Stranded With My Brother's Best Friend

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Stranded With My Brother's Best Friend Page 11

by J. L. Beck

  “What?” Walker stared back at her.

  “I-I remember we fought a lot, didn’t we?”

  He shook his head and laughed but it didn’t sound amused in the least. “Fuck yeah. I mean you are so dammed headstrong. Going on dangerous assignments, never listening to me. Getting thrown in jail repeatedly. Taking on gangsters and shit.”

  She nodded. “And yet you continued to smother me.”

  His similar blue eyes narrowed at her.

  “Oh and now, I remember that look!” She placed her hands on her hips. “You are a bully, Walker Henry Page!”

  Harris stared at her. “You remember him now?”

  Nodding, she dropped her hands. “I do…” She looked at her big brother and it all came back. She stepped close to him and put her arms around him, even though it was hard to hug a man wearing all this gear. “Skinned knees. Fishing. Tree house. Holding my hand when…”

  His arms went around her. “Dammit, kid. I just don’t want you hurt.”

  An odd sound blared through the room.

  Riley stepped back from her brother. “What is—?”

  Harris stared over at the wall where a panel had a red light flashing. “Fuck! The perimeter alarm.” He moved swiftly, despite the heavy armor as he made his way toward the back of the cabin.

  Walker followed him with Riley behind him. “T-the what?”

  They entered a room of the likes Riley couldn’t believe.

  A big screen and a computer like she’d never seen before. A control board with lots of buttons. Walls made of steel with no windows. Weapons taking up one entire wall, displayed on shelves. One other wall had various body armor hanging like suits. Bullet proof vests, ammo, helmets, even a small battering ram.

  Staring around, Riley was stunned. She hadn’t even known this room was here. She looked back at the doorway they’d just come through and saw the door was like a vault door in a bank. “A safe room?” she wondered aloud.

  Walker moved past her. “Yep and you will get to know this room well. To stay safe.”

  The two men stared at a screen.

  Harris tapped a button on the control panel.

  A man appeared to be climbing the mountain.

  “Fuck!” Walker seethed.

  “Who is it?”

  “Just a second,” Harris answered as he tapped another button and the man’s face was zoomed up.

  Riley gasped. “Adam?”

  Harris turned his head to look at her.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” Walker asked.

  “Apparently, he did care that Riley disappeared.” Harris seemed to grit his teeth.

  Riley remembered him now. Sweet man, always romantic, lots of dating, flowers, trips together, diamonds, and telling her he wanted to marry her. Until her brother disappeared and then he was angry that she wouldn’t quit looking, wouldn’t quit stalking government officials. Then her getting caught breaking into someone’s office to get a file on Walker. Him bailing her out of jail and letting her know that if she didn’t quit, they were done. Her telling him well, they were done then, because someone was going to tell her what the hell happened to her brother.

  “Wait, swing over Harris,” Walker ordered.

  Harris tapped a couple of buttons.

  The scene changed to many figures coming up behind Adam, at least a dozen.

  “God Dammit!” Harris glared at the screen. “He’s being tailed.”

  “And he doesn’t know it,” Walker added.

  “What’s happening?” she asked.

  Harris turned to look at her. “Your boyfriend is leading Falkner’s men right to us, that’s what.” His eyes were cold.

  “Shit!” Walker swore. “Pan and zoom, lower east end.”

  Harris tapped some buttons. The scene swung to the men’s faces.

  “I’ll be fucked!” Walker exclaimed. “Faulkner. It’s him, he came with them!”

  Harris clenched his fists. “Right up my dammed mountain.”

  “Okay, change of plans.”

  Harris looked over at Walker.

  “We take the copter and fucking annihilate them.” Walker stepped forward to study the screen

  “What about Adam?” Riley asked.

  Both men swung their hard gazes over at her.

  “You can’t just let him die.”

  “If we take the time to rescue him, they will overtake the cabin, Ridge.” Harris stared at her.

  Swinging her gaze up from the screen to his face, she saw he’d shuttered his expression, like she remembered he did when she first woke up here. “I’ll get him.”

  “Oh, fuck no!” he yelled at her.

  Even Walker paused to stare at him.

  Riley stood her ground. “He’s here because of me. I can’t just sit here and watch him die.”

  Harris looked like rage was consuming him. “Fucker is a dumbass. “

  “Okay, okay.” Walker intervened. “We try to get him into the little bird, before they reach him.”

  Riley clenched her fists. “You both cannot mean to leave me here.”

  Harris nodded. “God dammed right we are. You can’t go into a firefight, Ridge.”

  “I agree,” Walker added.

  Riley swung her glare over at her brother.

  He shrugged while looking unapologetic. “You knew I would.”

  “Ooh!” She spun in a circle frustrated.

  “Look, babe.” Harris stepped forward. “Come here, we are gonna need you to do a few things from here.” He grabbed her arm and moved her to the control board.

  Her eyes narrowed at him. “For real? You aren’t just blowing smoke up my skirt?”

  He bit back his smile. “As much fun as that sounds like…no.” He showed her the buttons to control certain mines they had planted.

  Her startled gaze swung up. “You planted mines?”

  He nodded. “But they do not go off except by these buttons here. The bird has a radio.” He flipped a switch on the right side of the panel. “The line is open and I will tell you when.”

  “W-when?” she asked in a gasp.

  “Yes, when to blow men up, little soldier.” He gave her that dazzling smile.

  Her hands shook as she glanced back at the screen.

  “Come on Harris.” Walker turned to the door. “We gotta head up or we will miss our window. Time to splatter some bodies.”

  Harris grabbed her upper arms and looked into her eyes.

  Riley had no words. His eyes looked like sparkling emeralds and her breath caught in her throat at the expression he wore. She’d never seen this in his eyes before.

  “I understand if you—” He let go of her.

  “Harris!” Walker called from the hall.

  Harris lowered his lips to hers. “It was nice while we had it.” He kissed her softly.

  Riley stood with her eyes closed. He’d never kissed her so gently before. It was whispery, soft, like he was a ghost for real, and she was imagining the kiss. While we had it? Like he means goodbye? Her eyes opened.

  He was gone.

  OF COURSE HE IS! She stomped her foot. “Dammit!” She whirled around to stare at the screen.

  Adam was climbing and not hesitating.

  She knew this climb and remembered it all now. Men shooting at her. The cold, the rocks sliding under her feet. The wall of snow hitting her, taking her breath from her lungs. Pain exploding in her head.

  So, it all came back in an instant. Her life. Her work. Adam Groves. Her brother being MIA and no answers. Her doing nothing but tracking him to find out what had happened to him. Her life falling apart, losing her job at the paper and her unable to care. Why did Adam do this? We broke it off and I figured that was that. She hadn’t even cried over it. Did she ever love him?

  No. She thought she did, but since meeting Harris, she knew love now. What she and Adam had was sweet but not this all-consuming thing, like her and Harris had since the minute their eyes met.


bsp; Tanner had the copter up in 2 minutes flat. He’d already primed it and warmed it up this morning.

  Noah checked all the weapons. His mind was in the game, but his heart wasn’t. He knew the minute her fiancé appeared on the screen that it had all been a dammed fantasy. Obviously, the man still loved her and they had still been together.

  He would do his best to save the dumb fucker’s life. After all, it took guts to be a noncombatant—a fucking lawyer for fuck’s sake—then take a trek like this, just to save your girl.

  His fists clenched around his AK. His girl. Not mine.

  “Dumbass Groves coming up,” Tanner announced over the headphones. “Shots being fired.”

  Noah grabbed the rope ladder, tested the anchor of it on the metal of the wall and readied himself. He could see the man below dressed in heavy outerwear ducking by a boulder as shots ricocheted off the stone.

  Tanner lined them up.

  Noah unrolled the rope and descended.

  Adam gazed up in shock. He had dark eyes and a handsome face. Like some male model.

  Noah ignored his gut feeling of wanting to punch the guy in his good looking face as he descended. Despite bullets hitting his armor, he lunged down and grabbed the startled man from his hiding spot. Tugging him, he made his way back up. Yes, he could hold a full man’s weight and do this. Training and strength had been just the first hurdle years aback in the SEALS. It was second nature. Yes, his arms strained and his lungs began that familiar burn, but he never stopped.

  “Hurry dammit!” Tanner yelled in his helmet. “They’re scoping the chopper!”

  Noah grunted as he moved up faster.

  “Hang on!” Tanner spoke. “Gotta swing for cover.”

  Noah did just that as the little bird turned around and moved back.

  “Ahhh!” Adam yelled as they both swung around like pendulums in the air.

  Noah rolled his eyes. “Civilians,” he grumbled in disgust.

  The chopper leveled out as Noah made it up and shoved Adam in.

  The man rolled over and just laid there stunned. Staring up at Noah in his body armor.

  “Ducks in a row, Harris!” Tanner yelled through the comm.

  Noah grabbed a rifle and clipped grenades to his belt next to the ammo already there.

  Adam gaped up at the warrior in full gear. “What the fuck is happening?”

  “A party dude. My kind of party.” Noah stepped to the open copter door.

  “5 O clock,” Tanner instructed through his helmet.

  Aiming his scope, Noah saw what he meant. He began firing rapidly.

  “One, two, three… damn four,” Tanner cheered as men went down like dominoes in the snow.

  Now the rest hauled ass for cover along the trail.

  “Swing to my 80, Tanner!” Noah yelled.

  The copter swung around in a circle.

  “FUCCCK,” Adam yelled from behind him while trying to hang onto anything he could.

  “Dumbass,” Noah muttered as he again lined his scope up.

  The chopper pinged with bullet hits. It was bullet proof, but not completely invulnerable.

  Noah picked off three more.

  “Half done!” Tanner maneuvered around again.

  Noah picked off two more. He spotted Faulkner and winged him.

  “Dammit you missed him,” Tanner called.

  “I never miss and you know it. I want him alive. I want the truth.”

  Tanner remained silent.

  “What the fuck is happening?” Adam called from the floor where he hung onto the metal of a seat leg.

  “Just hang on. Dumbshit, it’s about to get real bumpy now.” Noah grinned. He loved bumpy. “Tanner, 50 degrees south.”

  The copter swung around again.

  Pulling out grenades, Noah pinpointed hiding spots. He dropped one, then called to Tanner, “Now to the back 30!”

  The bird again swung the other way.

  Noah dropped another.

  “I think that’s eleven!” Tanner yelled.

  “Yeah, but I can’t get the two by the trees.” He hit a button on his helmet. “Sweet Cheeks?”

  A few seconds went by.

  He rolled his eyes. “Tap the yellow button Ridge!”

  “Um, yeah Harris?”

  God her voice made his skin sit up on edge with an actual tingle. “When I say tap the red button.”

  “O-okay. God, you killed all those men!”

  He nodded but had no time for chit chat. He watched the trail below and spotted the pair moving along the trail. Just about there. Yes, come on dick heads, just a bit more.” Okay Ridge, hit it!”

  He stared below and the mine went off tearing the men into pieces as the snow turned a bright red while body parts landed in all directions like it was raining meat.

  “Ohhh.” Her voice could be heard over the comm.

  “It’ll be ok, Ridge. It had to be done.”

  No response.

  He knew she was probably upset that she just killed two men.

  “They are toast!” she cheered back over the comm.

  Noah’s head snapped up. Was that a cheer in her voice? He chuckled a bit. Damn woman never failed to surprise him.

  “Okay, back to back-stabber,” Tanner cut in, meaning Faulkner. “You gotta pick him up.”

  “He may not come easy,” Noah replied.

  “Fuck easy!” Tanner exclaimed. “Make that wound bleed Harris!”

  Noah smiled. “My Pleasure, buddy.”

  “Who the hell are you people?” Adam asked from behind him.

  “Later man. I’m busy,” Noah called back to him. He spotted Faulkner holding his shoulder while heading back down the trail. “Oh, you ain’t leaving the party, asshole.” He gazed back at Adam. “Hang on Groves.”

  The man stared at him, eyes wide, his face white and pinched. “W-what?”

  “Swing another 50, Tanner!”

  The copter started into a turn.

  “SHIIIT!” Adam yelled in panic as they whirled around.

  Noah gauged it just right. “Hold it there!” he called to Tanner.

  “God, be careful, Harris,” Ridge spoke over the comm.

  He smiled but gave no response. Yeah, she could see it all from where she was. He headed down.

  He trained his rifle on the man in one hand and swooped close to him.

  Faulkner peered up and panic rolled over his features. He raised a pistol.

  Noah let off a shot and took out his hand.

  Faulkner dropped to the snow and grabbed his bleeding hand. Two of his fingers lay there beside him as red splattered the snow. “AHHH!” he screamed like a baby.

  Noah laughed evilly. “Hurts don’t it fucker?” He grabbed the squirming man and headed up. Blood coated his armor as the man fought. “I’m going to drop your sorry ass,” Noah threatened.

  The man stilled and went limp.

  “Good boy.” Noah grunted as he made it to the copter and tossed the trash into the pit.

  Adam sat up and stared at the new man that rolled in beside him. “General Faulkner?” He looked pale and shaky. His gaze rose up to Noah covered in blood. “What the hell?”

  Noah ignored him. “Home, Tanner.”

  “Dammed straight,” came the reply.

  The flight home took 5 minutes.

  Faulkner remained passed out and Adam had his eyes closed.

  Noah looked closer at Groves. He didn’t look so hot. But that would be normal. Climbing the mountain, being shot at, then being picked up by a specter in full armor. The copter ride. Explosions. He needed to cut the guy a break. OR NOT. His eyes narrowed. The man was here to take Ridge from him. He gritted his teeth. It would be up to her.

  The little bird landed on its pad.

  Ridge came running from the trail.

  “God dammit, can’t she ever stay put?” Tanner yelled.

  Noah smiled. No. She can’t.

  She ran up and waited till the blades stopped. Gasping with her face pink fro
m the cold, she rushed to the door. “Harris!” she yelled and jumped up on him through the door.

  He caught her. Fuck, she felt good and even with all the metallic smell of blood all around him, he caught her scent instantly.

  She stepped back and stared at him, her gaze dropping as her face paled. “Blood…”

  He peered down. “Oh, it’s not mine.”

  Her lips trembled. Her stunned gaze swung to the occupants in the chopper.

  Tanner stepped into the pit and grabbed Faulkner up. “Move out of the way sis!”

  With wide eyes, she stepped to the side.

  He carried him down and disappeared around the trail.

  Her gaze swung over to Adam. “Ohhh.” She stepped over kneeling down next to him.

  Groves opened his eyes. “Riley?” he gasped her name out.

  She nodded and touched his face. “What’s wrong with him?” She glanced up at Noah.

  Noah shrugged. “Shock I imagine. He just got a helluva ride.”

  She pressed his cheek with the back of her hand. “He feels cold and clammy.”

  Noah wrinkled his brow and stepped closer. “Move over,” he ordered brusquely. He unzipped the man’s jacket and opened it up. Blood soaked his shirt.

  “Oh, my god!” Ridge yelled in panic.

  Sighing, Noah scooped the man up. “Move, Ridge.”

  She stepped back looking upset. “What happened?”

  Noah carried him out and down to the cabin trail. “Fucker got himself shot trying to rescue his girl.”


  “But…I’m not his girl,” she whispered as Harris took off. Hopping down, she rushed after him.

  Getting into the cabin, she shut the door on the cold outside.

  Where did he go? She ran down the hall, past the kitchen, toward the safe room.

  Harris was pressing a button and one of the metal walls swung out. A metal table swung out from behind it. Behind that… shelves of supplies. All medical: glass jars, cotton balls, gauze, alcohol and so many other implements, like a mini hospital.

  He carefully laid Adam down and stepped back, unzipping his armor.

  Riley watched as he dismantled the Call of Duty look and was left in a tee shirt and boxers.

  He turned, opened a drawer, took out a pair of sweats and put them on. Sighing, he stepped forward, grabbing the jacket and carefully removed it from Adam.


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