Outbreak of the Deceased (Book 1): Immediate Survivors

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Outbreak of the Deceased (Book 1): Immediate Survivors Page 9

by Barone, Cenz

  At this moment Grant turned to face the piano Kenny was standing near with his plank of wood. Elise had her eyes on the rug of the living room, deep in thought. Grant walked over towards the piano and pulled out another plank of wood, and he wondered aloud “So why do you think these people left this house" again Grant asking the impossible question, as Grant checked the pictures on the wall showing a family of what looked like two parents and three children, two boys and one girl who looked like they were all early teenagers or just about to be teenagers. Grant continued to wonder "I mean there is no sign of any struggle in here so why leave a good place like this?"

  Kenny replied to Grant and said "Maybe they had a better deal, a better way out. How the fuck should I know, stop asking me that mate". Elise then reminded Grant before she left to get a drink in the kitchen "Remember what the radio said the other day. That there were buses and escorts to safety at the beginning taking people to schools, libraries and public buildings, they must have been one of the fortunate ones rescued. Maybe they went to the rescue stations we couldn’t find...” as Kenny interrupted her, sounding downbeat “Or the ones we reached which were overrun” another sobering point Elise had no reply, neither did Grant. Kenny was not believing the explanation was as perfect as that asked her "Rescued to where though? Nobody is alive in the stations I have seen. Oxford cannot be this dead already. I mean it’s a big area but the city centre and outlying districts we've been to, there is no place they could have been evacuated to. Where is safety? You would think there would be something more, unless they evacuated them out, but I don't know".

  In an annoyed voice Elise told Kenny "I am only guessing, how am I meant to know where they are fucking going" her tone was quite harsh and Kenny was like Grant shocked she took such a tone. Elise quickly apologised "I did not mean to come across like a bitch. I am just tired". Kenny shrugged his shoulders and reassured her "Don’t worry about it" to which Grant added, much in the way of support to Elise "It is okay Elise, just go get a drink”.

  Kenny now began lifting up the wood and placing them on the floor, as Grant then offered encouragingly to the rest of them "Look guys. When we board up the front windows, we can relax and settle down. Put on the television and try these bloody phones, but right now though we have to just secure this place. Is that okay by you both" and both Elise and Kenny just nodded. Grant taking charge, people looking to him as he then reminded Elise once more, she was just standing there unsure what to do with herself "Just go make yourself a coffee okay. Cherie is eating in the kitchen right now and we will join you later".

  Elise then offered more pragmatically "I should try the phones when you are doing boarding up. I think if I eat I will go sick". Before anyone else could say anything more they all heard the front door open and looked towards the direction of it, which was down the hallway. They were shocked to see Casey, the very quiet woman whom Grant had picked up before he picked up Kenny walked outside after glancing back at Kenny, Elise and Grant in the middle of the lounge. They all made eye contact with her and watched as she quietly closed the door behind her. “What the fuck is she doing?” Kenny stunned said what Elise and Grant were thinking.

  During their conversation Casey had receded into the background and had walked towards the corridor passage way, she was very stealthy and had now just left the house. The three rushed towards the front door. Kenny opened the door without hesitation, he stepped outside and saw her walking out the front garden which was a very small path of concrete, which had on the left side a small patch of grass with some patio stones in the front, to the right was a black metallic fence which was in between the concrete path leading to the street and some flower pots.

  Kenny whispered out to her but raised his tone for her to hear "Casey, where are you going? Come back. It is not safe out there!" Grant and Elise were standing by the open door. Elise nervously stared around the streets. Grant was concerned like Kenny. "Casey, come back" Grant called out. Kenny went down the steps of the house and towards the path, but Casey had left the front gate and was now ignoring Kenny as she walked leftwards along the sidewalk and was passing the terrace houses on the way and in between the cars on the street.

  Casey picked up speed and ran. Kenny went towards the front gate and was amazed she had done this, why had she bolted after their gruelling time in the van was beyond his comprehension. Especially since they had just reached a place which looked like it could hold them. She had abandoned a place of relative safety to walk in the streets, he watched her disappear down the long stretch of road and she took the corner. Grant muttered "She is insane, what the hell is her problem. She told me she had kids she was hoping to see again” Grant referring a conversation in the van from yesterday.

  All were stunned, and even though she was a stranger they had quickly developed consideration for their fellow travellers, at least to a point. Kenny replied to Grant “People handle these things differently, I suppose” it was a feeble explanation but who knew why. Despite nobody really knowing her, it just made them conscious of how helpless they were. Kenny added “There is nothing we can do for her now. Let’s just sort this place out and get some bearing on what’s going on, check the television and try those phones, hopefully the radios are making more sense to. Maybe this place has the internet. We still got a lot of work to do”.

  The three quickly went back inside with Kenny closing the door as the last one in. Elise whispered to the two men "Did you notice though, none of those people were outside. It was so quiet". Both Kenny and Grant did notice this to which Grant replied "It is why I picked this spot to come to Elise. Earlier on when we passed it, it was dead quiet. I hoped it would remain the same, but now it is still quiet maybe we should get the wood up against the windows right now. Before those things pass, they were here earlier when we arrived but have gone again". Kenny just nodded and immediately went back into the lounge to begin this process of boarding up. Kenny was followed by Grant and Elise. Elise stated "I will help. We need everyone working right". Elise stormed in before Grant and Grant was relieved the group was in sync, with Elise no longer wanting a drink, she wanted to assist. Even though he was still sad about Casey, Grant felt somewhat responsible due to him driving her here but now all he could do was self-preserve like everyone else was trying to do".

  In the kitchen Cherie had filled up the kettle with water and placed it onto the stand, she flicked the switch and gazed at the polished brown cabinet, her eyes heavy with tiredness but her insides alert and awake to the situation of being in a strangers house. She had a mug before her with coffee particles inside. She had already eaten some food she swiped from the fridge and leant her head onto the cabinet. Cherie then heard Grant call out "Cherie, we need a hand. We have got to board up the front". Cherie sighed, hearing Grant's voice pass from the front room. She lowered her head again and was determined to have a coffee before moving to help so she took her time.

  Chapter 7 - Boarded Up

  After almost two hours of heavy hard work, where everyone pitched in. The house front window was boarded up and the various windows had been bolted with the 3 inch nails, laced were they with the planks of wood found in the living room but also other pieces of wood taken from the basement of the house and front rooms of the house, which the group had scoured meticulously. Already the group had found more than enough food for them to last a very long time inside the house and thankfully they not only had fresh running water, but also hot water. There was also well stocked alcohol in the drinks cabinet as well as some beers in the porch.

  It was like the people who formerly lived in this house had just been on their weekly food shop and had left the house in a hurry. The impression of the former occupants being the people had indeed dispersed in a hurry. Because the bedrooms upstairs had cupboards left open and also clothing taken out, with lots of clothes strewn on the floor. This was ascertained by the sight of neglected to take suitcases seen within a few of the bedrooms. As if the people who lived here previously were c
hoosy in what they would take and what suitcase they would take their belongings in. It said that they had the luxury of time to pick and choose, which was odd.

  Kenny at this time was sitting in the kitchen drinking lemonade. It was ice cool drawn straight from the fridge and helped to make him relax a little, he had taken the lemonade from the fridge and utilised this with ice cubes from the freezer. In front of him on the kitchen table was a plate, which he had heated up in the microwave, there his knife and fork was neatly placed together indicating he had finished. The meal he had just finished was orange duck taken straight from the fridge to be put on blast for about 6 minutes in the microwave. He also had made himself a salad, the rest of the groups plates related to what Cherie and Grant had was in the sink. Elise, despite her reluctance to eat, had partaken but did not eat much and her plate was also in the sink with the food she should have eaten in the bin.

  Kenny sipped his lemonade and then stood up moving towards the kitchen worktop and lifted up the kettle. He placed the hot water into a ready prepped instant coffee and took the milk from the fridge. Kenny poured himself a coffee and let the coffee brew for a while. His interest at the moment was the lemonade, which he went back to the kitchen table to sit before. He rushed his hands through his hair and heard from the lounge the television, which had been put on, and the rest of the group were inside watching it.

  In the solace of the kitchen Kenny was constantly thinking about the outside world and what it was like. He wondered how many more of those people were out there now. He tried not to imagine the house surrounded by them but it was hard to dispel this idea. Kenny fretted about what their own earlier on banging of the front windows had done to attract their attention. Even though the group within had tried to artfully lower the noise made by wrapping sheets around the hammers, which was Grant's idea. But he felt a little more comfortable that now the front windows were boarded up, he could hopefully try to relax. Then Kenny wondered how many more people like him were out there who were afraid and hiding with strangers.

  As he sat in the kitchen he heard the noise from the outside, he looked towards the kitchen window which was directed towards the rear of the house, or the lane from which the group had come. The noise was wind picking up and rattling objects outside as well as the rain. Kenny focused beyond the sound of the wind and rain and he could swear he could hear those groans of those people. Those dead things as he thought of them as being drift in sound also, just stalking the natural sounds with their monstrous unnatural hellish noise. Having enough Kenny stood up from the chair, took the hunting rifle he leant up against the cupboard near the sink and placed it over his shoulder. He then turned to look at the door which was open and led into the lounge, where the noise from the television was coming from.

  Kenny made his way into the living room and watched the TV standing up at the rear near of the passageway from the kitchen. He had over his shoulder still the hunting rifle. He clung onto that as his life saver. Grant sat near Elise on the couch watching the television intently, whilst Cherie stood near the wall, leaning on it watching from the warmth of the radiator, the radiator Casey had leant on before she fled the house.

  The news broadcaster was from the main national network, and who despite the chaos happening throughout the country still looked as airbrushed as ever, wearing his archetype of the presenting plush immaculate suit. With a shining glistened haircut and made-over with some make up to give them that polished look. They read bulletins, reading from the screen like robots as they were informing the public about what was happening, and the scripted tendency of the news networks was now given added enhancement with the national disaster engulfing the United Kingdom, and the world so it was being reported, it was beyond the countries shores. Even now Kenny thought to himself, slightly amused that the broadcasters were sticking to routine, sticking to the script and fighting for ratings no doubt.

  The footage though on screen was horrific, there shown were news helicopters over many cities and towns showing the carnage of the streets below. Sending their feeds and reports back to news HQ which was broadcast to a terrified ensemble of people who were dotted all over the country watching. It was cruel in a way showing them this inexplicable massacre while indirectly telling the audiences it could happen to you if you don’t follow advice, and conflicting advice most of the time. Many people were being interviewed from rescue stations and much airtime was rightly given to the frontline police officers, important politicians and significant military officers who were running the effort to relive people from this mess as a means to convey control.

  Grant optimistically stated "You see they are handling it" nobody answered Grant, with Grant looking around for some confirmation from the rest for his point being accurate. Kenny though just looked unconvinced, whilst Cherie seemed dubious about Grant's sentiment. Grant looked back at Elise who was focused on the television, her eyes having been not taken off from it. Grant then went back to watching the television.

  Kenny was fascinated by the side screen near the presenter which had seven boxes with each box containing cities up and down the United Kingdom, from as geographically high as Inverness in Scotland, to as low down as Southampton in England. And it was showing within these boxes similar scenes of what helicopters and camera crews were recording in other major cities. Which was fires and riots in the street as well as fighting faced by military outfits which had tanks and soldiers on the march so it appeared. All attention being given to major cities, that was the message so expressed it seemed.

  But the interviewed persons were riveting to hear from, these were survivors from certain clashes and their outrageously vague and rather unbelievable witness accounts were hard to swallow even for those who had seen so much unnatural and inexplicable events themselves like Kenny, Grant, Elise and Cherie. Still the mainstream news media appeared to have no concrete evidence for why this sudden upsurge in violence was happening throughout the country. The usual theories presented by mainstream television networks reflected most of the insane theories on the radio and internet. With explanations to account for the social phenomena being gang violence and terroristic chemical weapons making people crazy but as it became clear it might be a global issue, it just did not make sense. Desperately Kenny asked the group watching television with him "Has there been anything about rescue stations around here on yet?"

  Cherie shook her head and answered "Nothing, none at all". Elise muttered, lost in thought as she said "It is so unbelievable. Look at what is going on. I suppose we should feel lucky to be here in this house compared to the mess out there". Elise referring to the fighting on the streets and gunfire and the fires burning from the helicopters cameras, and the foursome were enthralled by the general denials presented to them. Frustrated Kenny added "Look at them, what they are saying is this is beyond our understanding. It is just bullshit, just like the radio Grant". Kenny was annoyed at the breaking news bulletins on the bottom, streaming text that focused on the possible explanations as to what was occurring. There were explanations ranging into the far out like an invasion of some kind by unknown extraterrestrials invading peoples bodies and making them act out on these murderous impulses. Very similar to the radio, and a person was on the television, a brief cut-scene of them saying the aliens were doing this in preparation for a full scale invasion complimented by flying saucers and ray guns. It was so strange this was given airtime but it showed how clueless everyone was.

  Frustrated Elise said "For all we know it could be right, what else do you think is going on which makes sense". Kenny heeded Elise's point as Grant felt like Kenny that it was too outrageous to believe. But the viewpoints which were as to be expected based on the more religious such as judgement day and the beginning of the apocalypse were also entertained, and the idea of hell on Earth making more sense with what was going on seemed far more convincing if not illogical.

  Then the more occult like in nature explanations were heard such as curses and voodoo and witchcraft. It w
as in the news studio now with several people, supposed experts on matters giving their viewpoints, it was just like a topical news program, where pundits and talking heads come into discuss recent events of the day, to give their own take so the networks can spellbind and inform their viewers. Cherie felt sick at the sight, the chaos in the studio was obvious to the foursome watching now and the lack of discipline apparent with people talking in the backdrop which moved away from the otherwise original sterile appearance the broadcasters hoped to convey, no matter how polished their haircuts or suits were.

  People were on the TV basically throwing their own ideas into the mix and trying to argue as persuasively as they could to convince as many people of their own point of view being correct. As if they were going to get an award for winning the argument. It was as if the media like everyone else was just incapable of truly understanding what was going on and admitting to not being in the know, they wanted to act like they knew for whatever reason. Cynically it just appeared as though there was individual pride as well as the networks drive for ratings which was more important. It was apparent as Grant flicked the channels and the news on other channels that this was the case on every single channel with the words emergency broadcast. Interestingly the household had international channels, and news channels in the United States, continental Europe, including Russia. As well as India and China had the same hellish scenes. Elise gasped at the sight, Kenny moved towards the television and said fearfully "This is worldwide isn't. What the fuck is going on".


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