Fire Planet Warrior's Captive (Science Fiction BBW/Alien Romance)

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Fire Planet Warrior's Captive (Science Fiction BBW/Alien Romance) Page 4

by Calista Skye

  Vrax'ton stopped and looked around, shielding his eyes with his hand. “Yatror vee pruhverar,” he said.

  Harper looked up at him expectantly, and a surge of heat hit her clit. Did he mean what she thought he meant? Had he read her mind and wanted to make her fantasy real? Sure, this was probably as good a place as any. He'd seen all of her already, no reason to be shy. Her hand went to the zipper and started pulling it down, but he took hold of her hand and gently pulled the zipper back up.

  She looked up at him forlornly. “No? You sure? 'Cause I wouldn't mind it. Like, at all.”

  “Dakkeh noeyah elerveel, Arpuhr. Mendeh mohvente.” Vrax'ton walked in a circle around her, taking short steps and flattening the tall grass with his heavy boots in a widening spiral until she was in the middle of a round area with a ten foot radius.

  Then he sat down in the middle of the circle, crossed his legs and indicated that he wanted her to sit down beside him. The ground was warm and dry, and with the sun on her skin, it was pretty pleasant. The chemical smell wasn't as overpowering here.

  Vrax'ton took her hand lightly. “Domoh snahkuh samnengne enstuhn,” he explained as his luminous blue eyes penetrated her soul.

  Harper shrugged, a little disappointed that he wasn't playing along. “Yeah, I don't understand that. So you don't want to take me? Or what?”

  He made a 'continue' gesture with one hand while making silent talking motions with his mouth.

  “You want me to keep talking?”

  He nodded. “Forset.”

  “Ooo-kay. So how well do you know this planet, anyway? You're aware that there's a fire coming, right?”

  He nodded encouragingly, then closed his eyes and straightened his spine as if was meditating.

  Well, probably he needed a rest and wanted her to make noises to scare animals away while he was out of it. She could probably do that and be useful for once. She probably owed him that much.

  She made herself comfortable. “Anyway, who were those aliens that abducted me? And how do you know them? Why did you take me? Did you know I was aboard or something? Stars, did you feel that smell from them?”

  She blabbered on for a little while, just saying the first things that came to mind. But then she ran out of topics that didn't skirt too close to the fact that she was in serious trouble and that she had no idea how to get home. She wanted to avoid thinking about that too much.

  Vrax'ton sat quietly with his eyes closed and breathed very slowly, showing no sign of wanting to get up.

  What would she talk about? This planet made her anxious, and she wasn't really in a talky mood. Horny, sure. But she wasn't going to tell him all the fantasies she was having, even if he wouldn't understand a word. No, better stick to something mindless. Recitation of some kind. That was fine. She had taken drama classes all through high school and even in college, and she was pretty sure she still remembered some of the lines she had learned by heart.

  “So,” she began with the first thing that crossed her mind, “now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of York. All the clouds that loured upon our house in the deep bosom of the ocean buried. Umm. Something about bruised arms? Okay. Moving on. There's a willow that grows aslant a brook, that shows his hoar leaves in the glassy stream. That's 'hoar', not 'whore', just pointing that out. It means 'white'. There with fantastic garlands did she come. As in 'arrived', okay? Not 'come', as in ... you know. The other kind of 'come'.”

  Harper scratched her head. Shakespeare was probably not ideal here. A little much 'bosom' and 'come'. She was hot and bothered enough already, so much so that even the chaste Hamlet made her think about getting down and dirty with Vrax'ton. She hadn't even played Ophelia back in the day, just the icy Queen Gertrude.

  “Fine, something less romantic. Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore. Quoth the raven. Nevermore. And so on. Yeah, I don't remember much more of that. It's not really a play. I don't know why I even recall that much. High school stuff tends to stick, I guess. What else ... let's see ... We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure tranquility, provide for the common defense ...” She remembered most of the introduction to the Constitution and then the Pledge of Allegiance, then continued with various song lyrics until it felt to weird to recite them. And she was not about to start singing.

  Still Vrax'ton showed no sign of opening his eyes, and Harper thought the birds in the sky tended to come closer when she was quiet. They looked like ordinary birds, but she no longer trusted anything on this planet. She babbled on for a few more minutes about recent events in her life, then got fed up.

  “... and then you put some kind of leash on me and I think I'm maybe your prisoner. The end. So yeah. That was me. Will you be done with your nap anytime soon?”

  Five seconds went by in silence, and then Vrax'ton slowly opened his eyes and blinked, as if he had woken up from a deep sleep.

  Then he focused on her with those blue lasers. “I'm done with my nap.”

  “Okay. Because those birds-” She lost her train of thought and her jaw dropped. “What was that? Did you just speak English?”

  Vrax'ton got to his feet and peered at the horizon in the direction where they would expect the fire to come from. “Vrax'ton did just speak English. If that be the name for it. Harper's way of speaking?”

  He had no accent that she could detect, and she just stared for a moment. “You learned English in twenty minutes? That's sensational!”

  He looked all around, as if planning their further journey. “Harper may not ponder our Acerex way of speaking. It must be in the bosom of the ocean buried.”

  “It must ... what?”

  He looked at her levelly. “The speech process sometimes takes a midnight dreary to form a more perfect union with the mind of the student for which it stands under God.”

  Harper frowned. The words were familiar, but it took her a good few seconds to parse what the hell he was saying. “It will take a while for it to work right? Say, did you just piece the whole language together from all the stupid things I said when I thought you were sleeping? Shit, I should have said smarter things! Why didn't you tell me- oh. Yeah. A little too complicated a thing to say using sign language, right?”

  “Right. Because those birds what?”

  Harper blinked. “Huh?”

  “You speak, 'because those birds'. Then no more.” He lifted his eyebrows quizzically.

  “Oh, that. I was going to say, because those birds are starting to creep me out. As in, making me nervous. They look aggressive. Angry. Dangerous.” She pointed at the birds that were now most definitely circling, like vultures.

  Vrax'ton looked up. “Indeed they lour upon our house. We must provide for the common defense to ensure tranquility.”

  “We must defend ourselves because they are circling over us?” Harper asked gently. His English foundation was good, but she would help him get even better and less stilted. Damn, she should just have tried to recite soap opera dialog or something instead of Shakespeare.

  “Right.” Then he took his axe out of his belt, wound up and threw it hard into the air, straight up. It didn't hit any birds, but they got the message and zoomed away on frantically beating wings.

  Harper yelped and crouched, holding her arms over her head. If that axe hit her on the way down ...

  But there was no need for worry. Vrax'ton just reached his hand out without looking up, and the heavy axe fell into his open hand with the handle first. He swung it around in an arc and placed it back into his belt. He smirked at Harper, then took her hand and pulled her gently back up, close to him.

  The dry, spicy scent of the alien warrior filled Harper's nose, and she felt her eyes widen reflexively when she looked into his face. That was the face of a man who was definitely ready for some serious action.

  That suited her fine, and the arousal welled up in her again.
One part of her mind told her that this was a little bit early to get hot and heavy with anyone, even with this incredible specimen. But a much larger part of her mind just ached to feel him inside her. When he rescued her she had pretty much showed him everything anyway.

  Stars, this planet and this guy were turning her into a total slut. And she liked it.

  He reached his hand up and took hold of her zipper, then raised his eyebrows and waited until she nodded in approval. His gesture set her mind at ease. Nothing would happen here that she didn't want.

  And she wanted a whole lot right now. Her mind was muddled with a horny fever, and she felt like a walking stick of dynamite, just brimming with explosive need. All she would need was a spark.

  Vrax'ton pulled her zipper down all the way in one smooth movement, always looking into her eyes with those blue eyes that seemed to give off a light. She shrugged the fabric off her shoulders and the upper part of the suit fell to the ground behind her. The high-tech memory fiber suit had built-in support for her chest, and there was no bra in the way. She knew her boobs were among her best features, so she unconsciously arched her back a little to make them stand out more.

  Vrax'ton took them in his hands, and she relished the feel of his warm palms on her feminine flesh. Her mouth fell open and she knew that she was breathing fast. The alien warrior effortlessly kept her eyes on him, but now his laser eyes didn't bore into her soul. No, this was a meeting of souls.

  And bodies. Yeah, maybe mostly bodies right now.

  Vrax'ton's thumb flicked across her nipple. The touch was electric and sent hard tingles down to her girly parts. And that was the spark.

  Her mind and body overflowed with the urge to have this sensational man in every way. She whimpered as she fumbled with the drawstring of Vrax'ton's pants and loosened them so she could plunge her hand down and grab his manhood.

  But no plunging was necessary. As soon as she had loosened the knot, something hard swung up and stood skywards between them.

  She gasped in both fear and joy. That thing there would fill her up so much she just might burst.

  She took around it and gasped again. It was smooth and hard, and it had round ridges along its length. It reminded her of something.

  “You're built like a fucking sex toy,” Harper panted and fought to be rid of her jumpsuit. “I can work with that.”

  The jumpsuit fell to the ground and she stepped out of if. It was an all-in-one suit with super high tech fabric that made it much more hygienic than any panties could ever be, so she was naked before him. The air felt cool on her skin.

  Vrax'ton wasted no time in ripping off his pants, and then Harper just jumped him. She was following the most primitive instincts she had ever had, and nothing in her life had ever felt more right than just placing her arms around his thick, muscular neck and jumping up and clamping her thighs around him. She was totally ready. This whole planet had her in a feverish frenzy.

  Vrax'ton supported her easily with his hands and she felt like she weighed less than air. She fumbled underneath her to locate his cock.

  “Get in me,” she whimpered. “Now.”

  His body was hard and smooth against her bare skin, and his male scent intoxicated her more than she'd thought possible. She located his hardness and placed it at her own entrance without a second thought.

  “Meehn Mahan,” he grunted into her ear as he lowered her just enough for the tip to stroke against her sensitive lips. The touch sent a whole rain of delightful sparks through Harper's body, and she moaned unashamedly.

  Vrax'ton lowered her further down and he penetrated her to the narrowest part. Any worry she might have had that he was too big disappeared. He would fit. Perhaps only just, but she was so wet and slick now that there wouldn't be a problem.

  He lowered her a little bit more, supporting her perfectly with his strong hands under her thighs and butt. There was a 'pop' as he slid in past her narrowest part, and then he held her at that same level. Stars, such incredible strength!

  She could just drown in his eyes. Her body had to stretch to accommodate him, but there was no pain, just a distant burn that faded as soon as she noticed how his alien ridges and bumps hit just the right spots inside her.

  He slowly lowered her until he had bottomed out in her, and even in her feverish arousal she appreciated his care. But right now, it was unnecessary. She could handle this, and she wanted more.

  He lifted her up again as if she weighed nothing at all, and again she felt the ridges hitting her center just right and sparks going off from her pelvis to her chest.

  He lifted her almost off him, and she drew breath to protest, because she was already close, but not quite there yet. But before she could speak, something held him inside her. Something firm that would not let him exit once he was inside.

  He lowered her again, penetrating her easily and a little faster, and she drew in breath as he filled her and the ridges hit every spot of nerves inside her. Something smooth was rubbing her clit too, just right. And not just rubbing, either ...

  She moved her hand down between them. “It's okay,” she groaned. “I just have to check something ...” Her fingers found the root of his cock, and her eyes widened. There was also definitely a knot that was vibrating. Not constantly like a vibrator would, but every time he drew breath the vibrations became stronger. Like a tense muscle.

  She placed her arm around his neck again. “You're incredible,” she moaned and closed her eyes. It was sensory overload and she knew that this could get spectacular.

  He lifted her up once more, she felt the resistance against sliding out of her, and then he dropped her much faster. The ridges on his cock played her insides like a highly complex instrument, creating a symphony of intense physical pleasure that resonated with the arousal in her mind. It built up to a peak and then plunged her into a hot pool of climax where she felt weightless as fireworks were going off in her mind and her body.

  She lost track of time, and when she became aware of what was happening, she was on her side on the grass with Vrax'ton still inside her. She had no idea how she had gotten there or how he had done it. She was all primal need and sex, and her analytical brain had taken a backseat and was just admiring the scenery.

  “A perfect union,” Vrax'ton sighed and placed a strong arm around her.

  Harper still felt small aftershocks run through her. Yep, that had been pretty crazy. Raw and primitive, maybe, but still. Perfect for what she needed right now after months of no action at all and after breathing the weird aphrodisiac fumes on this planet.

  “Uh-huh,” she said between breaths. “Perfect.”


  - Harper -

  The white sun shone down on them and Harper didn't want to move. But now that she'd gotten some of the most urgent horniness out of her system, she could rewind a little.

  Gah, she'd never been that fast to throw herself at anyone. But she had been so horny she couldn't see straight. And she didn't regret it. Not at all.

  One theory they had about Bry back on Gideo Station was that the animals and plants there would have to mate very intensely and very fast before the Fire could kill them. Probably that was what had happened to her too. The air was probably full of all kinds of pheromones. Probably her brain had realized the danger and some ancient, primal part of it had just taken over. Because it had kind of felt like mating. A super hot and incredible mating, just instinct taking over.

  She sighed deeply. That had been worth this whole ordeal. Almost.


  He stretched on the grass beside her. “Hm?”

  “What do we do now?”

  He sat up and supported himself on his arms. “Stay in movement. Soon is this winter made glorious summer. Very, very glorious.” He pointed in the direction of the fire, then made a movement to show it coming closer.

  Harper had to think for a second. “You mean very hot, right? The fire that's coming?”

  He nodded. “Fire come. Gloriou
s summer.”

  “'Glorious summer' meaning hot?”

  “Hot fire. Come. Come as in 'arrive'. Not the other kind of come.”

  He was dead serious and Harper hid a smile behind her hand. His use of English words was still pretty far from correct, and much too Shakespearean, but she really liked the way he just plunged in without apology or embarrassment when he got it wrong. She could learn to really, really like this guy. Or even fall for him.

  She glanced up at his luminous eyes and couldn't avoid a sheepish smile spreading across her face. If she hadn't fallen already. “So is there a way we can get off the planet? Or at least stay away from that fire?”

  He took a while before answering. “We should not remain here.”

  “Here on Bry? Yeah, I kind of agree. I mean, what with the fire that will burn us to a crisp and all.”

  He got to his feet, took Harper's hand and raised her up. He went in close and she looked up at his face, feeling his heat on her and letting his scent fill her nose. Stars, she was already getting ready for another round.

  He was very serious. “This planet. Bosh. Bry. Great danger. Fire. Very rapidly it runs.”

  “Yes, I know that. And it's coming this way. That's why all the plants are full of alcohol and other chemicals that burn well. Everything that's alive on the planet has evolved to take advantage of the fire, instead of resisting it. Going with the flow is easier. If the fire was to somehow be extinguished, all the plants and probably animals would die. They totally depend on it now. That's why they make the flammable chemicals, to feed it and power it and make sure it keeps coming year after year.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “You know these volumes of forgotten lore?”


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