she ordered him to. She knelt on the bed next to him, there was a second snap, and he realized that now both his wrists were fixed to the bed frame.

  He jerked his arms, testing the strength of the bonds and they held firm. Some of his confidence drained away. She really did have him bound tight.

  “Hey, Chloe, fun’s fun, but…”

  “Silence, slave.” Funny thing, this time she sounded more convincing. She slapped her little whip against his chest.

  The tiny strands of leather stung and he yelped. “Hey, that hurt!”

  Instantly she looked contrite. “Oh, I’m sorry…” Then she dragged herself back into character. “You are my prisoner, Alex. You have to do what I say.”

  “Yeah, okay. But when do we get to the good part?”

  “Soon, soon. First we have to establish a safe word. That’s a code word so that if things get too much for you, all you have to do is say it and I’ll let you free.”

  “Okay, sure. What’s the safe word?”

  She seemed to think about it for a moment. “I think the word should be…love.”

  Alex caught his breath. “What?”

  Chloe waved her little whip under his face, letting the leather tassels caress his chin. “The code word is ‘love’. All right? Say the word, and I’ll set you free.”

  Setting his jaw, Alex settled his head back onto the pillow. No way she was going to get him to say that word. He’d vowed never ever to tell another woman that he loved her, not after what Mel had done to him. He didn’t even use the word much.

  “Okay, Mistress…do your worse.”

  * * * * *

  This wasn’t going well at all. Playing with her mini-whip, Chloe considered the situation carefully. Obviously Alex was upset with her and for more than just the handcuffs on his wrists. He’d been fine with being secured to the bed until she’d told him the “safe” word.

  Now he glared at her, and even his previously rigid cock seemed to have lost interest in the proceedings, wilting onto his belly. Obviously the word love just wasn’t safe for him. Odd. She’d often heard it used in an informal way, as in “I love your cooking,” or “I’d love to do him.” It didn’t have to mean the deeper emotion, the romantic love between a man and woman.

  As she thought about it, she’d never heard Alex use the word casually. Maybe he couldn’t use it. If so, perhaps she should find out why. He didn’t normally answer her questions about himself, but she wasn’t normally in as persuasive a position as she was right now. Nina had spent the better part of an hour showing her how to use the mini-whip as a means of getting a man’s attention. Maybe with that attention she could get some answers.

  She ran the short straps of her whip along his chest, circling the nipples. Each immediately sprang to attention under the soft leather caress. Alex seemed to bite his lower lip as if trying to avoid reacting.

  “You don’t like the word I picked?” Chloe asked the question as casually as she could.

  “Word?” Alex blinked at her as if trying to remember what she was talking about. Then his eyes narrowed in anger. “Oh, yeah, the safe word. No, I don’t like it,” he gritted out between clenched teeth.

  She traced the muscles of his stomach. “I don’t understand, Alex. It’s just a word.”

  “Not to me it isn’t. Pick another one.”

  Sighing, she let the whip run along the end of his penis. Obviously remembering how the tiny straps could sting, Alex lifted his head and watched her, concern in his face.

  She lifted the whip off him and brandished it in his face. “Do you really think I’d hit you there? Don’t you trust me at all, Alex?”

  He frowned. “If I didn’t trust you, I wouldn’t have let you tie me up.” He nodded at the rod in her hand. “I’m just not sure I trust you with something like that. You could slip with it…or something.”

  Chloe reached under the bed for the shoebox she’d used to store the items Nina had left with her, and pulled out the feather tickler. She held up both whip and tickler where Alex could see them. “If I switch to this, would you be happier?”

  Alex examined both items and must have decided the feathers looked safer. “Okay, sure.”

  She ran the short, feathered rod against the tip of his cock and he groaned in appreciation, his hips writhing on the bed.

  A funny little twisted grin appeared on his face. “Yeah, babe. I’m much happier.”

  She giggled. Nina had told her that a dominatrix didn’t giggle while disciplining her slave—it spoiled the impression of control she had. She’d explained this when Chloe hadn’t been able to stop laughing after first seeing her reflection wearing the outfit she now wore.

  Laughter had always come easily to Chloe. She’d been the most carefree of the nymphs, with a smile and lighthearted chatter for everyone. But then she’d fallen afoul of Hera, losing her voice, and after that she’d lost her heart in her misguided love for Narcissus. She’d loved him, lost him, and finally lost her love for life. Once that last was gone, she’d had no reason to remain among the living.

  Through Alex, she’d regained her life and a reason to keep it. Being with him had returned her joy. Seeing his smile, she couldn’t avoid giggling now, no matter how undignified it was.

  Still, dignity was part of what this game was about. Chloe regained control of her mirth and ran the tickler under Alex’s nose. “I’m glad my slave has found something to laugh about.”

  Alex wrinkled his nose and sneezed. “Keep that thing away from my face, Chloe. I’m allergic to feathers.”

  This time he frowned when she giggled. “Don’t think you can get me to sneeze the safe word. I won’t.”

  That sobered
her up. Alex really did have a problem with that word. She’d never get him to say it this way, and he’d only get angrier at her if she tried. Of everything she wanted, having Alex angry with her wasn’t one of them.

  “Perhaps I should pick another word, then. I’d hate to think of you expiring from an allergy just because you couldn’t tell me to stop.” She thought for a moment then grinned. Leaning over him, Chloe let her nipples rub against his chest and heard his low growl in response. It did a lot for her, too, her nipples tingling at the contact.

  “Okay, Alex. Just for you, my helpless slave. The safe word is now…artichoke.”

  That returned his grin. Impishly he narrowed his eyes, and this time his voice held only playfulness. “Very well, mistress. Do your worst. You won’t hear artichoke from me.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Chloe’s worst was very, very good indeed! Alex leaned his head back into the pillow, enjoying the torture his little mistress was giving him. She ran the feathered toy along his nipples, following the action with her finger, licking it first then stroking the sensitized skin. So good. He felt he could come just from her wet finger.

  She pinched one of his nipples, and his head jerked up at the tiny pain. “I don’t want you falling asleep on me.”

  Fall asleep? Alex glanced down at his cock, near throbbing in unrelieved sexual need. Every stroke she gave him made him harder. He watched a droplet of pre-cum drop to his belly, joining others to form a small puddle.

  “No chance of that, babe.” Alex nodded at his cock. “That looks hungry for attention, don’t you think?”

  Chloe dipped a finger into the puddle and stuck it into her mouth, sucking her finger with obvious relish. “Hmm, tastes terrific.”

  “Tastes even better from the source.”

  She giggled again and he nearly groaned aloud. Did Chloe know how sexy that giggle of hers was? He’d never met a woman who laughed so much during sex. All the sexy outfits, lace panties, and toys together didn’t get him half as hot as her giggle did.

  Eyes twinkling, Chloe lifted his cock, closing her hand around the shaft just below his glans. She leaned forward to lick the small opening in the tip. “Mmm. I think you’re right, it does taste better here.”

  Her playfulness was going to kill him…and what a way to go. If he could get free, he’d grab those impudent shoulders of hers and roll her under him, then thrust into her at once. When she’d leaned over he’d seen how that cute little outfit of hers had no crotch. Even more, he’d seen how trimmed up her pussy hair was. Every slick fold of hers had been revealed, her glistening clit bright pink against the shortened strands.

  She was wet and ready, and with his hands bound he couldn’t touch her. That was the real torture tonight.

  Chloe straddled his chest facing his crotch, and went to work on his cock, sucking it into her warm wet mouth. Alex nearly lost his mind at the sudden intensity. She was so good at that. For a moment he wondered if he should come in her mouth. That would end the fun tonight, and teach her a lesson in pushing a man too far.

  But that hardly seemed the right thing to do. He could control it. Besides, she thought she was in control because she’d bound his hands. Let’s see how much he could do without them. Maybe he could get her to release him without using any safe word.

  Alex opened his eyes and realized her wide-open crotch was just below his chin, all those slick folds dripping with arousal, just inches from his face. What a fabulous view. If he lifted his head and reached out his tongue he could just touch it.

  He tried it and caught her clit with the tip of his tongue. She tasted like warm aroused woman, vanilla with nutmeg, Chloe flavor. His action had taken her by surprise and she cried out, the sound muffled by his cock in her mouth.

  She moved back, just a little closer to him…obviously an invitation to repeat his action. He gave her another lick, this time delving deeper into her folds before pulling back. Chloe jerked in response and practically shoved her pussy into his face.

  Alex drew his head back. “Did you want something, mistress? Would you like me to eat your pussy?”

  Still holding his cock in her mouth, Chloe mumbled something unintelligible.

  It was all he could do not to laugh. “What was that? I can’t understand you.”

  She sucked in his tip, long and hard, and Alex’s laugh choked off in his throat. Freeing her mouth of his cock, she glanced back at him, her glare humorous. “I said, yes, I do. I want you to make me come, slave.”

  Alex nodded his head in mock obedience. “Yes, mistress. Right away.”

  He barely had to lift his head. Her pussy came right to him, and he set to work on her, licking, laving, sucking…anything he could think of to bring her to orgasm. With her sucking his penis, thinking became something of a struggle, but he worked through it. Her taste urged him on, as well as the rising tension in her thighs straddling him. He could sense her orgasm long before it hit her, both in that and because she pulled his cock out of her mouth, gasping for breath.

  His mouth flooded with her essence as she came, sweet and musky. He lapped her with his tongue, reveling in her rare flavor. So responsive, his Chloe was. He’d never had a woman like her, not in taste or enthusiasm, certainly not in bed. She sprawled on top of him, still shuddering from her climax, hands grasping his shaft as if it was a lifeline.

  She looked over her shoulder, her eyes still wide with excitement. Excitement and…something else. Had he ever seen that kind of warmth in a woman’s eyes before?

  He’d almost call it love…not that he would since that wasn’t a word he used, ever. He’d sworn never to love another woman, but it possible a woman might come to love him?

  That wasn’t something he could control, at least not in any way that wouldn’t make him a complete heel. He couldn’t be mean to Chloe just to keep her from loving him.

  Not when she smiled at him like that.

  Chloe turned to face him, running her hands from his waist to the sides of his chest, then up onto his up stretched arms. She stared into his face, resting her hands on his biceps. “That was very nice, slave. Very nice, indeed.” She nibbled on his chin, her nipples brushing his chest. “You’ve been very obedient. Should I reward you?”

  She fingered his lips. “I’ll give you one thing. My pussy, or your freedom. Pick freedom and I’ll release you, but we won’t make love. Pick the other and you’ll get free, but not until after you come.”

  Was she serious? Could she really mean she wouldn’t have sex with him, and she’d leave him with a case of blue-balls if he asked to be released now? Alex studied her determined face and decided that she probably did. That did it for him. His arms strained to be freed, but his cock and balls hurt worse.

  “Give me your pussy, mistress.”

  There were no giggles in her now. “As you wish.”

  She positioned herself over his cock and lifted it to point to her core. Slowly she lowered herself, so slowly that Alex found himself clutching his hands into fists at the sweet torture of it. He tried raising his hips to speed the process up and she immediately put her hands on his belly, pushing him back down.

  “Now, now, don’t be greedy.”

  He said nothing but secretly Alex vowed that someday soon, he’d have her in handcuffs and would take her every which way he could in retaliation. Sweet revenge would be his.

  All plans for future payback fled his head when she sank down on him in one quick drop. Encased in all that warm, moist tightness, Alex forgave her everything right on the spot. She could do anything, so long as he had her pussy around him.

  She rose and sat, pumping on top of him, and Alex kept pace as best he could with his hips. His arms strained to be free, to grab her and slow her down, to speed her up, to do something…she was in control, completely in control of this sex. With no choice in the matter, Alex let her find her rhythm and keep it. Sweet ecstasy filled him as she rode him. For the first time he was letting a woman manage their sex and after a few moments
, he found out something new. He found out he rather liked it.

  When he came it was sudden and sharp, followed by long spasms as he flooded her pussy with his cum. He orgasmed with the intensity of lightning and thunder. Chloe came just after him, her peal of joy triumphant as her pussy milked his body dry. She collapsed on top of him, breathing heavily, her hands clutching at his shoulders.

  As he recovered he heard her speaking. Soft sounds came from her lips, meaningless noise, but he thought they were words. Old words from a language he didn’t know.

  “What are you saying, babe?” he asked.

  She turned to him, eyes wide, her hand on her mouth. Heat blazed from her cheeks. “Nothing, Alex.” She licked her lips. “Nothing at all.”

  Alex doubted he wanted to know what it was after all. Instead he nodded to his arms. “Can I get free now?”

  Chloe pulled on a string tied to the lamp near the bed and a tiny key appeared. Moments later Alex was sitting up, massaging his wrists. The skin felt tender but not bruised or torn, thanks to the heavy padding inside the cuffs.

  She seemed distant as she cleaned up the room, changing from the little bondage outfit into a nightgown. Alex showered and put on his uniform in preparation for going to work.

  He didn’t want to go to work tonight. Not that he usually wanted to go but right now it seemed particularly wrong to leave. Something had upset Chloe and he wasn’t sure what. Sex tonight had been great, better than great, if a little out of the ordinary. Alex had never been a big fan of games, but he could see how they could be useful. It had been his first time losing control that way. He smiled at how his seeming helplessness had contributed to that.

  Before leaving he captured Chloe in his arms and held her tight, even when she struggled, letting her feel his strength. When she realized he wasn’t going to let her go, she quit fighting him and leaned into him instead.

  “Hey, babe. That was fantastic. A real mind-blower.”

  Eyes wide, she gazed into his face. “You liked it?”


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