Ducking Ugly: a Menage Ugly Duckling Story (Stud Ranch Standalone)

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Ducking Ugly: a Menage Ugly Duckling Story (Stud Ranch Standalone) Page 17

by Stasia Black

  Then he rolled her so that she was facing him, her breasts against his chest. Liam immediately tugged so she was on her back, though, and he moved on top of her. Mack’s jaw set when he glanced down and saw the other man already had a condom on.

  So he thought he’d be the first to have Calla tonight, did he?

  This was the routine they’d fallen into. Calla in the middle with them on either side, seducing her until they took turns fucking her sweet little cunt. Occasionally one of them would take her mouth while the other fucked her. Either way, she usually came three or four times each session. Sometimes they could tease her into one of her mega-orgasms that seemed to last for minutes with multiple peaks. She was fucking magnificent.

  But Mack knew there was so much more to explore. Like they’d begun doing in the barn that day. A hundred combinations and ways of seeking pleasure. If only Liam weren’t such a proud little shit. He was depriving Calla of all the experiences she deserved.

  It was time to put it to an end.

  “Sit up for me, honey,” Mack said, grabbing Calla’s waist and tugging her up the bed even though he could tell Liam had been about to thrust inside her.

  Calla scooted up the bed. She was always so eager to listen and explore. Fucking beautiful.

  Liam glared Mack’s way and he smirked.

  “I want to teach you something tonight,” Mack said, then leaned in to drop a quick kiss on her lips. He got distracted for a moment by her little tongue darting out and he couldn’t help deepening the kiss.

  Then she moaned into his mouth, her lips going slack in the way they did when she was nearing the brink. Damn, Mack knew he was a good kisser, but he’d never made a woman come before by just kiss—

  Wait a second. Mack looked down Calla’s body and sure enough, there was Liam, eating her out like she was his last fucking meal.

  Goddammit. Mack kept on kissing her. He wouldn’t deny her the quick orgasm Liam was bringing her to. But it could be so much better. This constant grab for power between himself and Liam made for sloppy scenes that didn’t have the careful build-up and release that would be so much more satisfying for all of them.

  And he wasn’t going to sit around allowing this bullshit to continue.

  After Calla clenched and cried out, one hand grasping Mack and the other reached down to Liam’s head, Mack pulled her up and into his arms where he sat.

  “Like I said,” Mack glared Liam’s way, “I want to teach Calla something tonight.”

  “What?” Calla asked, eyes bright, only a little breathless from her orgasm. Her first orgasms of the night were usually short, quick little affairs like that one that got her primed. It was the second and third that really had explosive power.

  Liam rolled to his side to look at them. Mack didn’t miss the resentment in his eyes at having Calla pulled away from him.

  “Usually you’re at the center, gorgeous. But tonight I want to try a little something different. I want you to feel what we feel. Taking you there. Making you ride that edge.”

  Her eyebrows furrowed. “How?”

  Mack’s eyes went to Liam. “By Liam being the center tonight. I want to teach you how to worship him.”

  Calla’s eyes dilated as she looked to Liam and she bit the bottom corner of her lip like she did when she was aroused.

  Liam obviously recognized it too because he didn’t automatically reject the idea outright. His eyes flicked between Calla and Mack. “How? What do you mean?”

  “You’ll see,” Mack said. “Lay down in the center of the bed.”

  Liam looked uncertain. “Why don’t we just—”

  “Lay down.”

  Liam’s nostrils flared. “Fine.” His movements were jerky as he threw back the covers and laid down in the middle of the bed.

  “Take his shirt off,” Mack instructed Calla.

  Calla licked her lips as her hands dropped to Liam’s waist. She started to just pull it up but Mack dropped his hand to her wrists to slow her down. “Slowly. Tease him.”

  He demonstrated, inching Liam’s shirt up and dragging the tips of his fingers across Liam’s abs as he went. Calla’s eyes flashed with heat when Liam let out a low hiss. She mirrored Mack’s actions, caressing up and then down Liam’s stomach. She teasingly ran her fingers down his happy trail to where his cock stood at rigid attention.

  “You won’t be needing this right now.” Mack gripped Liam’s shaft and tugged the condom off in one swift pull. Liam’s whole body jolted at the touch.

  Calla leaned over and gave the crown of Liam’s cock a kiss, licking around the head. Her eyes went to Mack, seeking assurance. His whole body vibrated with the rightness of it. Yes. This is how it should have been between them all along.

  Mack nodded and ran his hand down Calla’s spine as she continued teasing Liam’s cock with her tongue.

  “Not too much now,” he said, pulling her back after a few minutes. Calla stopped sucking and let Liam free from her mouth with a little pop.

  Mack reached inside the nightstand and pulled out a tube of lubricant.

  “What’s that for?” Liam asked, rising up on his elbows and staring at what Mack had in hand.

  “Lay back.”

  “Fuck you. What’s that for?”

  Mack handed Calla the lube. “Coat your first two fingers with that, honey.”

  Then he bent with his forearm across Liam’s chest, forcing him back down to the bed. “You’re gonna take what we fuckin’ give you, you got that?”

  “Says who?” Liam struggled against Mack’s hold.

  Mack grinned evilly. “Says me.”

  Then he said to Calla, his face softening. “Stick your finger in his ass, honey. Just one at first.”

  Calla’s eyes flicked to Liam. His jaw was clenched but he nodded to her. Again Mack felt that roar of satisfaction in his chest.

  “I can’t— It won’t go in,” Calla said.

  “Relax,” Mack whispered to Liam.

  Liam glared murderously back and Mack grinned again. Then he moved down the bed to where Calla was crouched.

  Liam was on his back with his legs up, his long, thick cock laying against his stomach.

  “Stroke him,” Mack said. He squirted lube on his own fingers.

  Calla obeyed, reaching up to pull on Liam’s cock. Fucker was built like a horse. Mack’s cock was just as long but not as thick. Even Mack had to admit—impressive.

  “Now keep massaging all around his anus,” Mack said softly. Watching Calla’s small fingers pressing at Liam’s ass was fucking hot, that was for sure. “Don’t be afraid of hurting him. He can take it.”

  Mack pinched Liam’s ass. Liam let out a gasp of angered surprise, but the next second, Calla’s finger had slipped inside him. His head fell back against the pillow and he breathed rapidly in and out.

  Calla’s finger couldn’t feel like that much of an intrusion. More likely it was the thought of what they were doing to him that had him on edge. Which just thrilled Mack to no fucking end for some reason.

  “Now stretch him. Really ream him out,” Mack instructed. Christ, Calla was beautiful, naked and bent over Liam, finger up his ass and jacking him off with her other hand.

  Mack couldn’t help but reaching down to give his own cock several long pulls. Fuck yeah.

  Then he moved his own finger he’d coated in lube to join Calla’s. He wasn’t shy about wiggling his thick forefinger right in beside hers.

  “Shite,” Liam cursed, looking down at them.

  “That’s right,” Mack said, stretching Liam’s ass as he tugged on his own cock. “Loosen him up. You want to get two, maybe three fingers in here. I’m gonna show you where to massage a man to make him feel so fucking good, he’ll fall at your feet.”

  Calla tongue flicked out to wet her lips as her eyes rose to Mack’s. “I don’t know about the falling to my feet part.” She looked up to Liam. “But I do want to make you feel good.”

  She rubbed her thumb over the tip of Liam’s cock,
collecting precum and then massaging it in as she tugged up and down on his shaft.

  “That’s right,” Mack whispered. “We want his pleasure to override every other single thing in the universe. You can do that. You have that power, gorgeous. We’re getting him good and stretched now.” Mack swirled his finger around inside the hot glove of Liam’s ass one more time before pulling out. “Add two more fingers and then I’ll tell you what to do, honey.”

  Calla nodded. She slipped a second finger in beside the first.

  Mack’s chest pumped up and down as he watched. “Now a third.”

  Christ, his mouth was dry watching her.

  She edged a third finger up Liam’s ass. Liam groaned but it wasn’t in pain. His cock was rock hard in Calla’s hand.

  “About three or four inches in, feel along the front wall.” Mack tapped right above Liam’s cock to indicate which wall he meant. He dropped his hand down to play with Liam’s balls while Calla bit her bottom lip in concentration.

  Liam cried out, his whole body going tense. He threw his forearm over his mouth and groaned into it, hips thrusting his cock rapidly up and into Calla’s hand.

  “I’d say you found the spot.”

  Mack reached and took over masturbating Liam. But instead of jerking him off, he squeezed the head. Liam’s face was pained when he looked down at them.

  “Don’t come yet,” Mack warned. “Not until I say so.”

  He could tell Liam wanted to balk—most likely to tell him to fuck off. Mack squeezed his dick harder. “We’re trying to teach Calla how to give and receive the most pleasure. And that means showing her how discipline can lead to even higher climax.”

  Liam’s mouth went into a hard line but he finally dropped his head back to the pillow, eyes squeezing shut.

  “Good boy,” Mack murmured with a smile.

  “He’s gripping me so tight,” Calla whispered, eyes wide and excited.

  “You like that?” Mack asked.

  She nodded.

  “Is it making you hot?”

  She nodded again.

  “Show me. Open those legs wide. I want to see you dripping you’re so wet.”

  A little shudder went through her as she went up on her knees, one hand on Liam’s upraised knee to brace herself, her other hand buried up his ass.

  “You can touch yourself, Liam, but stop if you’re getting too close.”

  Liam didn’t open his eyes, but he nodded and his hand dropped to his cock.

  Fuck, that was a hot picture. Finally they were both under his control. Exactly where they were meant to fucking be.

  Mack moved behind Calla, so close to the edge of the bed that he put one foot on the floor. He slid a finger to her pussy to see if she was ready for him and Christ, she was fucking sopping.

  “I want to feel you, honey. You know I’m clean. You trust me to pull out?”

  “Yes.” She nodded, leaning over to lick the tip of Liam’s cock as he jacked himself. The move only had her exposing her pussy to him further.

  He didn’t hesitate lining up his cock and pushing inside her. Fuck. Fuck. She felt so good. Squeezing on him like that. So hot. And tight. Fucking tight.

  He looked on as she moved her finger in and out of Liam’s ass and his face was just absolutely fucking destroyed with pleasure.

  And Mack almost forgot to follow his own goddamned advice and spilled right that second. But he got hold of himself and forced it back. No. Not yet. He wanted this feeling to go on forever. To fucking live in Calla’s cunt.

  He’d never get tired of watching her finger fuck Liam’s ass. Never lose the high of knowing they were both at his fucking mercy.

  Shit. The idea had him so fucking hard. He grabbed Calla’s hips and started jackhammering away.

  “Oh,” she cried in the breathy way she did right before she was about to come. Angle he was taking her at, he knew he was hitting her G-spot and it would be a big one. “Mackenzie. Oh. Oh!”

  She was getting so loud he had to wrap a hand around her mouth to stifle her cries as he fucked her through her orgasm.

  “Can I come?” Liam asked, voice hoarse as he watched them, hand working his cock hard and furious.


  Liam groaned and writhed on the bed at being denied.

  Calla’s screams reached the highest pitch. Even muffled by Mack’s hand, it was still clear enough she was hitting her peak.

  His spine lit on fire and everything in him wanted to fucking explode.

  No. Not fucking yet.

  Calla finally went limp after long seconds of climax.

  Mack didn’t waste any time. Right as she came down, he pulled out of her and moved around the bed.

  “Open,” he demanded, fisting his cock and positioning it right in front of Liam’s face. “Suck her juices off me.”

  There was only the briefest flash of opposition in Liam’s eyes. Mack smacked Liam’s cheek with his cock at the hesitation.

  “Suck her off me or you don’t get to come.”

  Liam’s nostril’s flared but he opened right up.

  “Massage him good, honey,” Mack called to Calla. “We’re gonna make him feel better than he ever has in his whole fucking life.”

  “Yes,” Calla said, sitting back on her haunches but narrowing her eyes in focus on Liam’s hole. So fuckin’ hot.

  Mack fed his cock into Liam’s waiting mouth. As soon as the tip of his cock hit Liam’s tongue, he almost fucking lost it again.

  Fucking Liam in the barn that day had been good, but this felt like it would finally put Liam in his place once and for all.

  “Eyes on me,” he snapped.

  Liam’s eyes lifted. Mack had expected more rebellious defiance. Instead, he saw… vulnerability. Liam’s blue eyes were so wide and clear. Mack had called him boy before just to put him in his place. But suddenly he seemed like he was. Much younger than his twenty-seven years. And Mack felt the oddest protective sensation.

  Which was just…

  Mack shook his head at the sensation. He focused instead on his desire to simply dominate the fuck out of him. He wasn’t gentle when he grabbed the back of Liam’s head and shoved his cock to the back of his mouth, into his throat.

  Liam’s blue eyes went wide.

  But he didn’t choke. Or yank away. Instead he relaxed and took everything Mack had to give him.

  And suddenly Mack was the one fucking breaking.

  “Come,” he growled, and like the order had been issued at himself, he immediately climaxed. It hit like a fucking freight train.

  His cum shot down Liam’s throat. Liam swallowed convulsively and his eyes stayed on Mack’s even as his whole body arched.

  They were coming at the same time. At the same goddamned time.

  And then Mack heard Calla’s muffled cry. When he glanced her way, he saw that she had her hand buried in her sex. She was coming with them, even as ropes of cum spurted from Liam’s cock all over his stomach.

  Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Mack clenched his teeth to hold back his roar as he mastered the whole fucking universe. Because there was nothing else in the world except his girl and his boy. And they were fucking his.

  It was perfect.

  Everything was fucking beautiful…




  And then all his cum was spent and Bone’s face flashed through his mind. Then Ben, lying lifeless in the yard under the bright noonday sun. He hadn’t been there to witness it but he’d imagined it enough times for him to know just what the scene must have looked like.

  He jerked back from where Liam and Calla had collapsed on the bed. Calla had crawled up so that she was cradled in Liam’s arms. She looked toward him, a contented satiated smile on her flushed face. Little beads of sweat dotted her forehead and she’d never looked more beautiful.

  She held out her arms for Mack.

  So innocent. So pure.

  “Stay tonight.” This from Liam who usually couldn’t boot him fro
m the room fast enough. “Please.” Liam swallowed and Mack could see how much it cost him to ask it. Whatever had happened between them tonight, Mack wasn’t the only one who’d felt it. “Stay,” Liam repeated.

  And that was when Mack knew he had to shut this shit down.

  One night didn’t change reality.

  He was the shit from the wrong side of the tracks that people like Liam barely even glanced at or acknowledged as they passed by. He was the dumb fuck who couldn’t even do the job right when he went to punish the fucker who’d been beating on his mom. He was the ex-convict who’d let himself become a victim in prison. And he was the sad sack of shit who got Ben killed. Never able to protect the people he cared about.

  So even though he wanted more than anything to go curl up behind both of them and sling his arm across both their waists, he took a step back instead.

  He was allowing himself the escape of being with them, but it could only ever be sex. Sex the way he dictated. He was aware it made him an asshole to want it both ways—control in the bedroom but no attachment beyond that.

  Maybe if he stepped back, Liam and Calla could really have something. If he weren’t in the middle complicating the hell out of things. They looked good spooned together there on the bed. Like they fit with each other

  His back stiffened at the thought. He wasn’t sure if he was more jealous for Calla or Liam.

  Fuck it. They were both his for now. But that didn’t stop him from turning his back on them.

  “Got an early morning tomorrow,” was all he said before he turned and left the room.

  Chapter 22


  “All right, Paint, let’s show ‘em what we can do.” Calla smiled as she opened the back of the trailer to let Painter out. Today were trail trials, a laid-back competition at a wilderness park just outside of Casper. People came from all over Wyoming to try out their newly trained horses in public for the first time.

  Calla could hardly believe two months had passed since she’d gotten Painter.

  Then again, they said time flew when you were having fun. And the last two months had been the best of Calla’s entire life. She spent her days doing chores and training Painter. And her nights… she blushed. Well, suffice to say, as much as she’d fallen in love with Painter, she spent the daylight hours counting the minutes until she got to be alone with Liam and Mack.


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