The Men of Ramshire - Season 2

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The Men of Ramshire - Season 2 Page 13

by Diane Lennox

  Ezra smirked before letting out a heavy sigh and running his hands over his dreadlocks. “You seem to want what’s best for this theatre, but if that’s true, why have you been gone for so long? And why come back now?”

  “I left because that was what was best for this theatre as well as my family. If I had stayed and competed with Yves it would have been a disaster. As for coming back, I had plans to return home soon anyways, but the situation with Rafe accelerated those plans.”

  “And you agree with your family? About Rafe?” Ezra asked.

  “Now we’re getting a little too personal, especially since you haven’t agreed to work with me,” Evgeni replied, leaning back against the couch once more. “So what will it be, Ezra? Will you trust me to make you a star or would you prefer to remain a supporting actor for the rest of your career?”

  Ezra remained quiet again, clearly thinking before he replied.

  “I’d like to speak to a couple of people first,” he said once he was apparently ready.

  “I need to know by tomorrow.”

  “I promise I’ll have an answer for tomorrow.”

  “Good. Today let’s simply run lines then,” Evgeni said and got up off the couch, making his way towards the desk. As he expected there were a few copies of the play lying about and he grabbed two of them before returning to the couch and offering one to Ezra. “However, I’d like for you to get into character just a little bit so I can see what I’m working with.”

  “Alright,” Ezra said and took the script.

  They started from the very beginning and Evgeni decided to just do the whole script for fun so he could see Ezra read all sorts of different parts. They took turns being the supporting cast and since the first few scenes didn’t include Mordred Evgeni instructed Ezra to play Antonio, Killian’s part, and Evgeni would play Lord Edward, Jasper’s part.

  Right off the bat it was plain to see that Ezra was very comfortable in the role of Antonio, though that wasn’t exactly surprising. Antonio basically was Ezra. He was friendly, charming, and sweet with his slight flirtations with Lord Edward. Ezra even seemed to be enjoying himself judging by the way he now smiled openly at Evgeni while they said their lines. As for Evgeni, well, it was quite easy for him to be flirting back as Lord Edward.

  So when scene three came along and Mordred made his entrance, the difference was painfully jarring. The smoothness Ezra had when he played Antonio completely vanished. Everything was stiff, forced, and so completely unbelievable.

  “Stop,” Evgeni said, halfway through the scene. “I’d like to try something.”

  Ezra just nodded in reply, his attention fully on Evgeni.

  “Let’s leave this for a moment and go back to scene two. I want you to play Lord Edward this time and I’ll play Antonio. And don’t try to copy how Jasper or I play the role, just play him in a way that would make sense for you,” Evgeni said.

  “Alright. At the start of scene two?” Ezra asked.


  They began again and Evgeni’s suspicions were correct – it wasn’t Ezra’s ability, it was the role of Mordred that was the problem. Lord Edward should have been awkward for Ezra to play considering it was a role for a softer, usually smaller built man, yet Ezra made it work. He didn’t try to be cute, or sassy, or even sweet. Instead he played up Lord Edward as a shy, polite young man, and even managed to make him rather endearingly innocent when the flirtatious moments came around. He also made impromptu alterations to the lines to make them make more sense with the direction he was going in.

  “Hm,” Evgeni hummed once the scene was over. “I want to try something else. One second,” he said then got up and went over to the far wall that was completely covered in shelves containing a multitude of books and binders. Luckily for Evgeni, all the ornate binders were properly labeled and he quickly found what he was looking for. He pulled out the binder he needed and grabbed the script from the last play the Gardenia put on.

  “I want you to read King Vortigan’s monologue for me, the one where he loses his temper when he finds out his general has gone rogue on him,” Evgeni said and quickly flipped to the right page before handing the script to Ezra. “Again, I don’t care how Nikolai played it, you just do your own thing.”

  Ezra nodded and took the script. “May I stand?”

  “You do whatever you like,” Evgeni said and took a seat on the couch.

  “Alright,” Ezra said and stood. He paced for a moment, then turned to Evgeni, looking like an entirely different man. His eyes turned suddenly dark, his nostrils flared, and his muscles tensed, causing veins to bulge on his neck. “That lying, piece of shit maggot! How dare he defy me! I was the one who took him in. I was the one who pointed him towards glory! He thinks he can defeat me and my army? The fool, he’s never fought me.”

  Evgeni watched with rapt attention as Ezra continued on with the little rampage. He’d seen many videos of Ezra before, but this was the first time he saw him play someone pissed the fuck off, and he was doing it quite well. Not as well as his usual friendly roles, of course, but there was definitely something there.

  So why was Ezra holding back? He could be scarier, much scarier if he wanted to be. Ezra had a powerful body and a powerful voice to match, he should be able to make Evgeni tremble in terror.

  “Good, thank you,” Evgeni said once the monologue was over.

  Ezra nodded then sat and set the script down on the coffee table between them.

  There was a moment of silence before Evgeni suddenly whined loudly, unable to keep his frustrations to himself.

  “Ezraaa, can’t you just say yes right now? Gods, you have no idea how bad I want to dig into your brain and figure out what the fuck is going on with you! There’s so much raw material right in front of me and all I want to do is forge it into the perfect theatrical weapon.”

  Ezra let out a soft chuckle and his eyes softened for the first time since they’d been alone and not in character. And though it was just a small show of open, positive emotion, it still made Evgeni feel as though he’d been suddenly showered with sunlight.

  “I think I understand now why people flock to you,” Evgeni said with a little smile of his own. “You’re like the sun itself.”

  At that Ezra’s eyes widened and he coughed a little, obviously unsure of what to do with such a compliment.

  Evgeni chuckled. “Don’t worry, Ezra, I have no designs on you,” he said once he realized Ezra must have thought he was flirting with him, then started to grin. “Though I’ve heard a rumour that you and our lead stylist have been getting a little cozy.”

  “We’ve become friends, yes,” Ezra said, his smile quickly disappearing to be replaced with the look of distrust once more.

  “Yves said Marius has been helping you with your theatre woes.”

  “He has.”

  “And has he been successful?”

  “A little, yes.”

  “And do you want to court him?”

  Whatever warmth was left in Ezra’s expression vanished completely.

  Evgeni laughed. “Alright, alright, I’ll let it go,” he said then begun studying Ezra once more. “Hm… like the sun…” he muttered to himself, thinking. “Maybe that’s the problem.”

  “My being like the sun?” Ezra asked.


  “How so?”

  Evgeni grinned. “I’ll tell you later, if you decide to become my star pupil.”

  “And if I say no? Will you still be helping me at all?”

  “Of course, I promised Yves I’d help. But I’d only go so far as to help you fake the role good enough to please the audience, not own it. Though if you do say no, you won’t be getting another chance at my offer for a very long time.”

  “I know,” Ezra said, his eyes glancing downwards as his face fell into a solemn expression.

  “I want you to know, Ezra, that I do genuinely want to work with you and hopefully turn you into the next lead,” Evgeni said, wanting Ezra to at le
ast trust his sincerity in that regard.

  “And do you think I’m really capable of being lead?” Ezra asked, glancing upwards.

  “Yes,” Evgeni replied without hesitation. “The problem isn’t your capabilities, it’s your willingness to present yourself in ways that you obviously find uncomfortable.”

  Ezra just nodded slowly in response.

  “Well since we aren’t going to get too far today, let’s continue with reading lines, but don’t worry about character anymore, just work on memorization,” Evgeni said and picked up the script from the table once more.

  “Alright,” Ezra agreed and the two of them carried on.

  Evgeni wondered who it was that Ezra would have to talk to about making his decision, but hopefully they would nudge him in the right direction. He didn’t blame Ezra for not trusting him, but the payoff would be worth the discomfort Evgeni was sure to cause him from time to time. And said discomfort would most likely revolve around a certain Marius Amberwood. Evgeni was very eager to find out just how that relationship was working right now. Did they actually like each other, or were people just playing it up? And if they did like each other, what was stopping them from making a move? Evgeni was going to have to give their lead stylist a visit soon to see what exactly was going on there.

  At any rate his mission had started and hopefully Ezra would make the right decision or else Evgeni was going to have to find another solution and there honestly wasn’t one readily available. Unless someone insanely talented magically appeared out of thin air, Ezra was their next star.


  Pasha Scarlett ran through the halls of the university, ignoring the few calls he got from various professors to slow down. There was no way in hells he was going to slow down today. He needed to see Rafe as soon as possible, especially since he somehow failed at hunting him down between his other classes and lunch.

  “Rafe!” Pasha cried as he saw him and Soren walking down the hall to their classroom. He hoped them being side by side was a good sign.

  The two of them looked back at him, both looking rather unimpressed, though as Pasha got closer Rafe’s expression softened into a smirk.

  “I’d prefer if you didn’t yell my name halfway across the school,” Rafe said.

  Pasha rolled his eyes. “Scold me for that later. What’s happening with you and your family?”

  Rafe sighed then grabbed Pasha by the sleeve of his dark green blazer and dragged him off into a little alcove away from the traffic of the hallway with Soren following close behind.

  “I’d rather not get into details in public,” Rafe said softly, nearly whispering. “But the gist of it is I picked my friends over my family, however, there may be hope that things will change with my family. I can tell you more after class, if you’d like.”

  “Of course I’d like,” Pasha replied, torn between frowning and grinning. “Um, I’m sorry that you had to choose at all, but since you’ve chosen us, I promise to be here for you. I mean, assuming you want me to be,” he said then licked at his lips, his gut twisting inside of him as he braced himself to ask what he knew he needed to ask. “You were pretty upset Friday, so I wouldn’t be surprised if, you know, your wanting to be friends with me was sorta said in the heat of the moment.”

  “I’ll admit it wasn’t quite how I wanted our friendship to start, but it is what it is and now that we’re here I’d like to keep you as my friend. That is, if you feel the same way,” Rafe said.

  “I think that’s pretty fucking obvious at this point.”

  “And what about you two?” Rafe asked, looking between Pasha and Soren.

  Pasha looked to the taller boy. Their conversation had been very brief the other day. They agreed to behave, for Rafe’s sake, but that was it.

  “It isn’t friendship, not yet,” Pasha replied.

  “Yet?” Soren echoed, cocking an eyebrow at him.

  “Yes, yet,” Pasha said again. “If we start hanging out together with Rafe we’re going to get closer no matter what. I mean, it’ll probably go into frenemy territory, but that’s still sorta like friends.”

  “And if I’d prefer not to see you as my friend in any capacity?”

  “Then that’s your loss,” Pasha replied with a shrug and tried not to let that comment bug him too much. Yeah, Soren was an annoying, smug little dick, but Pasha would prefer to be friends of some sort with him eventually.

  Except wait a minute. That little fucker couldn’t claim to not want to be friends in some way!

  “But we both know that’s bullshit,” Pasha continued on. “You were worried about me last week and brought me a present.”

  “Which I regret.”

  Pasha grinned, loving the way those words rang false to his faerie ears. “No you don’t.”

  “Alright you two,” Rafe said, stepping out of the alcove. “We need to get to class and I’m not going to be late because you two were bickering.”

  “Yes, Rafe,” Pasha said to Rafe then turned his attention to Soren and sent him a saucy little wink. “We’ll talk more later.”

  “Don’t ever wink at me,” Soren said, shoving past him and making his way to their nearby classroom.

  “You know that just makes me want to do it more,” Pasha said and followed his friends into the classroom. He wondered if he should sit closer to them now, but in all honesty he didn’t feel quite that confident yet in their newfound friendship. For now he’d remain in his usual seat.

  “Good afternoon everyone,” Professor Romero greeted the class a minute later and closed the door behind himself. “I hope you all had a good weekend. Today you’ll be getting time to work on your projects and I’ll be speaking to you one at a time to provide some more guidance before you hand them in on Friday. So, um, I guess I’ll start on the right side of the room and work front to back.”

  That meant Pasha would be one of the first Professor Romero talked to, but he was very alright with that. Pasha really wanted to know what his professor thought of his design so far.

  While he waited he poked around on the internet, not wanting to work anymore on the project until he got the promised feedback.

  “You ready, Pasha?” Professor Romero asked when he finally made his way over.

  “No, one second,” Pasha said then quickly pulled up the project. “Here we go!”

  Professor Romero smiled at him and knelt down beside the table to look at the site. He didn’t say anything at first and instead simply scrolled through it, clicking here and there, making little humming noises to himself.

  “So? What do you think?” Pasha asked after a little bit, starting to get nervous.

  “I think it’s one of your best websites in terms of technical ability so far,” Professor Romero said then looked to him. “But I think you need to go back to the client’s wish list. I know you have a pretty distinct style, but this website isn’t for you to like, it’s for your client to like.”

  “Okay,” Pasha said with a weak nod, trying not to feel down by the criticism.

  “I’m not saying you should take away all of your style, just that you need to learn to bend a little bit more and think about who the project is for,” Professor Romero said and patted Pasha’s shoulder. “I know you’re the type that will probably go do your own thing as soon as you can after graduating, but I promise you, this will be a useful skill to have. That’s why I’m going to push you to learn it.”

  “Okay,” Pasha said again, but this time with a little smile. He trusted Professor Romero implicitly and if he said he should get better at merging his style with more restrictive specifications then Pasha would do it.

  “Good,” Professor Romero said, giving him his signature lop-sided smile. “I can’t wait to see the finished product.”

  “Thanks, professor,” Pasha said, happy to hear the truth in his professor’s words.

  “You’re welcome,” Professor Romero said then stood and moved on to the next student.

  Pasha sighed softly then brought up the
project file and the client wish list as Professor Romero told him to do. It wasn’t like he ignored it, in fact he had thought he’d done a pretty good job adhering to it, but obviously something was off or else Professor Romero wouldn’t give him that critique.

  What in the hells was he missing? His site was welcoming, well organized, easy to navigate. Pasha really couldn’t see what the problem was. Was he just oblivious to something? He read over the list a couple more times, mentally checking things off as he went, but he couldn’t see what he was missing.

  He glanced over to Soren and Rafe. Would they know something he didn’t? Probably, but Pasha wasn’t sure he could handle their criticism. They may be on relatively friendly terms now, but they were still rivals. He’d figure it out himself.

  The rest of class went by fairly quick as Pasha wracked his brain over what was wrong, but he never did come to any conclusions.

  “So are we hanging out now or what?” Pasha asked after he’d packed up his things and walked over to Rafe and Soren’s desk. “I’d like to know more about what’s happening with you,” he added, looking to Rafe.

  “If you’d like,” Rafe said then started to smirk. “Though judging by all the scowling you did after Professor Romero judged your project you may want to spend more time working on that.”

  “Oh fuck off, as if he didn’t give you any criticism. I’m willing to bet you got in trouble for having a boring aesthetic again.”

  Rafe’s eyes narrowed slightly and Pasha knew he hit the bullseye.

  “Still want to hang out with him?” Soren asked with a smug little smirk.

  “That depends. Do you play Realm Lords by chance, Pasha?” Rafe asked.

  “Yeah I do!” Pasha replied excitedly. Realm Lords was a multiplayer online battle arena computer game that Pasha absolutely loved.

  “Then why don’t you come over and get crushed.”

  “Wait a minute, two vs one? That’s not gonna work!”

  “We’ll let other people into the game, you just better pray you get paired with some good players,” Rafe said with a mischievous little smirk. “Or do you not think you can carry the team to victory?”


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