Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters)

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Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters) Page 10

by Remy Marie

  Harry, David, and Roy followed suit. The group switched from running on fours and two limbs as they made their way back to the cabin. The remaining group of four stared at each other. Without debate, all four chased after Allison and the group. Jason thought running in his werewolf form was better than as a human. He was in a state of bliss, it felt freeing as he dashed across the woods. He watched as Isabella managed to climb a tree and swing from tree to tree like a monkey. Mohinder kept up behind Jason and continuously howled the entire time. Even though they couldn’t speak, Jason knew that his friends were having a good time.

  Jason looked towards Trini. Though her facial features changed into a wolf, Jason could still see the similar gleam in her eyes. Trini’s tongue was flapping in the breeze as they ran. Trini noticed Jason’s werewolf staring and made her way over to him. As they ran side by side, Trini licked Jason’s face. Jason turned and smiled at Trini. He knew this was her way of kissing him. In response, he howled at the night sky. She joined his howl and matched his noise level.

  The group of four found their way out of the forest in record time. As the group ran, Jason felt suddenly tried. He sensed the energy instantly leave his body. His werewolf slowed down. Jason noticed that everyone else slowed down with the exception of their mentors who continued towards the cabin.

  This is strange, as he suddenly felt out of breath. Jason was breathing heavily as he noticed his body started to shrink smaller. Jason noticed that he lost his wolf snout and his nose and mouth became separated. His grey fur was no longer covering his body, and his dark skin gleaned with sweat by the stars above. Naked and exhausted, Jason laid on the grass breathing heavily. Jason could hear movement to his left. He used his new abilities and instantly recognized the smell. A smile spread across his face as he watched Trini emerge from the distance. She changed back into her human form as well. Jason couldn’t keep his eyes off her figure. Her pale skin was covered in sweat and looked like a goddess as she walked to him. The movement of her hips alone drove Jason crazy.

  She laid next to Jason and gently placed her head on his chest.

  “I still can’t get over your body,” Jason replied as he touched her soft skin. Trini moved her head slightly off Jason’s chest and looked into Jason’s eyes.

  “Yeah, neither can I,” Trini added as she looked into Jason’s eyes. Jason felt the impulse to kiss her and satisfied it. Her lips were moist with the sweat, but Jason did not care. He found his hand slipping lower to her breast. He gave it a good squeeze, then suddenly let go.

  “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t-“ Trini silenced him and placed her mouth back on his. She grabbed his left hand and placed it back on her breast. The two kissed heavily, and Jason could feel his sexual arousal grow until he heard footsteps. The two broke their embrace and smiled at each other.

  “We will continue this later,” Jason whispered to Trini. “Deal,” Trini then laid her head back on Jason’s chest.

  Mohinder and Isabella were next to find the couple. Jason noted that both were no longer ashamed of their bodies as they laid next to the couple and regained their breath as well.

  “What a rush!” Mohinder said, looking at the group.

  “I’ve never felt more alive,” Trini included, smiling at the group.

  “Yeah, that was some workout,” Isabella added as she played with the grass next to her.

  “Who is too exhausted to walk?” Jason asked the group. All of them raised their hands in unison. The group noticed at everyone’s hand was raised and laughed at each other.

  “Still thinking of leaving Isabella?” Trini asked.

  “Are you kidding me, I wouldn’t trade this for the world. While I’m going to miss mi familia, I understand now why this needs to be kept a secret. A few minutes later, Allison found the group lying on top of each other in a semi-circle. Allison also turned back into her human shape; however, she didn’t look at tired as rest of the group.

  “Alright pups, how was your first turn?” Allison asked with her hands on her hips.

  “Exhausting,” Trini blurted out.

  “Yeah, what’s going on here? We turn, but we can only be in our forms for only a few minutes,” Mohinder questioned.

  “Plus you don’t look nearly as tired as we do,” Isabella chimed as she sat up from laying down Mohinder’s large belly.

  “That’s because I’ve been training for over fifty-seven years. Turning into a wolf is a lot like holding your breath underwater. Without training, a wolf could hold his shape for minutes, but with training and meditation, a wolf could hold its form for hours maybe even days with enough meditation. My best time was five hours. I’ve seldom seen anyone last longer than a day though. Greg’s wolf can sustain for eight hours. The best way to explain it is it is like swimming. Once you come up for air, you change back to human. After a recharge for a few moments, you should be able to change back again. The only time you can sustain your form full time is if a full moon is out. Alright, who is ready for round two?” Allison said with a smile.

  The group got up from their comfortable positions and looked at Allison.

  “Are Harry and the others going to scare us again?” Trini asked.

  “Nope, that was just to unlock your abilities. By focusing, you can be able to change into whatever your emotional state is. For instance, I can feel arousal by kissing Isabella over here,” Allison walked over to Isabella and gave her a sensual kiss. Isabella’s face and body went red after the kiss Allison gave her. Allison smiled and winked at Isabella. “Now with that said, I’ll race y’all to the cabin!”

  Allison then took off on a swift run, and then leaped high in the air. She transformed with a howl and landed on her two hind legs as a werewolf. She looked back as a wolf, then sprinted towards the cabin.

  “Hell, what are we waiting for?” Mohinder asked as he narrowed his brow to focus. Within seconds, Mohinder’s wolf howled, and he was off running. The trio followed suit changing into their wolf forms as well. Jason found that changing a second time was not as painful as the first time. Jason noticed it felt more natural, more fluid as he transformed. The group of four chased each other back to the cabin, howling at the empty night sky as they ran.

  Chapter 14

  When the group of four arrived at the cabin, Allison was already there fully dressed, and had a beer in her hand. “You guys are slow,” Allison grinned as she sipped her lager.

  “Go easy on them, Allison,” Roy said as he appeared out of the cabin carrying a cooler of beer. “Allison is the fastest werewolf I’ve ever seen. No one could ever catch her. She bolted here on the double because she knew that we were throwing a cookout for your awakening.”

  “Wait, there’s a party?” Mohinder asked.

  “Yeah, we always have one for someone’s awakening, it’s a big deal. Y’all can wear your birthday suit if you want or you can get ready in the cabin. I wouldn’t take my time though. Greg is just about finished grilling the fresh venison he caught today. You have not lived until you tried it,” Roy said as he placed the large blue cooler on his shoulder effortlessly.

  “I’m so hungry right now. I may just go in my birthday suit,” Isabella said as she started to walk towards the location of the party.

  Allison took a sip of beer and stared at Isabella’s rear. “While I would enjoy looking at that ass all night, might I suggest you get some clothes on? We have some non-wolf folk here, and they don’t particularly like the full nude the entire time. So just go upstairs and throw some clothes on. Then you can come around back. I’ll bite someone’s leg if there isn’t any food left for your pups. Trust me,” Allison said as she winked at Isabella.

  Isabella returned a flirtatious smile at Allison, then turned and walked into the house. Mohinder, Trini, and Jason followed suit, entering the house as well. As Allison walked way towards the party, Mohinder turned to his friends.

  “Is it me or are Isabella and Allison flirting? Do you think they might be lesbians?” Mohinder whispered. Jason smiled at
his friend.

  “I’m not sure, but just to remind you. We do have incredible hearing abilities now. I think Isabella and Allison heard you,” Jason replied. Allison’s voice filled the air on cue.

  “Yeah, I like women, got a problem with that?”

  Mohinder looked at the group embarrassed. “No I don’t, just curious.”

  “A curious pup is a dead pup,” Allison replied with a deeper tone. Mohinder looked at the group with a worried expression. “I’m pulling your chain. Get dressed! Come and get drunk with me!” Allison said in her usual upbeat tone.

  “I am not going to get used to that,” Trini said as she held the door open for Jason and Mohinder.

  Jason walked back into the room he woke up in and looked around in the dresser near his bed for a new set of clothes. Remembering he left his clothes in the woods, Jason cursed underneath his breath as he compared clothes to his body, realizing that each piece was larger than his body. The closest item he found was a red dress shirt that was two sizes bigger and tan khakis. Jason cursed once more as he had to roll up his pants. Jason realized that the group would have to plan a shopping trip soon.

  At least the shoes fit, Jason thought as he finished lacing the shoes up. Once Jason finished dressing, he heard a knock on his door. Jason walked over to the door, and Mohinder stood there smiling at him. Jason noticed that Mohinder must have had a hard time finding clothes as well. The blue dress shirt that he wore looked two sizes smaller and his white shorts were past his knees showing his brown upper thighs.

  “Hey mate, did you have a second to talk?” Mohinder asked with a smile on his face.

  “Yeah sure, is it about your time travel to the 70s for those short shorts?” Jason joked. Mohinder looked down at what he was wearing and then smiled at his friend. Mohinder proceeded to punch Jason hard in the shoulder.

  “Wanker!” he shouted. Jason rubbed his shoulder from where his friend punched him.

  “Ouch, you have gotten stronger.” Jason walked back to his bed to sit and tender his wound.

  “Yeah, I’ve noticed that as well,” Mohinder replied as he sat on the bed. “Sorry about punching you so hard. Impulse, I guess.”

  “It’s fine. What did you want to talk to me about?”

  “I just wanted to say that I like it here. At first, I was hesitant, you know because of my past.”

  Jason nodded at Mohinder’s statement, thinking about what we had gone through with his parents, then going through multiple foster homes.

  “Over the years, I’ve been a very good judge when it comes to someone’s character. This lot, they’re good people, and what I wanted to say is, that I want to stay here and live with them.” Jason nodded.

  “I agree, I like them too. I’m glad you made it out alive that night. Trini and I were upset when we thought you died. You are one tough motherfucker, and that eye of yours’ make you look like a badass.” Jason said as he looked at Mohinder’s pearl white eye. Mohinder smiled in agreement with Jason statements.

  “I guess I am. I don’t think my eye would grow back like Allison thought. That bastard slashed my eye pretty good, and if werewolf scars don’t heal, I am going to look like this for the rest of my life. At least I look like a badass.”

  “Yeah man, I love you brother.” Jason finished his statement by giving Mohinder a hug.

  “I love you too, mate,” Mohinder added as he received the hug from his adopted brother. Jason’s room was silent until their moment was interrupted by Trini standing in the doorway. She was holding a beer and smiled at the adopted brothers. She was wearing a white tank top and black jeans.

  “No please, go on. Don’t let me interrupt. You two are so cute,” Trini grinned. Jason produced a smile as he looked at Trini.

  “Shut up, Trini, and get your ass over here. You know you want a hug too.”

  “You know I do,” Trini said as she leaped onto Jason’s bed. The trio laughed as Trini jumped in between them. There was another knock at the door, and it was Isabella standing in the doorway.

  “Hey guys, stop fooling around. Let’s party!” The trio laughed as one, and they all got up to follow Isabella downstairs to their awakening party.

  The foursome walked out into the backyard and saw a large crowd of partygoers behind Greg’s cabin. In front of them was a large bonfire with a dozen people either singing or eating around the fire. In the corner of the backyard patio, was Greg grilling the venison he caught earlier that day. He was drinking a beer and talking to Roy. Jason believed that Roy must have told Greg a funny joke as Jason watched Greg laugh nonstop for a few moments.

  The party came to a standstill when the foursome walked out of the house. Everyone’s attention was halted as they stared at the group walking outside of the cabin. Suddenly, the crowd erupted in cheers and applause for the foursome.

  “Congratulations!” the crowd sang. “Welcome to the pack of East Alocenia!”

  Mohinder smiled at Jason and Trini and walked forward with his arms spread out wide as he accepted the love from the crowd. Mohinder high-fived multiple people as he made his way closer to the bonfire. Isabella spotted Allison on a bench talking to an older gentleman, and she left Jason and Trini to meet her. Halfway to her destination, Isabella turned and looked back at Jason and Trini.

  “Enjoy the party you two,” she said as she took another sip of her beer. Isabella politely tapped Allison on the shoulder and then kissed her. The two laughed and then walked away together. Standing alone, Jason smiled at Trini.

  “Did you want to get some food?” Jason asked.

  “Yes, I’m starving,” Trini replied.

  “It looks like there is a buffet line over there.” Jason grinned and grabbed Trini’s hand.

  “Come on.” The two walked hand and hand to the dinner table. The line at the buffet was five people long as the two waited for a chance to get food. An older male in his upper thirties turned around. He had a green camo t-shirt with a deer behind an American flag and camo pants. He smiled at the couple when he saw the two holding hands.

  “How y’all doing? I’m Dennis Murphy.” the gentleman said in a thick southern voice. “Y’all might not remember me but-“

  “You were at the old sawmill the night we got attacked,” Trini interrupted. Dennis laughed to himself and nodded at Trini’s answer.

  “You are correct ma’am, but, first and formost, welcome to our pack. In front of me, is my husband Walker Murphy. Walker, have you met Jason and Trini yet?” A male with salt and peppered hair stuck his head out from behind the large figure of Dennis. The male was in his upper forties, and he wore a forest green button down long sleeve shirt. The cuffs on his shirt were neatly folded to his upper forearms and wore blue jeans.

  “Oh hey y’all,” Walker said as he waved to the couple. Walker turned around and paid attention to the food in front of him. Dennis shook his head and laughed to himself once more.

  “Don’t mind him, he’s a bit shy. Plus he’s human too, so he gets a bit intimidated by us wolf folk.”

  “Wait, he is a human? He’s not a werewolf? Didn’t Greg say that we are a hidden race?” Trini asked Dennis as she handed a plate to Jason.

  “Trini, remember what Roy said? There are humans at this party,” Jason added as he looked at the food.

  I wish Trini and Dennis would stop talking and move this line, Jason thought as he looked at the multiple bowls of food lying on the table.

  “Walker and I have been together since 1998. When we met, we were both in our upper twenties. However, over time I didn’t age, and Walker did,” Dennis explained.

  “Bastard,” Walked added as helped himself to potato salad.

  “Don’t you even start, you know you like dating younger men. Well technically, I’m older than him. I am two hundred and twenty-four years old. I am a pure breed, like Greg.”

  “I still haven’t gotten used to that,” Walker added to the conversation as he used the tongs and grabbed grilled corn from a basket. Jason felt relief when
Dennis started to added food to his own plate. After his first scoop of strawberries, Dennis went in for another scoop, but Allison appeared out of shadows, laughing with Isabella attached to her hip.

  “Don’t you dare get more strawberries; they are out of season, and Greg brought those for me.” Allison turned her attention to Jason and Trini. “Y’all are more than welcome to have some. Isabella, you can have seconds, or we could get a to-go bag.” Isabella giggled loudly at Allison’s comments. Jason wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone new; he wanted to get some food. Jason was excited to try Greg’s grilled venison plus some macaroni and cheese.

  “Are you two drunk?” Trini asked the two with a smile on her face. Trini was unaware that Jason skipped her in the line as she was more interested in Allison and Isabella’s sudden relationship.

  “Yeah, what of it? Allison gave me some special moonshine that would get us drunk, and let’s just say it works,” Isabella grinned as they waited for the line to move.

  “I thought with the dexterity of our bodies, we wouldn’t feel the normal effects of alcohol,” Jason asked as he scooped banana pudding onto his plate.

  “Not exactly,” Allison answered. “Normal store purchased alcohol like beer, wine, and some mixed drinks won’t do the trick, unless you plan on drinking a lot. However, the moonshine we make here is one hundred proof. The taste is bad, but it would get the job done.”

  “Yeah, I can tell that it has done an amazing job,” Jason added as he looked at the couple with a full plate of food in his hands. “Have a good night guys.”

  “You too,” Allison smirked as she walked away with her hand on Isabella’s rear. Trini finished dressing her plate, and Jason and Trini walked towards the bonfire.

  “They are definitely hooking up tonight,” Trini whispered to Jason. Jason laughed hard at Trini’s comments.

  “Yeah, they are,” Jason chuckled as he looked back once more to see the couple giggling and kissing. Jason and Trini sat next to Walker and his husband. Dennis was busy talking to Roy who was laughing uncontrollably. Walker was silent, as he ate his food and stared at the fire in front of him.


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