Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters)

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Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters) Page 6

by Remy Marie

  “Drive mate! Let’s fucking go!” Mohinder shouted at Jason.

  “Wait, where is Trini?” Jason looked around at the empty parking lot and the entrance of the trail. He hoped to see her running out of the trail, but there wasn’t a soul left in the open area.

  “Shit, we’re missing Kyle too.”

  Jason looked at his friend and narrowed his brow.

  “We have to go back out there and look for them,” Jason added, looking desperately at his adopted brother. Mohinder nodded in agreement. He knew Mohinder must have known that he wouldn’t have left without Trini. He loved how brave his adopted brother was at this moment.

  “We should make our way to the downed cowboy. He had that gun, and it should be fully loaded too. He reloaded it before he was taken down. These werewolves are not like the ones in the movies. You can kill them with ordinary bullets. Simple headshot like the cowboy said.” Mohinder gasped as he took deep breaths.

  “Yeah, I thought of that as well after I saw him shoot the brown werewolf. Are you ready?” Jason asked his friend nervously. Mohinder shook his head and held the door handle.

  “Mate, wait. You have to promise me something. I’m not pissing my life away for nothing. If we find Trini alive, promise me mate, you will tell her how you feel. I’m sick of you always putting yourself down when you see her. You love Trini.”

  Jason looked confused and then thought of arguing his point on how Trini was already taken by Kyle. Mohinder must have read Jason’s mind once more and looked deep into his brother’s brown eyes.

  “And she loves you too. Everyone can tell mate. Just look at the way she smiles at you. It lights up the bloody room. If we save her, tell her how you feel. I’m sure she will feel the same way,” Mohinder said smiling. Mohinder let out a mighty roar and beat his chest hard twice.

  “Alright, let’s do this!” Mohinder yelled.

  Jason was never more proud to call Mohinder his brother at this moment. Jason nodded and gripped the door handle.

  “On three, one, two, three!” Jason shouted as he popped open the door and ran out of the car. Jason and Mohinder sprinted back in the dark woods trail towards where the gun was located.

  “Keep moving, we’re almost there!” Jason shouted back at Mohinder who was wheezing behind him.

  It was much easier to make their way back to the open area where the cowboy had been mauled. Jason noticed he was moving faster than Mohinder and yelled back at him.

  “Try to keep up!” Jason didn’t hear a reply nor did he hear Mohinder’s heavy wheezing. Jason yelled Mohinder’s name but still didn’t receive a response. Jason stopped running and turned back.

  Where is he? Jason thought as he backtracked to the other direction. Jason heard a sudden cry for help. He stopped and stood in fear. Jason fought the tears as he stared at this friend’s petrified body. Mohinder’s shirt was ripped off, and a large bloody scar was across his torso. Blood slowly rolled down his stomach as his body twitched. Mohinder’s brown eyes were wide enough to light up the night sky as they fixated on his friends. His lips quivered, but no sound left his mouth. Tears slowly ran down Jason’s cheeks as he watched his friend struggle to say his last words.

  Mohinder with tears in his eyes stared at Jason and managed to say one word “Run!” As if in slow motion, a black fur werewolf tackled Mohinder off his feet.

  Jason’s heart nearly leaped out of his body.

  Did I just watch my best friend die? His body must have been in full control while his mind was processing the prior events because Jason found himself running once more. Jason’s eyes burned as the tears blurred his vision as he sprinted towards the dead cowboy. His mind seemed to catch up to his body when he stopped running to find the gun on the body.

  I can’t believe Mohinder is dead. Right now is not the time to be fearful. You need to save Trini, Jason reminded himself as he searched the cowboys remains.

  As he searched for the gun, Jason thought that it was weird that the brown werewolf the cowboy shot, was no longer present. However, Jason reminded himself once more that he needed to remain focused, and whatever happened to the other werewolf was not his current problem. He found the black berretta underneath the cowboy’s stomach. The gun was covered in blood and Jason used his shirt to clean the weapon.

  As soon as Jason found the berretta, he heard the soft growl of the werewolf behind him. Jason pushed the gun in front of his body with his hand trembling in fear, waiting for the beast to show itself. Jason heard a scrape of a branch on his left and fired a shot in the direction of the noise. Instantly, he heard another twig break on his right and fired in the opposite direction.

  You need to wait, Jason thought to himself. You’re wasting ammo. The werewolf must remember what happened to its pack member. He is toying with you. Wait until you see the werewolf, then unload on the motherfucker.

  Jason sniffed and wiped his tears away. He placed two hands on his gun. He balanced the berretta for a better shot and took a deep breath. Just like in the movies. He got into a good shooting stance and waited. He heard shuffling in the branches beside him. He turned the gun towards the direction but did not fire a shot. Instead, he waited.

  Jason heard a loud growl and turned. The four-limbed beast in black fur leaped towards him. In midair, the beast blocked out the large moon, showing only its large mass of shaggy black fur. Jason crouched and pressed down on his trigger. Jason screamed as he fired the gun multiple times. Jason managed to fire three shots before the limp body of the werewolf landed on top of him.

  The slain werewolf smelled of blood and garbage. Jason could barely move his body as he tried to shimmy away from under the beast.

  This must weigh at least three hundred pounds. Jason finally managed to get free. Once up, Jason inspected the werewolf. The immobile animal looked peaceful. Its full body length looked to be seven feet tall. It has more human characteristics than Jason thought. Jason inspected the werewolf’s torso and hind legs and was amazed by the beast’s body size.

  Jason suddenly felt a sting on his left arm. He looked at his arm and noticed that the werewolf managed to slice his arm open.

  “Shit!” Jason whispered as he took the shirt off the cowboy next to him. Jason wrapped his arm with the cowboy’s t-shirt. He then double checked to make sure the temporary bandage was tight and was able to slow down the bleeding from his arm. Once satisfied, Jason looked back up and searched the trail in front of him.

  “Great, now what?” Jason said as he stood in the middle of the trail with the gun in his hand.

  I just need a sign. Any sign that would prove to me Trini is still alive. As Jason started to make his way further down the trail, his mind started to wonder as he didn’t know where to start looking. Trini is still out there, not to mention that the white fur werewolf is still alive. The whole crowd was making their way back to the cars on the trail over there. Jason halted his thoughts and looked back from where he came.

  However, I didn’t see any sign of Trini nor Kyle when Mohinder and I backtracked. Jason looked to his left towards the amber light of the fire that was still lit. Trini and Kyle could have managed to escape the werewolves and went to the bonfire location. It’s a good enough place to start, Jason thought as he started a light jog to the bonfire location.

  The narrow path in the woods started to open up, and the open fire and music filled the air when Jason made it to the bonfire location. Jason stopped and held up the gun in both hands. Just like the movies, Jason reminded himself as he got into proper stance as he held the gun. He slowly walked into the party landscape.

  As Jason looked around at the setting, he was somewhat depressed that he missed the party. The open space had red cups littered everywhere. Three kegs stood unused in a metal basin of ice. The DJ stand, running by the generator, played a loud country song. Jason slowly walked to the booth and unplugged it. The music stopped, and the only noise was the night sky.

  Jason gripped the gun and made it further into the open space i
n the forest. Several dead bodies lay before Jason as he searched for Trini. Each body looked to be mauled to death as Jason inspected the bodies. The bodies each had their throats bitten followed by their stomachs gashed. Jason looked deeper at the carcass and noticed that the werewolves were not eating the humans, but killing them.

  “They were killing them for sport,” Jason said softly. Jason found himself looking at a larger male body and thought about Mohinder. The body was covered in blood and beer as Jason stared into the open eyes of the lifeless partygoer. Jason shook his head and continued to make his way to the large bonfire in the center of the open air forest. He felt his legs grow weak and collapsed to his knees. Mohinder, I can’t believe he is dead. What hell am I currently in? The longer Jason stared at the dead body he felt his body shake involuntary. His air flow felt restricted as he felt as if a rock was stuck in his stomach. He began to dry heave as tears began to steadily stream from his eyes.

  They are not here. Everyone I love, gone in a single night. Jason looked around the campground to confirm his thoughts once more. I can’t find their bodies nor can I find any sign of them. I was too late. Mohinder is gone, Trini is gone. I didn’t have a chance to tell her how I felt. I should have told her, I should have. I never should have waited. I should have told her how I felt, Jason repeated as he threw a small twig in the fire. Jason thought about making his way to the car, but the thought disappeared the longer he stared at the flames. I should just wait for the white werewolf to get me next. There is no point in going now. His concentration was broken when he heard a woman scream and shouts for help followed.

  “Trini?” Jason said as he stood up. Even if it isn’t her, at least I could be the hero of the night. I could save someone. Anyone would do, just to make this nightmare to stop. Jason determined. A confident smile spread across Jason’s face as he sprinted toward the sound of the scream. He dodged underneath branches and leaped over fallen logs as he made his way to the origin of the scream. Jason continued to run until he stopped in his tracks. Once he reached his destination, he let out a sigh of relief when he looked forward.

  Chapter 9

  Once Trini saw Jason from the tree, her fears were silenced. She smiled as she looked at his face. Trini continued to smile at Jason from the tree, as she realized that her personal nightmare was over.

  “Are you okay?” Jason whispered. Trini looked down at Jason and smiled. Her smile lit up the darkness in the night as she stared at Jason. Thank god, he’s okay, but it looks like he was injured too. This night has taken so much from us.

  “I’m fine,” Trini said as she managed to climb down from the tree. When she was close enough to the ground, she leaped off from the tree. “Shit!” Trini yelled as she griped in pain as she landed on her feet. “I shouldn’t have done that.” She rubbed an open wound on her leg.

  Jason stared at the wound on Trini’s leg as he moved closer. “How’s your leg. It looks bad.”

  “It’s fine. I’m a tough chick. I’m so glad you’re okay. That werewolf in white fur found Kyle and me hiding back at the party.” Trini limped closer to Jason and used his shoulder for support to stand up.

  “It felt like slow motion when it killed Kyle. He told me to hide so he could draw the werewolf away. When it got to Kyle, it tore through his skin like tissue. His screams of pain were so frightening.” Trini turned her eyes to the ground as she stared at the ground. The memory of Kyle’s life was too heavy. Trini could feel the tears on her face as she looked back into Jason’s brown eyes. “He screamed until he died. When the werewolf’s back was turned, I managed to grasp hold of a torch. I figured that some county kid made it as a joke. Lucky for me, right? I lit it on fire and managed to hit the fucker with the torch when the werewolf tried to kill me. It must have hurt like hell, because it whimpered like a dog, then ran away. I ended up limping here to this tree. I figured that being up higher I could see if anyone else was coming and call for help. I was relieved to see you appear out of the bushes over there.” Trini smiled as she pointed towards the area Jason appeared from.

  Trini checked her surroundings, and then looked at Jason with a grim look.

  “Where’s Moh—” before Trini could finish her sentence, Jason kissed her.

  Her body was tense from the sudden kiss but relaxed once she realized the situation. Jason grabbed her curvaceous figure and brought her closer to his body as he slowly moved his tongue in her mouth. He gently massaged her tongue with his own as he kissed her deeply.

  In between kisses, Trini pushed Jason away from her mouth and looked at him. She studied his eyes and saw the lust and passion inside. She knew he wanted her, as much as she wanted him. She rubbed his check, as Jason grabbed her aggressively once more, and brought her to his plump lips. As they kissed, Trini fell into a state of bliss, as she forgot about the current danger. Strangely in Jason’s arms, she felt safe. She felt like the danger was averted.

  Trini felt her mind scream saying this isn’t the time, we need to run, but her lust was in full control as she continued to kiss Jason. She felt his manhood stiffen as he rubbed her bare shoulders. The feeling of his stiffness grace her lower body made her thighs moist. He gently kissed her soft lips and rubbed the side of her torso passionately. With every touch, Trini grew goosebumps. Jason slowly switched positions and moved his head the opposite way. Trini let out a soft moan as Jason continued to duel his tongue with hers. She savored every inch of his being as she pulled away and lighted kissed Jason’s neck. He moaned loudly from her kiss. He vehemently grabbed her face away from his neck and kissed her one last time. Trini felt lighter than air, as she continued to kiss the boy next door. Once Jason pulled away, she still felt the strong spark connection between the two Jason looked deeply into her grey eyes.

  “What was that for?” she asked, stunned and breathless.

  “I know now was not the time, but when I thought something had happened to you, I realized that I couldn’t bear to lose you. You are my everything. All I could think about was our time in the mall and in the car, and how I never took that last step to be with you. From the moment I first saw you five years ago, I knew that I loved you.”

  Trini’s heart stopped when Jason said the L word. She became breathless, and if it wasn’t for Jason holding her in his arms, she would have fallen to the ground. His words somehow healed her leg, as she no longer felt any pain. His presence alone, allowed her to feel safe. Jason pushed Trini’s dark hair behind her ear and peered deeply into her eyes. His steady gaze pierced Trini’s heart.

  “All this time, I never made my move. I had my self-doubts, I was afraid to be close to you, afraid to kiss you, afraid to love you. However, these events tonight taught me to be brave and to not be afraid anymore. That kiss sealed our bond. You are mine, and I will never let you go,” Jason confessed as he gently wiped a remaining tear from Trini’s face and stared into her eyes. Trini smiled at Jason’s confession of love. His words warmed her heart. Not once has she felt this way about anyone before as she stared into his eyes. They glowed in the limited light of the moon, as she looked into his soul.

  “Aww Jason, you are my hero, the knight in shining armor every girl dreams of. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can’t stand to lose you now because I love you too,” Trini noticed Jason’s eyes glow brighter from her confession. “You and I were made to be together.” Trini leaned forward and kissed Jason’s dark plump lips once more. Their relationship felt complete, but she still felt empty. Mohinder, Trini reminded herself.

  “Jason, where is Mohin- “Trini stopped her statement and looked into Jason’s eyes and knew the complete story.

  “No-“ Trini slowly repeated. “Not him too,” Trini’s body shook with emotions she looked into Jason’s brown eyes. “Not like this Jason, tell me Mohinder’s still alive.” Jason felt the rock in his stomach once more. His mouth grew dry as he broken down and cried once more.

  “He was mauled. We were trying to save you when he got killed.” Jason said slowly as h
e relived the memory.

  Trini whimpered as she collapsed on Jason’s shoulder crying. Trini felt Jason’s hands on her jaw as he brought her face level with his.

  “I need you to be strong Trini. Mohinder’s death will not be wasted. I made him a promise that I will save you. We are not going to stay in this forest any longer than we have to. We need to get to the car. Once there, we can let out our emotions,” Jason said as he picked up Trini’s arm over his back.

  Trini nodded, as she understood Jason’s drive to get out of Meekins forest. Jason’s right, on the fact that we need to focus. The way we honor Kyle and Mohinder’s death is by surviving the night. The duo started to make their way back to Jason’s car. Along the way, Trini could not help to stare at Jason. She smiled at his bravery until she noticed his arm.

  “You got scratched too,” Trini said looking at this wound wrapped in the blood-soaked shirt.

  “Yeah, I took one down myself,” Jason added as he took her arm and draped it over his shoulder. Jason held her waist as he helped her down the trail.

  “Like a true hero, I’m sorry about Mohinder. I know you two were close.”

  Jason gave a limited smile and continued to look in the distance; Trini could tell Mohinder’s death shook him. Losing a friend is hard to watch, Trini added as she replayed Kyle’s death in her head again.

  “I’m sorry about Kyle. It’s not right that I kissed you after he died. I know you two were still dating.”

  Trini looked at Jason once more and gave a light smile.

  “We broke up before you picked us up. That’s why I was crying when we walked out of the house. His drug addiction was too much for me to handle. Plus, there was this whole fiasco how he owed this drug dealer some money as well. It was too much. He was coming to this party to sell his remaining stash. Fucking asshole. I hate liars. What’s the point of being in a relationship if you can’t be truthful with each other?”


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