The Workaholic and the Realist (New Hampshire Bears #2)

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The Workaholic and the Realist (New Hampshire Bears #2) Page 5

by Mary Smith

  “You’re deep into work if you didn’t see me.” She smiles as I removed my buds.

  “I am. Actually, I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Really? What’s up?”

  “I need to hire an assistant.”

  Meadow scoffed. “Well, I’m not available.”

  “I don’t mean you,” I guffawed. “I mean do you know of anyone looking for a job. Someone who isn’t fake.”

  Meadow shrugged. “I’m not sure.”

  “Shit, I really want someone soon.”

  She gasped. “Oh, I do know someone. Well, I’m not close to her, but I met her at the Christmas party.”

  “What Christmas party?”

  “The Bears. Vance Pemberton is a rookie, well I think she’s his girlfriend or maybe fiancé, was there too, and she’s super nice.”

  “Nice is one thing, but is she smart?”

  “She just finished college and moved here from Belfast.”

  This caught my interest. “She’s from Ireland.”

  Meadow nodded. “As is Vance. I’ll get her number for you and call you later.”

  I thanked her and, as she left, I went back to work, hoping this panned out for me.

  Meadow came through for me and got the number for Dacey Grion, who now sat across from me at Mr. Mac’s restaurant. I assumed the casual environment would be more comfortable, but Dacey looked as if she would pass out.

  “Grion? Is that Irish?”

  “Um…Scottish actually.” She twirled a strand of her strawberry-blonde hair around her finger. Her dark blue eyes would make contact with me and then dodge away.

  “What did you go to college for?”

  “Well, in all honesty, I still don’t know. I received a general degree.” Her cheeks turned red.

  “That’s okay. Not everyone knows what to do with their lives at twenty-one.”

  Dacey smiled. “My parents and Vance seem to think differently.”

  “I wouldn’t be bothered by it. However, I need someone to help me with answering emails, mailings, scheduling, and at times, handling my social media. I hate that part the most.”

  “I can do all of that. I’m quiet proficient on computers.”

  “All you young ones are.” I sighed and Dacey laughed. “When can you start?”

  “Really?” She beamed. Hell, you would have thought I told her she won the lottery; she seemed so elated. “Monday, I guess. I mean, whenever. Whatever you want.”

  I giggled. “I think Monday is perfect.” I gave her my address and told her she didn’t have to dress fancy. “Most of the time I’m in jeans.”

  Dacey continued to smile like a fool when I felt a tap on my shoulder and Keaton’s blue eyes were shining down at me.

  “Now why are two lovely women sitting here man-less?”

  “Because we’re smart,” I quipped back.

  “I told you to leave them alone. Dacey’s interviewing.”

  I had to assume the tall man with the thick Irish accent was Vance. He had shaggy, dark brown hair and ice-blue eyes, and not bad looking at all.

  “It’s fine, Vance.” Keaton sat down next to me. “Isn’t it Harlow?”

  I ignored him and held out my hand to Vance. “I’m your girlfriend’s new boss, Harlow Goldsmith.”

  “Vance Pemberton.” He shook my hand. “So, you got the job?” He took a seat next to her, and she nodded shyly.

  “I start Monday.” Her voice smaller than when she talked to me, and something I needed to break her of. She needed to be louder.

  “Great. Good job, Dacey.” Keaton congratulated her.

  “Thanks.” More blushing as the guys ordered food and drinks. “How did practice go?”

  “Went well,” Vance answered.

  “How long have you two been together?” Since Dacey’s my new employee I should get to know her better.

  “Since we were ten,” Vance answered and Keaton nudged my leg harshly.

  I ignored Keaton because I was astounded by Vance’s answer. “Ten? As in…ten?”

  “Yes. Our parents arranged us,” Dancy added.

  “Shut up. Like for real? An arranged marriage. I thought stopped in the eighteenth century.” My mouth dropped. I didn’t believe this happened in the modern world.

  “I don’t think we need to hear the details, Harlow.” Keaton patted my hand and cut me a mean glare.

  But I wanted to know more. I had to know more. Well, Dacey worked for me now; therefore, I’d use my new found powers as her boss to get the information.

  Keaton changed the subject back to hockey. I guessed, by the way he talked, the road games weren’t successful. I probably should have checked the scored or highlights, but I hadn’t.

  Thankfully, the food came, and we focused on it. I watched Vance and Dacey glance at each other and then look away. Finally, we finished and Keaton paid for it all, even though I protested. We all walked out together, and Dacey said she’d see me Monday, and they strolled away.

  “I tried to get you not to ask too many questions about their relationship.” Keaton explained as he walked me to my SUV.

  “Why? Aren’t you curious?”

  “Well, yes, but it’s their private business.” We stopped and leaned up against my driver’s door.

  “What do you know?”

  Keaton studied me for a moment, and one side of his mouth curled up. “What will you give me?”

  “Seriously? You’re trying to bribe me.”

  “No, but I have an answer.”

  “To what?” I furrowed my brow.


  “Yes, what?” I tilted my head, still baffled as to what he was talking about.

  Keaton leaned in close to my ear, just as he had at his apartment. I froze in place, and my heart raced. The warmth of his breath on my skin caused me to shiver.

  “Yes, I can make you come just touching you above the waist.”

  “Are you sure?” I tried to hold my sexual emotions in.

  “I definitely want to try.”

  Oh, I wanted him to try too. “We have a professional relationship, puppy. Do you want to ruin it with sex?” My currently unused vagina was screaming Hell, yes, but my head told me to be an adult.

  “I know we’re not going to ruin anything. Just enhance it.”

  I released the breath I held, and the coldness made it a small fog.

  “What do you say, honey-bunny? Do you want to see what my tongue and lips can do to you?”

  “We’re talking casual. Nothing more.”

  “Oh, there will be more. A whole lot more, but first, I need to fulfill the challenge you’ve given me.”

  “You seem to be very confident, puppy?” I tried to keep our banter going so I wouldn’t lose my cool and fuck him up against my SUV.

  Keaton stepped back. “I’ve got this one bagged. All we need to do is choose a time and place.”

  I studied his face. His young, hot, sexy smirk told me he thought he could accomplish this goal; I wondered if he could do it.

  “You give me a time and date, since I don’t know your schedule.” This is happening.

  “I’m free right now or tonight.”

  “Seven tonight at my place.” I saw the shimmer in his eyes that he knew he was going to win this challenge.

  “And I cannot touch you below the waist with my hands or body, right?”

  “Correct.” I ignored the weakness I felt the longer he stared at me.

  “Will you be naked?” He slowly licked his lips.

  “I’ll wear something sexy. Deal?”

  “Perfect.” He kissed my cheek. “See you in a few hours.”

  I rushed home and jumped into the shower. I very carefully shaved my entire body, even though I’d had a wax a couple weeks ago. I wanted to make sure everything was still smooth.

  Yes, I was being a bit over zealous about this, but in my defense, I hadn’t sex in a while and was extremely horny. On top of that, I wanted Keaton. In truth, I’ve never been with a guy w
ith this big of an age difference, but I was going to enjoy every moment of it.

  As I lotioned my skin, I began to wonder if Keaton and I could just be casual sex partners. I haven’t done it in so many years, but it it’s not like the rules had changed or anything.

  I fixed my hair and lightly put on makeup. I had my lacey red thong set on, a pair of jeans, and an off the shoulder sweater. I finished up just as the knocks came at my door.

  Keaton stood on the other side of the door with a bottle of wine, wearing baggy jeans and blue polo, covered with a black leather jacket.

  “Hello, honey-bunny.”

  “Hello, puppy,” I opened the door wider, inviting him in.

  He handed me the wine, and after I shut the door, I went straight to the kitchen.

  “I’m not sure if you want to open this now or later.” Keaton shrugged out of his jacket.

  “We can do both,” I offered, pulling two glasses from the cabinet. I opened the bottle, pouring a small amount into each glass.

  Keaton downed his like a shot of Crown Royal and stared me down as he put his wine glass on the counter.

  “I’m guessing you aren’t going to wait for me to finish mine.”

  “Not really.” He took the wine from my hand. He cupped his hands around my face. “Oh, I’ve wanted to do this since the first night I met you.”

  Before I could answer, his lips were on mine firmly, but not harshly. He swept his tongue into my mouth, the sweetness of the wine on it.

  “I want to carry you to the bedroom, but I can’t touch you below the waist.” He nipped on my earlobe, and I moaned.

  “I’ll make an exception for that.” I kissed him.

  Keaton easily picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around him. I felt something in his back pocket, assuming it was his wallet. I went back to kissing him. I didn’t think he would make it upstairs with me, but he did effortlessly.

  “Down the hall to the left.” I broke from his lips to give him directions.

  When he made it to my room, I released my legs and slid down his body. I felt his hard dick, and I became wetter from the short contact. I retreated from his grasp and pulled my sweater over my head.

  “Damn, I knew you were fucking hot.” Keaton licked his lips and reached for me, but I moved away.

  “Easy, puppy.” I popped the button of my jeans and swayed my hips side-to-side letting them fall to the ground.

  “I’m going to blow just by looking at you.” Keaton gazed up and down my body.

  “You’re young. I bet you can bounce back real fast.” I bit down my bottom lip.

  “Yes, I can.” He tugged me to his body and led us over to my bed and laid me down.

  “Stay above the waist,” I reminded him.

  “Just can’t touch you with myself, right?” He nuzzled my neck.

  “Correct.” I tilted to give him more access.

  “Perfect.” He lightly bit my collarbone, and I giggled from the tingling feeling.

  Then I heard it. A soft humming sound. I knew what it was when it touched my clit above my thong.

  I moaned. “You can’t use a vibrator.”

  Keaton chuckled. “You said, I couldn’t touch and I’m not. You never put any stipulation on anything else.”

  “Damn.” He’s right.

  Keaton was able to pull down the cups of my bra and maneuver the vibrator under my thong and directly on my clit. I writhed and squirmed under the vibrations, as he licked, bit, and sucked on my breast. The fucker soon pushed me over the ledge of ecstasy.

  “Oh…oh…Keaton…” I arched my back, and he kissed me, stifling my moans as I came.

  He separated from my lips but worked his way down with feathery kisses until he reached my neck and then back up to my ear.

  “The next time, you’ll come on my cock.”

  With one sentence, I knew we were going to do this a lot more.

  Chapter Eight


  “You cheated, puppy.” Harlow leaned against the kitchen counter. She had her sweater on but not her pants, and my dick was still rock hard for her.

  “I improvised.” I winked as she handed me a glass of wine.

  “Cheater.” She pursed her lips and took the chair adjacent to me.

  “You didn’t enjoy it then?” I teased her more.

  “Those words never crossed my lips.”

  We stared at each other for a full moment, doing nothing but looking into each other’s eyes. She looked stunning as ever with her hair tussled a bit and her sweater showing off her shoulder. I could take her on the table right now and not even think twice.

  Until my phone beeped, breaking our trance. I reached of it out of my pocket, seeing the reminder I set. I had to take a test tonight.

  “Shit.” I mumbled.

  “What’s wrong?” She seemed concerned.

  “I have to take a test.”

  “Oh, it’s okay. Have you studied? Or is there a loop-hole in there that you can cheat?” She tried to hide her smile, but failed at it.

  I stood up and towered over her, bringing my face close to hers. “I’m going to promise this right now. The next time you come, it will be because I’m buried deep inside of you.” I gave her a hard, quick kiss, before leaving and heading home to get to work.

  I hated being late and I couldn’t be late for practice or my ass would be benched. Tonight, we were playing Portland Vikings, and I wanted to win against them so badly.

  Thankfully, I made it with a few moments to spare. Remington gave me so much grief for my almost lateness.

  “You must have had a long night with a hot chick.” He slapped my shins with his stick as we took the ice.

  “Something like that.” In truth, after I took my test for my Seventeenth Century Literature class, I had to study for my economics class that I had a test in tomorrow. I wanted to study as much as possible since I had a game tonight, and we were traveling in the morning.

  Our captain, Hamilton, skated up to us as we were about to start drills over again. “Are we going to have to buy you a watch?”

  “Hardy, har, har. I wasn’t late.”

  “Close enough.” He glared at me.

  “I’ll be careful next time.” Of course, I ragged and ribbed everyone, but Hamilton didn’t have a sense of humor. He took everything very seriously, no matter the topic.

  As Coach whistled, everyone began to focus at the task at hand: getting ready for tonight’s game. The Vikings were first in the west, and there was speculation we both would end up in the finals together.

  This was going to be a preview.

  I wanted to go over to Harlow’s after practice; instead, I went home and worked on homework. My dick told me what an idiot I was for being mature and going home. Being an adult sucked when all I wanted to do was get sucked.

  I finished all my work before heading over to the arena for the game. I changed into my warm up gear, and several of the guys and I started playing two-touch. It always made me laugh playing with Kyson. He was horrible, and it made me wonder how he had any coordination on the ice.

  Remington and I still were picking on Kyson when our warm up game finished, and we headed back to the locker room to change and get ready for the game.

  Once I jumped on the ice with the other Bears, my focus went straight to the puck and stretching out. I was throwing pucks to the fans in the stands when a pair of blue eyes caught mine.


  She never came to games. Did she even like hockey? She’d never mentioned it before. I stared for a couple of seconds and a slow smirk grew on her face. I winked at her before skating off with my teammates and back to the locker room. Coach Long gave us the go get ‘em speech before we headed back to the ice. Remington, Kyson, and Hamilton were on the top line along with Dag Limon and me. Dag had been with the Bears for a few seasons and knew how to hit as well as I could.

  I did everything not to look at Harlow who was behind our goal and realized Meadow sat next to her. I told
myself over and over not to think about her hot body and focus on the game.

  And I did.

  Shift change, after shift change, hit upon hit and after the first period, we were scoreless going back down the tunnel. Coach yelled out everything we were doing wrong and told us how to fix it. After listening to all of it, we went back out for the second period.

  However, this period mimicked the first one. The Vikings were trying to wear us down, as we were them. Another twenty minutes went by and neither of us had scored, and we all were tired.

  After the break, I caught Harlow’s eyes, she gave me a stern look and tapped her watch. She mouthed goal and pointed to the net. I nodded and turned back to focus on the game. If Harlow wanted a goal, she’d get one.

  I was the first to admit I wasn’t the best goal scorer. Assists and blocking were my strengths, hence, why I played defense. However, I had a few tricks up my sleeve, and I could pull them out now and then.

  When the puck dropped, I trained my eyes on only it. Hamilton kept passing back and forth with Remington and Kyson when I yelled for it tapping my stick on the ice. Kyson finally passed it to me, and I saw I had a clear shot. I settled the puck before putting all my strength into my swing. The puck sailed over the goalie’s right shoulder and into the net. The crowd roared, and my teammates rushed over to congratulate me.

  “I want the puck.” I shouted at the ref who picked it up and tossed it to me. I quickly took it over to the equipment manager and told him to save it for me.

  The rest of the third period went smoother, and Remington added to our score when he made a shot into the empty net. We all celebrated the win when the final buzzer sounded, and I headed into the locker room to change. I sent a quick text to Harlow telling her I wanted to meet up. I hoped she received it before leaving and heading home.

  Remington, Kyson, and I all walked out together after we showered and changed. I had the puck in my pocket and planned on giving it to Harlow.


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