Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters)

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Jason's Awakening (Moonhunters) Page 17

by Remy Marie

  “It’s her SUV, alright. Why would anyone in this town be stupid to steal a car from us? Roy said he turned on his flashlight to approach the vehicle. As Greg walked closer, he stopped suddenly and laughed to himself as he pulled out a new cigar. Roy stopped his approach and looked back at Greg. “What’s so funny?”

  “You don’t smell who’s in there?” Greg asked.

  “How can I? Every shift that I work with you, my nostrils are filled with smoke. I can never smell a damn thing,” Roy complained.

  “Is it Allison and Isabella?” Roy asked as he continued his approach. “It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if it-“Roy stopped his sentence after he opened the hood of the SUV. A smile appeared on Roy’s face as he looked at Jason and Trini. “Well, I will be,” Roy laughed.

  “How you doing sheriff,” Jason asked as Trini still couched on top of him.

  “Jason, Trini. Having some dessert I see,” Roy replied.

  “Yeah, something like that,” Trini replied as all four began to laugh at their awkward situation.

  Chapter 22

  You could have saved me, whore, why didn’t you fight for me?” Kyle growled as he paced back and forth in the dream landscape of Meekins Forest. His face was still covered in blood as he stared at Trini. “You had time to save me, but instead you ran way into his arms.”

  “Like I said, Kyle, she was a cunt. A whore who doesn’t deserve to live,” Drew added as he appeared from the shadows.

  “You two leave now, I know this is just a dream,” Trini responded with her eyes narrowed.

  “You hear that Kyle, the bitch thinks that this is just a dream. Should we show her the presents we have for her?” Drew asked with a devilish grin.

  “Yes, she deserves to see what we brought for her. Perhaps after we deal with them, she would not believe this is a dream. Who do we think we should torture first?”

  “Let’s do the parents. Just like as an appetizer before the main course,” Drew said as he disappeared back in the shadows.

  “I swear to God, if you hurt them. I’m going to wolf up and kill both of you,” Trini growled. Kyle laughed at Trini’s remarks.

  “I thought with the last time we met, you would have known. This is our domain. You have no power here. Trini took a deep breath and tried to transform, but realized that Kyle was correct.

  “Well look what we have here, Trini,” Drew said as he pulled out her parents. They were both tied down by a rope in a wooden chair. Their mouths were gagged by cloth. Both of her parents had a worried expression as they stared at their daughter. “It took us a while to find them, but when we did. Oh baby, was it special. They squealed like pigs in a slaughterhouse,” Drew said as he placed the chairs in front of Trini. Drew proceeded to take out a large bowie knife. He slowly danced the blade around Susan’s face while smiling at Trini.

  “Please, don’t hurt them,” Trini responded with fear.

  “Please, don’t hurt them,” Kyle responded in a sarcastic manner. “Oh Trini, sweetie you’re going to have to beg harder than that.” Kyle took his hands and snapped Trini’s father neck. Trini’s father’s body fell limp from the sudden attack.

  “You bastard,” Trini shouted. Trini charged to attack Kyle and Drew but was held by an invisible force. She was unable to move from the spot she stood in. Trini banged on the invisible wall, trying to get her mother’s attention. Tears filled Trini’s eyes as she looked at her defenseless mother. Drew walked behind Trini’s mother and ran his fingers through her hair. He then proceeded to remove the gag from her mouth. Once it was removed, Susan shouted towards her daughter, “Trini run, get out of here!”

  “Shut up, bitch!” Drew yelled as he slapped Susan across the face. The force of the impact knocked Susan unconscious.

  “Fuck you, Drew!” Trini growled. Trini could feel the fear leaving her body, and only felt rage.

  Drew lifted up Susan’s unconscious face and inspected it. The more he looked at it, the larger his lust grew. “Trini, she looks just like you. If I can’t have you, perhaps I could just have your mother. I’ve always been a fan of older women; they always know how to treat a man right. And you’re mother is defiantly a milf, nice second place trophy to the real thing.”

  “You touch her, you die!” Trini shouted. “If you were anything close to a man, you let me out of this invisible box, and we will settle this once and for all.” Drew did not take the bait as he glared at Trini. His brown eyes never left Trini’s gaze as he slowly bent down and kissed Trini’s mother. Trini clenched her hands into fists as she watched Drew assault her mother’s mouth. Trini went ballistic when Drew forced his tongue into her mouth.

  “Get your fucking hands off her. I swear, I’m going to kill you.” Drew ignored Trini’s remarks as he continued to kiss her mother. Drew halted his kiss with Susan and wiped his lips with a childish grin on his face.

  “Does your mom not know what a mint is? That cunt tasted like blood and coffee. Fucking whore needs to brush her teeth,” Drew laughed uncontrollably as he took the Bowie knife in his hands and silt Susan’s throat. Trini kicked and screamed as she watched the life draw from her body. With each kill, they felt personal and realistic. Trini pinched herself to wake up but had no satisfying results.

  Why can’t I wake up, I know this is a dream.

  “Oh Trini, baby. You know this is our domain. Anything you think, say, or do, we have already seen. This is your hell. Two down, one more to go. Isn’t this fun Trini?” Kyle asked as he disappeared into the blackness. A few moments later, Kyle returned with Jason. He was in the similar position to her parents as his face was gaged and he was bounded to the wooden chair. His face was bloodied and bruised. Jason’s left eye was puffy and shut closed, and his lower lip was busted open as well.

  Kyle threw Jason out in front of Trini, and his chair landed sideways. Drew propped up Jason, and gave him a good punch to the jaw. “Oh, this one’s will is stronger than the others,” Drew said as he inspected Jason.

  “Move,” Kyle said as he aggressively shoved Drew out of his way.

  “Trini, this is the man you decided to spread your legs for,” Kyle said as she inspected Jason’s face and body. “He’s cute, I guess. Then again, I don’t know what you women look for in a man. You used to be head over heels for me once. Our relationship started off just like this, the endless sex, the romantic gestures, and so on. It was like a fucking rom-com. It was Trini and Kyle taking over the world. Then it stopped. Do you want to know why it stopped? Because of you Trini, you’re cursed. All of your relationships, including this one, will end in pain. Just like ours did. You see, I’m doing you a favor right now. This relationship between you and Jason it’s not going to last. I’m going to kill Jason right here, and let you watch, and I know you are going to fight for him. Oh, baby, I know you will. Classic Trini Davos to the rescue, but let me ask you a question. Where was that spark when I got mauled? You don’t need to say anything, I know the answer. Because you didn’t love me!”

  Trini was choked up as she looked at Kyle. “Kyle, that’s not true. Please just leave Jason out of this. Take me instead,” she cried.

  Kyle raised his voice louder as he yelled at Trini, “You’re not learning your lesson! Why should I let him go? Let you two walk free. Trini, you’re cursed. This is for you, can’t you see? I love you, and I don’t want this asshole to destroy you.”

  “Kyle, if you loved me, you would not do this,” Trini cried.

  Kyle halted his actions and looked at Trini. His blue eyes stared at her for a second, until he shook his head in a negative manner. “No, no. You deserve this, as I said before, I am doing you a favor. Say your last words, Jason,” Kyle said as he lifted up the gag off Jason’s face.

  “Trini! Run, get out of here!” Jason shouted. The fear in his voice shook Trini’s bones to the core as she stared at her boyfriend.

  “No, I’m not leaving you! I’m going to get you out of here, and then we are going to leave together!” Trini shouted as she resume
d trying to break free of her barrier.

  “It’s no use Trini, they’ve trapped us here,” Jason shouted. Kyle slowly walked behind Jason’s body and grabbed his upper head and chin. “Trini, look at me; know that I will always love you. I love-” Kyle ceased Jason’s last words as he snapped his neck.

  “Jason!” Trini screamed as she witnessed Kyle twist Jason’s spine. Jason fell lifeless in his chair. At the site of Jason’s dead body, Trini collapsed on the floor crying. She was unable to move or walk. She looked back at Kyle with tears in her face. “Kill me too,” Trini shouted defeated.

  “I’m sorry? Did you just ask me to kill you? Are you giving up after three deaths? Did I break the brave Trini Davos that easily?” Kyle said as he walked forward. He crouched down in front of Trini and lifted up her head. “You haven’t been paying attention, have you?” Kyle’s voice said. However, the body was not Kyle’s when Trini looked up. Instead, Trini was looking at a reflection of herself. Trini created an expression of confusion.

  “What-“Trini began to say before her mirror image placed a finger on top of her mouth.

  “I’m doing the talking now. You see that man?” her mirror image asked as she pointed to Drew. Drew was still standing over Susan, fondling her hair. “That man, unlike Kyle, is still alive. He is out there searching for our parents, this was simply a lesson, a glimpse of things to come. You need to stop him, Trini. Stop him by any means necessary. Remember you still owe him.” The mirror image whispered in her ear. The mirror image of Trini disappeared in the night sky as only Drew and Trini remained in the dream.

  Drew stopped fondling Susan’s hair and gave Trini a wicked glare at. “That bitch is gone, I can do what I want to you now,” Drew grinned mischievously as he got up and walked towards Trini. “Oh, how I wanted this to happen for so long, Trini. Your mom was simply not enough for me. I want the real thing. I know you’re going to put up a fight though. That said, I’m going to just get the hard part out of the way.” Drew lifted up his blade and slashed it towards Trini’s throat. Trini felt the blade pierce through her throat as she gagged on her own blood.

  Trini woke up in her shared room with Jason in a state of shock. Her body was trembling, and she had a cold sweat. Her hand was on her throat, but there was no blood. She looked to her left and saw Jason sleeping. Trini lay back down and looked into Jason’s soft eyes as he slept.

  It was just a dream, Trini told herself. But it felt so real, why couldn’t I wake up during it. Trini thought as she stared at the ceiling in their room. Trini felt tried, but couldn’t go back to sleep. As she stared at the ceiling fan, the same phrase still replayed in her mind, you still owe him.

  Chapter 23

  Are you sure, you do don’t want to come out with us this full moon, conejita? Mohinder, Jason and I are planning on running up to the beach,” Isabella asked. “It could be nice to take a moonlight swim.”

  “No, it’s fine, “Trini said as she continued to fold her clothes on top of her bed. It’s a lie, it breaks my heart to lie to Bella especially since we are so close now. There is some place I just have to check out. The dream, it felt so damn real. Not to mention, Drew is still out there. It doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots where my parents live. God, I hope I’m not too late. I wish I could get the rest of the pack involved, but I don’t want to put them in harm’s way.

  “I’m just going to stay in and watch a movie.” Isabella gave a confused look at Trini.

  “Trini, your body is full of bruises that are slowly healing. If you’re wolfed up, I’m sure a lot of those bruises would go away.”

  “I’m fine Bella, seriously. Go enjoy the beach.” Isabella looked at Trini’s grey eyes and searched for the truth. Trini’s friend shook her head, showing her disapproval of the answer.

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Seriously, I’m fine. Stop giving me that look.” Isabella's eyes stayed on her friend as she walked out of the room. Trini could tell that she was bothered by his actions. Later, Trini heard the loud howls of the werewolves as they hunted out in the moon. She walked to the window and watched as they scattered across the grassy plain. Trini sighed and sulked back to the closet. She brought out a pair of black sweats with Meekins Police written across the chest. She turned the sweatshirt inside out and placed it on, along with her sweatpants. Underneath a pile of shirts, Trini moved a black ski-mask she stole from the police locker as well. Trini stared at the ski mask deep in thought when she was interrupted by Jason.

  “Hey, are you thinking of knocking over a convenience store, babe? I’m down.” Jason asked with a grin. Trini jumped at Jason’s approach.

  “Shit, Jason, I didn’t hear you. Why the hell are you sneaking up on me? Why didn’t you go to the beach?”

  “Sorry, force of habit. As for why I’m still here, Isabella told me that you wanted to say here and watch TV. I thought it would be a perfect time for me and you to fool around.”

  “Jason, life isn’t always about sex,” Trini growled as she placed the ski mask in her pocket and walked away.

  “Hey, listen. Don’t you lock up on me? I was kidding about the fooling around part. Look at me, I love you. If you have a problem, then it's my problem, tell me how to help you,” Jason said as she grabbed Trini’s arm and looked into her eyes. He gently pulled her towards him and kissed her. Once he was done, he still held her chin as he looked into her eyes. Trini could feel the blush on her face as she looked into his dark eyes.

  I’ve been with him for two months, and he still makes me blush like a girl on a first date. God, he smooth as fuck.

  Trini sighed and vented to Jason, “Over the last month, I’ve had the same dream. It can be in a different location, but my parents are murdered by the same person every time. His name is Drew, I don’t know his last name. I didn’t bother. He was a drug dealer that my ex used to buy drugs from. The last time I saw him, he roughed us up pretty bad and nearly kill Kyle. I stopped him, but before he left, he mentioned that we still owed him. I’ve been haunted by that phrase, ‘You owe me.' I’m worried about my parents because I think Drew could have traced my information in Kyle’s house back to my parents. I know we're not supposed to talk to our loved ones in our past life, but I can’t sit idle and let my parents die because of something stupid I’ve done in the past. I have to go check on them.”

  Jason nodded at Trini’s message his eyes were steady the entire time as he stared at her, “Do you have another set of sweats?”

  “What?” Trini asked confused.

  “I’m going with you; I can’t let you go alone.”

  “This is dangerous, Drew is a scum bag. He’s going to be armed, and we can’t wolf up to protect ourselves.

  “Trini, if you decided to fight the devil and God himself, I would back you one hundred percent. Let’s go.”

  Trini and Jason stopped just outside the woods of Trini’s family trailer park. As Trini stared at the sky blue doublewide trailer memories of her childhood filled her head. She remembered the multiple Thanksgivings watching football on their small tube TV. Her mother would make dinner and they would always feast on the couch. They solemnly used the dinner table, due to the fact it was always piled with bills. She remembered the fights she used to have with her Mom and Dad about her choice of clothing. After the fight, she would always run back to her small bedroom. It wasn’t much, but she made the most of the space. It was filled with Kingdom Heart, Powerpuff Girls, and Marvel memorabilia. Last time she walked in her room, her parents still kept her room exactly how she left it when she decided to move in with Kyle. Trini hated living on top of her parents and found it annoying, especially learning how to use one bathroom, but in the end, Trini knew that she wouldn’t trade those memories for anything.

  The trees hid the two werewolves in the moonlight as they quietly watched the complex. The doublewide had its light on and in the window was a silhouette of woman washing dishes. Jason sniffed the air and smiled.

  “I smell two people, one
smells of tobacco, and the other cinnamon. There’s a baseball game that’s on the TV as well.”

  “That’s my parents,” Trini said, relaxed. “My dad is still using chewing tobacco. Fucking idiot. My mom and I keep telling him to stop, but does he listen? Nope,” Trini said with a smile on her face.

  “You’re smiling about your dad’s bad habit?”

  “Nope, it’s not that. I’m happy that they were able to move on without me.”

  “I’m happy for you as well, babe. It looks like your parents are safe. Did you want to head back into town? Search for Drew?”

  “Yeah, wait do you hear that?” Trini asked. Jason paused and focused as she lifted his ear to the sky.

  “Yeah, it’s heavy rap music coming from a large vehicle. Possibly a truck or SUV. I can smell drugs in the car too.”

  “That’s Drew.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Trust me, I know that creep.” Trini watched as Drew’s SUV pulled up and parked outside her house. Drew, along with two other enforcers hopped out of the vehicle and walked into Trini’s family trailer as if they owned the place. “Bastard!” Trini whispered as she began to walk forward. Jason grabbed Trini’s hand and pulled her backward.

  “Not yet Trini. We don’t know what’s going on. We don’t want to bust in there unless it’s necessary. I agreed to come with you, but let’s be smart first.” Trini stared at Jason as if he slapped her hard across the face. She walked back to Jason but did not say a word to him as she narrowed her eyes and stared at the trailer. After focusing, Trini was able to listen to the conversation.

  “Drew, you’re early!” Susan exclaimed.

  “Yeah, what of it, I was bored. I came to collect for the week.”

  Trini clenched her fist the moment she heard Drew’s voice. She was unaware of the soft growl she emitted as she listened to her parents’ home.


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