Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters)

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Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters) Page 2

by Remy Marie

  How he managed to get into the orphanage was a total mystery, until a year ago when Mohinder told Jason that he watched his adopted father kill his mother in front of him during a heated fight between the two. Jason could not imagine the stress of watching a family member kill another. Jason’s thoughts died down after he realized Professor Logan was finishing his speech.

  “—that said, I had a great semester with you all this year. Please remember to turn in your end of year essays at the desk near the entry door. Your essay scores should be posted online by eight tomorrow. Have a good summer,” Professor Logan reminded everyone as he dismissed the class.

  The large classroom sounded like a clap of thunder as all the students got up at the same time. Mohinder and Jason followed suit, as they both stood up as well.

  “Alright mate, guess the grades,” Mohinder said, grabbing his essay.

  “Ninety-five,” speculated Jason. “Your thesis on the corrupt influences of modern United States presidents wasn’t the strongest point. He’s going to deduct at least three points on your essay. What about me?”

  “You already know what your grade is going to be. It’s one hundred. Stop trying to set the curve, wanker,” Mohinder said smiling.

  As the two walked down the steps of the auditorium, the professor was collecting his items from his class lecture. The professor looked up and noticed the two students leaving the classroom.

  “Jason and Mohinder, could you both come over here for a second?” Professor Logan asked. They both walked over to the desk the professor was standing at and stared at the professor with curiosity.

  “I wanted to personally thank the both of you for this semester. It has been a privilege to teach some of the smartest minds at our university. I can’t wait to see you two on the news when you cure cancer. Your biochemistry professor, Dr. York, said you are some of the brightest minds he has ever taught. Just remember your favorite professor when the billions of dollars start pouring in, because the pension here sucks,” Professor Logan mocked as he stuck out his hand. Jason and Mohinder both shook the professor’s hand, then left the lecture hall.

  “What’s got his balls in a twist?”

  “I’m not sure. I guess it’s because we have the highest GPA in our graduating class and our biochemistry professor believes that we will cure cancer too. Dr. York constantly brags about us. It doesn’t surprise me that many professors would know about our work,” Jason replied.

  “If only the blonde was in the know. That would be brilliant,” Mohinder said as he adjusted his backpack. “What is on the agenda? The spring semester is completed, and it’s summer holiday. We have the entire weekend to do nothing. Unless there’s a party tonight?”

  “I could go to a party, but could we go to Geek Haven for a few hours first?”

  Jason loved Geek Haven because it had comics, video games and movies all in one place. It’s the one place Jason could go to feel normal.

  “Mate, we go there all the time. If you’re not studying, you’re over there. Besides, we don’t have any room in our flat for any more of your rubbish. We should just go to get a pint at the local pub.”

  “Please! Come on man. You realize Kyle will know if a party’s going on tonight. He’s the one who always gets us in anyway.”

  “Sure, but we all know the real reason you want to go over there. It’s for Trini. You should just snog her already. You know she likes you,” Mohinder added as he pushed the door open to go outside.

  Jason finished eating his mall pretzel and threw the wrapper in the trash. Mohinder stared as he finished chewing the last piece of his cinnamon pretzel.

  “You know you could have gotten one too right?” Jason said as he wiped the brown sugary substance from his shirt.

  “You know I can’t do that, mate. I am starting a new routine this summer holiday. I’m gonna get buff. You should start a routine with me. It would help you build muscle,” Mohinder replied as he poked Jason in the gut.

  “I hate working out, plus I’m too busy,” Jason said as he walked into the Geek Haven store.

  “I’m just saying mate, it would impress ‘you know who’. Help beat out the competition, yeah?” Mohinder said, nodding to the skinny gothic dressed female store clerk.

  Jason's heart stopped when he looked to see who was at the counter at Geek Haven. Jason formed tunnel vision as the store around him went pure white. Only the figure of Trini Davos existed.

  Jason took a deep breath as he ogled Trini’s slim figure. His heartbeat quickened as he stared at her pale skin. Her tight black tank top had Geek Haven written in white across her chest. He studied her short dark blue skirt and the several piercings in her nose, lower lip, and upper ear. Jason was amazed by her two arm sleeve tattoos, which swirled around her entire arms.

  Jason had a large crush on Trini, but he never knew how to translate his feelings towards her as he stared at her multiple piercings on her upper ears. It didn’t help that she had a boyfriend.

  Trini saw Jason and Mohinder walk into the store and gave them a tight smile.

  Jason could tell she was pissed about something. It could be the two people she was helping, or it could be her junkie boyfriend, Kyle. Jason was not a fan of Kyle. He’d seen the way he treated her. They would constantly get into fights and Kyle would often spend all of their money on his drug habit. Jason knew that they weren’t the best fit. He wished he could do something about their relationship, but what could he do? He’s five foot six and skinny as a rail. Even with an addiction, Kyle could still kick his ass.

  “You know this game is rated mature? Your son looks to be around nine. There’s no way you would let him play this game,” Trini told the mother, looking annoyed.

  “Johnny, I didn’t know this was a mature game. What did you say was on this game?” the mother asked her small brunette son.

  “It’s nothing mom. I am just shooting some random guys. You let me play games like this all the time,” The son pleaded.

  Trini flashed a dark smile as she looked at the ignorant mother. “Not to mention the gun violence, blood, language, and endless sex with hookers. I particularly liked the mission where the main character dresses as a gimp with a dildo attached to his head. However, since you are the legal guardian, I guess—”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? My son will not get this game,” The woman said in anger.

  “Mom, Phillip next door has this game. His mother lets him play it all the time. I’ve already played it twice!” the child pleaded once more.

  “I said no! Thank you.” The mom said as she gave Trini a nod of approval. The mother then turned her attention to her spoiled son and glared at him. “Let’s go, Johnny. Wait until your father hears about this!” The mother dragged her child out of the store.

  “That never gets old,” Trini said with a smile on her face.

  After dealing with the customer, Trini’s smile grew even larger as she noticed Jason and Mohinder were both in the store. Trini hopped over the register to hug Jason who was the closest. Jason couldn’t help looking as Trini’s dark blue skirt rose higher, showing her toned pale thighs.

  A deep sexual thought of Trini entered Jason’s mind, but his crush on Trini wasn’t only physical though. He loves her outgoing personality. She was one of the bravest people he knew. All of his best stories always started with ‘Trini and me’. Not to mention, they like the same comics and movies, and in the end, they always root for the hero. Plus her smile is one of million, Jason reminded himself. Jason felt as if Trini noticed his sexual glance, so he pretended to look at a stack of comics in front of him.

  “Hey, guys! How was your last day of classes?” she asked as she each gave them big hugs.

  Jason felt the sexual desire once more when Trini hugged him. He could feel the blood rush through his body as he felt the embrace of Trini’s body.

  How things would be different, if she knew how I felt, Jason thought to himself.

  “It was good, happy to be on holiday,” Mohinde
r said putting a game away. “Another one of our professors said it was a privilege working with us. It has to be about seven professors that have said that to us. Does that sound right mate?” Jason shuffled once he realized Trini noticed his lover’s glance.

  “Yeah, that sounds right.”

  Mohinder looked at Jason and could read his friend’s mind on the current situation. A smile broke out on his face as he looked at his two friends. After a few seconds of silence, Mohinder broke out in a laugh and shook his head in a positive manner.

  “We were planning on going to a party tonight. Do you think Kyle would know of any parties? We aren’t looking for much, just one that has a wall to wall snatch,” Mohinder asked.

  “I’m not sure. Kyle’s been in the back counting inventory for a while. I’ll give him a ring to come up front,” Trini said, turning around to ring the help button on the phone. There was a brief pause as Trini waited for the other line to answer. She continued to smile at Jason, as she waited for the other line to answer her call. Her facial expression changed slightly when she noticed Kyle pick up the phone.

  “Hey, get your ass out here.” During her call, Trini turned around to smile and stuck her tongue out directly at Jason. There was another slight pause as Trini listened to Kyle’s response.

  “Our friends are here.” Trini’s smile disappeared as she started to raise her voice over the phone. Jason could tell that her attitude was changing.

  “Well, stop that,” Trini shouted louder. Trini began to drum her fingers on the counter as she listened to Kyle’s responses. Jason and Mohinder could tell she was getting frustrated.

  “We know that you were not doing that. Come out now!” Trini demanded over the phone. Afterwards, Trini slammed the phone back on the receiver and muttered “fucking asshole” underneath her breath.

  After a few minutes, Kyle walked out of the storeroom. His eyes were bloodshot, and his nose was covered by the white substance of cocaine. He walked to the storefront like a giraffe as he took long strides towards the group. As he walked, his blonde hair swayed back and forth as it gently bounced off his back. It was obvious he was not counting inventory as he walked to the storefront where the group stood.

  “My geniuses!” shouted Kyle as he pushed back his long blonde hair behind his large ears. He walked to Trini and gave her a big kiss, then hugged Jason and Mohinder. “Now, what can I do for you, my fine lady and gentlemen?”

  “Mate, do you know of any parties?” Mohinder blurted out.

  “I know a few, you guys want to party huh? Booze kills brain cells, you know,” responded Kyle casually.

  “Actually studies show that—”

  “I’m going to stop you right there, Jason. I don’t really care about your ‘science facts’,” Kyle said with air quotations. “I just want to get high. Since you spoke first, you are now our designated driver,” Kyle said as he pointed to Jason.

  “Kyle,” Trini pointed to his nose.

  “Whoops. I was saving that for later,” Kyle joked as he wiped his nose clean and licked the cocaine off his fingers. “So for this party, Jason pick us up at eleven and then we will head down to the party. Alright with y’all?

  “Sounds like a plan,” Mohinder said, excited.

  Jason didn’t like Kyle’s idea; he would have liked to have a few drinks at the party. Mohinder must have been reading Jason’s mind as he shook his head in disapproval. Jason knew that the signal his adopted brother was giving to him said, “No, we need his help.” Judging by Mohinder’s movements, Jason knew that there was only one thing to say.

  “Sounds good to me,” Jason muttered upset, but he reminded himself that at least Trini and Mohinder would be having a good time and that’s good enough for him.

  Chapter 3

  Jason and Mohinder began to leave Geek Haven before Trini grabbed Jason’s arm,

  “Jason wait!” Trini shouted as she held his hand lightly. Jason couldn’t help but feel the spark between them as Trini grasped his fingers.

  Her skin is so soft, Jason thought as they made skin contact. Why can’t we just be together? What’s keeping us apart? Oh yeah. Kyle. Trini released Jason’s hand and smiled at him.

  “What’s up Trini?” Jason asked.

  “My shift is about to end, so I was curious if you wanted to go over to G&Fs with me. Perhaps get some dinner and a beer?” Trini asked as she pushed her black hair behind her ear.

  Jason was at a loss for words as he stared at his crush. I just ate, so I already spent my budget for lunch plus how is Mohinder going to get home?

  As if Mohinder heard Jason’s inner thoughts, “Jason, I just remembered that I had to turn in a student questionnaire for my art 1001 class. Is it cool if I take your car back to our flat?”

  “What art—?”

  “Don’t even start with me, mate. You know that I’m in that class,” Mohinder interrupted shaking his head. Mohinder ignored Jason’s silent protest as he looked towards Trini. “Trini, do you mind dropping him off afterward?”

  “Sure, I would love to,” Trini replied with a smile.

  “Brilliant. Can I get your car keys, Jason?” Jason was reluctant as he slowly took the keys out of his pocket and handed them to his adopted brother. “Thanks, mate, and here is the gas money I forgot to give you last week.” Mohinder grinned as he handed Jason a crisp twenty dollar bill.

  “Thanks, Mohinder,” Jason said as he took the bill. Jason finally understood his friend’s intentions.

  “Anytime mate. Trini, tell Kyle I’ll see him tonight, have fun you two.” Mohinder smiled mischievously as he left the store. The couple watched Mohinder leave the store until Trini broke their silent trance and looked back at Jason.

  “Let me get my shit and clock out, and then I’ll meet you right here, okay?”

  “Yeah, sure sounds good.”

  Trini beamed, showing all of her white teeth and then walked towards the back door. Trini disappeared in the backroom, but in a matter of seconds, she reappeared with her purse in tow. On her way out, Kyle was at the register counting the counter’s money.

  “Kyle, I’m clocking out for the day. I’ll see you at the house okay?” Kyle slowly lifted his head unaware of Trini’s departure.

  “Wait, what?” he asked confused.

  “I’m clocking out asshole. I’ll see you at the house.”

  “Oh okay, ha, see ya.”

  Trini rolled her eyes at Kyle’s response, and she exhaled loudly as she walked away. Trini grabbed Jason’s hand and rubbed it in a circular motion with her thumb.

  “Let’s go!” Trini shouted, excited. Once outside the store, Trini gave Jason’s hand one more light squeeze before she let go of it. The two walked in silence for a few moments, occasionally sharing glances and smiling at each other.

  “How are your parents? Mohinder and I enjoyed the barbecue that your family invited us to last week.”

  “Oh, they are doing fine. Nothing much has changed with them since the party. They are just the typical suburban family. I think my mom is freaking out that her plants are dying again. That woman does not have a green thumb. They loved having you and Mohinder over. I think my dad loves you more than me sometimes. It doesn’t surprise me though. He and I haven’t been on the best terms since I met Kyle. He has always been open to my life choices, until Kyle and I started dating. He thinks I’m doing heavy drugs, like Kyle. I’m not; you know my motto, only grass,” Trini explained as they walked passed a candle boutique.

  Jason grinned at Trini as they walked past the store because his nose picked up the scent of fresh linens and vanilla, two of his favorite smells.

  “On a serious note, I miss that connection I had with my father. It’s as if we grew further apart since my relationship began with Kyle. Shit, I don’t know, it’s as if my relationship with Kyle is toxic to the people I love.” Trini admitted as she looked down at the white tile floor. Trini looked back at Jason and frowned, “If I’m annoying you about this, I’m sorry.”

nbsp; Jason was silent as he was listening to Trini vent about her father.

  “Trini, I’m never sorry to hear you vent. I love being a springboard for your feelings. As for dealing with parents, did you know that my mother, before she died, had arguments with me a lot? I know I was only ten, but believe it or not, I was a bit of an ass growing up. My high IQ made me an annoying child sometimes. I liked to blurt out things, and I used to question everything. It’s not normal for the child to be smarter than the parent, and my mom struggled with the idea. All I can say is I know that no matter how much I annoyed my mom with my constant badgering, she still loved me till the day she died. I’m sure your dad feels the same way about you,” Jason replied with a smile on his face.

  “I guess you’re right, but I hope death is not what it takes to mend our relationship together.” Trini changed her expression and smiled at Jason. “You always know what to say to cheer me up,” Trini grinned as she got closer and leaned her head on Jason’s shoulder. Jason could feel the warmth of her breath as she rested her head on top of his bony shoulder. Trini continued her affection by rubbing Jason’s left arm as they walked in the mall.

  Gradually, the couple neared a lingerie boutique. Jason couldn’t help, but to look inside as he saw the mannequin bust of women displaying the latest lingerie style. There was a particular underwear brand that caught Jason’s attention. It was a pink lace thong with a strappy front and cheeky back. The longer Jason stared, the more he imagined Trini wearing the same article of clothing. Trini suddenly broke Jason’s attention by squeezing his hand.

  “You know I have that one. It’s in black,” She added with a devilish grin.

  “Wait, a what?” Jason muttered as he was awkwardly awakened from his sexual fantasy.


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