Outbreak of the Deceased (Book 1): Immediate Survivors

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Outbreak of the Deceased (Book 1): Immediate Survivors Page 7

by Barone, Cenz

  Grant at this time was driving the van at just under 5mph as he said "I have been making all the decisions Kenny so far, you step up". Kenny turned to Cherie who just stood there quietly. Kenny then began to scan the outside lane, looking back and forth to either wall, checking on the doors and trying to pick the best one, or as he saw it the toughest looking door, even though it could be totally different in the backyard of the house and the house itself. He knew they would be entering the houses from the rear garden, so his rationale was to look at the doors only, one’s which seemed intact.

  Kenny was unsure what decision to make because they could be picking a perfect house for themselves or a house full of those possessed people. Or worse a house full of people like them hiding who would not take kindly to what they were doing, which was essentially breaking and entering. Kenny pointed towards the top right where he saw a house door, a large grey door with a metallic garage door near it and bronze brick walls that looked sturdy "Go to that one" Kenny stated. Grant asked him "Why that one Kenny?"

  Annoyed at Grant, Kenny replied "Grant, you said it is up to me to pick one, I have just picked one. We can check it out at least. If we hear any of those things inside then we can pick another one". Realising Kenny was right, and Grant had given him the privilege of deciding to which he had, Grant finally brought the van to a stop. The van was parked up right outside the chosen backend of the house Kenny pointed out. Grants breathing increased in scope because he knew he now had to step outside onto the lane floor. Before he did so, Grant checked the rear view mirror on his side but it was not like he could see anything of significance as it was so dark, but he checked regardless and then he opened the driver's side door as a cool breeze rushed in.

  Upon stepping out of the van, his smart leather black shoes splashed rainwater upwards upon coming into contact with a puddle of water about half an inch deep. And this was from the constant rain which had been down pouring and still was for many hours. Kenny opened his slide door of the van and followed Grants lead by leaving the van. Kenny was studying the area around them as the rain trickled onto his face. Kenny thought the rain had eased off a little from the intensity it was during the last time he was outside the van, and both men were now staring at the back doors of the van.

  Cherie remained inside the van with the side door open, watching with hawk eye intensity at the upper lane as the woman in the passenger side seat slowly roused. This woman in the passenger side was Grant’s co-worker Elise who had awoken due to the noise, she also opened her door. Leaving on the passenger side, the other passenger in the group was a thin young girl named Casey who was still fast asleep at the foot of the back of the van. Grant went towards the back door on the house Kenny had pointed out and handled the doorknob, he was seen and heard twisting and turning it, trying his best to open it, and then he tapped it aggressively with his fist.

  Grant cursed with a whisper and said “It is locked shut. But I do not think there is a dog in the backyard, which is a relief". Grant thought this because a dog in the backyard would have given itself away through barking. Kenny walked towards Grant near the door and banged the door quite loudly with his fist several times. Grant antagonistically whispered to him "What the hell are you banging for?" Kenny looked at him amazed at how naive Grant sounded. Kenny thought it was a dense thing for him to say, so Kenny replied "To be sure there is no dog inside. Surely loud bangs will bring a dog out. Or anyone else inside for that matter, like those things, those people". Grant could see his logic as Kenny was growing worried about being exposed outside in the lane so he mouthed to Grant "Help me up".

  Kenny was trying to see if he could grip the wall top to see within the garden of the house but struggled. Cherie was now watching the two men converse. Elise came to the front of the van and stood in line with Kenny and Grant, she was checking the top of the lane, shivering due to the cold. Her business suit getting wetter by the rain and her arms folded tightly, and her face a stoic mess of worry. Grant asked Kenny "What are you going to do?" Kenny answered "What does it look like. I am going to try and get inside to unlock it from within. I think this door just has a slide lock. It will be easy to unlock".

  Grant panting heavily then nodded "Alright mate. Hold onto my shoulder". Grant placed his hands before Kenny and cupped them together, offering a stirrup that was about a yard from the ground. Kenny took hold of Grants shoulder and placed his left foot inside Grants stirrup. Elise watched Kenny use his hands then hold onto the wall. Grant called out "Elise, give me some support here". Kenny was unbalanced and then Elise rushed over and pushed onto Kenny's lower back because Kenny was unsteady. Kenny felt secure from Elise holding him up as he was lifted up towards the top of the wall. "Have you got it Kenny" Grant asking, struggling for breath.

  Kenny was struggling to lift himself up to the top of the wall. He was not very muscular bodily wise so it was hard. Grant though went under Kenny's bottom shoes and gave him an added push up. Elise was just holding onto Kenny's lower back and buttocks and with their efforts, Kenny managed to use his strength to lift himself up towards the top of the wall. Both Grant and Elise backed off as Kenny's legs kicked out and he felt how slippery it was due to his hands struggling to grip on the top of the wall, which was a mixture of plants in between red brick and rain water. Grant watched on as Cherie from within the van observed this and Elise who had now backed off a few yards observed Kenny on top of the wall. She was standing safely away, but mainly to give herself an ample view of the lane to the front and rear of the van.

  "Elise, keep your eyes open up top" said Grant as Elise just nodded, her arms were folded, trying to keep herself warm. Grant was checking the rear of the van but he was mainly hovering near the door of the back of the house wall Kenny had just climbed atop of. There was no sign of those possessed people at this point which was a relief.

  Once he made himself secure on top of the wall, and brought his legs up so he was balanced on the wall, Kenny studied the garden of the chosen house but there was some bushes in the way. So it was difficult to see within. These were garden designs of the owners. Grant whispered from the lane bottom "What do you see?" Kenny did not answer outright but knew they had to get inside the house and as he looked upon the house he saw no lights on within, he found that a good sign as though people had fled or were absent. Kenny replied to Grant "I do not see anything inside. I do not think anyone is there". Kenny glanced down at the bottom of the house within the garden property which was near the back door to the lane. He breathed heavily and squinting his eyes to see if he could make out any dangerous objects on the ground below, which might cause him trouble when he jumps down. He felt it was clear enough and nothing stood out and Kenny whispered "I am going to jump down".

  Kenny felt his heart pounding in his chest as he glanced up towards the house path, he could make shrubs out on the side of the path and a large garage was near the door which went up about 6 meters until the garden opened up in the rear with what he could tell from glimmers of light elsewhere from afar was a concrete patio. Kenny could not see or make out if anyone was in the garden, so he began to lower himself down on the inside of the house. He opted not to jump due to it being so dark he did not want to break or sprain his ankle. Those on the other side of the wall, in the lane could hear him shuffle down the wall until he crashed onto the floor.

  He lost his balance and his leg knocked a bucket, they heard Kenny cursing himself from the lane. Grant immediately went near the door and was just wanting for Kenny to open it, Grant quietly pleading for it to open as he called out "Kenny are you hurt?" Grant worried after hearing the bang of Kenny from within but mainly worried Kenny would not be able to let them into the house and off the streets. Kenny stood up once he found his balance, and he was now within the garden property of the house and he could see clearer at this point the garden implements inside. Further up ahead he could make out white garden lawn chairs with a table in the middle and a large washing line with clothes blowing in the wind. The clot
hes were soaked through from the drizzle of the last few days and nights Kenny thought.

  Grant called out again "Kenny are you injured?" Kenny replied in a hushed tone but loud enough for Grant to hear "I am fine, just wait a second. I am trying to get my bearings". Kenny was brushing down himself from the rain water and some streak of muck he had on his hands from landing awkwardly. Grant went quiet, awaiting Kenny to open the back door.

  Meanwhile Kenny was studying the scene around him and he saw numerous ornaments and inclusive of these was that patio which he could tell was large and spacious. Also present was a small grassy area with children's toys and some footballs loose near it. The breathing of Kenny was heavy at this point, and his breath could be seen leaving his mouth. After a few more seconds Kenny was satisfied nobody was within the garden with him so he immediately turned his attention to begin opening the backdoor of the garden. Grant could hear Kenny's hands working to open it, the grip he had was awkward due to the rain, and Kenny's hands were slippery. Elise stepped forward knowing it won't be long until they now had a big wall separating them from the outside, she was eager to get inside.

  Chapter 6 - The House

  Grant was heard muttering under his breath "Come on! Come on!" finally Kenny opened the backdoor. The door flung open which allowed his fellow survivors to enter the garden of the stranger’s house. Grant entered without hesitation into the grounds and he stormed straight passed Kenny into the garden heading towards the backside of the house. Where he reached a white patio door, he noticed it was locked but he moved along the left of the large windows and he was glaring inside despite it being dark. But upon reaching the window he could appreciate some light within and he felt it was the kitchen, but it was very low in intensity was the light. Kenny could not see that light from the wall or where he was when he first landed in the garden.

  Grant once more went back towards the patio door and tried to open it, but it was locked shut. Grant next knocked four times and waited, calling out quietly hoping someone might be inside “Hello is anyone inside. Please we need help. Is anyone there? We are looking for shelter and for a place to rest” Grant said. Cherie had by this time remained near the open door of the van, she was sceptical, unsure where to go. Elise was standing near the door to enter the garden with Kenny beside her, they all could hear Grant up ahead with panic in his voice calling out for help.

  "Is it wise for him to be calling out so loudly" Cherie asked and she was right in her concern, Kenny turned to them and said "Just wait here. Keep the door open, if we need to make a break for it we do not want to waste time opening the doors. I will go and help him. We have to try and get into that house". Kenny disappeared from the backdoor as the wind and rain battered on down. Cherie was not keen to go inside this house yet until she was sure it was safe. Grant was heard calling out for someone to open the door so they could enter the house. Elise was rubbing her arms and shaking, she was freezing but did not wish to venture inside either, not until she knew it was safe. Both Elise and Cherie remained quietly patient.

  Kenny managed to reach Grant who was knocking the window, his knocks increasing in intensity and calling out for help, wanting someone to open the door. Kenny said upon coming near Grant "It is obvious nobody is inside. Let’s break in”. Grant replied "No, we should wait. We do not want to rattle anyone inside". Kenny disagreed and answered "Grant someone would have heard us by now. There is no answer, so we have to break in". Grant turned to Kenny and asked "Where are the girls?" Kenny turned glancing down the backyard and back to Grant as he said "They are by the van, it is wise they stay there until we are sure nothing is inside. Those things for example, I do not think anyone is hiding out though but you never know. We have to be quick". Grant was annoyed and told Kenny "They should come in and wait in the garden, out there in the lane with all the doors open is stupid" Grant sounded worked up.

  But Kenny was trying to bring some degree of reason as he replied "It makes little sense blockading ourselves in here if those things are inside, we do not want to be surrounded. They will warn us if those things are coming in the lane. Now come on mate let's smash our way in so we will know for sure if nobody is inside, we have to commit to this. It was your idea coming here". Grant was panting and turned to Kenny and was visibly unsure about damaging someone's property. Despite all that had been happening recently, but if before all this happened someone had told Grant it was time to break into someone's house, he would have walked away and likely would have told the police.

  As a man he was very conscious of the law, and as a man he was conscious of the embarrassment and the social consequence of being a petty criminal but now things had changed. He had changed and Grant forced his shoulder into the white patio door, but it was locked shut and sprained his body. Kenny then picked up a brick from the floor and he held it with the rain pouring onto him, still both of their faces were shadowy and darkened due to the lack of light. Grant having already stolen a van and broken numerous speeding laws, plus having hit and run into those strange possessed people in the van on occasion but was in his mind too far gone down the slippery slope of being a criminal.

  Kenny moved forward towards the window section of the door, and said to Grant "Step aside I can smash the window in and we can open the door from the inside". Kenny referring to the top side of the white door which was all glass but Grant disagreed just before Kenny was about to smash the brick down "No wait" stated Grant. Kenny lowered his brick down, and Grant added "We might need the window intact if something gets in the back. Just hold back and move aside". Grant was then seen to move about 4 meters away from the door and Kenny stepped aside as Grant asked. Kenny still held the brick and then he watched as Grant raced towards the door and using his foot as he smashed it against the lock area which flung the weak locked door open.

  Impressed Kenny said "Fuck, what a hit". Grant eased off the door watching it flap open and shut from his momentum. Immediately Grant felt the smell from the house hit his nostrils. Grant also felt a buzz inside him arise because it happened the first time he attempted to open the door with his foot. Kenny asked curiously "How did you strike it so well". Grant was gasping looking focused and composed, his stance suggesting he knew what he was doing, replied "Luck". Grant himself was a high ranking black belt in martial arts but this was nothing to do with his martial art expertise. That strike of his was purely down to luck and adrenaline.

  Elise, Cherie and the other woman Casey were all at the bottom of the garden at this point, within perfect running distance to the van should someone come out of the house hostile towards them. But also close enough to the lane for them to listen out for any of those people in the lane who might blind side them. The three were watching both Kenny and Grant. Kenny dropped the brick onto the floor as Grant prepared himself to enter the strange house, but before he did Kenny handed him a bat he saw on the floor which was from one of the children's toys. It was a cricket bat as he said to him "You might need this".

  Grant took hold of it, all the pressure for leading this entry into the house once more fell on him. What was he doing he wondered as he now began to move inside fearlessly on the outside, but this was a mistake because inside he was scared out of his wits. Here he was entering another person's house and he thought how invasive of privacy this was. As Grant explored inside he was searching for the wall lights of the conservatory. Kenny himself had left Grant and gone back to the van. Grant was shaking like a leaf as he finally found a wall light which put on the light to the porch and he was calling out trying to sound as friendly as he could to anyone inside whose house it might be who was hiding. It was such an odd state of affairs to have broken into someone's house but trying to sound like you were their friend he thought.

  As Grant went inside Kenny brushed passed the three women and said "This place will have to do. I do not think anyone is inside. I am guessing". Kenny raced by them back into the van as he took out some of the bags. Cherie asked him "We should wait until we are sure nobody is i
nside". Kenny shook his head checking the lane on either side and answered nervously "We do not have time. Someone might come. The van is low on petrol it is here or nowhere. The noise we have made would have attracted someone from within the house by now. It is best we get inside and hide up. The noise we made will also bring those things to us. I am amazed nobody has come here yet".

  He was shaking still but felt a little more comfortable because he now had the hunting rifle which he placed over his shoulder with a rope connected to the tip and rear of the hunting rifle. Kenny also took the keys from the van and closed each of the doors, conscious of anyone in the alleyway. The three women outside were hesitant to move but as Kenny came back he whispered "Wake up will you. You can go inside or stay in the back of the van. I do not care. It is up to you all". Kenny closed the back garden door and locked it along the simplistic bolt as the three women were now inside the garden of the house.

  Cherie, Elise and Casey who had been sleeping for so long debated what to do, Cherie was the most forthcoming as she slowly made her way to where Kenny was. Kenny had gone into the front part of the porch and placed the bags down, the hunting rifle still over his shoulder. From the position he was he called out "Grant, where are you mate?" Grant answered after a few seconds "I am in the kitchen. Where the fuck are the rest of you?" at this moment Grant found another light switch and he was tempted to switch it on but before he did, he reasoned the light might reflect in the outside areas of the house which faced the main street, or the front of the house. So he went towards the windows and was closing the curtains all around it. Then he put on the light, upon so doing he moved from the kitchen and was in the lounge.


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