Delphi Complete Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan

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Delphi Complete Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan Page 44

by Richard Brinsley Sheridan

  Is a British Tar.

  His country’s cause espousing,

  The trump of glory rousing

  His valour’s best emotion,

  He’ll a conq’ror prove.

  But ah! the fatal story!

  The heart which pants for glory.

  Inconstant as the ocean.


  And is he false in love?


  This morning I espied you,

  By magic art descried you,

  The sailor’s gift receiving,

  It was a purse of gold.


  I’ll pay it where ’tis owing

  A keepsake too bestowing,

  My kindred’s wants relieving.


  Your gratitude thus raising

  His noble bounty praising,

  Your heart so fond believing.


  Is to my William true


  The traitor’s love disdaining

  That keepsake, why retaining,


  In trust this pledge receiving,

  Is Margaretta’s due.



  Our line was form’d, the French lay too,

  One sigh I gave to Poll on shore,

  Too cold I thought our last adieu,

  Our parting kisses seem’d too few!

  If we should meet no more.

  But love avast! my heart is oak!

  Howe’s daring signal floats on high,

  I see through roaring cannon’s smoke

  Their awful line subdued and broke,

  They strike! — they sink! — they fly!


  Now (danger past) w’ll drink and joke

  Sing “Rule Britannia! hearts of oak!”

  And toast before each martial tune,

  Howe and the Glorious first of June.

  Farewell, to every sea delight,

  The cruize with eager watchful days,

  The skilfull chase by glimering night:

  The well work’d ship, the gallant fight:

  The lov’d commander’s praise:

  Yet Polly’s love and constancy,

  With prattling babes, more joy shall bring,

  Proud when my boys shall first at sea.

  Follow great Howe and victory,

  And serve our noble King.


  Then, &c.

  FINALE RULE BRITANNIA. Verse and Chorus,



  First performed on 24 May 1799 at the Drury Lane Theatre, Pizarro was a phenomenal success and became the most popular play of the 1790’s. The original cast included John Philip Kemble, Sarah Siddons and Dorothy Jordan. Siddons was one of the most famous actors of the eighteenth century; she was particularly celebrated for her portrayal of Lady Macbeth, which was considered so spellbinding by the audience that they refused to allow the play to continue after the famous sleep walking scene. While Sheridan’s play was hugely successful at the time, it is not deemed to be one of his better works. Pizarro was a visually spectacular show and the set design and mechanics created by De Loutherbourg were highly memorable, but the pomposity of the speeches and absurdity of many of the actions in the play make it one of Sheridan’s lesser works.

  Pizarro is an English adaptation of August Von Kotzebue’s 1796 play, Die Spanier in Peru. Kotzebue was an influential German playwright, as well as a consul in Russia. In 1819, at the age of fifty-seven, he was murdered by Karl Sand, who was a member of a liberal and nationalist, Burschenschaft. Kotzebue’s play details Peruvian struggles for independence from its coloniser, Spain. Sheridan’s version of the work is particularly pertinent for the parallels it draws between the Spanish oppression of Peru and England’s relationship with India at the time. The rousing speech given by the Peruvian commander, Rolla, is a mirror of Sheridan’s famous political speech during the impeachment trial of Warren Hastings. Sheridan attacked the former Governor of Bengal for ‘violations of every compact’ and demanded the remedy could only be delivered by ‘an exemplary punishment inflicted on past delinquency’.

  The 1799 edition

  Mrs. Sarah Siddons by Thomas Gainsborough, 1785






  ACT I.














  ACT V.






  August von Kotzebue, 1818


  As the two translations which have been published of Kotzebue’s ‘SPANIARDS IN PERU’ have, I understand, been very generally read, the public are in possession of all the materials necessary to form a judgment on the merits and defects of the Play performed at Drury-lane Theatre.


  To HER, whose approbation of this Drama, and whose peculiar delight in the applause it has received from the public, have been to me the highest gratification derived from its success — I dedicate this Play.




  Spoken by Mr. KING.

  CHILL’D by rude gales, while yet reluctant

  May Withholds the beauties of the vernal day;

  As some fond maid, whom matron frowns reprove,

  Suspends the smile her heart devotes to love;

  The season’s pleasures too delay their hour,

  And Winter revels with protracted power:

  Then blame not, critics, if, thus late, we bring

  A Winter Drama — but reproach — the Spring.

  What prudent cit dares yet the season trust,

  Bask in his whisky, and enjoy the dust?

  Horsed in Cheapside, scarce yet the gayer spark

  Achieves the Sunday triumph of the Park;

  Scarce yet you see him, dreading to be late,

  Scour the New-road, and dash thro’ Grosvenor-gate:

  Anxious — yet timorous too! — his steed to show,

  The hack Bucephalus of Rotten-row.

  Careless he seems, yet, vigilantly sly,

  Woos the stray glance of ladies pasting by,

  While his off heel, insidiously aside.

  Provokes the caper which he seems to chide.

  Scarce rural Kensington due honour gains;

  The vulgar verdure of her walk remains!

  Where white-robed misses amble two by two,

  Nodding to booted beaux—’ How’do, how’do?’

  With gen’rous questions that no answer wait,

  ‘How vastly full! A’n’t you come vastly late?

  ‘Int it quite charming? When do you leave town?

  ‘A’n’t you quite tired? Pray, can we set you down?

  These suburb pleasures of a London May,

  Imperfect yet, we hail the cold delay;

  Should our Play please — and you’re indulgent ever —

  Be your decree— “Tis better late than never.’



  Ataliba, King of Quito — Mr. POWELL.

  Rolla, Alonzo: Commanders of his Army, (Mr. KEMBLE, Mr. C. KEMBLE.)

  Cora, Alonzo’s Wife — Mrs. JORDAN.

  Pizarro, Leader of the Spaniards — Mr. BARRYMORE.

  Elvira, Pizarro’s Mistress — Mrs. SIDDONS.

  Almagro — Mr. CAULFIELD.

  Gonzalo, Davilla, Gomez, — (Pizarro’s Associates): Mr.

  Valverde, Pizarro’s Secretary. Mr. R. PALMER.

  Las-Casas, a Spanish Ecclesiastic Mr. AICKIN.

  An old blind Man — Mr. CORY.

  Orozembo, an old Cacique — Mr. DOWTON.

  A Boy — Master CHATTERLEY.

  A Centinel — Mr. HOLLAND.

  Attendant — Mr. MADDOCKS.

  Peruvian Officer — Mr. ARCHER.

  Soldiers, Messrs. FISHER, EVANS, CHIPPENDALE, WEBB, &c. &c.

  The Vocal Parts by Messrs. KELLY, SEDGWICK, DIGNUM, DANBY, &C. — Mrs. CROUCH, Miss de CAMP, Miss STEPHENS, Miss LEAK, Miss DUFOUR, &C.

  ACT I.


  A magnificent Pavilion near PIZARRO’S Tent — a View of the Spanish Camp in the back Ground. — ELVIRA is discovered sleeping under a canopy on one side of the pavilion — VALVERDE enters, gazes on ELVIRA, kneels, and attempts to kiss her hand; ELVIRA, awakened, rises and looks at him with indignation.

  Elv. AUDACIOUS! Whence is thy privilege to interrupt the few moments of repose my harassed mind can snatch amid the tumults of this noisy camp? Shall I inform your master of this presumptuous treachery? Shall I disclose thee to Pizarro? hey!

  Val. I am his servant, it is true — trusted by him — and I know him well; and therefore ’tis I ask, by what magic could Pizarro gain your heart; by what fatality still holds he your affection?

  Elv. Hold! thou trusty secretary!

  Val. Ignobly born! in mind and manners rude, ferocious, and unpolished, though cool and crafty if occasion need — in youth audacious — ill his first manhood — a licensed pirate — treating men as brutes, the world as booty; yet now the Spanish hero is he styled — the first of Spanish conquerors! and for a warrior so accomplished, ’tis fit Elvira should leave her noble family, her fame, her home, to share the dangers, humours, and the crimes of such a lover as Pizarro!

  Elv. What! Valverde moralizing! But grant I am in error, what is my incentive? Passion, infatuation, call it as you will; but what attaches thee to this despised, unworthy leader? — Base lucre is thy object, mean fraud thy means. Could you gain me, you only hope to win a higher interest in Pizarro — I know you.

  Val. On my soul, you wrong me; what else my faults, I have none towards you: but indulge the scorn and levity of your nature; do it while yet the time permits; the gloomy hour, I fear, too soon approaches.

  Elv. Valverde, a prophet too!

  Val. Hear me, Elvira — Shame from his late defeat, and burning wishes for revenge, again have brought Pizarro to Peru; but trust me, he over-rates his strength, nor measures well the foe. Encamped in a strange country, where terror cannot force, nor corruption buy a single friend, what have we to hope? The army murmuring at increasing hardships, while Pizarro decorates with gaudy spoil the gay pavilion of his luxury! each day diminishes our force.

  Elv. But are you not the heirs of those that fall?

  Val. Are gain and plunder then our only purpose? Is this Elvira’s heroism?

  Elv. No, so save me Heaven! I abhor the motive, means, and end of your pursuits; but I will trust none of you: — in your whole army there is not one of you that has a heart, or speaks ingenuously — aged Las-Casas, and he alone, excepted.

  Val. He! an enthusiast in the opposite and worse extreme!

  Elv. Oh! had I earlier known that virtuous man, how different might my lot have been!

  Val. I will grant, Pizarro could not then so easily have duped you: forgive me, but at that event I still must wonder.

  Elv. Hear me, Valverde. — When first my virgin fancy waked to love, Pizarro was my country’s idol. Self-taught, self-raised, and self-supported, he became a hero; and I was formed to be won by glory and renown. ’Tis known that when he left Panama in a slight vessel, his force was not a hundred men. Arrived in the island of Gallo, with his sword he drew a line upon the sands, and said, ‘Pass those who fear to die or conquer with their leader.’ Thirteen alone remained, and at the head of these the warrior stood his ground. Even at the moment when my ears first caught this tale, my heart exclaimed, ‘Pizarro is its lord!’ What since I have perceived, or thought, or felt, you must have more worth to win the knowledge of.

  Val. I press no further; still assured that while Alonzo de Molina, our general’s former friend and pupil, leads the enemy, Pizarro never more will be a conqueror. [Trumpets without.

  Elv. Silence! I hear him coming; look not perplexed. — How mystery and fraud confound the countenance! Quick, put on an honest face, if thou canst.

  Piz. [Speaking without.] Chain and secure him; I will examine him myself.

  PIZARRO enters.

  [VALVERDE bows — ELVIRA laughs.]

  Piz. Why dost thou smile, Elvira?

  Elv. To laugh or weep without a reason, is one of the few privileges poor women have.

  Piz. Elvira, I will know the cause, I am resolved!

  Elv. I am glad of that, because I love resolution, and am resolved not to tell you. Now my resolution, I take it, is the better of the two, because it depends upon myself, and yours does not.

  Piz. Psha! trifler!

  Val. Elvira was laughing at my apprehensions that —

  Piz. Apprehensions!

  Val. Yes — that Alonzo’s skill and genius should so have disciplined and informed the enemy, as to —

  Piz. Alonzo! the traitor! How I once loved that man! His noble mother entrusted him, a boy, to my protection. At my table did he feast — in my tent did he repose. I had marked his early genius, and the valorous spirit that grew with it. Often I had talked to him of our first adventures — what storms we struggled with — what perils we surmounted! When landed with a slender host upon an unknown land — then, when I told how famine and fatigue, discord and toil, day by day, did thin our ranks; amid close-pressing enemies, how still undaunted I endured and dared — maintained my purpose and my power in despite of growling mutiny or bold revolt, till with my faithful few remaining I became at last victorious! — When, I say, of these things I spoke, the youth, Alonzo, with tears of wonder and delight, would throw him on my neck, and swear his soul’s ambition owned no other leader.

  Val. What could subdue attachment so begun?

  Piz. Las-Casas — He it was, with fascinating craft and canting precepts of humanity, raised in Alonzo’s mind a new enthusiasm, which forced him, as the stripling termed it, to forego his country’s claims for those of human nature.

  Val. Yes, the traitor left you, joined the Peruvians, and became thy enemy and Spain’s.

  Piz. But first with weariless remonstrance he sued to win me from my purpose, and untwine the sword from my determined grasp. Much he spoke of right, of justice, and humanity, calling the Peruvians our innocent and unoffending brethren.

  Val. They! — Obdurate heathens! — They our brethren!

  Piz. But when he found that the soft folly of the pleading tears he dropt upon my bosom fell on marble, he flew and joined the foe: then, profiting by the lessons he had gained in wronged Pizarro’s school, the youth so disciplined and led his new allies, that soon he forced me — Ha! I burn with shame and fury while I own it! in base retreat and foul discomfiture to quit the shore.

  Val. But the hour of revenge is come.

  Piz. It is; I am returned — my force is strengthened, and the audacious boy shall soon know that Pizarro lives, and has — a grateful recollection of the thanks he owes him.

  Val. ’Tis doubted whether still Alonzo lives.

  Piz. ’Tis certain that he does; one of his armour-bearers is just made prisoner: twelve thousand is their force, as he reports, led by Alonzo and Peruvian Rolla. This day they make a solemn sacrifice on their ungodly altars. We must profit by their security, and attack them unprepared — the sacrifices shall become the victims.

  Elv. Wretched innocents! And their own blood shall bedew their altars!

  Piz. Right! [Trumpets — Elvira, retire!

  Elv. Why should I retire?

  Piz. Because men are to meet here, and on
manly business.

  Elv. O, men! men! ungrateful and perverse!

  O, woman! still affectionate though wronged! The beings to whose eyes you turn for animation, hope, and rapture, through the days of mirth and revelry; and on whose bosoms in the hour of sore calamity you seek for rest and consolation; them, when the pompous follies of your mean ambition are the question, you treat as playthings or as slaves! — I shall not retire.

  Piz. Remain then — and, if thou canst, be silent.

  Elv. They only babble who practise not reflection. I shall think — and thought is silence.

  Piz. Ha! — there’s somewhat in her manner lately —

  [PIZARRO looks sternly and suspiciously towards ELVIRA, who meets him with a commanding and unaltered eye.

  Enter LAS-CASAS, ALMAGRO,GONZALO, DA VILLA, Officers and Soldiers. — Trumpets without.

  Las-Cas. Pizarro, we attend your summons:

  Piz. Welcome, venerable father — my friends, most welcome. Friends and fellow-soldiers, at length the hour is arrived, which to Pizarro’s hopes presents the full reward of our undaunted enterprise and long-enduring toils. Confident in security, this day the foe devotes to solemn sacrifice: if with bold surprise we strike on their solemnity — trust to your leader’s word — we shall not fail.

  Alm. Too long inactive have we been mouldering on the coast — our stores exhausted, and our soldiers murmuring — Battle! battle! — then death to the armed, and chains for the defenceless.

  Dav. Death to the whole Peruvian race!

  Las-Cas. Merciful Heaven!

  Alm. Yes, general, the attack, and instantly! Then shall Alonzo, basking at his ease, soon cease to scoff our suffering and scorn our force.

  Las-Cas. Alonzo! — scorn and presumption are not in his nature.

  Alm. ’Tis fit Las-Casas should defend his pupil.

  Piz. Speak not of the traitor — or hear his name but as the bloody summons to assault and vengeance. It appears we are agreed?

  Alm and Dav. We are.

  Gon. All! — Battle! battle!

  Las-Cas. Is then the dreadful measure of your cruelty not yet complete? — Battle! — gracious Heaven! Against whom? — Against a king, in whose mild bosom your atrocious injuries even yet have not excited hate! but who, insulted or victorious, still sues for peace. Against a people who never wronged the living being their Creator formed: a people, who, children of innocence! received you as cherished guests with eager hospitality and confiding kindness. Generously and freely did they share with you their comforts, their treasures, and their homes: you repaid them by fraud, oppression, and dishonour. These eyes have witnessed all I speak — as gods you were received; as fiends have you acted.


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