Outbreak of the Deceased (Book 1): Immediate Survivors

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Outbreak of the Deceased (Book 1): Immediate Survivors Page 30

by Barone, Cenz

  Then a military group barged into the hall, they were all heavily armed. One of the soldiers shouted aloud “Everyone listen up!” some people were still talking so the military man shouted “Shut up!” this brought everyone within to heel and they were silent. The military man spoke “There are rumoured to be individuals in here with guns, in particular handguns. Anyone who has a weapon will be arrested, you all have been warned you cannot carry weapons in here and are advised to turn in the weapons to a policeman or put the weapon in the green bin outside by the dump trucks, we will not have unauthorised weapons in here. You will all be searched”.

  A policeman now entered and said aloud “You cannot search these civilians” the soldier had no time to argue so said “We do, you are under our protection. I am just following orders” the policeman then said going on his radio speaking to a superior who came back over the radio confirming the instruction. So the police man called out to the other police in the hall and he said in support of the military man “Okay, you heard the man. Everyone empty your personal belongings onto the table if you are sitting near one or on the floor where you stand”. It was clear to Grant that there was no order here, it was all ad hoc and mixed up. What a mess.

  Soldiers and police went around the hall and were demanding people to empty their pockets and anything in their bags, some protested saying it was violating their rights which led to some heated discussion but most followed on what they were told to do. Those who were angrily protesting were forcefully restrained and the police and military worked together, as they were searched some civilians shouted “This is against the law” a soldier shouted in reply “So is having guns you should not have” and a civilian elsewhere shouted “We fucking need weapons to defend ourselves” then the solider shouted aggressively “You are here, you are safe. Just follow our orders”.

  Baxter bit his nails as he asked Laura “So everyone who was at the party is dead more or less”. Laura in sad reflection replied “More or less, so many of my friends, all gone. Those who escaped from the house we were in, I don’t know where they are. I was hoping to see some of them here but I have seen nobody” she held back her tears as Baxter realising he upset her said “I am sorry, I did not mean to sound so cold. I am just shocked that everyone there was dead”. “We only just escaped, thanks to Grant and Elise” remarked Melissa. Hovering over the group was a police man by this point who eyed Grant and Elise upon carrying out his own duties to search people. “You, what is your name” asked the police man as Grant was thinking he was here to search them and they had nothing to hide so he answered honestly.

  Grant innocently told him “Grant Phillips” then the policeman looked a little bit stimulated by this as he pointed to Elise and asked “And you?” “Elise Graham” she said, and then the policeman turned to his colleague whispering something out of earshot. Grant, Elise, Melissa, Laura and Baxter curiously watched on. Grant felt nervous and people around them also saw the police were interested in the group for some reason. Grant asked confused “Is something wrong officer” the policeman remained standing and just said “We will know shortly. Just empty your things” they were doing as was asked as the policeman looked at his colleague in the distance on the radio, the policeman then went to him and they whispered among themselves again. “Why are they making me nervous?” Grant asked those around him. Elise also wondered why they were engaging in such secretive whispering. At this point another officer entered the hall, and those around the table except Baxter recognised him as one of the policemen who entered the house they were at, they knew it was him because when they arrived at the rescue station, Neil was in the van with them and took off his mask during the disembarking of civilians into the area for rescued people.

  However Neil had been called on the radio to come to the hall because the policeman who saw Grant and Elise recognised them from entering earlier in the evening with Steve’s group, and was aware of the callout to maintain them from Steve for statements to do with a crime, linked to Kenny. But the policeman needed confirmation from Neil. He also did not want to startle them should they be wrong or cause a panic, even though his efforts to be discreet were making the situation worse for everyone inside, as between the forced bodily searches for weapons everyone was heightened in alertness alongside the knowledge the police had taken an interest in some people in the hall. Grant felt like a criminal. Neil approached the two police officers at the side, and spoke with them briefly, as one of the police officers pointed in the direction of the group. He pointed towards Grant and Elise.

  Neil saw them and walked over to them all to get a closer look. Upon seeing Grant and Elise, Neil said “This is them” was all he cared to share as Elise asked him “Sorry, what do you mean?” Neil then stated, not interested in wasting time “You need to come with us, both of you” then Neil saw Melissa and Laura “You two, you were at the house weren’t you where we rescued these two from?” referring to Grant and Elise who exchanged looks with Melissa and Laura and both Melissa and Laura nodded to him confirming they were. Neil said in reply “You will come as well”. Melissa protested “We have not finished eating yet”.

  Neil was in no mood for this, he had enough of civilians acting so out of turn when he was witnessing carnage in the streets and losing friends so he said with authority “Don’t argue. Just do what you are told little girl”. Melissa did not take this kindly and replied “You can’t talk to me like that” as Neil said without care “I just did so put your stuff away” the stuff they had been told to take out of their pockets which was not much as none of them had any bags and no weapons on their person. It was obvious to see as he added “And follow us right now”. Grant stood up and protested “What is this about, why do we need to go with you?” Neil repeated himself “I said don’t argue. You will know soon enough” then Neil’s colleague who radioed for Neil said “What about him, he has been sitting here with them”. Baxter looked worried as he said “Huh me, I only know her” referring to Laura as he added “I just saw them in here and came to speak with them”.

  Neil stared at Baxter, he was unsure if Baxter was there in the house as it happened so fast, but just in case he was overlooked and deciding to play it safe Neil said “You will come to” Neil was conscious of the irate and angry Steve who blamed those with him during the rescue for letting those he wanted statements from slip through his fingertips. Baxter shook his head and replied “There has been a mistake I did not come in with these people...” Baxter backtracked as Neil came forward and interrupting him with a whisper said “Don’t make a fucking scene”. Baxter was intimidated enough to stop walking backwards.

  Other civilians throughout were being searched, and Neil was conscious of those other civilians becoming agitated at witnessing what was taking place. So Neil wished to remove this group from the hall as soon as possible. The soldiers and police continued their searches of the people. Neil then demanded “Come on, move your asses, let’s go”. Neil with the two officers who approached the group originally then waited and escorted them out of the civilian hall and out down the corridors heading for the district which had the onsite police station. As they went through the corridors and out into the inner maze of the university there was a hive of people moving around. In all kinds of military and policing uniforms with some civilians seen but these were in casual clothes so it was hard to tell if they were civilians or working with purpose. Helicopters went up overhead and the distant gunfire was heard, which seemed to be getting closer. They also heard and saw lights of trucks and cars on the road within the university moving at different places.

  Chapter 20 - Overwrought & Overrun

  Cherie had already been found by the police, but not by their diligence, she had instead turned herself in when she learned they were looking for those at the house she had been found at. She overhead police asking several civilians within the rescue hall they had arrived in whether they had recently come to the station. And the description she overhead the police gave of the
house told her it was for the group she arrived with. To Cherie, the general nature of the rescue centre in the university did not make her feel comfortable, the environment was dominated by stress out and argumentative people, plus the police and military were not forthcoming with information, it felt like a prison in itself, plus she did not know anyone in Oxford who would be there, or care to look out for her. So she hoped to go to a more secure place, and she had found her wish somewhat.

  As Cherie at the present time was sitting in a cell opposite to Kenny, who had no idea she was there because he was fast asleep on the single bed with his body turned away from her. Within Cherie’s cell next to his, only the mesh fence was giving a view for her to see him. Nancy had decided to put her in the cell until she had proper instruction, she found Steve and his orders ridiculous concerning applying normal police principles into the current situation, but had no choice other than to follow it.

  Nancy was sitting by the coffee machine waiting for the machine to be rebooted so she could have another drink. The plastic cup underneath waiting as the machine slowly came to life. She also looked around at the radiators in the spacious office she was in. Wondering how long it would take for them to get warmer. In the silence of this thought four police men burst inside with Baxter, Grant, Elise, Laura and Melissa in tow. Neil was one of them as he said upon seeing her “These are the other people Steve requested”. Nancy studied them all and she was for the first time seen by the group without her mask. With a head nod she confirmed it but not Baxter who she said “All of them except him this guy” looking at Baxter, Neil looked back at Baxter and said “I was unsure, he was sitting with the group in the hall, so I just assumed...”

  Baxter interrupted Neil and protested “I tried to tell you I was not picked up the same time as these people”. Neil though glared at him, unhappy at being questioned which made Baxter feel sheepish. Then Neil said “Just keep him up here anyway until Steve gives you instruction”. Baxter complained at this point, finding it unfair “But why, it is not my fault you messed up”. Neil sighed and shook his head as Neil stated “Don’t argue. File a complaint in the morning with the independent police complaints commission if you are unhappy” his tone sarcastic and then Neil looked at Nancy and became serious, as he said to her “I have to go to the East Section, it is a Code 56”.

  “What is Code 56” a worried Grant asked because not only did it sound serious but the gleam of concern in Neil’s voice alerted him to the fact it was. But nobody informed Grant. Nancy turned to the group who had just been brought up and said “Go over by the cells and wait for me” they did as she asked due to how serious she sounded but muttered complaints as the other police officers watched them. Nancy and Neil remained in brief conversation.

  Within a few seconds Neil and the other police officers had gone, leaving only Nancy inside. Nancy watched them leave as the group patiently waited near the cell and then Nancy went towards the cells with the group beside them. With the keys in her hand, she opened the doors and put them into the cells which were dark even though the mesh inside allowed a view seen inside and outside. Grant and Baxter were put in with Kenny who was still asleep, while Cherie had Laura, Melissa and Elise in her cell.

  “We meet again” said Cherie who was in the corner of her cell, in the shadows, so it was hard to see her. Those in the cells all jumped at hearing this. Elise asked upon recognising her “How long have you been here for?” Cherie indifferently said “For about 30 minutes, I turned myself in. They wanted a statement, besides its safer up here, down in the so called rescue location it is too busy and it’s getting quite testy down there”. Grant went to sit down on the bed but noticed a body there, he moved back as Cherie said “It is Kenny” they all looked down at him, his back to them sleeping. “Has he been asleep all this time” asked Grant to which Cherie nodded and answered “He has, since I got here at least”.

  The women tried to find comfort in their cell as did Baxter who was angry he was locked up, Baxter under his breath said “This is such bullshit”. Grant though went up to the bars to try and get Nancy’s attention, who after locking them up had made her way back to the coffee machine. Grant called out to her “Miss”. Nancy stopped and turned to face him as Grant said politely “I mean officer. I really don’t think this is a sensible thing to do. What happened in that house, it was just a misunderstanding, and it is not what you think. We were defending ourselves”. Nancy now approached him as those within the cells watched her come closer, she could see how frightened they were.

  Laura then said “I thought you just wanted statements, that is what your colleagues said, why are we locked up, what kind of help is this?” This was true, as far as they were aware it was just Kenny who they put under arrest but now it had changed. Nancy could tell they were all confused, but orders were changing so fast so she now took a more understanding tone and said “You are not here because of what happened in the house. I mean killing those people, we do understand what is happening out there with people attacking other people but we need to keep you in these cells for your own safety”. A worried Grant replied “I don’t understand why. We were safe in the rescue zone before we were brought here and now we are locked up. It does not make any sense. It is like you are treating us all as criminals”.

  Nancy came closer to the gate and now had to try and appease these people so she said “I should not tell you this but I can see you want answers, and are wondering what is going on, but there is meant to be group of scientists coming over from London. They are going to be examining people, screening people for the virus. Every major rescue station worth its salt is meant to have this scientific support, they are from a chemical and virus department, is all I know. I don’t know the name of the department. We have not got them here yet, things are moving fast. They will be examining everyone but want to start with those who have had immediate close contact with those things”. Grant was not buying it as he asked “But everyone in the rescue station has had close contact, why are we so special?”

  Nancy informed him bluntly “For one, you had three dead people in your house, so were close up to them. Everyone else who has been, at least those we have seen upon finding people have been taken in. You passed those people in the cells downstairs when you made your way up here didn’t you?” referring to the 50 people on the bottom floor in the cell block to the elevator. All had but none said anything, Nancy then said “They are being moved to a location to prep the examination. You will join them soon, but my sergeant has not given me instruction on when to send you. He just wanted everyone from the house you were all in kept together, and when he gets back to me. I will do what he says. You will be free to join the rest of the civilians in the university rescue centre very soon, so just chill out, okay”.

  Cherie muttered to herself “That is such a fucking stupid explanation”. Nancy glanced at her and replied “Well it is what it is. I don’t make the rules and soon neither will my sergeant be able to. The military are beginning to take over this place. It is going slow at the moment as they assert themselves here. I would not say it is marital law yet but it’s as good as martial law, at least within this rescue station. But at the moment you are under police jurisdiction, just like the other people here until the military can set up their nerve centres in here and issue out their orders officially as opposed to unofficially. So like I said, just relax for me guys”.

  She hoped by providing them with information they would be comfortable as it would help them realise all was well but the more she said, it just made them all deeply troubled at what was actually taking place outside, and the way the authorities were running the situation. So Nancy offered “You all happened to survive a close quarter attack, most of the people down in the rescue sections were rescued before they encountered any of those people, just be thankful you have not been injured by them. I don’t need to tell you what happens if they injure you do I?” all knew except Baxter who asked curiously “What happens” but nobody answered him.

  Baxter had been quite shut in to this point concerning what was going on. So Nancy offered again, some degree of reason and reassuringly said “You have to stay here until this happens, so please work with me, it will go easier for us all if you do” they were all having to listen to the policewoman. There was no point in arguing they thought so again to show some compassion but mainly to keep them all sweet and onside she said “My name is Nancy by the way, you don’t have to call me officer or Miss. Just Nancy! So do any of you want coffee, the machine is just restarting and there is plenty there”.

  Before anyone could answer Nancy, loud gun fire was heard from outside. It startled everyone because this gunfire did not sound distant, because much of the gunfire had been since arriving into the university rescue station. But it sounded like it was coming from outside the building they were in. Nancy was standing frozen momentarily, they all noticed as she then turned around and moved towards the window with a brisk speed. She opened up the blinds with her hands and peered out. She said in horror “My God”.

  “What is happening” demanded Grant. Her tone of voice made all those in the cell realise it was dire. “Just keep calm” Nancy replied anxiously. Nancy then took up her mask helmet with her left hand and used her right hand to operate the radio from the side table near the coffee machine. She called into the radio “Justin, Justin do you copy” she waited for a reply but it was muffled static. Until she heard a reply “Nancy, where are you?” Nancy answered “I am in the security building, what’s going on in the North gate, those people are out there. Where is the security, I hear gunfire but those things are in the courtyard”.


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