Rapture and Lace (Lace #3) (Lace Series)

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Rapture and Lace (Lace #3) (Lace Series) Page 5

by Leigh, Adriane

  "Mrs. Morgan." Carter stepped out of the car and held a hand out to escort me. I smiled up at him, unable to keep the happiness off of my face. He escorted me to the doorstep and then slung me into his arms.

  "Carter." I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. The arousal started to burn in my stomach; being so close to his body and inhaling the sweet scent at his neck had me aching for him. I nipped along his stubbled jaw and then licked my way under his ear.

  "Evangeline…" he whispered.

  "I want you," I whispered into his ear. A small groan escaped his throat. He placed me on my feet in the open foyer and held my hand tightly, bringing his other hand up to the back of my neck and pressing his lips to mine in a seductive kiss. He kissed me long and hard. I slid my hand down his narrow waist and around to squeeze his bottom. I was so eager for him and wanted him to know it. He slowed the kiss and then gently pulled away.

  With his eyes closed he whispered, "Evangeline," on a breathy sigh. He licked his lips then opened his eyes with a renewed sense of determination. "I had dinner brought in. Come with me."

  I frowned and gave a small huff as he hauled me up the stairs. He took me into the master bedroom and embraced my body in a tight hug.

  "Thank you for marrying me," he whispered into my ear. Tears sprang to my eyes when I thought about his revelations last night; he thought anyone he loved would leave him. I knew now how much it meant to him when I’d said yes. I knew why he'd been so desperate for me to never leave him, to not run when we'd been together.

  His fingers rubbed my bare back softly and then they trailed up to the lacy neckline and began fumbling with the buttons. My heart leapt into my throat at the thought that he had reconsidered after all—maybe we could skip dinner in lieu of some more intimate activities. My hands made their way up either side of his torso underneath his suit jacket.

  He unclasped the buttons at the top of the dress and began to pull it down and over my shoulders softly, taking in my slowly exposed skin with lust-filled eyes. He tossed my hair back of my shoulders and ran the silky strands through his fingers.

  "I’m so lucky. I'll never forget how lucky I am to have you, Evangeline. Not for one day in my life." He slid the fabric down to just above my chest and stopped. He took a deep breath and then closed his eyes.

  "If I go any further, I won't be able to stop, and I want to stop, Evangeline."

  My eyes narrowed in confusion. "Carter, I don't want you to stop. I want you to undress me. I want you to make love to me. Please make love to me."

  He opened his eyes and they bore into mine. It looked like he was warring with himself.

  "I can't eat. I don't want to. I want you. Please let me have you, right now." I traced my fingertips along his strong jaw line and thought of the night at the club when I’d done the exact same thing that first time. This night felt like the culmination of all of the passion and intensity we'd felt for each other from day one. If I had known the night of the fashion party that I would be meeting the man I would fall so deeply in love with, I think my heart would have burst at the thought.

  "I need you." Tears pooled in my eyes at the overwhelming emotion I was feeling for him. Carter slid his open palms down my exposed back and held me for a few moments. He nuzzled his nose into my hair and inhaled deeply.

  "I love you so much. I’ll never be able to say no to you. I don't ever want to." He slowly dragged the fabric of my perfect white dress the rest of the way down my shoulders and over my arms. He slid the fabric past my hips and I stood before him in a pair of lace cheeky panties he had purchased from La Perla. A purple pair nonetheless, that so perfectly matched the calla lilies he had picked for today. Little did he know that I had chosen these panties because they too reminded me of the flowers he'd given me.

  His fingers hooked into the lace of my panties and fingered the fabric as he kissed along the curve of my neck and whispered his love for me in my ear. I moaned and writhed in his grip, my body aching for him. He slowly dropped to his knees on the floor before me and slid his hands down my legs. He lifted one leg out of the pool of lace on the floor and slipped one satin heel from my foot, then placed it back on the floor. He did the same with my other foot then slid his warm palms back up my legs, over the curve of my bottom, landing them locked at my waist.

  I kissed him fully on his soft lips and my fingers fumbled with the buttons of his jacket. I shrugged the tan fabric off of his shoulders, and then pulled the white shirt from his pants. I continued to kiss him and his fingers ran into my hair as mine worked on each button of his shirt. He released his hands from my hair and I pushed the crisp fabric off his lean shoulders. My fingertips lingered and dusted along the hard lines of his body; around the muscles of his shoulders and collarbone, up the curve of his neck, snagging his ear lobes and giving them a playful tug, before twisting in his tousled hair. I pulled his lips to mine and pressed my body to his. He grabbed my hip with one hand and held me tightly, smoothing his other hand up my thigh to reach the lace of my panties. He played with the delicate fabric, his fingers tracing around the edges and dusting just beneath the panty line, in and out softly, driving me wild. I moaned into his mouth and ground my center into him to show him I was more than ready. A smile played across his lips as he softened our kiss and placed small nips on my bottom lip. He backed me against the bed until my legs hit the mattress.

  He placed both hands on my bottom and bounced me up to sit on his waist, my legs wrapped around his body. My arms wrapped around his neck as I threaded my fingers in his hair and kissed him hard and fierce; I was so ready for him.

  "I want you. I want my husband." My heart skipped a few beats at the words. His eyes shot open to gaze into mine, a love and passion mix burned in their blue depths. Carter forced my body back onto the bed with my legs still wrapped around his waist, fisting my hair in one hand, while the other was stretched out to support his body, hovering over mine. I kissed, nipped, and ground my body into his. My hands fumbled to release the button of his pants, working the zipper to pull it down over his narrow hips. I was pleased to find that Carter, my sexy husband, was without undergarments again. I was beginning to think he didn't own any. I pushed his pants as far down his thighs as I could before he pulled away from me and pushed the fabric the rest of the way. He kicked off each shoe and slung his pants to the side with one foot and then crawled back on top of me with a hungry look in his eyes.

  I scooted my bottom up the bed to allow us more room. Carter's smooth, muscled body hovered over me, his mouth planting soft kisses up my stomach, between my breasts, swirling in the hollow of my throat, around the curve, and finally arriving at the skin beneath my ear. His breath came out in ragged pants as his teeth skimmed the shell of my ear. I writhed against his body, grabbing his hips and pulling him down on me. Carter sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth when his arousal made contact with my lace panties.

  "I want you so much." Carter rubbed his length along the fabric lightly and his eyes remained closed and his jaw tight as he tried to restrain himself. I crushed my center harder into him, attempting to relieve some pressure from my need for him.

  "I’m ready, I’m so ready, please."

  "Please what, tell me," he whispered with his eyes still shut.

  "Please make love to me, Carter. I love you so much. Please make love to me," I breathed as my hands ran up his lean torso.

  "I love when you say that. I love when you say that you love me. You make me so happy, Evangeline. Everyday." He hooked a finger around the waistband of my panties and then slowly slid the fabric down my legs. The lace gliding roughly over my hypersensitive flesh caused my heart rate to spike and my arousal for him to grow. He leaned back on his thighs and slipped the lace the rest of the way down my legs and tossed them to the floor, looking back at me with a crooked grin.

  "You're achingly beautiful." He ran his hands up my legs to grab my hips. "I don't deserve you," he whispered against my lips. He settled between my thighs and teased his
length along the folds, teasing me where I ached for him most.

  "Carter," I groaned in frustration as I thrust my hands in his hair and brought his head to mine.

  "What baby?" he asked with a small smile as he continued to tease me.

  "God, please. I want to feel you inside me," I whimpered. A small sigh escaped his lungs as he pushed a little harder and lavished me with his tongue and lips, up and around my neck, down my collarbone, across the tops of my shoulders. He pressed harder again and worked his length up and down through my center, giving me just the amount of friction I craved before he pulled away again. I wrapped my arms around him and grabbed his shoulder blades, digging my nails into his back and forcing my aching core into him. Carter continued his teasing assault on my body and I deepened my hold on his back with my fingernails. He ran his length up my slit one last time and I groaned and scratched my nails down his shoulder blades to the center of his back. I knew I had done it hard; a deep groan escaped his throat and I felt dampness where I assumed I had drawn blood. As soon as I lightened my grip on his back Carter shoved into me and filled me fully. I moaned in exquisite pleasure and Carter sat still within me for a few breathless moments as my body adjusted to his.

  We were finally connected again. It had been days since we'd shared each other like this, and it had been too long. We'd been through so much in our short relationship, and this part always connected us, made us feel whole again.

  I kissed along the line of his neck and he began to slowly move in and out of me, taking long, measured strokes that hit me to the core and filled and fulfilled me like no one else ever could. I realized that making love with Carter was so good because we shared a connection. Even our first time, we were so drawn to each other on such a basic, primal level, our bodies had found their mate, and sex from then on had been transcendent for both of us.

  Carter made love to me for what felt like hours. He moved in and out, he stilled, then sped up, he kissed and nibbled, he brought my nipples into his mouth and caressed, his fingertips danced along my aching bud, always driving my body to the brink, then backing off just enough to delay my climax. If he wasn't doing such a masterful job I would have gone insane with frustration but instead I was in the moment with Carter. I knew he was worshiping me the best way he knew, he was showing me his love fully and completely.

  Carter moved in and out of me, sometimes pushing deep and filling me, other times taking short, shallow strokes until he finally sped up and took me to the very end. I wrapped my arms around his body and ran my palms along his sweat-slicked skin, down his hips and bottom. I squeezed lightly as he sped up, pounding me with everything he had. My climax shot through my entire body, my nerve endings buzzing on full speed. My toes curled and my brain flooded with a rush of pleasure. I felt an unspeakable amount of love for the man I had pledged my life to earlier that day.

  Carter held my thighs in his palms and thrust into me one last time before he reached his own climax, his body shuddering from head to toe completely. He stroked a few more times, my body squeezing the last of his orgasm out of him, and he slowly calmed his pace and brought his body down flush with mine. We were both sweaty and spent as he lay on top of me for a long, quiet moment.

  We reveled in the post-orgasm high we were both riding, only enhanced by our skin flush against each other, our bodies still connected.

  Carter moved to pull away but I wrapped my legs around his waist and locked my ankles around him.

  "I'm not ready to get rid of you yet." I grinned and kissed him on the lips.

  "Hopefully not ever." His fingers played with a lock of my hair.

  "Never.” I shook my head and pushed errant strands of hair out of his eyes. His gray-blue depths stared back at me and gleamed with happiness. Just seeing his peace caused a grin to spread across my face.

  "I love you, everyday, forever," I whispered and kissed his nose.

  "Not as much as I love you, Mrs. Morgan." He ran his thumb along my cheekbone. We kissed again and he laid his head down on my chest and then traced one finger around my breast, coming closer and closer to my nipple, causing it to harden and peak in arousal. He tickled it with his nose and then his tongue darted out for a taste. I giggled and felt tingles between my thighs signaling that my body was ready for him again. I felt him begin to harden inside me and I bucked my hips up into his pelvis.

  "Insatiable as ever, I see." He grinned and kissed me completely on the lips and then Carter and I made love again.

  Chapter Seven

  I woke up early the next morning with a grumbling stomach and an overwhelming need to hit the bathroom. We'd spent the evening and all night in bed, alternating between slumber and loving each other. It was perfect. Carter had one heavy arm draped over my body and I was having trouble wiggling out from under it in a timely manner so I could rush off to the bathroom.

  He finally sighed deeply and rolled over and I hopped out of bed and headed for the bathroom to take care of my business. When I stepped back out of the bathroom a warm smile spread across my face at Carter sleeping so peacefully, white sheets caressing his naked body. The sheet lay haphazardly, revealing that delicious V at his pelvis and the light dusting of hair that disappeared into the crisp white linens heading for that place my body craved so much.

  Deciding to forgo my grumbling stomach for the sexy man in bed, I slid up next to him and laid my head on his shoulder, dusting my fingertips along the hard plains of his body. I started at his pecs, circling around the dark nipples that slowly hardened at my teasing touch, down and across the lines of his lightly defined abs. My fingers whispered down to that V muscle and lingered around his hips, ghosting back and forth, as my body responded to touching him.

  I crawled over his body and straddled his slim hips between my knees. My hair cascaded around both of us and I dipped to place light kisses along the curve of his neck and collarbone. I let my hair slide down his soft skin as I worked my way down his muscles with my tongue and lips. I finally reached his hips and nipped along the velvety skin.

  I leaned back for a moment to gaze at him. The sheet just barely covering his hardening arousal, a dusting of hair and the happy trail that led to my other favorite part of his body. The tan, velvety skin contrasted so sharply with the soft white sheets. I wanted to snap a photo of this moment and store it in my mind for the rest of my life.

  I slid one hand from his hip lower and lower, slowly dragging the sheet with it and revealing him completely. I took him in my hand and bent, my hair tickling along his waist again. I pressed my tongue to the underside of his length and slowly dragged it up to the top and teased around the head, before opening my mouth and going down on him fully. I heard a small groan and then Carter's hands were twisted in my hair and his hips were bucking slowly in pleasure.

  "Eva, fuck," he whispered. I peeked up at him through my lashes as I traveled back up his length with my mouth, hallowing my cheeks and sucking harder. Carter peered back at me, his steel blue eyes swirling with love and emotion and pleasure and lust, his hair tousled with sleep, a few strands across his forehead. My arousal instantly doubled between my thighs. I closed my eyes again and worked up and down his length with my mouth and my hand, teasing him softly, and then sucking harder, alternating to prolong the pleasure.

  "Come here, baby." Carter hauled me up his body and my knees straddled his hips. I felt his arousal at my entrance and a small sigh escaped my throat feeling him once again so close to me. I needed him more than anything. It felt like the fist time all over again, minus the frantic lust we'd exhibited. This felt more like loving each other. Passion on a whole other level. Love must feel like that, something I’d never felt before with anyone else.

  Carter pressed his hands behind my neck and caressed his lips to mine, kissing me slowly and passionately. His hands ran up my torso, came around to kneed the flesh of my breast and pinch my nipple, increasing my arousal tenfold. I bucked into him and ground back and forth, my body aching with arousal . His hand slid
down my torso, over my hips to hold on to my bottom as he guided himself into me. Slowly he filled me, and we both exhaled sighs of pleasure as my body adjusted to his. I moved slowly on top of him, taking my time, enjoying his body and pulling the pleasure from him.

  Carter moved slowly underneath me, we rocked together quietly, no words needed to share the pleasure in this moment. My hands slid up his rib cage and I pulled his arms up above his head and held his hands tightly in my own. I used him as leverage to hit the right spot inside me, and we continued to gently grind and rock, soft sighs escaping our throats as my hair cascaded around us and Carter loved me with his lips along my collarbone and neck. I increased my pace and Carter pushed our locked hands up so that I was riding him.

  "I want to see you," he whispered to me as his eyes locked with mine. My mouth fell open as I panted with pleasure as we made love. My rocking sped up as I came closer to the edge. Carter released his hands from mine, placing one on my hip to help hold me, while his other found that sensitive spot between my legs. He caressed and massaged and pinched and I fell over the cliff softly and gently. The air escaped my lungs and I groaned softly, closing my eyes as pleasure radiated through my body.

  A choked groan escaped Carter's throat and his hand tightened on my hip as he found his own release. He reached for my hand again and held it tightly as he stroked through the last few drops of his pleasure. His eyes closed and his face tensed in a beautiful expression of culminated pleasure and release. I ground my core into his body a few more times and then brought my body down flush on his chest, resting my head on his chest and hearing his heart pound frantically.

  Still connected, we lay there for endless moments as our breathing slowed. Carter traced a random pattern along my bare back with one fingertip, the movement soft and sweet and comforting. I inhaled deeply and then snuggled my nose up into his neck happily.


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