Back To The Stars: ROMANCE: ALIEN (Alien Invasion Abduction SciFi Romance) (Fantasy Anthologies & Collections)

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Back To The Stars: ROMANCE: ALIEN (Alien Invasion Abduction SciFi Romance) (Fantasy Anthologies & Collections) Page 42

by Clare Morgan

  I quickly picked my clothes and got dressed and took a glass of water. The water hurt my mouth even more as I felt a different kind of taste. God knows what Victoria had used to force me in such a trance. There was no trace of her and for a moment, I was happy that she was not here.

  I had no idea what I would do if I found her in the room. She was insane and I had no doubt about that. I knew I had to call Elaine and it would be another hard thing to explain her everything. God, what did I do it land up in such a mess? Even as I mentally curse myself, I knew my past hadn’t been really remarkable and there were a lot of mistakes I did, sins I committed and I hated that it was my daughter who was also going to suffer because of that.

  As I tried to focus, I could remember seeing Rosie in the guest room. I knew we had to go there and meet her, but to my horror, I found that the door was locked. I couldn’t move out of it and to my dread, I realized that I was trapped.

  Was she even sane? What was she thinking! I tried calling for help but no one came. I felt utterly helpless and sat down on the floor not knowing what to do.

  Eventually, I knew I would be left out, but I realized that I would have to play smart. I needed to understand precisely what Victoria wanted. Yes, she needed my body, but this wasn’t just about that. Victoria was hurt and she had her ego wounded. I knew that she could do anything to have her revenge and I might have to fake more than what I wanted.

  I wanted to talk to Elaine, but I couldn’t risk it here. While Victoria would be keeping a watch on me everywhere as stalking had become one of her pastimes, I didn’t really know how to deal with her.

  I called Elaine and I decided to tell her just what was needed. I couldn’t give her all the details and I knew I would have to hold back some information, but in the end, she needed to know. I had to tell her that Rosie was safe. Even though, she was a little in danger.

  As I called Elaine, she picked her call on the first ring itself and sounded extremely anxious and worried.

  “Is Rosie safe Andrew? Why did you take so long to call me back? I didn’t sleep the whole of yesterday night as I was worrying about what may have happened. Who is behind all of this? Tell me all the details, Andrew. I am dying with fear.” As Elaine went on and on about these details, I knew what she meant. I knew that it would be really hard for her to come to terms with the fact, but I still wanted Elaine to know some of it.

  “Babe, don’t cry. Our daughter is here. She is safe, but the past has come back to haunt us. There is only so much time until you can run away from it. We cannot erase our past completely and I can’t tell you how bad I am feeling about the whole of it.”

  Elaine didn’t say a word and she became eerily quiet on the phone. I knew this was not a good sign and I knew that it spelled a kind of doom, but seriously, what could any of us do? It didn’t matter how powerful or influential you were but when fate conspired against you, all you could do was be the puppet and let things fall their own way.

  “A lot of things have happened and I don’t know from where to start. We were being watched all this while, Elaine and I am being watched now too. I will come back to you and we are going to fight a way out of it. I promise you I am going to solve the problems and our daughter would be with us. I need your trust more than ever. Do you trust me, Elaine?” I asked even though I knew I was kind of playing her. This was a huge thing to ask and, to be honest; I knew that when she would come to know what I did last night, she might not trust me anymore.

  All my deeds were enough to break every bit of trust she had in me, but of all people, if anyone could truly understand my situation and the reasons for my behavior, it was Elaine. She had been in the exact position where I was and if she chose not to be completely oblivious of her past, she would understand me and that was my only hope.

  As I was about to divulge more details, I heard the sound of the door being unlocked and I quickly disconnected the call and decided to talk to her soon. I hid my phone in my pocket and sat down on the floor feeling lost and terrible.

  Victoria came in the room and she looked like she had walked out of a fashion show. Her hair was absolutely perfect and she had a bright pink lipstick on. She had dressed like she was going to a party and to anyone out there; she would look like the true definition of beauty. But, I only had eyes for Elaine.

  For me, Elaine would always be the prettiest woman I had ever seen and absolutely nothing in the world could change that.

  “So, how is my little sex toy feeling today? In case, you do not recall, I want you to show a little something,” Victoria said and gave me the mean smirk which had now become her signature style.

  She lowered down her gaze and sat closer to me as she took out a phone, and I saw what a terrible person she was. She had shot the whole scene yesterday’s night and sure enough, there was a video of the two of us making out. I was completely in a trance and I was kissing her vigorously.

  What woman did these things to herself! I was appalled and there was a part of me that felt sorry for Victoria’s state of mind. She was definitely not in her right senses anymore.

  “I want to meet Rosie,” I said and I meant it. I wanted to see my daughter and I wanted to hold her in my arms.

  “Darling, Victoria doesn’t give a shit to what you want. It is all about doing what I want if you want to have any chance at having your daughter back.”

  Fury bubbled through me and I wanted to hit something. There was a part of me that mentally calculated what would happen if I killed Victoria, but I knew I couldn’t do that. She had my daughter and as long as she had Rosie, she would always have an upper hand.

  She then whispered slowly, “Rosie has been moved to a different location. Do not worry. I am not going to of anything to her. But, I am giving you a week. You need to think of what you are going to do. I am going for a fashion show to Milan, but I will come back in a week to ten days.

  When I come back, I want you to come here and let me know what you are planning to do. If you want your daughter back, you need to leave your wife and your kid and spend the rest of my life with me. However, I know that you Andrew definitely are not a man of your words. This is why I need you to sign a legal contract with me and I also need you to divorce your wife and give away your custodian rights. There are a lot more things you need to do. So, go back to your place. You just have 1 more week with your beloved wife.

  Also, don’t even try of informing the police about it. My sources have been stalking you all the while and I have clips for everything. Your wife would land in jail as I know that she killed her ex-lover. I also know that the Anthony murder mystery wasn’t completely solved either. I have a lot of clues to land each one of you in jail and think of what would happen to your little daughter. She will go into foster care and oh honey, the stories of foster care are too bone-chilling. Do you think the little daughter of yours would stand any chance to live a good life there?

  So, take your time and go back to the shitty wife and you two can focus every detail and find out what would be your decision, but darling you don’t have a lot of choice with you. You too know what is going to happen and you will have to come back to me because all other doors are closed and the only way you can sort this mess is when you are with me.”

  Victoria didn’t even wait for my answer as she left the room, and I stood there as clueless and confused as before. I had no idea what to do but I badly wanted to go back to Elaine and simply be with her.

  I knew I was selfish and in that instant I chose my own happiness. We would talk and have a discussion and we would find out some kind of a way, but right at that moment, I was too tired to think of anything else.

  I needed someone at the Victoria mansion who could help me out and as I let the memories of my past slip back, I knew the right person who could help me out. I had to find Natasha but as Victoria’s stalker would be out searching my every move, I knew I needed to find someone who would work for me, who could do the things I wanted to do without exposing the details.
  Life was surely one hell of a journey and I was scared as shit for what was surely about to follow.

  Chapter 21:

  I came back to Wimberley and I knew that Elaine would be waiting for me. I knew that she would have a shitload of expectations and she would perhaps think that I came back with Rosie. I dreaded letting her know all the details and I had no idea how she would react to it.

  The worst thing was I didn’t even know who else to trust. There were so many things I needed to tell her and I was scared for what was likely to follow.

  I slowly walked back to my little home and I could hear Elaine’s soft cries. I knew she was devastated and broken. I had not taken any of her calls after the one I had put in the morning. I knew that she would be too tired and things like these couldn’t be explained over the phone.

  The fact that I had told her that the past had come back to haunt us was enough to make her quiver.

  Elaine had the kind of past that could make anyone tremble in fear. Anyone who had known the real Ila would be shocked to see what Elaine had become. Elaine had absolutely no trace left in her of her old life. I could still remember how I had first met her and the events that had followed.

  I had found her in Arizona and that too in the weirdest of situations. It was a sex camp, for the lack of a better word and I remembered fucking her even without knowing who she was. Back in those days, she was a terrible drug addict and the green ruins had made her eccentric. She had been so lost and taken by the need to have the green ruin that she even thought that she was in love with Rick, the same Rick whom she eventually killed.

  There are few love stories that begin like ours did. I could vividly recall how I met Elaine and how naïve she really. Was there was no way we could have foreseen our current future? At that time, I was just looking for some free sex and I had my life at stake as I needed to do whatever Anthony asked me to do.

  Even then, somehow I had felt a connection for Elaine. She was different than all those girls and despite not knowing much about her, I had chosen to bail her out and save her from that monster of a world. I could remember everything of how we lost touch and came back again and how our stars made us collide on a lot of times only to later find that we were indeed the true soul mates.

  We were so done worrying about all those ifs and buts because together we had seen the worst of all cases. None of us judged the other as we had both done our fair share of mistakes. There are a very few people who can proudly say that they had had a threesome with their wives and I had been one of those.

  Both Elaine and I had been involved in quite a lot of threesomes and even though I was happy that Rick was dead and gone forever from our life, somehow we would never be able to completely lock our past.

  When we took new names and new identity and started afresh, we had thought that there was nothing that would take us back to the old times. We thought we were done with the disasters of yesterday and all we had to look forward to, was tomorrow, but we had been wrong and a bit too wrong.

  I was tired of playing the innocent one. Deep in my heart I knew, this time, the real reason for the trouble had been me. To be honest, I had no idea how Elaine would react. There was a time when she would have been very cool about it, but I couldn’t be sure if the same would be valid now.

  In the last five years, I had been with Elaine in this tiny little town in Texas, she had never once even thought of another man. She had completely changed and was someone I actually looked up to. I knew that she was perfect and there were few women who were as committed as she was.

  In such cases, to discover that I had fucked another woman and that too when I was looking to find our daughter was something none of us could so easily believe in. I took a gulp of breath and decided to finally head to our home.

  I opened the door and waited patiently for Elaine to hear my footsteps. When she turned around to check who it was and she found me, she immediately got up from her place and leaped on me.

  “I knew you would come back soon. I knew Andrew, that of all people, you would be the one who would save my daughter. You had saved me so many times before and I knew that you would save me too. I am so thankful to you for all this. Where is Rosie? I made her favorite Oreo shake. There was something in the weather today that told me that you would come back with her.

  I love you, Andrew. I love you so goddamn much.”

  As Elaine finished her sentence, I couldn’t stop my tears. They flowed aimlessly and had absolutely no desire whatsoever to stop. I knew that I hadn't done a thing, but I couldn't even muster the strength to let her know this.

  I kept on crying and Elaine didn’t even look at me as she was busy searching for Rosie. I knew she had a heart of a mother and she was so sure that I had brought little Rosie with me that knowing the truth was going to be a huge shock for her.

  “Honey, where is Rosie? Why is she hiding from her mommy! Rosie darling, come here. Mom wants to hug you right now.”

  I couldn’t let this game go on forever. I knew I would have to break the news to her. If she kept on piling her hopes, she would be even more devastated when she would come to know the reality.

  “Elaine,” I called but she didn’t listen to me. She went on with her search and I had to increase my voice and make sure that she heard me.

  “Elaine! Rosie has not come back. She is safe, but she is not with me, not right now.” I said and then let myself calm. The tears came in with full force and they had no intention to stop either.

  Elaine looked at me and I could see the stillness of expression on her face. I knew that this was the moment when I had betrayed her trust and faith. Maybe, eventually she would understand me and my position but right at this instant, she didn’t feel right.

  “Do you think I can take this joke? Do you really think I am ready for such lame jokes? For goddamn sake, I have lost a daughter. This is a traumatic phase and even though I love you a lot Andrew, I don’t want to entertain such jokes. Not now.”

  I didn’t even feel any anger or frustration. I could easily be in Elaine’s position and I could feel her temper. Of course, I had promised Elaine that I would only come back with Rosie, but what could I do? Victoria was a lot more powerful than what I thought her to be.

  She single-handedly turned my life upside down and I had to think and decide what I could do. The fact that there may be people still watching me made it very hard for me to go on with my plan of action. I knew that this would be a long day and it would be hard for me to explain everything to her, but damn did I really have an alternative? Heck, no!

  “I am not joking, Elaine. I don’t have Rosie with me. I am sorry I came back without her but there wasn’t much I could do. It is a long story and I will need to tell you everything. You won’t believe what a mess we are stuck in.”

  Elaine fell down and I had to hold her from collapsing, the real test of my life had begun. Not only would I have to be strong and look out for what I possibly could do, but at the same time, I will also need to think of how to handle Elaine. She won’t be able to help me much as it was going to be hard on her.

  “Please get me my daughter Andrew. You promised me that you would come back with her,” she said and it broke my heart to see her like this. I gathered her in my arms and took her side as I knew she needed my help, my comfort, and my love.

  I could hear Victoria’s mean laugh ringing in my ears and I knew that she had devised a complete plan.

  I debated seeking the police’s help, but I had no evidence. Victoria had massive money and this meant that it would be really easy for her to buy evidence and maybe she had her sources inside the police too. This would make it hard for me. I didn’t have my daughter with me and the mere thought of losing Elaine made me claustrophobic.

  If I took the matters to the police, I knew well that Victoria would bring Rick’s murder up. That hotel where Elaine had killed Rick was located in the middle of nowhere. We weren’t even sure of whether or not we would stay here. How did Vi
ctoria’s men spy us there too was something which was hard for me to figure out?

  As I took Elaine in her room and made her sit on the bed, I wrapped my hands in hers and looked into her eyes.

  “Darling, you will need to trust me. You need to believe in me and it is going to be one long battle, but I am going to make it work. In the end, I will unite our family and everything would be as it was before. But right now, it is hard.

  I will need your love and trust in me more than ever and I will now tell you the whole story. I want you to patiently hear all of it.”

  Elaine nodded but my heart somersaulted at the kind of pain she was going through. I could see that she was in a vulnerable state and I had to slowly tell her everything that had happened. However, before that, she needed my love and I needed it too because I was really drained too. I didn’t have anything left in me anymore and I was shit tired and terribly frustrated.

  I took Elaine in my arms and kissed her. She didn’t return the kiss but parted her lips and I explored the insides. We had kissed a million times before. Yet there was something very passionate about the kiss. The kiss assured me that no matter what life had in store for us, we would find a way back to each other like we always did.

  I needed to strengthen the love that we have because as long as it had love, I would be powerful and I had hoped that I would be able to defeat Victoria.

  I carried Elaine in my arms. I knew that once I would let her know everything, I was not sure where we would stand and what we would feel for each other. I knew that maybe I was doing the selfish thing, but I wanted to make sure that I had the right time to cherish her presence.

  She needed to be loved and kissed and I wanted that before I could finally tell her how our life had been turned upside down because of one fling too many that I had. Before I confessed about how I had spent the last night fucking another woman, I wanted to make love to her and I wanted to feel her in my body and soul.


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