In My Head

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In My Head Page 15

by Schiefer, S. L.

  I try to come up with something that will placate her a little bit, without giving her the truth. Because she won’t understand. “He’s just an old friend of Mommy’s. I’ve known him for a while, but we haven’t seen each other in a long time. So, Mommy and Daddy wanted him to come over and have dinner tonight.”

  I silently plead that that is enough to keep her happy for right now. “Okay, Mommy,” is all she says before she’s heading back to her room. Well, okay then. I continue to clean up the living room, and then I clean the downstairs bathroom. I don’t think we’ll be doing a tour of the house or anything, so I don’t bother with the upstairs stuff.

  When I finally get the downstairs as good as it’s going to get, I head back into the kitchen to get the stuffed shells started. Pulling out a bowl, a skillet, and a pot. I dump the ground turkey into the skillet and turn it on to brown. I take the pot and put it under the faucet and turn the water on. I fill it up with enough water to boil the shells in. I set that back on the stove to boil.

  Dumping the rest of the ingredients into the bowl I set that aside to wait for the turkey and shells to be done. I grab a spatula and move the turkey around in the skillet, trying to get the parts that haven’t browned yet on the bottom of the pile. When the shells are done I run them under cool water.

  I start stuffing the shells and line them up in a baking dish. Covering them with foil, I place them in the oven. Setting the time I go back out towards the living room. Looking at the time on the clock on the wall, I see that I still have time to get a shower before Robert is supposed to be here.

  I rush up the stairs and walk into Kay’s room, letting her know she needs to stay in here and play with her toys until I get out of the shower. Walking into Kody’s room next, I check on him. He’s been napping for about an hour or so now. He seems content to stay sleeping too. I place one of his tractor toys in the crib with him, so if he does wake up he has something to entertain himself with.

  Running into my room, I strip my clothes off as I go. Gathering them up, I shove them all into the dirty clothes hamper. Turning the shower on, I wait a few minutes for it to get hot before I jump in. I dunk my head under the shower spray and get my hair wet. When I pull my head forward again and wipe my eyes the shower curtain gets ripped to the side.

  I jump and scramble to cover all my parts and scream at the top of my lungs. When I finally get my bearings, I realize that my husband is standing there with a big smile on his face. Naked. He steps into the shower and I drop my hands, not having a reason to cover my goodies up now.

  “I was hoping to help you cook, but I see you got all of that under control so I decided to come jump in the shower with you.” He smiles suggestively. Damn him. I can’t help but grin back. I close the few feet that separates us.

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I ask in a low voice, “What is it you think is going to happen in here? We don’t have that much time.”

  “Are you forgetting who you’re talking to? I can make this quick, just turn around for me and I’ll be done soon.” He grabs onto my arms, and uses them to turn me around.

  I brace my arms on the wall in front of me and lean forward, sticking my ass out for him. He smooths his hands over the globes of my ass, and spreads my cheeks apart. Moaning deep in his throat he says, “Baby, you are too good to me.” He takes one hand and lowers it to my entrance. Slowly inching two fingers inside of me, he starts pumping in and out making sure I’m ready for him.

  “Ben, we don’t have time for a build-up. You need to get it in, get us off, then get out.” I growl at him. He loves his anticipation.

  His low chuckle sends shivers down my spine. “Baby, you’re just so impatient.” I feel the fat tip of him nudging against me. The head enters me and he stills. Holding himself there he grasps my hips in a bruising grip. Holding me still, as well, because I’m trying to slam myself back into him.

  “No, no, no. Just wait. I’ll make it good, but you have to behave. Let me do this myself.” Ben loosens his grip on my hips now that he thinks I’ll hold still for him. I do though, as soon as every inch of his beautiful cock is deep inside of me, I’ll take matters into my own hands.

  I feel him inch deeper into me, only to stop and pull back to where just the tip is inside me and then slams himself back in. He pulls back again and slams back. He repeats this a couple times before he starts a punishing pace. I press my cheek against the tile on the wall, and drop my hand to play with my clit.

  “That’s right, baby, I love knowing you’re playing with yourself as I’m slamming into you from behind. This glorious ass on display for me.” He pulls one hand back and smacks my ass five times, leaving me panting and wanting more. I love when he gets like this. He always wants to leave his mark, to possess me. I used to think it was just how he was. Maybe he knows on some deeper level that he really does need to mark his territory.

  THE DOORBELL RINGS when I’m walking downstairs. I decided to actually dress “nice” tonight. I threw on a pair of leggings and a white sparkly tank top that has a little extra room in the belly area with a long sleeved cardigan over top. I didn’t have time to do anything with my hair so I threw it up into a wet messy bun. Whatever, at least I look nice clothes wise.

  I grab the doorknob, turning it and swinging the door open, I stare openmouthed at this man that doesn’t at all look like the same man I met. This is a cleaned up Robert. He actually has clothes on, albeit clothes that look very well loved. He also looks like he recently got a haircut and the color of his skin looks better than the last time I saw him.

  “Come on in!” I say a little too enthusiastically. “I’m glad you could make it, even as last minute as it was.”

  He cautiously takes in his surroundings, probably intimidated by my house in comparison to his. “I wouldn’t have missed this for the world. If I would have had plans, I would have changed them.” He smiles at me warmly.

  Just then my daughter decides to come tearing down the stairs in all of her crazy glory. “Hi! You’re Mommy’s friend, right? She told me you were coming and that I have to be on my best behavior, because she doesn’t want you to think we’re wild animals.”

  I cover my face with my hands and laugh silently. She hates when you laugh outright at something she’s said. I drop my hands and look at Robert. He hasn’t said anything yet, but he has a smile on his face that looks like it’s lighting up his entire world. He kneels down onto one knee and sticks his hand out to her to shake her hand.

  “Hi, I am your mommy’s friend. I’m Robert. What’s your name?” She stares at his hand for a few beats before sticking her small hand into his larger one.

  “I’m MaKayla, but everyone calls me Kay.” She quickly pulls her hand out of his and continues to stand there.

  Robert stands back up and says, “It’s very nice to meet you, Kay. You’re very pretty, you look just like your mommy.” He turns to look at me then. “She’s gorgeous and does look just like you. Wild animal behavior aside, it looks like you’ve done a great job.”

  Ben comes down the stairs just then. He’s not even completely down the stairs with Kody in his hands before speaking. “Hi, I’m Ben. Lyla’s husband. How are you?” He stops when he makes it to the middle of the room. It’s then that I realize we’re still standing in the doorway to the house.

  I gesture to the living room then say, “Come on in, make yourself at home.” He takes his jacket off then turns to hand it to me. I take it and put it in the closet behind the front door. As I shut the door to the closet, I take a deep breath. Steeling myself for a long night. I want this is be as not awkward as possible, but considering everything I don’t know if that’s possible.

  Facing the room again I see that Ben and Robert are making small talk on the couch. Robert is looking at Kody, gazing at him in wonder.

  “How was the drive up here?” Small talk is a good place to start in any situation, as forced as it may be.

  He makes eye contact with me then turns back to looking at Ka
y this time. “The drive was uneventful, which is always good.”

  Nodding, I don’t say anything back. I’m not sure what to say. I look at Ben, showing him my panic.

  “Robert, would you care for a drink?” My eyes go as big as saucers and I try to very subtly start shaking my head. And then I stop like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar as soon as Robert turns to look at me.

  Giving me a weird look, he turns to look back at Ben. Clearing his throat he says, “I, uh, I would like a water.” He cast his eyes downward like he’s ashamed he has to clarify what he wants to drink.

  Ben stands up and takes Kody with him to the kitchen to grab a couple bottle of waters. As soon as he is out of the room I turn to Robert to apologize, but he beats me to it. “It’s still new. I’m trying to adjust, so I’m sorry if I made it weird.”

  I jump up off the chair and make my way over to Robert. He stands when I get close and I just wrap my arms around him. He stiffens as I hug him, but after a few minutes he relaxes and puts his arms around me. Ben must have lingered a little bit in the kitchen to give us a moment alone.

  When he comes back in, he tells us that food is done. I get up and go get everything ready in the dining room, you know since we never eat in there anyways. We always eat in the living room in front of the TV or in the kitchen.

  I have to go back into the kitchen to get Kody’s high chair, since it’s on wheels I drag it back into the dining room. Satisfied that everything is how it should be, I go grab the food and the drinks and set everything in the center of the table.

  “All right, guys. You can come on in!”

  The guys pile in and Ben puts Kody in his high chair. Kay claims a chair and pushes her booster seat into it and then climbs up. I push her chair in and gesture for Robert to take the chair to Kay’s right. That way he can get to know her a little bit better without all the toys. She really has a one tract mind when she’s playing.

  All throughout dinner, Kay dominates everyone’s attention. Being cute at the right times, not being a slob while she eats, but when she gets tired it’s very obvious she needs to go to bed. Ben says he’ll take her and Kody up and gets them ready for bed. I grab my bottle of water and take a sip.

  With Kay gone, the conversation instantly dies.

  “So, I wanted to tell you more about your mom.” Huh, okay.

  “I would love to know more about her.” I adjust in my seat, then say, “Let’s go back to the living room, it’s more comfortable out there.” He doesn’t object so we both grab our waters and head back out.

  As soon as we sit down, he starts. “Your mother was a very loveable person, she had so much love to give out. She just didn’t know how to use it. You look a lot like her, you act a lot like her too. I see the sadness in your eyes, I just want you to know that your mom suffered from devastating depression. Her lows were so low that she turned to drugs to just feel alive. And when the current drug of choice no longer helped, she went in search of the next best high. Which was ultimately her downfall. I didn’t see it at the time, but as each year passed, it got worse until she could no longer handle it anymore”

  I feel like I just got hit with emotional whiplash. She suffered from depression? Well, that explains a lot. I thought it was just the baby blues, maybe it has been more than that. Add on top of that the guilt from whatever is going on with Bronson, and that makes for one hell of combination.

  “How long did she suffer, do you know?” I start peppering him with questions. Maybe I can get more insight to how long she suffered and just how severe it was before she turned to drugs.

  He looks lost in thought, like his eyes are years away from where we are now. “She suffered for probably as long as I knew her. She was just really good at hiding it.”

  Sounds familiar. “I can see your wheels spinning in there. If you think you have it, you need to talk to someone.” Oh my god, could I talk to someone about this? Could I really be helped? Now I feel like even more of a piece of shit for having the pills sitting upstairs.

  First chance I get, those things are going down the fucking toilet. I’m surprised that I haven’t gotten rid of them since I found out I’m pregnant. I don’t know that I could talk about everything that I’ve done with a therapist. I feel like vomiting just from the thought of baring my soul to someone. But I might have to. I certainly can’t talk to Michelle about any of this. Or anyone that I know personally.

  “I’m pretty sure I have been suffering. But I feel like I’m better right now.”

  Nodding, he goes on to explain the ups and downs that she would experience. They sound so eerily similar to how I’ve been feeling since moving back home. It’s like moving back here triggered everything.

  “WHAT IS WITH you and these damn surprises lately?” I scowl at him from the passenger side of our car. It hasn’t been that long since our trip to New Orleans to warrant a new getaway somewhere else.

  And just like the last time he seems content with not telling me where we’re going at all. “I hate you right now.”

  “You don’t hate me, you love me. You’ll love me even more in a little bit. We aren’t staying anywhere tonight, we’re just going to be gone for the day.”

  I cross my arms over my chest and huff. We left Mansfield about an hour ago. We’re on the highway heading North, I can only assume we’re going to Cleveland. But I don’t know why. It’s a Sunday in October, there really isn’t much up north I want to do except go to Cedar Point, but we’re going in the wrong direction for that.

  Looking out the window, my eyes glance over all of the car dealerships we’re passing. Checking out all the brand new cars. “We should go car shopping soon, we could use a bigger vehicle.”

  Ben barks out a laugh. He looks over at me, a smile lighting up his face. “You think we need a bigger car than what you have now?” He looks forward again. “I have this truck and you have a Ford Escape. How much bigger do you need?”

  Narrowing my eyes, I snap, “You do realize that these kids are only going to get bigger right? And the amount of shit we carry around for them now is only going to keep multiplying. Then there will be friends and their friends crap. And if we go on vacation it is best to have a bigger vehicle.”

  “What kind of car are you thinking we need?”

  I mull it over for a minute, trying to come up with something quick. But something that I would actually want. “A brand new Chevy Tahoe. That has enough room for us to grow. Black with chrome rims.”

  “Sure, let me get right on those rims for you. I can get you rims for your Escape. Won’t that be nice?” I know what he’s doing. It won’t work. Not this time.

  “Why don’t we just stop and look sometime? It’s not like it will kill us to look.” I smile and bat my eyes. He takes his hand off the center console, pushes it up and locks it in place. Urging me to move to the center of the truck, to be closer to him.

  I unbuckle and move over, and grab the center lap belt and buckle back up. “All right, you got me where you want me, what are you going to do with me now?”

  He places his hand on my leg and rubs back and forth. “Now that I’ve got you where I want you? Baby, I’ve always got you. If you want to go look at a new car, we’ll go look at a new car. But, we aren’t breaking the bank with one either. We need to think somewhat sensible. If we can find a Tahoe within our price range, we’ll talk about it.”

  Beaming at him, I sit up straighter and press a kiss to his cheek. “You know that will get you a blow job later, right?”

  He glances at me, then puts his eyes back on the road. “I don’t think you have ever given me road head. We don’t have the kids. What do you say?”

  I glance out the windows, taking in how many cars are around us. Trying to gauge if it would be too much to do this. I can’t believe I’m even considering doing this. But I want to make my husband happy. Hell, I know that just by not arguing about the car I’ve made him happy for today.

  “What if a cop drives by? Oh! What i
f you wreck us? You know I give good head.” I wiggle my eyebrows at him making him chuckle.

  “Sunshine, I would never put us at risk, you know that. If I feel like I’m starting to lose control, I’ll stop you.” He moves his hand from my leg to the front of his pants and starts to undo them.

  “I can’t believe I’m really going to do this. You owe me bigtime, Mr. Morris.”

  “Get my cock in your mouth, wife.” Oh, my nice husband has taken a break. It’s time for Mr. Alpha to fill his shoes. Unbuckling myself once again, I bring both of my legs up onto the bench seat. I get up onto my knees and sink down so my thighs are resting against my calves. My hands finish pulling his dick out of his pants, I tuck the belt buckle away so that way I don’t hit it at all.

  I work my hand up and down a couple times, getting him a little hard before I put him in my mouth. Once he’s harder, I lean over his lap and tentatively dart my tongue out to lick the very top. He moans and winds his free hand into my hair, wrapping the strands around his fist to control my movements.

  I take the head of him into my mouth, close it around him and suck hard on his cock. He moans and shoves himself into the back of my throat, making me gag. He pulls my head back almost immediately after.

  “Breathe through it, baby. You can do this.” He lets me take a deep breath, and starts to shove himself into my mouth again. This time when he hits the back of my throat, I breathe in deep through my nose, relaxing my throat muscles, forcing myself not to gag. He holds himself there longer this time, making my throat get used to the invasion. Spit is dripping out of my mouth and down his cock, making a mess.

  He pulls out and slams home a couple times before relaxing his hand. That’s my queue to take over things, I start bobbing my head up and down his length. Not taking him near as deep as what he was going, but I’m still taking him as deep as I can.

  His moans and groans fill the cab of the truck. I work my hand up and down, giving my jaw a break for just a second before I start sucking on him again. His fist tightens a little bit in my hair again, letting me know that he’s getting close. I work my hand and mouth in tandem. Trying to suck harder to get him off faster.


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