Outbreak of the Deceased (Book 1): Immediate Survivors

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Outbreak of the Deceased (Book 1): Immediate Survivors Page 39

by Barone, Cenz

  Cherie resumed smoking her cigarette and continued to talk “Does it fall to chance to think we might not survive this?” Cherie said. There was a pause before Kenny replied “What do you mean fall to chance we won’t survive this, I don’t think we are surviving right now” but Cherie explained and answered “Chance you know, it’s been what 5 or 6 days since this happened. The TV and radio stations are barely still broadcasting, but here we are and nothing. I just think its chance we are still alive. Does Nancy strike you like she knows what’s going on with her colleagues? She does not strike me like she knows anything but is treating us like we are rowdy civilians. She is still trying to police us when it is ridiculous. Personally I think we should try and get into the university”.

  This threw Laura, because she wanted more justification for Cherie’s idea as she asked her “Why go inside the university, it must be hell in there” as Cherie answered, highlighting her thoughts “Well think about it, in there, there might be more people who know how to deal with this situation and are better at handling it than Nancy. I know she is trying her best but we are just waiting out here for what, sure there is food and security but we are going nowhere fast. Remember what Niles said Laura about there being a car park in there, on the other side of the university, maybe there are vehicles there or some kind of situation in the university that has been controlled”. After some thought Laura answered “But nobody has been on the radio to say anything is like you are describing it potentially as being. And we have tried to throw out messages but gotten no reply” Laura kept stirring the soup speaking as she added “You said you did not want to go back into the university”.

  Kenny realised he had missed out on much activity in the last three days so kept quiet as Cherie responded “That was before, before when those army guys were running the show, listen to this” Cherie pulled up a radio from under her top which was connected to her side and held in place by her jacket, she then hit the button to put it on and kept the volume on really low. Kenny and Laura heard civilians talking asking for help, claiming they were safe and with many people who had weapons and vaccinations were going on. “Where did you get that radio” asked Laura. As Cherie causally replied “I took it from the room downstairs near the front door and I just fiddled around with it when I was bored, going through the frequencies until I found this one, it has more activity than the one Nancy is using on her radio from the frequency Niles told her to use”.

  Laura was confused by Cherie’s proposal so she asked “Have you discussed it with the others this ideas” Cherie replied to Laura and confessed “No, have you listened to them all. All with big ideas shutting down anyone else, especially Grant, Nancy and Gage, I have not told anyone about me finding this radio and frequency either, Nancy is the sort to take it off me”. Laura defended Nancy and said “She is just trying to help us” as Cherie agreed and replied “I know but who can help her” there was a silence between them now as Cherie added “About my idea. I just thought only some of us should go, it will save people arguing or more people than necessary going. It would be good to have people stay here in this building, in case we need to get back. I know I should tell them, but it seems like the general consensus from Nancy and Grant especially is to stay put. I don’t think that’s wise, and neither does Melissa or Elise. Yes staying put is the safest option but my problem is hanging out here waiting for God knows what more to happen, for example, letting the wrong people in here”.

  “Inside the university there will be those things but even if they are not in there, chances are people inside have been bitten” said Kenny as Cherie offered more certainty for her argument “Yes I know that Kenny but at least inside there we might have more access to better weapons and some more practical equipment, maybe a car, a tank even” she said sarcastically and laughed. Neither Kenny or Laura were laughing though, Cherie then added “You know this is all about survival, right. You heard what Niles said Laura, everyone is running, and the military and police who were here with any sense have gone. What I am saying is we are here waiting to die unless someone helps us and what happened with the police, arresting you Kenny and putting us behind these bars, that nearly killed us when those things overrun the courtyard. Do you really think we are going to find comfort with the authorities, again I tell you, you heard what that policeman said didn’t you Laura”. Laura nodded she had a tired look on his face, Kenny did not know what Cherie meant “What did he say exactly” asked Kenny.

  Cherie then reiterated to the still confused Kenny “He said policemen are leaving their ranks, running home or to more safe places, even civilians are loading up and escaping from the university, look at it like this, it is just going to be a matter of time before we are abandoned by Nancy or some of her friends come here and maybe kick us out, I am just saying the longer this goes on for without control, the less we can trust anybody, especially those in uniform, don’t you think?” Laura and Kenny studied her, she was making valid points as Cherie once more pressed “Society has collapsed and so has law and order, it might exist in here but I doubt it does outside”. Her reasoning was cynical but likely realistic, and Kenny and Laura both felt uneasy at hearing her tone.

  Then a voice was heard to the rear “You’re right”. Kenny, Laura and Cherie turned to see Nancy being the source of it. Nancy stood there with her arms folded having caught the last few bits of their conversation. Nancy stepped inside as Cherie looked at her, she was suspicious was Cherie but Nancy herself was of the same mindset of Cherie, but had to come to terms with it overtime and the situation Cherie outlined was teasing at Nancy for some time. Nancy said “We are on our own. I have just managed to get through to a superior on the radio, and he told me no help is coming here. The university is officially abandoned now, only a few people are inside, the majority have fled. It’s shut down so it means nobody is advertising it as a safe place anymore. We stay here we will just be trapping ourselves until maybe we won’t be able to get out even if we wanted to”. Nancy looked demoralised as she walked within the kitchen and placed her hands onto the table looking around at the three, waiting for them to say something.

  “So what do we do now” Laura asked, as Nancy replied “You people can do whatever you want. I am no longer in a position of authority. I am not a bridge between here and the outside. The safest option will be to make an escape to the country, somewhere rural” Nancy sighed and wiped her brow and added “My superior said, it is best for me to just run and escape, he said where I was and where he and the others were located, which was in Brighton is too far and he is right. I am not going chasing it anymore. So I am thinking of the countryside”.

  Kenny spoke next “That’s got to be the best option, the rural areas will have far lesser people, and those things are attracted to people right. From what I have seen or heard, they prefer cities, towns and big villages, anything less we have a chance of hiding out and maybe seeing this thing through”. Cherie found encouragement by Nancy’s sudden change of outlook as Cherie said “It’s the only option left, but we should try and get into the university as well, we need to make sure we can get to the other side”. Laura asked “Why risk that? Did you not hear what Nancy said” as Cherie flustered said “There is no cars left anywhere around us, is there”. Nancy nodded and said “The place where Niles went to the East of here is likely devoid of cars or trucks, he had the keys”. Then Nancy looked at Cherie and asked questioningly “You propose going into the university to get to the underground car park don’t you?” Cherie nodded, confirming this was so “Within it, are likely vans, jeeps and even buses we can use. I think we should consider it” said Cherie.

  Kenny now stood up and used his left hand to balance himself on the table “Wait just a minute. We don’t know if there are those sorts of vehicles in there. We do that and nothing is there, let alone one that has petrol we will be putting ourselves in a fucked up situation. We should only do so if we are sure if...” Nancy interrupted him and said “There will be vehicles there. I
was in there before you people came. I know my way there. It is wide the underground car park is, and there are all kinds of vehicles, believe me we will find something. We cannot go out there on foot” she said referring to the outside and on the streets”. Cherie like this idea as Nancy stated “When the university was advertised as a rescue station, many people came in their own vehicles and many came on buses and trucks which were used to ship people here, so I imagine there will be vehicles for our use, when the dead things...”.

  Nancy still trying to come to terms with the fact the people murdering people happened to not be alive but the walking dead. Nancy paused as she was dwelling on this concept but then she continued “When the dead things overran the area, I don’t see how all those vehicles could have been taken and Niles said there were vehicles still down there. So it is worth a shot, all we can do now is take that chance. I think most of the people inside that university are dead so nobody would be driving their vehicles”.

  Silence overcame them all as Nancy was brutally honest in her assessment of the situation. Nancy now took a seat and sat down near the group “If we do go ahead with this, it may be best if we all go. That way we do not have to come back here for anyone, we can drive straight off from the car park and head towards the motorway and go into the central regions”. Laura now probingly asked “What if someone wants to stay behind?” and coldly Nancy answered “On their head so be it. All of them out there are aware of what I just told you. I am through trying to save people, as Niles said people need to save themselves”. It was the cold hard truth. As Kenny offered “What if the ways out of this area are locked off like they were for the city wouldn’t we...” Nancy interrupted him “All cities were locked down to prevent escape of the virus, that was days ago when this thing first broke, there will be ways out, alternative routes”. Nancy providing far more better knowledge than she had been thus far as she said “It is towards the countryside we have to go, the central regions would be a start”.

  Kenny then said “The central regions though what about heading to...” Nancy interrupted him again “To your families. Didn’t you say you were from outside Bristol Kenny” Kenny nodded as Nancy said looking at them all and she added “All of you have family and friends, I know that. All over the country right, none of you are from around here, well I am from around here and I am not going looking for mine because I am scared of what I would find, let alone being able to know where to look for them. You can all do whatever you want but I am telling you, if you want to live to hope to see anyone you know again then you try and survive this, personally I think everyone I know is dead. Maybe you people don’t think that about those you know. The central regions or Wales or the North of England are too far, we need to go into the rural areas, the closest ones to us. As long as we are outside of cities or towns, it is a start”.

  All of them were contemplating what Nancy said about their families and friends, all in differing parts, for Cherie it was near Bath, for Kenny in the outskirts of Bristol and Laura near Manchester but with so many days passed and even in the hours and days during the outbreak none got through to their loved ones, it was obvious the chances were they no longer were alive but they had to focus on the now.

  Kenny said to Nancy seriously “Okay Nancy, I agree with you” Kenny was for the most part disheartened like everyone was that no help had arrived officially and now would definitely not be coming. Yet they had to think about other options at least now since they all knew things were going to get a whole lot worse before it, if it ever did get better. Kenny sat on the chair cradling his chest as Nancy outlined a few basic points “Firstly we will need to all go, the university car park I can promise you all holds many vehicles, they were stored in the North Western wing, we are the furthest away, at the South Eastern wing, so the prospect of travelling back down there will be really difficult and secondly there is no way of knowing if any vehicle there will be suitably operational so we...”.

  Laura interrupted Nancy and said “Wait a fucking second, you just said there will be vehicles there, you promised that and in the same sentence you now say they won’t work, they might not work isn’t that what you mean by suitably operational, which is a pretty smart way of saying they won’t work” Laura becoming angst riddled at Nancy. Nancy just looked at Laura, thinking she was naive as Laura continued to rant “It is too much of a risk, I mean say we go there but get stranded if there is too many of those things, is it really worth it just to get a vehicle that we might not even know will work or not”. Nancy now said to Laura sternly “Yes it is worth the risk, finding a vehicle to take us out of this area is the go to prospect and a vehicle to get us on the road, and up and running to maybe to a safer place will be better than being here in such an urbanised area. What I mean by it not being suitably operational is simple, I can guarantee there will be vehicles in that car park but in terms of keys and petrol within, I don’t know the scope of all that detail, but I am sure we will find something”. Kenny now said to Laura “Come on Laura what other way do we have out of here”. Laura let this settle in as Nancy looked confident enough to make her second guess the chance they were taking.

  Cherie now asked “Have you spoke to the others about this Nancy” to which Nancy said “Yes, as soon as I spoke to my superior I told them of the situation and they are discussing it amongst themselves. I don’t think they will object to leaving, they all heard what my superior was telling me, a couple of minutes after you three came in here he got through on my radio. So I think everyone is settled on leaving, but let me just say this again. Yes I do guarantee a vehicle being in the car park but if there is not, we have to expect the unexpected then we need not be concerned because within that university are many places to hide and get to, even if those things are roaming inside. It is a large place and it is far safer to be within that university than roaming on the streets where you don’t know where to go, and I know that university well, when we were stationed here, we all became familiar with the layout” Nancy offering them more confidence, even though she was nowhere near as confident as she made out, she just knew enough to get around.

  Cherie herself felt the tingle of doubt creep in but she wanted to be strong as Kenny rubbed his throat, Nancy was really not sugar coating anything. Nancy now told them all “Remember within this university, the surrounding walls are large fences, about 5 meters and barbed wire. The only way those things came in is either from the North or South entrances, those things got in via the Northern gate. If anything those things will be inside the university in little number, most are outside in the grounds, we have to take a chance regardless. If, when the grounds were overrun and the in place security procedure was followed then all doors into the university main building would be locked and shut, so only a handful would have gotten in and it depends on how many were infected within. We have enough weapons here and also we have plenty of bullets to last us, everyone I feel can handle the weapons sufficiently enough. I am just telling you all this now to be under no illusions, to expect the unexpected, because whoever goes won’t be coming back to get the others who decide to stay here. Like I said the safest option will be to head on out of the city and onto the motorway towards the rural areas”.

  After a brief silence Kenny said quietly “There is no other way” he looked at Nancy who remained aloof, just taking this all in and then Cherie nodded and confirmed “You have convinced me Nancy. I don’t think it’s sensible around here anymore”. Laura was reluctant but she managed to gauge this will obviously be the only way out of here and merely nodded without any words, but she gave her consent. Nancy stood up and said “Now let’s go find out what the others want to do, if they want to stay or go, and if they want to go, to go with this plan”. The soup was by this time still on the stove and was boiling bubbles, but the appetite had gone for those who had hunger previously driving them.

  Chapter 24 - Towards The Underground Car Park

  The rest of the group members had agreed to go with the plan Na
ncy had outlined and all were now working fast to prepare themselves to make their way to the distant underground car park. Baxter was filling up his pack-back with some food and also loading up his weapons, he had Melissa by his side making sure she was herself ready, she was dressed still in her evening dress and was unhappy about the weight of the back-pack she had to carry, this consisted of mainly ammunition. The group having used all the left over weapons from the basement they took earlier. While Baxter carried the food in his and Elise was tidying up Grant, making sure he was primed and ready with the back pack he had which had other items inside of use. There was plenty of commotion as the group were all handling their weapons, even Grant who had to out of necessity handle the weapon by this point stepped up. Nancy with a black blouse on and black trousers had her blonde hair shoulder length, she tied the hair into a bun using the black hair band and looked around after having issued out the instruction. She stood holding an automatic gun as she surveyed the group.

  Kenny had a pistol, Laura had a pistol, Gage had a semi-automatic and the rest of the group carried riot gear police shields and batons. Every one of them was kitted up in riot police gear except Nancy who opted to handle only a weapon and a radio, she needed to move fast to open the doors. As the group stood there, Nancy spoke, she felt unnerved doing it, leading these civilians across a courtyard to face this madness. “Is everyone ready” Nancy asked, and they all stood at the front door, none said a word. Nancy now added “The shields will help you fend off the people, remember don’t let them bite you. I am sorry we haven’t enough gear for you all to wear, just keep it together and stay close, those with shields protect those inside and if they approach you, you crack them on their head and push the shields into them. Use your guns only when needed. I have to move towards the doors in front but they are slow so just train your weapons on them and make sure the safety is off, once we are all inside the university I will lock it and from there it’s going to be dark, the lights are out, so double check your torches”. RE-READ EDIT


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