London Calling

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London Calling Page 8

by Karen Booth

  He rolled his head back against hers, his free arm reaching behind him to draw her closer. His cock throbbed in response to the attention of two eager sets of fingers. Jenna ran her other hand up his chest, her hips rocking against his ass, her breath hot against his back.

  Tim’s breathing was ragged. The sensations tearing through his body were too much. He needed to kiss her. He craned his neck, searching for her lips, and she released her grip on him. Her mouth answered his hungrily as their tongues chased each other.

  Jenna backed up and seated herself on the curved edge of the clawfoot tub. She rested her head against the thick towels hanging above. She broke the kiss, raking her hands down Tim’s chest until she cupped them around his balls. His cock was nearly purple, pulsing with desire. She wasted no time slipping him between her full, luscious lips.

  Tim’s breath was knocked from his lungs. He gripped the towel rack before him, feeling the plush cloth give beneath his fingers. Jenna’s hands massaged between his legs as her tongue worked its magic up and down his length. She licked and teased him, alternately stroking as clouds of steam rose around them. Her cheeks drew in as she increased her suction, coaxing every ounce of his energy up through his swollen shaft. She gave one final suck and he felt himself giving way, bursting inside her hot, wet mouth.

  The moan that tore out of him echoed across the tile of the room. It seemed like an eternity before the shuddering pulsations subsided. He slipped out from between her lips and lowered himself to his knees, the hot spray beating against his back. Jenna was coated in beads of water, her skin shimmering. He kissed her, hard, his fingers weaving through the thick, wet plaits of her hair. His briny taste on her tongue made him crave her sweetness.

  He spread her legs wide, kissing his way past her breasts, pausing just long enough to flick his tongue over each taut nipple. He licked his way lower, his fingers already making teasing passes up and down the length of her slippery opening. The sight of her bared before him, waiting for his kiss, was more than he could stand.

  The look on Tim’s face was blissful, causing Jenna’s mind to swirl with intoxicating thoughts of what he might have in store for her. He began to move beyond her breasts with his mouth, lower, as the hot water sprayed past his shoulders. She raised one of her legs to rest it on the lip of the tub, her heart thumping wildly with anticipation. The air of the bathroom was thick and billowy, the temperature rising steadily, or maybe it was his effect on her.

  “Your skin is so beautiful,” he said as he skimmed his lips over the innermost part of her thigh. She’d been thinking the same thing about him as she watched the water bead on the strong contours of his arms. He spread the folds between her legs, flicking his tongue at her clit before he closed in and began to suck. Her head knocked back as she was plunged into a deep euphoria.

  Jenna tilted her pelvis and steadied herself with one hand woven into his dripping hair. Her leg muscles intermittently went weak while he licked and sucked, every motion heavenly and unforgettable. He slipped a finger inside her, and then a second. He twisted them with long strokes, artfully circling with his tongue before he skimmed his mouth lower.

  Her breath hitched in her chest as he replaced his fingers with his tongue. He slid in and out of her, sucking her swollen skin. The pressure rose in her at an astonishing rate. She dropped her head to the side, in awe as she watched the moves he made against her body. The visual was smoking hot, but came in flashes as her eyelids fluttered involuntarily. She thought she might faint. Every stroke took her higher when she was already about to tumble over the edge.

  He returned with his mouth to where he’d started, working with delicate flickers of his tongue. Despite the hot spray of the shower, the moisture of his mouth, the dense humidity of the room, she knew she was dripping wet—she could feel it as his fingers began to glide inside her again.

  “Oh God,” she murmured as he drove more forcefully, gently curling his fingertips to reach the most sensitive spot deep inside her. She sank back against the damp towels hanging from the bar above her. His craving mouth pushed her to surrender in crests so strong that her thighs quaked against the sides of his head. Her cry of release was impossible to quiet.

  He kissed her stomach and she wrapped her hands around his jaw, wanting his warm lips against hers.

  “I take it you liked that,” he said.

  “No one has ever made me feel like that. Ever.” She kissed him deeply.

  His eyes twinkled a vivid green as he grinned an electric smile. “Brilliant. Can’t wait to tell my mum I’m finally good at something.” He reached for the shampoo and Jenna swatted his butt, allowing her hand to linger. Tim began to work the lather into his scalp with both hands, looking at her while the water rolled over the ridges of his collarbone. “Excuse me while I finish bathing. Someone very rudely interrupted my shower.” He leaned back into the spray and turned his head to rinse his hair.

  “I was merely trying to help. You clearly had your hands full before I arrived.”

  He chuckled and leaned down to kiss her. “I hate the fact that I have to go to work right now, but I’m going to be late.”

  “It’s okay.” She reached past him and shut off the water. “Five more minutes and the paint is going to start peeling off the walls.”

  * * * * *

  Jenna was thankful for the especially hectic lunch rush that day. It helped keep her mind off missing Tim. Every moment away from him felt wasted. She worked the espresso machine and manned the register with her hands flying while Natalie cooked in the back and Charlie shuttled orders to waiting customers. When things slowed down, she realized just how exhausted she was.

  “We killed it today,” Natalie said, emerging from the kitchen with an apron that was a complete mess of spills and splatters. Her spiky blonde hair was unusually frizzy. She grasped the stack of lunch tickets next to the register. “We haven’t done this kind of business at lunch in months.”

  Jenna looked over her shoulder. “No wonder I’m so tired.”

  “I thought Tim was the reason for that.” Natalie elbowed Jenna in the ribs and turned. Her eyes narrowed. “Are you feeling okay? You look like hell.”

  Jenna grinned sheepishly and pulled a rag from the pocket of her apron. “I’m fine. Maybe I’m not getting enough sleep.” She wiped the counter in lazy circles as her mind floated back to the dreamy early-morning shower with Tim. Not that I want more sleep if it means giving up more of that. She could still feel his hands and mouth all over her, not to mention the orgasm that blew her mind.

  Natalie pressed the back of her hand to Jenna’s forehead. “You’re burning up.”

  “I am?” She pressed a palm against her clammy cheek before grasping her throat, which she now realized had a slight tickle. A headache was rumbling behind her eyes. “Shit. I’m getting sick.”

  Chapter Six

  The recording session was going incredibly well, each take getting tighter. They took a quick break before the last round and Tim called Jenna to see if she wanted to come have a listen. He wanted to show off, plus he wanted to see her as soon as possible.

  Her voice sounded odd when she answered her phone and for a second he thought he’d called the wrong number. “We’re about to start the last set, do you want to pop by?”

  She coughed. “I wish I could, but I’m sick. I left work early. I feel awful.”

  Tim could hear the fatigue in her voice. “I’m sorry. What can I do?”

  “Nothing. I’ll be fine.” She coughed again.

  “I’ll stop by when we wrap up, it shouldn’t be much longer.”

  “No, I don’t want you to catch this. Plus I look like something the cat dragged in.”

  “I’ll take my chances.” He hung up before she had a chance to argue. His mind was already compiling a list of what he could bring to make her feel better.

  As soon as they were done for the day, he hopped a subway and headed to Jenna’s. He made a stop at Duane Reade, trolling the cold care aisle,
wishing he were familiar with American brands. He grabbed a few items he recognized from TV commercials and two DVDs, then stopped at The Bagel Nosh to get bagels, chicken noodle soup and two black-and-white cookies.

  He rang Jenna’s buzzer. She answered and he could hear her roommate’s music blaring in the background. “It’s Tim.”

  “What? Rachel, can you turn that down? I can’t even hear who’s at the door. Hello?”

  “It’s Tim.”

  “I told you you didn’t have to come over. Rachel, please, turn it down.”

  So stubborn. Tim buzzed again and after a moment the door clicked unlocked.

  He trotted up the stairs to find Jenna peeking out of her door. She smoothed her hand over her hair, looking embarrassed. “Don’t look at me, I’m a mess.”

  Her eyes were puffy, nose slightly red, but he thought she looked adorable. “I brought you some stuff to make you feel better. Can I at least come in to give it to you?”

  Jenna scowled but opened the door. The music, discordant and screechy, grew even louder. Jenna rubbed her forehead. “Sorry. She’s making me nuts.”

  “I can imagine.” He set the bags down on the nearby desk and strode into the living room. Rachel and two of her friends were doing their bizarre movement exercises. “Excuse me,” Tim said, but they couldn’t hear him over the cacophony of sounds. He reached over and turned the volume down. They all turned to stare at him.

  “Who the hell are you?” Rachel asked, a hand set on her bony hip.

  “I’m Tim,” he said.

  “Ah, the mythical boyfriend. I was wondering if you really existed.” Her tone was snotty, making Tim dislike her even more, though the fact that she’d referred to him as Jenna’s boyfriend pleased him immensely.

  “Listen, I was wondering if maybe you could keep the music down just a bit. Jenna’s not feeling well.”

  “Uh, this is my apartment too, and we have a routine to work on, so no, we can’t.” She looked him straight in the eyes as she reached past him and cranked the volume even higher.

  He considered arguing then realized it was pointless. Why bother when he had a very quiet apartment with no annoying roommate? He found Jenna lying on her bed, her arm slung over her eyes.

  “Sorry. I told you she’s impossible,” she said.

  “No worries. Here.” He handed her her messenger bag. “Pack up what you need, you’re coming to my place.”

  “Are you nuts? You do not want to catch whatever I have. I’ll just take a bottle of Nyquil and go to bed.”

  “Take whatever you’d like, but do it in peace and quiet at my apartment. Come.” He pulled her up. “You’re in no condition to argue with me, and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  Her brow furrowed, making a crease between her eyes, and he couldn’t help but laugh. She frowned but started shoving things into her bag.

  She didn’t argue at all when he suggested a cab and she stayed silent for the entire ride. He followed her up the stairs, admiring the fact that her bum looked good even in baggy sweatpants. She set her bag down on the kitchen floor but Tim picked it up and carried it into his bedroom, placing it on the dresser.

  “Do you want to lie down? Or watch some TV? I bought movies. We’ve got romantic comedy or regular comedy—-figured you wouldn’t want a drama while you’re already miserable. Or I could make you some tea.”

  A smile tugged at her lips as she stared at him, but she remained silent.


  “You’re too sweet.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist. “You’re just now figuring that out?”

  She wriggled out of his grasp. “Seriously, stay away, you’ll get sick.”

  He tugged her back, chuckling as she bent back away from him, which only succeeded in making her hips press against his as he refused to let her go. He tried to ignore the sensations rushing through his lower body. “I’ll risk the cold, I just want to take care of you.” He bent forward and planted a kiss in the middle of her forehead. “You’re warm.” He ran his hand against her cheek. “You’ve got a fever. Come, sit on the couch, put your feet up, I’ll bring you some Panadol.”

  “Tylenol,” she muttered, but she took a seat, curling her legs beneath her.

  He returned with a glass of water, the bottle of pain reliever and the movies. He wagged two DVDs back and forth. “Which one?”

  She chose the romantic comedy and he popped it into the DVD player.

  “Are you hungry? I have soup and bagels. I can run to the deli if you’d like a sandwich.”

  “I’m fine.” She ran her hand down his leg, sending ripples of desire straight to his balls. “Thanks for doing all this.”

  “I’ve barely done anything.” He stroked her hair and she leaned against his hand. Her heat passed through him, making him shudder. He patted his leg. “Here, put your feet up.” His fingers went to work, massaging her insteps and kneading until he felt that she was starting to relax.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t make it to the studio today. I was really looking forward to hearing you play guitar.”

  He perked up. “I could play something now, if you’d like.”

  “I’d love that.” She paused the movie while he got his guitar.

  He settled in beside her, plucking the strings and turning the tuning pegs. “Any requests?”

  “Surprise me.”

  He thought a moment, then chose a ballad, soulful and heartfelt. His eyes closed as he began to play. The music and lyrics flowed from him. As he strummed the last notes he opened his eyes to find Jenna staring, breathless.

  “That was beautiful. You’re going to be famous.”

  He chuckled and reached for her forehead. “How high is that fever?”

  “I’m serious. You forget, I grew up in the music business. You’re amazing.”

  He set his guitar down and pulled Jenna’s legs back onto his lap. “And you’re very kind.” He hit play on the remote and went back to work on Jenna’s feet.

  The movie was predictable and silly, but it made her giggle. When it was nearly over he excused himself and headed into the bathroom. He turned the water on to run a bath, sprinkling in some of the bath salts he’d picked up at the drugstore.

  “Movie over yet?” he called.

  “Yes.” She got up and wandered into the kitchen. “What are you doing in there?”

  “Drawing you a bath. It’s almost ready.” He wasn’t sure how to read the look on her face, somewhere between shock and tears. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded, moving slowly toward him. Her head tilted to the side as she craned her neck to look at the tub. “You’re serious.”

  “Of course.” He didn’t understand. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. It’s just no one’s ever run a bath for me before.”


  Her head bobbed again.

  “Well, then I’m happy to be your first.” He pulled her closer, kissing the top of her head, happy that she wasn’t squirming away from him. His fingers went to work on the buttons of her shirt and he kissed her shoulders, slipping off her bra straps before undoing the hook. He noticed the tub was full. “Hang on, before I cause a flood.” He turned off the faucet, dragging his fingers through the water to test the temperature. “You’d better do the rest or I’ll never be able to let go of you long enough to allow you to get in the tub.”

  She smiled as she stepped out of her pants. Watching her ease into the bath was enough to drive him completely mad. He wanted to run his hands over every inch of her. Instead he settled himself alongside the tub, resting his head against the wall, unable to keep his eyes off her.

  “You’re really incredible, you know,” she said, the half-teary look on her face again.

  “It’s just a bath.” He ran his fingers along the edge of the tub, dipping them into the water enough to gently skim her thigh.

  “No, it’s everything,” she paused, her voice cracking. “I can’t remember the last time anyone d
id anything to take care of me.”

  His chest tightened as he heard the emotion in her words. “What about when you were a kid?”

  She shook her head wistfully. “Not really. I mean my brother and I had a nanny, but she was more to keep us out of trouble than anything else. My dad was always busy with work. Sleeping around took up a bit of his time as well.”

  “And your mum?”

  “She spent most of her time at spas either ‘de-stressing’ or recovering from having de-stressed with too much booze. Not a lot of nurturing.”

  “That’s awful.” It pained him to think about her growing up that way. Such a stark difference from the warm memories he had of his own childhood.

  She shrugged. “Could have been worse. It just made me really independent. I’m not used to having people doing things for me.”

  “Well, try to adapt, because I rather like taking care of you. Though I have to admit the bath was largely a ploy to see you naked.”

  She laughed, but a tear rolled down her cheek.

  He reached over and swept it away, the tugging in his chest so strong it nearly took his breath away. Apart from his sisters, he’d never felt this protective of anyone. It scared the hell out of him to realize how much he cared about her. She closed her eyes, her cheek pressed against his palm. He curled his fingers into her hair, feeling like he could easily stay just as he was forever.

  * * * * *

  Jenna kneaded her pillow. She didn’t want to wake Tim in the middle of the night, but she selfishly wished he would get up and talk to her. She should have been comatose after all of the cold medicine she’d taken, but she found herself breathing out of her mouth from congestion while staring into the darkness of his bedroom.

  She rolled onto her side and listened to his even breaths. He’d been so sweet to her. Even his guitar playing was magical. The song he’d sung was perfect, taking her out of her miserable physical state as his velvety voice soothed her. The music was part of him, all the more reason to find him irresistible.

  Everything about Tim made her ache for more, as if she hadn’t eaten in years and he’d served her a feast. It had all been effortless and perfect, second nature to him. She wanted to find a way to show him a fraction of his generosity, as soon as she was feeling better. She ran over ideas in her mind, her eyelids becoming heavy, until sleep finally crept over her.


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