M&L03 - SS

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M&L03 - SS Page 22

by Stacie Simpson

  He seemed a little surprised that I asked but said, “Rachel is like a butterfly waiting to emerge from her cocoon. She has the potential for true beauty both inside and out, but she must first break free of the defensive armor she’s built around herself.”

  I felt my lips curl with a smile. “Take good care of her Grayson, but try to go easy on Jasper. He’s a good kid and he means well.”

  Grayson inclined his head to me, and then stepped through the portal, closing it behind him.

  I finished my beer, put the empties in the recycle bin, and then headed upstairs to lay down with Renee. Nothing was more important in that moment than having her warm body, alive and breathing, pressed against mine.

  ~ Renee ~

  That smile... Something bad is going to happen. I have to get out of here. I have to run, but no matter how hard I concentrate, I can’t move. The pain is agonizing, but I can’t move. Here comes the blade that will end it all, and my body won’t do anything I ask it to do.

  “No...” I sat up in bed, searching the darkness.

  “There’s no one here but us Renee.” Solomon’s voice was like a lifeline pulling me out of the nightmare. My whole body shook with relief. “Hey, what’s this? You’re safe now; no one’s going to hurt you while I’m here.”

  He pulled me closer and I molded myself to his side with my head resting on his bare chest. It felt so good to be held in his strong arms, to inhale his familiar scent, and to know he would always be there when I needed him. The bond was working better than ever and his love was a powerful thing. It chased away all the fear and the pain of the chamber, but I had to remember. No matter how horrible the memories were, I had to remember because Solomon needed to know the truth.

  “I couldn’t move Solomon.” I whispered, tracing circles on his chest with my finger.

  “What do you mean?” he asked, tucking my hair behind my ear.

  “When I was in the chamber with Sergio; after my second point, I couldn’t move a muscle. I should have known he was up to something but I never thought he’d pull something like that with everybody watching.”

  His body tensed and his arm tightened around me. “What are you saying Renee?”

  “I’m saying he used magic to hold me in place.”

  The emotions I’d felt coming from him were suddenly cut off, but not like the bond quit working, more like he’d thrown a wall up between us. I sat up and reached over to turn on the bedside lamp. When I turned to face him I asked, “Why did you just do that? Why did you cut me off from your emotions?”

  He looked away from me and said, “You don’t need to feel what’s going on inside me right now.”

  “That’s bullshit Solomon. We’re mates. That means we share everything - all of our feelings - happy, sad, hurt, angry - I don’t care. I want to feel it, and that includes when you’re in one of those blood thirsty I-need-to-slaughter-someone kind of moods too.”

  He allowed himself a slight grin but maintained the tight hold he had on his emotions. “Why don’t you tell me what happened in that chamber?”

  Letting the argument go for the moment I explained, “It started out like a normal match. He was running his mouth trying to distract me. He even gave me a message for you. Something about actions having consequences no matter what our motives were for taking them. I’d heard enough by then so I moved in and scored my first point.

  Later he said some words I didn’t recognize, but not like he was casting a spell. You guys have this way of talking when you do magic. There’s a rhythm to it. This was just a few words thrown out here and there. Honestly, I thought he was just cursing because he was losing.

  Then he flicked his hand towards me and a drop of his blood landed on my hand. I couldn’t move a muscle after that. When I went to my knees, it was because he pushed me with a hand on my shoulder. I couldn’t even open my mouth to scream. I’ve never been so terrified in all my life Solomon.”

  He came up onto his knees in front of me and wrapped his arms around me. “Shhh... It was a close call, but it’s over now.”

  I was shaking again and I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. “We have to say something Solomon or he might try that with someone else.”

  “Don’t worry about that now. It’s early morning. We still have plenty of time before the semifinals begin.” He tipped my head back and placed a soft kiss on my lips. “Why don’t we work on getting you cleaned up?”

  Before I could answer, music started playing somewhere on the floor.

  ...Hail to the king. Hail to the one. Kneel to the crown. Stand in the sun. Hail to the king...

  I recognized the song as Avenged Sevenfold’s Hail to the King. Solomon was constantly changing his ringtones but it was a safe bet that one only played when Dragon called.

  Solomon grabbed his jeans off the floor and rummaged through the pockets until he found his phone. It was a short conversation and Dragon did most the talking. When Solomon hung up, he pulled his jeans on and told me, “Dragon needs to speak to me about something. I’m going to open a portal downstairs for him to come here. I’ll be back up just as soon as I can.”

  He smoothed my hair away from my face and then kissed my forehead before leaving.

  Once he was gone, I stretched with my hands over my head and took stock of my body. Everything seemed to be in working order with only a slight twinge of pain on my left side, but Solomon was right. I was filthy and most of my upper body was covered in dried blood. Noticing that the bed was also in pretty bad shape, I threw my legs over the edge and got to work.

  While I remade the bed, I caught bits and pieces of the conversation downstairs but not enough to really understand what they were talking about. Which was probably for the best anyway because I had no interest in learning state secrets, and that was exactly what Dragon usually wanted to discuss when he came looking for Solomon. As a loyal follower and one of the most powerful sorcerers alive, Solomon was considered an integral part of the security team for the entire United Clans. Without his magic, safe havens like Supernova and Myths and Legends wouldn’t be very safe at all.

  When I was finished tidying up the room, I lit a few candles to mask the lingering scent of blood, then I headed for the shower. In the bathroom, I reached into the glass shower stall and turned the knobs to warm up the water. Solomon had already removed most of my clothing, so only my bra and panties had to be peeled off. I dropped them into the basket and took a good look at myself in the full-length mirror. The damage caused by Sergio’s blade was completely healed - vanished, as if it never even happened. If only it was that easy to forget the excruciating pain, and the mind numbing fear. I ran my hands over my smooth stomach, marveling yet again at the miraculous healing abilities of the vampire virus. It was too bad human greed would turn such a precious gift into something ugly if we ever released it to the masses.

  Stepping into the hot spray, I let the water run over my face and hair, rinsing away the sand and sweat from the previous night. Once I was finished with the lather, rinse and condition, I grabbed my loofah and scrubbed my body clean of the blood and grime from the chambers. The black raspberries and vanilla scent of my favorite body wash surrounded me, helping me relax and put the memories of the horrific experience behind me.

  When the water ran cold, I patted myself dry, wrapped a towel around my hair and then threw on my lacy black robe. It was short and barely covered my ass, but at least I wouldn’t be walking into the bedroom completely nude. I wasn’t sure if Solomon was still downstairs or not but I thought it best not to take any chances. The constant state of arousal caused by the mating frenzy was manageable until something turned the heat up, and seeing me naked would undoubtedly crank up Solomon’s burners. The idea was honestly very appealing, but if he had to leave, it would only leave us both frustrated and needy.

  The candles I’d lit before my shower had done their job, filling the bedroom with the scent of black raspberries and vanilla. The soothing aroma enveloped me once again and I breathe
d deeply, letting the delicious fragrance seep into my soul.

  “You’ve always loved that scent, for as long as I’ve known you,” Solomon observed from across the room near the bed.

  His sandy blonde hair was still tussled from sleep and there was a sexy grin curving his full lips. Everything that made me a woman came to attention as I imagined all the sinful things he could do with those lips.

  I shook my head, dispelling the naughty images before they could undermine my control. “It was my mother’s favorite too. I guess that’s why it always reminds me of her and the happy times we had together before she died.”

  “That explains all the warmth and happiness I feel coming through the bond,” he told me softly, sliding his hands into his pockets.

  His chest was bare and his jeans were hanging low on his hips. The sleek contours of his lean muscles were even more enticing than usual in the soft glow of the candlelight, but I couldn’t let myself get carried away by the luscious sight until I knew if he’d be rushing off on some top-secret errand for Dragon.

  “So, does Dragon need you to go anywhere?”

  “No,” he answered, his eyes lingering on my bare legs before finally meeting mine. “He was actually here to tell me I’ve been disqualified from the tournament for interfering in your match with Sergio.”

  Desire momentarily took a back seat to outrage. “How the hell could he agree to that?”

  Solomon put his hands up, urging me to listen. I clamped my mouth shut, but if I didn’t like what he had to say, Dragon was going to get an earful the second I could track him down.

  “We think this was Sergio’s goal all along. I mean, why would he tell you to give me a message and then turn around and try to cut off your head?”

  “Say it was his goal; why let him get away with it?” I asked, putting my hands on my hips.

  “Apparently, Dragon and Danarius have been talking a lot more than any of us knew, and they have some pretty radical plans in mind for changing the supernatural world. Dragon didn’t go into detail, but said we’d have a meeting soon to discuss my part in their plans. For now, they’re mostly interested in finding out if Sergio is working against Danarius behind the scenes. According to Dragon, Danarius is sure the sorcerer is loyal to him, but Dragon isn’t convinced. He plans to use this opportunity to show Danarius Sergio’s true colors.

  With me out of the running, Sergio will most likely win the maze competition. As the winner, the maze for the finale will be his. Dragon believes Sergio will try to take Danarius out for good during the final match, and if Danarius dies in the maze, Sergio won’t be held accountable for his assassination.”

  “And since Danarius is the only reason we’re not still at war with the vampires, we don’t want to let that happen,” I finished for him, finally beginning to see the big picture.

  “Exactly,” Solomon agreed. “Dragon wants me there to counteract any spells used against him or Danarius that go beyond the usual obstacles.”

  “What about the sword fights? What if he uses magic against Katerina like he did with me?”

  Solomon snorted. “Believe me; Dragon would never let that happen. He was furious when I told him what happened to you, but when he thought about the same thing happening to Kat; it nearly sent him over the edge. I gave Dragon a charm that should keep her safe from Sergio’s spells.”

  It sounded like everything was under control so I decided it was time to get back to my original train of thought. “It’s too bad you’ve been disqualified, but think of all the things we could do with a whole day to ourselves.”

  He still had a tight grip on his emotions, but a surge of heat through the bond let me know we were most definitely on the same page. I felt a slow smile curve my lips as his gaze slid over me like an intimate caress. Then his hands slipped back into his pockets and he remained rooted to his spot beside the bed. “I’m still going to transform the club later. I can’t win, but I don’t want everyone to be disappointed.”

  “Even so,” I shrugged, crossing the room to my dressing table. “We have several hours to kill before then.”

  I thought I knew what the problem was, and I had the perfect remedy in mind. It hadn’t been twenty-four hours since I stole third base, and he was nothing if not a man of his word. It was sweet that he wanted to keep his promise, but so not what I needed right now. My brush with death had been a total game changer for me. From now on I was going to have what I wanted, when I wanted it, and right now, I wanted Solomon.

  When I reached the dressing table, I tugged on the belt holding my robe closed and the two ends fell to my sides. Then I used the pump to squirt a bit of moisturizer onto my hand. I discovered this particular moisturizer about twenty years ago and fell in love with it immediately. It came from one of the demon realms and unlike human moisturizers it had no scent or taste of its own, but rather enhanced those of the person using it. That wasn’t always the biggest selling point for me, but it was a fact Solomon would surely appreciate when his control finally snapped.

  I placed my foot on the edge of the chair and smoothed the oily substance over my leg. It took more rubbing than normal lotion for it to be fully absorbed, but that suited me just fine right now. With the belt hanging loose, my robe fell open, allowing Solomon a glimpse of my breasts while I caressed my calf and thigh. When it was time to move higher, I brushed the robe aside giving him an unobstructed view of my lower body while I massaged my hip and then finally my ass. With that side finished, I reached for the pump once again and then moved on to the next leg.

  Solomon’s body was visibly tense now and I could feel his desire through the bond. It was hot and wild; the kind of heat that would devour everything in its path once it was set free.

  I couldn’t wait to be devoured.

  Next, I removed the towel from my head and ran my fingers through my damp hair. I could have used the ring he gave me to make it look better, but there wasn’t much point. He usually looked right through the magic to the real me anyway.

  For the finale of my little show, I reached for the pump one last time and then turned to face Solomon. Starting with my neck and shoulders, I continued rubbing the moisturizer into my skin. My head rolled from side to side as my hands slid under the robe. When they glided lower to my breasts, Solomon took a step towards me and I lingered there a bit longer.

  I loved the feel of my hands sliding over the sensitive swells, but knowing I was making him crazy while doing it was an addictive rush. How long would he be able to hold out before he pounced? I figured there was only one way to find out.

  Taking the game to the next level, I slid my hands over my belly a few times and then lower to the bare mound between my thighs. That was all it took to make Solomon snap. Heat rolled off him in waves as he prowled towards me like a hunter stalking his prey. When he was nearly upon me, I grabbed the bottle of moisturizer off the dressing table and held it out between us.

  “Would you mind doing my back for me?”

  His eyes were pure gold when he held his hand out to me. I pumped a small amount of moisturizer onto his palm and then turned my back to him. Then I let the robe slide off my shoulders and fall to the floor. He growled low in his throat but his hands were gentle while he massaged my back, rubbing the last of the moisturizer into my skin.

  When he was finished he leaned in to whisper, “I know what you’re doing Renee, but you don’t need to worry. I gave up on keeping my promise before your first foot hit the chair.”

  My heart did a little flip and I spun around to face him.

  His golden eyes searched mine for a moment before he said, “If you want me, you can have me, but you need to be sure because there will be no going back after this.”

  I opened myself to him completely, letting him feel the love in my heart and the certainty that this was exactly where I needed to be. “I’m sure Solomon. Show me what it means to be yours.”

  Slowly, his hands came up and slid over my bare flesh. The first touch sent an exquisit
e blend of heat and moisture rushing to my core. My breath caught and my eyes fluttered shut. I became hyperaware of my body, savoring every sensation no matter how fleeting.

  He followed the curve of my waist, smoothing his hands down my sides, then over the slight flare of my hips to the round swells of my backside. His soft lips brushed my neck. Just a simple caress, but shivers raced up my spine. He stepped closer, pressing his hard chest against my achingly sensitive nipples. A moan of pure pleasure fell from my lips.

  Solomon gave a soft chuckle that tightened things low in my belly. “I love how responsive you are Renee.” He ran the tip of his nose lightly up my neck, inhaling my scent as he did. When he reached my ear he whispered, “I’m going to spend all day making you moan just like that.”

  My legs felt weak and I was glad when he lifted me up into his strong arms. He explored my neck, more insistent now, with soft lips and the occasional slide of his tongue. Tingles of pleasure spread over my flesh and I rolled my head to the side, inviting more of the delicious sensations. He was happy to oblige while he kneaded my buttocks with gentle hands, his fingertips tantalizingly close to more intimate places.

  “How long will you tease me Solomon?”

  “Always so impatient...”

  He turned and strode quickly towards the bed where my back met the velvety softness of my favorite comforter. A second later, his lips crushed mine and he kissed me hungrily with one arm holding his weight while his other hand smoothed over my hip and thigh. It all felt wonderful, but Solomon was right. I was impatient and I wanted more.

  I reached for his pants but he lifted his head and grabbed my hands, pinning them to the bed on either side of my head. “Not yet,” he gasped, shaking his head. “Once those come off I’ll be inside you and there’s something I’d like to do first.”

  I growled impatiently but he just grinned and lowered his mouth to my neck. He only stayed there a moment before moving further down to my breast where he drew my nipple into his mouth, sucking hard then flicking his tongue over the tight peak. My back arched and I moaned for him, long and low. A spike of arousal shot through the bond and I finally understood how much he truly enjoys giving me pleasure.


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