[B.S. #3] Claiming Laura

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[B.S. #3] Claiming Laura Page 4

by Dale Cadeau

  Clay put his phone away after making arrangements with Lance. “Give Angel a break or I’ll pick one of you to go into the club and reassign your jobs to Angel.”

  They all knew Clay wouldn’t do that, but they didn’t want to give Angel any excuse to back out either. So they all filed out of the room and left Clay alone with Angel.

  “Don’t let their razzing get to you. I think you will like the club if you keep an open mind. The spice side is for BDSM, but the scenes are always safe, sane, and consensual between the partners. All the play is arranged in advance. Everyone knows their role. And it is all for pleasure, you’ll see. The club does have monitors watching all the action in case something goes a little too far. That’s where you will come in. Lance is going to set you up as one of the monitors. With your size, one look, and most people will just stop without a word from you. Lance will also set you up with his tailor today to make you a set of leathers for the club. With your height, you can’t buy off the rack. So here’s the place to be at one.” Clay wrote the directions on his notepad and tore off the top page.

  “I know you don’t know Lance, but I’ve known him since grade school and he won’t steer you wrong. And if you need me I will just be on the other side in the vanilla bar.” Clay stopped for a moment as he handed the paper to Angel and added sincerely, “I really appreciate this. I don’t want to admit it, but Laura’s been on my mind ever since I met her. I just want a chance to see where this goes, and with you helping out I can do the job for Lance and also see her. Laura’s a very nervous lady. I feel if I give her too much time to think without me around, she will come up with excuses not to go out with me. She’s a very straitlaced accountant and I’m a tattooed, leather-wearing Dom. I want her, but I have to be careful, so she doesn’t get away. I know I sound like James did, but maybe he saw the same thing in Avery that I now see in Laura. I just have to know.” Clay got up and walked out the room before he could blab some more about Laura. Now he was starting to sound like an old lady that gossiped.

  Angel just sighed as he looked at the paper and Clay’s retreating back. God, Clay had it bad. Well, he would just have to suck it up like the guy said and help Clay, no matter what he felt like.

  Chapter Four

  Laura woke with a tingling feeling deep in her stomach. She knew it was caused by the dreams she had last night about Clay.

  In her dreams, she stripped him and tasted every part of him. She had savored every stroke, touch, and lick. It wasn’t like her to get this aroused just meeting a guy. She usually had to warm up to them and get to know them first. But there was something about him that just reached her on a different level. Her body reacted like it knew him already, and it wanted to skip the get-to-know-you part and get on with the good stuff.

  Laura laughed to herself. She had to slow down. She didn’t want to scare him away by being too forward. She had his card and he had asked that she call him, but that just wasn’t in her makeup. With Clay, though, she might throw out her old-fashioned ways and give him a call. She would have to wait a day or two as not to seem too eager.

  Clay, hiding in his office so the guys wouldn’t razz him anymore, glanced at his watch. It was only nine thirty a.m. Was it too early to call Laura? He knew that he was rushing things, but he wasn’t going to give her time to rethink their attraction.

  Clay felt that Laura was as attracted to him as he was to her. But, looking down at his arms full of tattoos, he knew that he really didn’t fit in with the persona that Laura projected. Would she be embarrassed to be seen with him? Clay had never cared in the past what people thought. His tattoos had a story attached to all of them. Usually if people didn’t accept him for himself, he didn’t have the time to care one way or another. Laura was different. He wanted her to be proud of him. He wanted to be able to squire her around town and show everyone the lovely lady on his arm. Maybe he was over thinking this too much. He hated when he second-guessed himself. What if she wouldn’t see him again?

  Making a decision, Clay reached for the phone and called her number. She hadn’t given it to him last night, but with a little bit of research he’d found her listing.

  He listened as the phone rang and a message came on.

  This is Laura Branch. I’m not home right now. Sorry to miss your call. Please leave me a message and I will return your call as soon as possible.

  God, she was even polite on her answering machine. Clay hated leaving messages, but he would know if she really was interested if she returned his call. Clay left the message and his cell phone number and hung up. The ball was in her court. Well, for a few days anyway. He wasn’t letting her go that easy.

  Laura was just stepping out of the shower when she heard the answering machine click on. Clay’s voice came over it.

  Hi, Laura, this is Clay. I really had a great time last night and was wondering if we could duplicate it. I would really like to see you again. I have to be at the VSP Playground again tonight, but would love to have your company. Anyway, call me back one way or another. I would love to hear your voice. My number is 555-678-5234.

  Laura continued to dry herself as she listened to Clay’s message. The tingling started again at the sound of his voice. It was so deep and masculine. She could image him in bed making love to her, telling her what he wanted in that voice. Her breasts as she rubbed them with the towel, scrunched into hard peaks. Imagining it was Clay’s hands instead of the towel had her almost moaning.

  Laura stood in the bathroom for a while thinking over her options. She now knew from the message and the sound of his voice that he at least wanted to get to know her better. Could she really take a chance? Her body sure wanted her to. It was obvious by her reaction that it was starved for a man’s touch.

  Was Clay worth taking a chance on? Was it worth throwing years of safety away to be with this man? After all, he was tall, dark, and handsome eye candy to the ladies. That didn’t even begin to describe him and his depth of character after she started talking to him. Laura knew he could get anyone he wanted, but he had called her. That meant something. Didn’t it? If she didn’t find out, she would always be regretful that she didn’t, and always wonder if she let the best thing to happen to her pass her by. Really there were no other options, if she wanted the man.

  Straightening up her spine, she walked into the bedroom to her purse and pulled out the card that Clay had given her last night at the club. Her mind had drifted as soon as she heard his voice on the answering machine and she didn’t want to play it back for the number and lose her momentum now that she had her mind set.

  Sitting naked on the corner of her bed, she picked up the phone and dialed. A friendly female voice came on the other end of the phone “Braden Security. How can I help you?”

  Lost for words, Laura put the phone down as fast as possible. She had never called a man for a date in her life. Mad at herself for acting like a teenager, she decided to let her desire win out over her nervousness. She picked up the phone and hit redial.

  Just like before, as soon as the woman’s voice came on the other end, she found herself tongue-tied and hung up again.

  She just didn’t have the guts. Getting up from the bed, Laura got dressed and made her way to the kitchen and strong coffee. Maybe she would get some nerve back after the coffee woke her brain and she could stop the “what ifs” going through her head.

  Grace, the receptionist at Braden Security, didn’t know what to do. The hang ups were so close together. Maybe someone needed help and couldn’t talk? Leaving her desk, she walked down to Clay’s office. Knocking on his door, she entered at his command to come in “I just received a couple of strange phone calls. One after another. The person on the other end didn’t say anything, just hung up. It could be nothing, but could you check it out to be sure?”

  Clay took her suspicions seriously. They were a security firm and someone could be in trouble. “Don’t worry Grace. I’ll look after it.” After Grace left his office, he picked up the phone and called G
rant, hoping he was still in the office. Grant answered and Clay explained the situation.

  “Sure no problem, leave it with me. I’ll put a trace on it and get back to you,” Grant told him.

  Clay picked a picture up off his desk from the stack of photos he had been going through of the Playground parking lot and left the problem of the call with Grant. The pictures were dark and grainy. The guy stayed in the shadows like he knew that there were cameras watching him and knew where they were placed. He always had his back to the camera so none of his facial features were visible.

  From the angle the cameras caught of him was that he was tall, had black hair, and a slim build. Most of the Doms at the Playground were around the same height, but most were more muscular. Unfortunately without seeing his face, it could be anyone.

  Clay’s attention was caught by the inter-company light on his phone coming on from the number of Grant’s office.

  Picking it up, he asked Grant, “What did you find out?”

  “It’s a local number and it belongs to a Laura Branch.”

  Clay was pleased and surprised. Why would Laura hang up the phone without talking to him? Was she having second thoughts about seeing him again?

  “Thanks Grant, I can take it from here.” Clay thought for a moment about Laura and what he knew of her personality. Was she just being polite returning his call, but calling to turn him down? Was she so shy that she didn’t want to be the one calling? Clay hoped she was just being skittish like before.

  He picked up the phone. He would call her again and pretend he didn’t know that she had called. Hopefully it would calm her.

  Laura was just pouring her second cup of coffee, when that phone rang, and she gave a nervous jump in her chair at the sound. She had been sitting at the table berating herself about how she had acted over just a phone call. Picking up the receiver, she said a breathless “hello.”

  Clay’s voice came over the phone. “Hi, Laura. I don’t know if you got my first message, but I wanted to talk to you about tonight. I would like it if you would come back to the Playground with me tonight. That is if you don’t have other plans? I really enjoyed last night. We could make a full night of it and go out to dinner first then the Playground after. It doesn’t seem to be your type of place, but with the job I’m working on, I have to be there for the next few days.” Clay took a breath. He sounded like this was the first time he’d asked a girl out. He had to slow down and give her a chance to reply.

  Laura spoke before she could second guess herself. “Yes, I would love to go with you tonight. I don’t have any other plans.” She didn’t want time to think of why she shouldn’t go with out with Clay. After making arrangements about what time to be ready, Laura pulled the nearest kitchen chair to her and sat down.

  Her stomach started to do somersaults as she thought about this being her first date in ten years. All the old excitement she knew that came from a first date came back to her. What would she wear? Should she go and get her hair and nails done? Oh God, it had been so long since she wanted to look nice for someone. Jane would know what to do. Jane was the social butterfly of their group.

  Jane squealed into the phone like a teenager when Laura told her about her date that night. Jane was also very apologetic about leaving her at the bar on her birthday. They made arrangements to go shopping and out to lunch. Hanging up, Laura headed up the stairs to change. Her feet seemed to be gliding and her head was in the clouds as she thought about the night ahead. She knew her hopes were probably too high, but didn’t want to think about all the reasons why she shouldn’t be doing this.

  They had planned to meet at a small bistro that had great sandwiches. Laura spotted her right away. Jane was sitting at a table by herself but talking to the guy sitting at the next table. Laura wondered how Jane could be so friendly to strangers. Laura knew she couldn’t do it. She wouldn’t know the first thing to talk about. But she had to give Jane credit. She never lacked a date when she wanted one.

  Laura took the seat across from Jane just in time to see the guy slip Jane his number. Jane smiled brightly at the guy and told him she would call before she turned to Laura.

  “So, time for a makeover. I have the perfect place to go.” Jane just went from one conversation to the other. Her mind was always two steps ahead of everyone else’s. Laura had gotten used to Jane’s ways over the years, and how she switched subjects mid-thought.

  “Well, I don’t know about a complete makeover. I just want to look nice tonight. All my clothes in my closet are work clothes and kind of drab.” Laura didn’t want to remake herself and scare Clay off.

  “Well, honey, with the way Clay was looking at you last night, I don’t think he will even notice your clothes. But I know it’s nice to have that extra confidence that only comes from a new outfit. Maybe we should get you a haircut? I like your new color. It suits you better than your old brown, but you haven’t had it cut in ages. It is almost down to your waist.” Jane chatted on enthusiastically with all her plans for her. Laura could hardly get a word in and just listened.

  A visit to a salon was done at Jane’s insistence, but Laura put her foot down at cutting her hair. She let them trim it and give it a curl, but that was all. She wanted to look nice for Clay but not have him thinking that she had done a complete redo for him. The clothing stores were next.

  Two hours went by before they could both agree on an outfit for the night. They settled on a deep red blouse and black slacks. Underwear was next, Jane told her as she pulled her into a lingerie shop. Laura didn’t think she had to buy new ones, but Jane in all her wisdom mentioned that if she and Clay got that far, she would be glad for some frilly underthings, instead of her boring white bra and panties. Laura had to agree with her logic. What would it hurt to be prepared?

  Arriving home late from the extra shopping, Laura only had time for a quick shower. Putting on her new pale blue lingerie that she couldn’t pass up, she donned her new blouse and slacks. Looking in the mirror, she quickly applied makeup and combed her new hairstyle that she had kept dry under a cap in the shower. She thought that she looked good and hoped that Clay would think so, too.

  Chapter Five

  With five minutes to spare, she went down to the living room. Her nerves were starting to make her second-guess herself again. Taking a big breath, she prayed she was doing the right thing. Opening the door, she almost lost the breath that she had just taken. Clay stood on the other side. Her memory from last night had been right. This man was gorgeous, all six two of him if she had to take a guess. Tonight he wore all black from his pants to his button-down shirt and leather jacket. Add in his slate-gray eyes and overly long brown hair with just a touch of silver, and she was ready to drool. God, she wanted to slam the door, drag him upstairs, and gorge herself on him.

  Some of what she was thinking must have shown on her face, because Clay’s gray eyes twinkled back at her when she finally brought her eyes back up to his. Remembering her manners, a red-faced Laura stepped back and opened the door wider.

  “Sorry. Please come in. I’ll just grab my coat and purse.”

  Clay stepped into the house. He had seen her reaction to him and had taken it all in as she cruised his body up and down. What he’d hoped she missed was his reaction to her. He was glad when her eyes finally lifted to his. His damn cock, at first sight of her standing at the door, had risen and wanted to wave hello. He had to gather the two halves of his jacket together to cover the obvious budge in his pants.

  “Thanks.” Clay couldn’t believe he was so nervous. All his sane thoughts and smoothness left him when she opened the door.

  Laura looked like an angel and devil mixed together. Her expression and obvious embarrassment with him noticing her checking him out made her look like an angel. But with her dark black hair curled and falling down her back, and dressed in red and black, she also looked a little devilish and totally delicious to Clay. He wanted to drop her on her back right there and devour her. His cock was ready for
action, but Clay had to bring himself under control. This woman, while looking like sin, deserved his respect. He had to put her at ease and hope the night ended with him having a little slice of her, if not the whole package. He couldn’t wait to find out.

  As he stood inside the door lost in thought, Laura had picked up her jacket and purse and was looking up at him a little confused.

  Gathering his thoughts out of the gutter, he took her jacket and helped her put it on. Opening the door, he ushered her out locking the door behind them.

  Holding her hand he helping her into his truck, and buckled her seat belt, making sure not to touch anything he shouldn’t.

  Laura wondered why Clay had been so quiet inside the house. It unnerved her and made her second-guess everything again. Did he like how she looked? He hadn’t said anything, but his eyes seemed to say it was so. He had been the perfect gentlemen escorting her to the truck. Had she been too forward? She knew he noticed how her eyes had eaten him up at the door. God, this dating thing was hard, and she was so out of practice. She was just about to tell Clay to forget the evening when he spoke up.

  “Italian OK?” Clay asked, as he started the truck and put it in gear.

  “Sure.” She bit her lip. She was so out of her element with him. His deep voice just made her tingle all over every time he spoke to her.

  On the drive to the restaurant, Clay asked her some more about her work and her hobbies and soon they were pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant. Clay got out and opened her door and held his hand out to help her out of the truck.

  She felt precious and small, putting her hand in his large one as Clay led her into the restaurant, opening the doors with his other hand, so he didn’t have to let her go.

  The hostess greeted Clay like she knew him and escorted them right in to a table by a roaring fireplace, even though there were people waiting in line. She would have to ask Clay how he managed to get such excellent service.


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