Sentinels of Creation

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Sentinels of Creation Page 23

by Robert W. Ross

  They stared at each other a moment in stunned silence, then Kellan said to the open air, “Drama much,” and all three started laughing.

  Chapter 17

  A Clinton Christmas Party

  Shannon leaned toward the bathroom mirror and slid the applicator through her eyelashes, then stood back and turned her head slightly from side to side.

  “You don’t need makeup, babe, you’re gorgeous” said Kellan. He lay sprawled across the bed with his chin supported by both hands as he watched her.

  “Juliet bought this for me, so clearly she thinks I need it. Do you think I need it, Kellan?”

  “First, that’s a question with only one answer and the answer is no. In your case, as I said literally ten-seconds ago, the honest answer is also no. That said, she’s done a very good job of teaching you how to use the stuff because you’ve managed to make yourself even more gorgeous, which I honestly didn’t think was possible.”

  Shannon cast a dubious eye toward him from the bathroom, then smiled and said, “Thanks, sweetie, I think I will keep you.” She reached for another item and started dabbing it on her left cheek.

  “Hey, what are you doing now. Don’t blot out the freckles. I love the freckles.”

  “Well, I don’t, you stupid man, but I told you I’d leave them be so I am.”

  “Then, what are you doing?”

  “I’m getting rid of that damnable scar.”

  “I like the scar too, it’s a conversation starter.”

  She turned to him with hands on hips, “Really, Kellan, now you are just trying to provoke me. What kind of conversation would we be starting? Oh, Shannon, you look lovely tonight. Why thank you sir, very kind of you to say. What is that on your cheek then? Tis just an old scar, sir. Oh, what a shame. Was it a childhood trauma? Did ya catch it on the a limb as you fell from a tree? Why no, sir, it was actually carved their by a demon who—” and she raised her voice while pointing at Kellan, “was trying to kill me and that daft man with whom I’ve had the misfortune to fall in love.” She lowered her hand and turned back to the mirror, but said, “I think I’ll just pass on having that conversation, sweetie, if that’s all right with you?”

  “Well,” said Kellan, “when you put it that way, sure, but I still like it.”

  She smiled, “I’m so glad we agree.” She stepped from the bathroom and gestured up and down. “Now, what is this dress James sent for me to wear?”

  “Not just you, Highlander.” Kellan rolled off the bed and turned around in front of her. “Look what he has me in.”

  She walked over and ran her hand down the red velvet and adjusted the black belt in one more notch. “It’s very soft, and why do you always have your belts set one notch too loose?”

  “I like to be able to breathe, that’s why. Anyway, ol’ James has seen fit to dress us up like Danny Kaye and Rosemary Clooney from White Christmas.”

  Shannon’s eyes lit up, “Oh, you told me about that one. We were going to watch that today, before Oren—”

  “Nearly got me lost in the cosmos, yeah, don’t remind me. Listen, we have all day tomorrow and I plan to not step one inch out of our house. It’s White Christmas, and Elf, and Miracle on 34th Street or bust.” Kellan pointed to Shannon’s outfit, “Now, how does that feel on you?”

  “It feels amazing. It’s just as soft as yours and this dress is so—” she paused searching for the right words

  “—poofy,” offered Kellan.

  She pointed at him, “Yes, poofy. It’s so poofy that I feel as if I’m wearing a kilt.”

  “Really,” said Kellan as he pulled her close and gave her a kiss on the cheek, “you are a genuine Highlander, right?”

  “Down to blood and bone, Kellan Thorne, but I know that wily look. What are you on about?”

  “Well, a true Highlander in a kilt. Mmm, mmm, mmm, I certainly hope what you have under it matches what any good Highland man would have under his.”

  She smirked at him, “Well then, there you go again, one thing on your mind. I just got into the bloody dress and you are plotting ways of getting me out of it.” She kissed him and Kellan felt his temperature rise several degrees. When she released him he wobbled and she grinned, “You just make sure and leave enough space for me in that gutter of yours, Kellan Thorne.”

  “So when are you going to let me drive, this car?” Shannon asked in a feigned manner of nonchalance.

  Kellan glanced over and arched an eyebrow. “Don’t try and trap me, Highlander.”

  “What, me?” she said swiveling slightly toward him. “I just want to know that you love me more than this Imp Challah.”

  “First, you don’t do coy well, Shannon. You are way too much the fiery Scot for coy. Second, an Imp Challah, if it existed, would be some kind of mischievous Jewish bread. Baby here is an Impala” She glared at him and Kellan moved on. “Of course I love you more than my car.”

  “I see you rubbing the wheel, Kellan Thorne. Are you afraid she’ll be jealous.”

  “Maybe, but I’m willing to risk it. You are worth the risk, babe.” She crossed her arms and Kellan sighed. “Come on, now. Would you let me ride that magic horse of yours? What’s his name, Frasier?”

  “My clever boy has passed on, Kellan, and is beyond riding.”

  “Please, he’s still alive the last time you saw him. He’s just dead now because you are 700 years in your future. I know you of old, Ms. McLeod, don’t try to change the subject. Were I to go back to Glenn Ferry with you right now, would you let me ride him?”

  “Well, no of course not. Don’t be stupid. You don’t know how to ride a proper horse. You barely stayed in the saddle of that gentle mare you rode in the mountains a couple of months ago.” She watched Kellan’s expression and reached over to take his hand. “It’s ok, sweetie, maybe she saw a snake or something.”

  “Thanks” he replied dryly, then added, “My point is, you are no more ready to get behind Baby’s wheel than I am to sit in Frasier’s saddle. We need to have you practice driving with a car that doesn’t matter, like James’ Tesla.”

  She brightened. “Do you think he would mind? That car is so fast and I like the screen.”

  “I’m sure he wouldn’t,” said Kellan and he lifted her hand to place a kiss on it. “We’ll take his electric mainframe for a spin right after Christmas, ok?”

  “You aren’t going to tell him, are you?”

  “Nope, it’s his fault for trusting me with a spare set of keys,” said Kellan with an evil grin.

  Shannon giggled, “You two remind me of how Liam and Donal always went after each other. I’m convinced that regardless of century, all men are really just taller boys.” She shifted again in her seat and rested her arm on Kellan’s, then said, “So you didn’t get to do much training with Oren.”

  “No,” answered Kellan as he swerved around two cars and into the right most lane of the highway. “I think we both got distracted by the whole universal energy is leaking from the multiverse into our world and powering Mantels, thing. I’ll sync up with him later.”

  “When?” she asked.



  “No, babe, we just talked about this. Tomorrow is the last day before Christmas Eve. We have barely seen any of my favorite Christmas movies and I still want to watch that last episode of—”

  “The Crown, yes you have mentioned something about it. Kellan, as lovely as it sounds to lay about in bed with you watching movies, you really must have Oren show you how to master these Universal whats’its.”

  Kellan sighed, “And I will. I promise, but not until after Christmas. Besides, I’m the one that was floating between worlds. I do have a general sense of how the stuff works now. I bet I could figure it out on my own if I had to. I just need to practice a bit.” He glanced over and noted her expression. “Shannon, I hear you, really I do, and I promise to reschedule with Oren before the year is out.” This seemed to mollify her. She settled back with a sigh as Kellan took the
Fourteenth Street exit and pulled into the guest lane of James’ condo. The doorman walked toward them and Kellan swore under his breath.

  “What?” asked Shannon.

  “Tim must be off tonight and this dude, John I think, never wants to let me leave Baby up front. I’m not letting him take her into some dark garage, Shannon. I’m not going to do it.” She leaned forward and held Kellan’s face in her hands, then kissed him. When she pulled back, Shannon smiled and said, “Consider this an early Christmas present for you and the Imp Challah.”

  “Impala, and what are you up to? I know that look.”

  The attendant had opened Shannon’s door and she swiveled out causing her white trimmed dress to ride up her legs dangerously. She accepted the offered hand and rose from the car.

  “Oh, thank you, John isn’t it,” said Shannon in a voice at least one octave lower than normal.

  “Uh, yes ma’am,” said the somewhat startled attendant as Shannon brushed against him while seeming to stabilize herself with a hand on his chest.

  Kellan had stepped out from the drivers side and now leaned against the car with his arms crossed over the roof . He sighed while slowly shaking his head and thought to himself, Ok, here we go…

  Shannon leaned even closer and her lips touched John’s ear as she whispered. “I could use a favor, John. Would you help a girl out. I’d be ever so grateful. Don’t say anything, just nod.”

  John nodded.

  “Oh, wonderful. Thank you, John. Now listen, I’m not sure things are going to work out too well with my boyfriend here. We’re having a bit of a spat and if I feel the need to leave, I’d like to do so quickly. Would you mind if I had him park up here, John?”

  The doorman nodded, then realized what he did and shook his head to indicate that he didn’t mind at all.

  “Thank you John,” she purred into his ear and uncurled her arm from around him as she started up the stairs to the lobby. Shannon looked back over her shoulder causing a cascade of loosely curling red hair to be caught by the chill evening air and gave Kellan a wink.

  The attendant shot Kellan a sour look, pointed to the empty spot next to an Aston Martin Vanquish, and said, “Just park it there. The lady says you may not be staying long.”

  Kellan tried to look pitiful as he slipped back into the car and wheeled it into the offered parking spot. A minute later he joined Shannon on the stairs and held out his arm. She linked hers though his and, as they entered the Condo, Kellan said, “Highlander, you could seduce even the most pious of preachers.”

  She leaned in, nipped at Kellan’s ear and whispered, “Didn’t I tell you about my ride to Inverness, sweetie? There were two very handsome and pious boys who helped me along the way.”

  Kellan looked down at her, “I don’t even want to know.”

  She squeezed him tighter and laughed as they walked toward the building’s opulent ballroom from which could be heard the sound of Christmas music.

  “Brotha Kellan,” yelled James enthusiastically as he crossed the room to embrace the young Sentinel. “You don’t call. You don’t write. Your mother and I are worried about you.”

  Kellan smiled, “Yeah, well, things have been a bit hectic. You understand.”

  James gave his friend a knowing look, then turned to Shannon. “And you,” he began putting both hands on the white trim at he bare shoulders and taking a half step back, “You are a vision of loveliness that is diminished only by your escort’s heinous visage.”

  Kellan rolled his eyes, but Shannon smiled and executed a deep curtsey, then said, “Kind of you to say, James and thank you so much for the dress. It’s lovely.”

  “See,” James said pointing at Kellan, “Now, that is class right there. I cannot even imagine such a refined and delicate flower ever being described as, what was it you said a couple weeks ago, Kellan? Oh I remember, A razor tongued she-devil, whose hair gained its red color by repeated contact with the fires of hell.

  Kellan’s eyes widened and he mouthed a creative string of profanity which James accepted with a smile even as Shannon leaned over and placed a warm kiss on Kellan’s cheek before saying, “You know me so well and my she-devil charms are for you alone.”

  The Sentinel gave an uncomfortable chuckle, then gestured with the several wrapped gifts he’d been holding. “Where do you want me to put the white elephant gifts?”

  James gestured to a large Christmas tree that stood in the corner of the ballroom. It stood well over ten feet tall and was decorated with all manner of glass ornaments, tinsel, and twinkling lights. There were already several presents sitting on the embroidered skirt beneath the tree and Kellan headed over to place his there as well. While he was crouched down, he felt a large hand rest on his shoulder. Kellan looked over and smiled. “Seramai! I didn’t know you were coming,” then added, “You aren’t going to incite a brawl are you?”

  “Of course not, Kellan,” said Ares, grinning through his beard. “I am here as Meghan’s date. Her, plus-one as it were.”

  The Sentinel gave a nervous laugh, “Uh, so she’s going to be the calming influence. Allow me to amend my previous question, then. You two aren’t going to incite a brawl are you?. I know how you get together.”

  Ares leaned in as Kellan rose to face the god of war, “Rest easy, young Sentinel, no conflict of our doing will be seen here this night.” Kellan looked unconvinced but said nothing further as Meghan walked over and placed her gift under the tree.

  “Merry Christmas, nerd,” she said.

  “And to you, jock-bitch,” he answered.

  She grinned. “That’s new.”

  “Yeah, I just made it up, but I’m not happy with it. Too close to jock itch to be pithy.”

  She nodded, then asked, “Do you know who all is coming to this thing and why are you dressed like a skinny Santa?”

  Kellan sighed. “James sent over two costumes and asked Shannon and me to wear them. As for guests, dunno for sure, but I know James mentioned writing the whole thing off on his taxes so I assume there will be some IBM weenies here.” He pointed to Meghan and Ares. “So, no amber eyes or demon wings.” Kellan saw Shannon’s attention shift to something over his shoulder and her expression hardened slightly. He turned just in time to have Mircalla join them. “Oh, wow, this is turning into a who’s who of inhumans” said Kellan as he nervously watched the two women.

  “Mircalla,” said Shannon with a clear note of ice in her tone. “I didn’t know James’ invitation extended to dead, attempted home-wreckers.” Kellan winced but any response by the vampire was forestalled by Ah’Anon who gave Ares, Kellan, and Shannon a short bow before turning to Mircalla and offering to take her richly embroidered forest green and red coat. She smiled at him as he removed it and left to find a place to hang the garment. Silence hung in the air for several heartbeats until Shannon pointed to the Vampire Queen’s stomach and said, “What’s that?”

  “That, my Soulborn friend, Is Ah’Anon’s and my baby.”

  “Holy shit,” said Kellan as he unconsciously reached over to touch the large swell which had been hidden by Mircalla’s voluminous coat. He looked up and met her eyes, “That was three days ago. How?”

  Mircalla shrugged in a way that somehow made the movement fluid and elegant, but said, “I don’t know Kellan. Ah’Anon believes the gestation is accelerated because the baby must be born before my body reverts to its necrotic state. The vampiric power within our child combined with the Ordered energy you gifted me, are working in consort, or so thinks my Ah’Anon.”

  “Congratulations,” boomed Ares. “I had no idea you and he were even trying, let alone found a way to conceive. Impressive that Ah’Anon is the father, I would have thought it easier for Kellan to sire the child. Did you even consider that or,” Ares glanced to Shannon, “might there have been impediments to that approach.”

  “Oh, she did more than consider it,” growled Shannon dangerously and was about to continue when Mircalla turned her.

  “It is a girl a
nd we wish to name her, Maggie, but wanted your blessing before doing so.”

  Shannon closed her mouth, swallowed and felt her eyes begin to burn with tears. “Maggie?” she asked in a whisper.

  Ah’Anon had returned and slipped his arm around Mircalla. “Margret actually, but she would have to grow into that name. It will be a daunting challenge to live up to and I was not at all convinced, but Mircalla insisted.”

  Meghan leaned in and whispered in Kellan’s ear, “What’s going on?”

  He tilted his head toward the Nephilim and said in a hushed tone, “Margaret was Shannon’s mom”

  “Ohhh, wow.”

  “Yeah,” agreed Kellan

  “Your mother gave you life and you were gracious enough to allow Kellan to give life to our baby. He would not have done it without your blessing so now we ask yours to honor you and your mother, but if you—”

  Shannon was already moving. She wrapped the Vampire Queen in a gentle embrace. “That is just like you, Mircalla, you always find a way to keep me from wanting to kill you. Of course you have my blessing,” then added, “can a baby vampire have a godmother, because I want to be it.”

  “Godmother?” said Ah’Anon questioningly, “We do not have that faith tradition, so there would not—”

  “Of course you can, Shannon,” said Mircalla definitively. “You will be her godmother.”

  Kellan quirked a grin at Ah’Anon who managed to continue without missing a beat by saying, “—so, there would not be anyone else more appropriate than you.”

  Both Kellan and Ares nodded in appreciation at the Vampire who, for his part, gave them a wink so subtle that Kellan almost missed it.

  “Hey, what are you guys doing all clustered up together?” asked James as he joined the small group. “Aren’t you going to mingle with all the rest of the people.”


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